Are Black Voters Leaving Democrats Behind?


waking people up
BGOL Investor
It's a two party system. Regardless of race, if you want to participate, it's one or the other, as third parties rarely have a chance to win.

Even if you remove race from the equation, the platform of dems is better for most AMERICANS - period. The reason they don't have more white support is because of the racists who are willing to vote against their own interest if it means they will be able to keep something from black and brown folk and the evangelicals who are using religion for a power grab and to cloak their anti-blackness.
so all white republicans are racists ?
and all white democrats arent? LMAO simple minded response with two party system so i guess i have to choose which way i get fucked. um no. you hold out until you get what you want. you know my position. stop playing stupid.

if they said all teachers get 10/hr, your response is to just work because thats the only choice i have!


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
so all white republicans are racists ?
and all white democrats arent? LMAO simple minded response with two party system so i guess i have to choose which way i get fucked. um no. you hold out until you get what you want. you know my position. stop playing stupid.

if they said all teachers get 10/hr, your response is to just work because thats the only choice i have!

Not all republicans are racist, but racism isn't a deal breaker for them. I never said there aren't racists dems, either. However am elected dem said all Mexicans were rapist, that drug dealers named D-money were coming to their state and impregnating white women, or any of the other racists stuff that GOP candidates have said, they would get ran out the party. I don't think you understood what I meant, tho.. The DVC keeps telling Black folk not to vote, to get off the dem plantation etc. Since third parties are unable to get elected, black folks have the same choices white folks do: Dem or GOP. Yet NO ONE is telling them NOT to vote.

Black Americans may have some challenges that need extra attention that white Americans don't, but when you remove race as a factor, all the needs they have, we have also: affordable healthcare, living wages, paid family leave, quality schools, affordable colleges, social security, medicaid, medicare, reproductive rights, clean environement, proactive action against climate change, safe neighborhoods in a way that don't terrorize black people. One party is for that, one is not. In addition to being against things that help ALL Americans, regardless of races, they are even more so against anything that helps us. So while we are working to get our extra needs addressed, IMO, we still need to vote for the basic general needs that everyone in society has.

We have a whole thread about white people voting against their interests, who put white supremacy above their other interests, because they vote GOP. This is accepted as fact. So again, dem polices are better for for the majority, across racial demographics, unless you are extremely wealthy. Voting takes place 1-2 times a year. There are still over 360 days where you can implement whatever action steps or solutions to get Black people from point A to B outside of any government programs. There is nothing stopping you from taking personal action and also vote to keep the GOP out your business and from rolling back what ever rights we already have. If dems lose power and we lose rights, then those rights are gone until dems have enough power to give them back. Only a fool would concede power and allow someone else to run roughshod over everything, rolling everything back, instead of holding the line until you can get what you want so we don't have to keep starting over from the beginning every time they get power.

I don't want 4 more years of Trump. I have enjoyed not having to wake up wondering who he insulted, who he offended, what he did to embarass us on the world stage, what promise he broke, what racists he incited, what private citizen he targeted, whether or not our national secrets are safe. I can focus on and worry about local and state stuff because sane, competend adults are in charge. I'm still following politics heavily online, but I only watch the news now 1-2x a week to stay informed, instead of all day everyday waiting for the shoe to drop. I'm sure MSNBC and other stations can't wait to get Trump back for the ratings, but what is good for them is not good for the rest of us. I don't even think Fox news viewers are tuning in like they were, because they can't scare them with Biden. They are ginning up controversies because government running smoothly is boring. I like boring.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Not all republicans are racist, but racism isn't a deal breaker for them. I never said there aren't racists dems, either. However am elected dem said all Mexicans were rapist, that drug dealers named D-money were coming to their state and impregnating white women, or any of the other racists stuff that GOP candidates have said, they would get ran out the party. I don't think you understood what I meant, tho.. The DVC keeps telling Black folk not to vote, to get off the dem plantation etc. Since third parties are unable to get elected, black folks have the same choices white folks do: Dem or GOP. Yet NO ONE is telling them NOT to vote.

Black Americans may have some challenges that need extra attention that white Americans don't, but when you remove race as a factor, all the needs they have, we have also: affordable healthcare, living wages, paid family leave, quality schools, affordable colleges, social security, medicaid, medicare, reproductive rights, clean environement, proactive action against climate change, safe neighborhoods in a way that don't terrorize black people. One party is for that, one is not. In addition to being against things that help ALL Americans, regardless of races, they are even more so against anything that helps us. So while we are working to get our extra needs addressed, IMO, we still need to vote for the basic general needs that everyone in society has.

