Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in US history.

He doesnt need border hoppers to beat a dead horse like Trump.
Then why is he letting 300k per month into the country? Why are the democrats putting them in Black neighborhoods? Why are democrats trying to make them citizens?

Don Coreleone

Rising Star
So I'm always amused at corny dudes like you that swear these people are stealing your jobs. But when all the illegals stopped working in Florida you didn't see any American people step up to do the work on farms or roofing homes cause that shit is hard. But since your white Republican heros say it it must be true.
And I'm amused by you corny ass dudes who make assumptions who assume I work somewhere where you can steal my job. But as far as job stealing a job and people not wanting those jobs pay people a decent wage and maybe they'll work those jobs. This is a first world country people need to be paid a first world wage. So what white republicans was in the Chicago City council meeting calling "Black people lazy and no more free money for you"? Was Frederick Douglass a republican, what about W.E.B duBois, what about Martin Luther King because none of them were for immigration and all of them thought immigration was detrimental to the black community.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Yall fall for anything

This is just like the bill being discussed in the senate this week. People are freaking out over the text about work permits, but asylum seekers get work permits NOW anyway. What it does is change that you can only get one if you come in at a legal port of entry to discourage crossings elsewhere. Undocumented people who are not in the asylum program can't get them and don't get them now, hence all the people with forged documents in the first place.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So how much money is spent on food if they get sent back to their own countries? And I seriously doubt people in this country will care about the dietary concerns for muthafuckas who ain't supposed to be here anyway. I guess Joy Reid and you thought that was a win. Its not.

As far as I know, these are people with asylum claims. They are permitted to be here until their claims are resolved. Border states get extra money to deal with them. When Abbott and DeSantis are shipping them elsewhere they need to ship the extra money they get along with them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is just like the bill being discussed in the senate this week. People are freaking out over the text about work permits, but asylum seekers get work permits NOW anyway. What it does is change that you can only get one if you come in at a legal port of entry to discourage crossings elsewhere. Undocumented people who are not in the asylum program can't get them and don't get them now, hence all the people with forged documents in the first place.
Right which goes back to my point made earlier. Go talk to anyone working at the social security administration and people seeking asylum have been getting benefits for years. Before Biden, Trump, Obama, and etc.
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Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
Vote for the couch. Biden hasn’t done nothing for you negroes for the past 4 years and these fools are now using scare tactics.

I do believe Trump is taking this one. It’s too much shit out here Biden is doing to get reelected like putting the country in danger having these open borders. Somebody can bring a nuke on though that bitch.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Shut the fuck up you racist cac. Stick to what you do best climaxing trannies.
Says the tranny loving stuttering coon with boobs. Always running to defend racist cacs and mention trannies. Did you forget you let this blow your back out?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Then why is he letting 300k per month into the country? Why are the democrats putting them in Black neighborhoods? Why are democrats trying to make them citizens?
giving them bank cards when they enter the country, and again when they reach a democratic state....

a real American knigga cant even get many business loans and mortgages with EXCELLENT credit....

and STILL the demoncrats dont think we deserve to compensated for well I dont know, being murdered for reading the bible,

feeding our children to alligators, using are children for all types of sick warped torture they called "medical" research..

for LYNCHING our American LAND OWNERS and stealing their land, not to mention using OUR MILITARY THAT WE PAID TAXES for to


did I mention JIM CROW..... bruh I could go on for fuckin days.....!!

and yet the demoncrats are blind to our reality... and by democrats Im talkin bout the jews that run that bitch!!!

time to call shit what it fuckin IS.

stop beating around the bush...

and knee grow still supporting them after their demonic exposure...

IS A PAID ISREALI WHORE who is still getting hand outs...


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Yes finally someone with some the crime bill was bullshit and racist
And yet you have no smoke for Reagan, Oliver North and Bush Sr who ran the CIA and flooded our community with crack to fund covert operations?

You test tube babies who didn't live through it have no idea what it was like. You couldn't keep 50 cents change or a book of CD'S in your car. It wasn't until later did we know where the shit was coming from. All the while, criminals like freeway Rick was all to happy to flood the streets and get rich.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And yet you have no smoke for Reagan, Oliver North and Bush Sr who ran the CIA and flooded our community with crack to fund covert operations?

