BGOL TRUE confessions


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i grew up in a rough neighborhood in NOLA, and i always brag about being able to handle myself ANYWHERE in this country.

i did so when i lived in new jersey... hanging in & around camden, nj was no big deal; the same was true with north philly. no problem.

but when i moved to texas, one night, i was at a gas station and a little old lady walked-up asking for assistance with her car. i'm under the hood checking a few things out and the next thing you know, i've got a gun on my dome and a nicca is robbing me blind.

he took my earrings, wallet, chain, everything. when i looked around to see if the little old lady was OK, i noticed she was already in the car waiting for the nicca to finish robbing me.

they got away with about $500 in jewelry and about $400 in cash, but i was able to cancel all my credit cards immediately.

i got jacked for the 1st time; the shit made me feel bad. i hope the crack they smoked choked them out and popped their fucking eyeballs out their skull.

I would have pimp smacked the shit out of the next ole lady I would seen just on GP....:lol::lol:


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Sak is a fucking insider.

aye, the fuck ACTUALLY happened to ol' Jake Steed? i read the court documents (even posted them here) but i know you have some inside info on it.

good you didn't fuck around with any porn hoes though man.

you'd have the bionic cooties by now!

stay up bro, things will get better.


btw this is one of the best threads ive ever read in my 6 years on bgol

black men usually dont open up like this

Id tell my story but no one would ever believe it

hell half of these fools dont believe i was a great qb in the the late 80's- early 90's

Warren Moon is that you?......:lol:



Then I was like "maybe its Andre Ware?! No, no, Rodney Peete?! Or Major Applewhite?!?" :lol:


I Still Tell Alot Of Lies *****
All of my stories would probably have me indicted or found out...hmmm

I really want to share, but fuck that.



Rising Star
OG Investor
man, I just spent about an hour reading all these stories on this thread, some real sad stuff on here, for those involved in the sad ones keep your head up :yes:

and some of you niggas are pure comedy with it


thank you brothers for this thread... Please no Colin Powell this is from the heart
just something i gotta get off my chest... better here anonymously because im close to spazzing out

im from the street, never had a real job, barely went to school but made and blew alot of money really young, but was smart enough to try to transition out and started fukking with the ent industry

the problem is i did alot of foul stuff in the street, ruining lives time and time again and i feel like my soul is cursed because of it, now no matter how much good i do (and i do alot) something bad always happens to me. some people made choices, i literally had no choice, i was put out at 15 and had to find my way

every time i trust a "square" i get fukked over and have to resort to street tactics to even things out, its like people only respect pressure never humility. being that im well dressed/spoken/handsome and had my own money, it was really easy for me to get into top flight circles (friends are wealthy/celebrity). some people tell me they wished they lived my life...but....i know most just want me around to have that "street friend" and protection....but thats another story

now to the problem, i dont know where to go from here. im still young (under 25, no kids), live a dream life socially, but i have no stability. College is out of the option because i have alot of expenses and i take care of my immediate family, though i always wish i was able to experience campus life. I come from a really poor family, i was the first one to get on an airplane, move out the projects, go overseas etc. My siblings, parents and gf depend on me heavily, and i know for a fact that they will suffer without me providing. My mom cant work, my brothers followed me to the street (something ill forever regret) and my girl has a degree but is having trouble finding a job. I always ask my friends to plug me in with opps, but it seems with rich people its a hurry up and wait game or they dont take me seriously (or they are more comfortable with me as their "street homie").

I honestly dont know what to do with my life from here. I'm always paranoid someone will kill me when i drop my guard (and there have been close calls) or i wil catch a case that i cant beat. Everyone thinks i have it all figured out and when i ask for advice most just brush me.. its honestly making my life hell. I stopped hustling, didnt tell no one, and now money is getting low. Even though this was the only form of income i felt maybe this was the reason better things wasnt happening to me... I'm at a crossroads, i know pretty soon ill be out of money and that brings out desperation... do i just move on faith and pray something better happens or do i go back to what i know? some of u may laugh or judge but this is the most confusing time of my life and i dont wanna look back thinking bout what i could have been.

my father was a ball player who went pro, fukked up because the drug game went to prison and now he's 50+ and jumping from house to house... i dont want that to be me. god gave me so many talents and i feel like im gonna waste them and there is nothing i can do about it... man that shit makes me cry sometimes and im FAR from a soft nigga

For all u brother's with great mothers, happy mother's day and kiss her and tell her u love her. its something many take for granted