We have a whole thread about white people voting against their interests, who put white supremacy above their other interests, because they vote GOP. This is accepted as fact. So again, dem polices are better for for the majority, across racial demographics, unless you are extremely wealthy. Voting takes place 1-2 times a year. There are still over 360 days where you can implement whatever action steps or solutions to get Black people from point A to B outside of any government programs. There is nothing stopping you from taking personal action and also vote to keep the GOP out your business and from rolling back what ever rights we already have. If dems lose power and we lose rights, then those rights are gone until dems have enough power to give them back. Only a fool would concede power and allow someone else to run roughshod over everything, rolling everything back, instead of holding the line until you can get what you want so we don't have to keep starting over from the beginning every time they get power.

I don't want 4 more years of Trump. I have enjoyed not having to wake up wondering who he insulted, who he offended, what he did to embarass us on the world stage, what promise he broke, what racists he incited, what private citizen he targeted, whether or not our national secrets are safe. I can focus on and worry about local and state stuff because sane, competend adults are in charge. I'm still following politics heavily online, but I only watch the news now 1-2x a week to stay informed, instead of all day everyday waiting for the shoe to drop. I'm sure MSNBC and other stations can't wait to get Trump back for the ratings, but what is good for them is not good for the rest of us. I don't even think Fox news viewers are tuning in like they were, because they can't scare them with Biden. They are ginning up controversies because government running smoothly is boring. I like boring.
I’m starting to think you’re mentally ill posting all this for these idiots who dont give a fuck

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
There is nothing as amusing as the don't vote/ I hate Democrats crowd going into a posting frenzy anytime there's a good showing for democrats.

It is always amusing because you can smell the desperation in the thread when they start doing it. Especially when you have soul and Lazarus trying to act smarter than they really are. Remember you now see these losers in here turning up the black people won't vote Democrat narrative because black Democrats overwhelmingly turned out in South Carolina.

Threads like this are a great source of amusement after a day of meetings.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Not all republicans are racist, but racism isn't a deal breaker for them. I never said there aren't racists dems, either. However am elected dem said all Mexicans were rapist, that drug dealers named D-money were coming to their state and impregnating white women, or any of the other racists stuff that GOP candidates have said, they would get ran out the party. I don't think you understood what I meant, tho.. The DVC keeps telling Black folk not to vote, to get off the dem plantation etc. Since third parties are unable to get elected, black folks have the same choices white folks do: Dem or GOP. Yet NO ONE is telling them NOT to vote.

Black Americans may have some challenges that need extra attention that white Americans don't, but when you remove race as a factor, all the needs they have, we have also: affordable healthcare, living wages, paid family leave, quality schools, affordable colleges, social security, medicaid, medicare, reproductive rights, clean environement, proactive action against climate change, safe neighborhoods in a way that don't terrorize black people. One party is for that, one is not. In addition to being against things that help ALL Americans, regardless of races, they are even more so

against anything that helps us. So while we are working to get our extra needs addressed, IMO, we still need to vote for the basic general needs that everyone in society has.

We have a whole thread about white people voting against their interests, who put white supremacy above their other interests, because they vote GOP. This is accepted as fact. So again, dem polices are better for for the majority, across racial demographics, unless you are extremely wealthy. Voting takes place 1-2 times a year. There are still over 360 days where you can implement whatever action steps or solutions to get Black people from point A to B outside of any government programs. There is nothing stopping you from taking personal action and also vote to keep the GOP out your business and from rolling back what ever rights we already have. If dems lose power and we lose rights, then those rights are gone until dems have enough power to give them back. Only a fool would concede power and allow someone else to run roughshod over everything, rolling everything back, instead of holding the line until you can get what you want so we don't have to keep starting over from the beginning every time they get power.

I don't want 4 more years of Trump. I have enjoyed not having to wake up wondering who he insulted, who he offended, what he did to embarass us on the world stage, what promise he broke, what racists he incited, what private citizen he targeted, whether or not our national secrets are safe. I can focus on and worry about local and state stuff because sane, competend adults are in charge. I'm still following politics heavily online, but I only watch the news now 1-2x a week to stay informed, instead of all day everyday waiting for the shoe to drop. I'm sure MSNBC and other stations can't wait to get Trump back for the ratings, but what is good for them is not good for the rest of us. I don't even think Fox news viewers are tuning in like they were, because they can't scare them with Biden. They are ginning up controversies because government running smoothly is boring. I like boring.
biggest sack of shit i ever read. you voting because of words people are going to say anyway, doesnt do shit for your personal life. dems are just as bad, you dont think they call you n word in their homes? so dumb. affordable health care? lmao. where is it now?