You test tube babies who didn't live through it have no idea what it was like. You couldn't keep 50 cents change or a book of CD'S in your car. It wasn't until later did we know where the shit was coming from. All the while, criminals like freeway Rick was all to happy to flood the streets and get rich.
I have smoke for all the crackers. I don't pretend some are better than others in order to make me feel better about participating in voting. I also was born in 1980 so I lived thru the crack era. You fix crime by fixing poverty and unemployment. Freeway Rick and others chose drugs because there were no jobs


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And yet you have no smoke for Reagan, Oliver North and Bush Sr who ran the CIA and flooded our community with crack to fund covert operations?

You test tube babies who didn't live through it have no idea what it was like. You couldn't keep 50 cents change or a book of CD'S in your car. It wasn't until later did we know where the shit was coming from. All the while, criminals like freeway Rick was all to happy to flood the streets and get rich.
I’ve been waiting for someone to bring that smoke for years. It’s always Obama didn’t do this or Biden didn’t do that. Where the smoke for Bush, Regan, or any other politicians on that side.

What’s even more crazy Bush and Chaney don’t even fuck with that clown. He ruined their party that was all about getting MONEY.
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The Legend
BGOL Investor
Vote for the couch. Biden hasn’t done nothing for you negroes for the past 4 years and these fools are now using scare tactics.

I do believe Trump is taking this one. It’s too much shit out here Biden is doing to get reelected like putting the country in danger having these open borders. Somebody can bring a nuke on though that bitch.
Nobody asked you homie. The open border shit is a myth. Obama and Biden have deported more people than Trump. Trump hires illegals.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
And yet you have no smoke for Reagan, Oliver North and Bush Sr who ran the CIA and flooded our community with crack to fund covert operations?

You test tube babies who didn't live through it have no idea what it was like. You couldn't keep 50 cents change or a book of CD'S in your car. It wasn't until later did we know where the shit was coming from. All the while, criminals like freeway Rick was all to happy to flood the streets and get rich.
Niggas love making excuses like it’s that simple. Just create jobs and people won’t sell drugs. Rick Ross, not the rapper, couldn’t read. He also was in an apprenticeship to do upholstery but his teacher introduced him to selling drugs. Just making excuses for niggas who want quick easy money.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

New York was built by immigrants
Tell em fam!
They are apart of what he DREAMED of!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have smoke for all the crackers. I don't pretend some are better than others in order to make me feel better about participating in voting. I also was born in 1980 so I lived thru the crack era. You fix crime by fixing poverty and unemployment. Freeway Rick and others chose drugs because there were no jobs

thats the problem.. some ARE better than others.. they are NOT all the same...

sure when they get here they will play a role, but some of that is because we dont know

who are allies are.... and who the enemy is...

you got all kinds of cacs bruh, and they all dont get along..

if you do the research you will find, there is a certain group... cough cough zionist jews cough cough,

that are pimping the race game.... watch how as we get closer to the election,

you will hear more and more race issues in THEIR media...

who are the people telling us, fuck you for reparations,





they acting like they give OUR CHILDREN fuckin bar mitzvahs..... and not using them for other sinister shit,

like adrenechrome....

and yes you can get it on ali babab.

BRUH they got our LAND, RESOURCES, and they want OUR BLOOD TOO!


Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

You joke, but look at that smile as LBJ signed the laws that effectively opened this bitch up for the immigration we see today.

An open America WAS a part of his dream.
Hell yeah brother.
LBG DREAMED our people would be voting Democrat for the next 50 YEARS. He foresaw how EVIL the Republicans were. How racist they were (he was a good kind of racist btw).

We've made that dream come true too!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hell yeah brother.
LBG DREAMED our people would be voting Democrat for the next 50 YEARS. He foresaw how EVIL the Republicans were. How racist they were (he was a good kind of racist btw).

We've made that dream come true too!

He wasnt perfect, but would you have had him or Barry "Civil rights is infringing on my rights to be racist...but im not racist!" Goldwater?