Potential Star
thank you brothers for this thread... Please no Colin Powell this is from the heart
just something i gotta get off my chest... better here anonymously because im close to spazzing out

im from the street, never had a real job, barely went to school but made and blew alot of money really young, but was smart enough to try to transition out and started fukking with the ent industry

the problem is i did alot of foul stuff in the street, ruining lives time and time again and i feel like my soul is cursed because of it, now no matter how much good i do (and i do alot) something bad always happens to me. some people made choices, i literally had no choice, i was put out at 15 and had to find my way

every time i trust a "square" i get fukked over and have to resort to street tactics to even things out, its like people only respect pressure never humility. being that im well dressed/spoken/handsome and had my own money, it was really easy for me to get into top flight circles (friends are wealthy/celebrity). some people tell me they wished they lived my life...but....i know most just want me around to have that "street friend" and protection....but thats another story

now to the problem, i dont know where to go from here. im still young (under 25, no kids), live a dream life socially, but i have no stability. College is out of the option because i have alot of expenses and i take care of my immediate family, though i always wish i was able to experience campus life. I come from a really poor family, i was the first one to get on an airplane, move out the projects, go overseas etc. My siblings, parents and gf depend on me heavily, and i know for a fact that they will suffer without me providing. My mom cant work, my brothers followed me to the street (something ill forever regret) and my girl has a degree but is having trouble finding a job. I always ask my friends to plug me in with opps, but it seems with rich people its a hurry up and wait game or they dont take me seriously (or they are more comfortable with me as their "street homie").

I honestly dont know what to do with my life from here. I'm always paranoid someone will kill me when i drop my guard (and there have been close calls) or i wil catch a case that i cant beat. Everyone thinks i have it all figured out and when i ask for advice most just brush me.. its honestly making my life hell. I stopped hustling, didnt tell no one, and now money is getting low. Even though this was the only form of income i felt maybe this was the reason better things wasnt happening to me... I'm at a crossroads, i know pretty soon ill be out of money and that brings out desperation... do i just move on faith and pray something better happens or do i go back to what i know? some of u may laugh or judge but this is the most confusing time of my life and i dont wanna look back thinking bout what i could have been.

my father was a ball player who went pro, fukked up because the drug game went to prison and now he's 50+ and jumping from house to house... i dont want that to be me. god gave me so many talents and i feel like im gonna waste them and there is nothing i can do about it... man that shit makes me cry sometimes and im FAR from a soft nigga

For all u brother's with great mothers, happy mother's day and kiss her and tell her u love her. its something many take for granted

man dude this story strikes a nerve wit me. I feel u dude Personally.I cant sleep at night cause i'm haunted by all the girls I did wrong. I dont wanna be that old cat still chasing hos at 50.

As for the Game I stopped hustling and it was hard at 1st, but u have 2 find a new hustle. It was selling Clothes, making t-shirts and DVDs for me at 1st. Then i moved on 2 playing Bookie. Do something 2 get the pressure of providing off u. That way when u try 2 progress thru a job or hustle or whatever, u wont be pressured 2 get it, it will come 2 u. It's like pussy, when u stress over it or pressure it, it dont happen but when u let it come 2 u, its more likely 2 happen. I did what i did applied for jobs and 1 of those jobs called me when i forgot i had even applied. Jus plan ahead, but dont stress over 2morrow


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thank you brothers for this thread... Please no Colin Powell this is from the heart
just something i gotta get off my chest... better here anonymously because im close to spazzing out

im from the street, never had a real job, barely went to school but made and blew alot of money really young, but was smart enough to try to transition out and started fukking with the ent industry

the problem is i did alot of foul stuff in the street, ruining lives time and time again and i feel like my soul is cursed because of it, now no matter how much good i do (and i do alot) something bad always happens to me. some people made choices, i literally had no choice, i was put out at 15 and had to find my way

every time i trust a "square" i get fukked over and have to resort to street tactics to even things out, its like people only respect pressure never humility. being that im well dressed/spoken/handsome and had my own money, it was really easy for me to get into top flight circles (friends are wealthy/celebrity). some people tell me they wished they lived my life...but....i know most just want me around to have that "street friend" and protection....but thats another story

now to the problem, i dont know where to go from here. im still young (under 25, no kids), live a dream life socially, but i have no stability. College is out of the option because i have alot of expenses and i take care of my immediate family, though i always wish i was able to experience campus life. I come from a really poor family, i was the first one to get on an airplane, move out the projects, go overseas etc. My siblings, parents and gf depend on me heavily, and i know for a fact that they will suffer without me providing. My mom cant work, my brothers followed me to the street (something ill forever regret) and my girl has a degree but is having trouble finding a job. I always ask my friends to plug me in with opps, but it seems with rich people its a hurry up and wait game or they dont take me seriously (or they are more comfortable with me as their "street homie").