and all of your fear about losing things is why they own you. you voting out of fear instead of getting what you want. you're a woman so i expect you to be a pussy. but we need to work like a union to hold out until we get demands. voting for nothing or the threat of takeaway is not a choice. you are being played . they make commercials with biden tossing popeyes on the table and you are ready to suck his old wrinkled dick. he wont do shit for you.

and most of what you are afraid of is done on a state level. minimum wage for all states varies, reproductive rights varies, tuition varies, etc. stop moving goalposts. this is about president.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
biggest sack of shit i ever read. you voting because of words people are going to say anyway, doesnt do shit for your personal life. dems are just as bad, you dont think they call you n word in their homes? so dumb. affordable health care? lmao. where is it now?

and all of your fear about losing things is why they own you. you voting out of fear instead of getting what you want. you're a woman so i expect you to be a pussy. but we need to work like a union to hold out until we get demands. voting for nothing or the threat of takeaway is not a choice. you are being played . they make commercials with biden tossing popeyes on the table and you are ready to suck his old wrinkled dick. he wont do shit for you.

and most of what you are afraid of is done on a state level. minimum wage for all states varies, reproductive rights varies, tuition varies, etc. stop moving goalposts. this is about president.

I keep forgetting I'm talking to people who dont understand the basics. Yes, states have varying minimum wages, but congress can change the FEDERAL minimum wage.

Several times in the past I have listed items that I want or received that dems passed or are willing to pass. You just don't see it as valid because the priorities higher on my list are not Black specific. The list of things I want dems are for and the GOP is against. Yall can sit here and protest vote and sit out and because you're expecting the rest of us to vote and minimize the harm or you're in a safe blue state where you don't have to worry about a bunch of fuckery unless it's passed at the federal level. You're being protected by the rest of us.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I keep forgetting I'm talking to people who dont understand the basics. Yes, states have varying minimum wages, but congress can change the FEDERAL minimum wage.

Several times in the past I have listed items that I want or received that dems passed or are willing to pass. You just don't see it as valid because the priorities higher on my list are not Black specific. The list of things I want dems are for and the GOP is against. Yall can sit here and protest vote and sit out and because you're expecting the rest of us to vote and minimize the harm or you're in a safe blue state where you don't have to worry about a bunch of fuckery unless it's passed at the federal level. You're being protected by the rest of us.
The entry to a decent conversation is knowledge on the subject. Those posters do not meet the bare ass minimum and you’re out chea going back and forth with them. Coolio will not be playing in your head, Camille. So stop pretending to Michelle Phiffer.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The entry to a decent conversation is knowledge on the subject. Those posters do not meet the bare ass minimum and you’re out chea going back and forth with them. Coolio will not be playing in your head, Camille. So stop pretending to Michelle Phiffer.

When it comes to topics like this, it's basically beating a dead hoese. It's been going on for years. I post for the benefit of lurkers who may let low level thinking like this depress their vote.


waking people up
BGOL Investor
I keep forgetting I'm talking to people who dont understand the basics. Yes, states have varying minimum wages, but congress can change the FEDERAL minimum wage.

Several times in the past I have listed items that I want or received that dems passed or are willing to pass. You just don't see it as valid because the priorities higher on my list are not Black specific. The list of things I want dems are for and the GOP is against. Yall can sit here and protest vote and sit out and because you're expecting the rest of us to vote and minimize the harm or you're in a safe blue state where you don't have to worry about a bunch of fuckery unless it's passed at the federal level. You're being protected by the rest of us.
nope. you are under the assumption i want to be protected like a scared bitch. i dont expect anyone to di anything because rep or dem, my life is the same. when we had either party, no shit changed. dont speak for me.

yes, i want black specific because we have specific needs to be addressed. everything you wanted is state level and your ass can move to any state you wish to accomodate your socialist desires. a president is not going to change state level laws. remember, we are united STATES. its a republic country, representative not actual democratic. your vote can be ignored by electors if they feel like it. majority doesnt matter. ask gore. the whole thing is a scam to make you feel like you have a say when youre just a worker bee raised by school to make someone else rich and forced to pay taxes to your white pimp


Rising Star
Platinum Member
When it comes to topics like this, it's basically beating a dead hoese. It's been going on for years. I post for the benefit of lurkers who may let low level thinking like this depress their vote.
You are a DNC Shill through and through. They’re are out there looking for mythical Republicans that can be converts and you’re out here looking for perverts who can be reasoned with.

Camille, I can you see at my wedding as my wife. I have this image of you as some high-yellow looking woman like Mrs. Rosa Parks, sitting in Dayton, Ohio, in a sunflower dress at your computer with one hand on your forehead in deep thought as your other hand is directly on your pubis because you have forsaken not only backwards thinking but especially the backwards thinking of underwear.

You seem like the type to have dirty fingernails though.