I honestly dont know what to do with my life from here. I'm always paranoid someone will kill me when i drop my guard (and there have been close calls) or i wil catch a case that i cant beat. Everyone thinks i have it all figured out and when i ask for advice most just brush me.. its honestly making my life hell. I stopped hustling, didnt tell no one, and now money is getting low. Even though this was the only form of income i felt maybe this was the reason better things wasnt happening to me... I'm at a crossroads, i know pretty soon ill be out of money and that brings out desperation... do i just move on faith and pray something better happens or do i go back to what i know? some of u may laugh or judge but this is the most confusing time of my life and i dont wanna look back thinking bout what i could have been.

my father was a ball player who went pro, fukked up because the drug game went to prison and now he's 50+ and jumping from house to house... i dont want that to be me. god gave me so many talents and i feel like im gonna waste them and there is nothing i can do about it... man that shit makes me cry sometimes and im FAR from a soft nigga

For all u brother's with great mothers, happy mother's day and kiss her and tell her u love her. its something many take for granted

Brotha, if this story is sincere you definitely have options. I hate using rap cats as models in this situation, but if Jay-Z and Master P can make it out and make something of themselves, you can DEFINITELY do it.

The first thing I'd do is change your location. Sometimes you've got to leave the comfort of the world that you know in order to make a clean start. I had a cousin in Baltimore that got too caught up in that street life, and he left and moved to OHIO. Last I heard, he had a little girl, got married, got solid work, and is a completely different man.

You already have good sense and a thirst to learn more and expand your borders. You said that your girl already has a degree so she can probably appreciate the value of your wanting to educate yourself.

Move. Start completely fresh. Pick a place on the map with an industry that YOU BOTH can thrive in.
As for your family: The hardest thing to do is help somebody when you haven't helped yourself. If you want to help your brothers, the best way is to provide an alternative - through example - to the life that they've accustomed for themselves. You say that your brothers emulated you towards a miserable path? Then give them something else to be proud of.

As for the flashy celebs and squares using you, I think that you've already seen that they aren't worth the toilet paper you're shittin' on, son. Leave them, begin identifying people that value you for who YOU are and not the commodities that you own, surround yourself and your lady with people that want to move in the same direction that you intend to, and begin creating a new community around yourself.

Lastly, I know that much of what I'm saying is advice provided in abstracts, ie., 'move', and 'go to school', without providing solutions or routes as to HOW.

The simplest answer is usually the best one. Go back to school. Take night classes while working during the day. Get your girl to help you. You said that you're a young and attractive brotha that knows how to make an impression. Use that knowledge and your experience in a world that would let your skills shine. Go into sales or marketing. Start entry level and forcefully show your worth.

You can do this. It's only hard because you haven't taken the first step.

Write down what you want to do.

Step 1: find a city that's FAR from where you are and that you can fit in. Find an apartment that you can afford with your savings.

Step 2: Plan your move. Talk to your girl. If she's with it, EXCELLENT. If not, sometimes a man's road to rebirth is a road traveled alone. Trust me, I know.

Don't get caught up in a pre-written path. You, right NOW, are writing your own way.

Remember: You're not "From the Street". You're from two parents who loved you and whom you love. Their path may be different than yours. You're not from 'The Hood'. That's just a geographical location. Your starting point just happened to be XXX neighborhood. Don't claim that shit.

It doesn't have to be your ending point.

Good luck, brotha.
Last edited:


I was about 27 I met up with my moms and my uncle for blues night to buy them some drinks and shit. well anyway, it got late and my ole girl asked me to take my uncles friend home, now this lady had to be about 65+ I was drunk as hell. I let her out the car and she asked if I wanted a drink so I was like fuck it. She had half gallon of E and J so I drank some more, I had no intentions on fucking the old lady but she went to the bathroom and came out with a robe on. She was looking old as hell too but the thing was she had some pretty nipples. Needless to say i ended up fucking the bitch. It was the worst thing I have ever done in my life, Her body was all squishy and it was like I could feel her bones. I passed out and woke up the next morning and I looked over at her and I really seen how old she was she had took her teeth out and everything. I hurried up and got my shit and left. The bad part is that my mother found out about it and all her friends know.


I was in the army stationed in Korea, Me and my partners went to the club but and my roomate girl came to visit from another camp so she stayed in our room. before we left we all was drinking and shit so she was drunk. Me and my partners went to the club but she stayed in the room. I stayed at the club for about an hour I left early and got back to the room. She was sleep in my bed so I got in the bed too and banged her well I went to sleep and my roommate came in from the club to find us but ass naked. That nigga was sick about it.

Another one, I was at the club and I met a bad ass bitch she was from Trinidad anyway we had got fucked up at the club and I took her back to my room. We was so fucked up that she got sick and was like I got to earl (throw up)she threw up on the floor so I grabbed a towel and threw that shit on top of it, then I grabbed a garbage can and put it at the foot of the bed and I started banging that bitch from the back while she was throwing up in the garbage can. That shit was stanking but the bitch was so fucking fine and I knew that it was going to be a one time hit.


Okay this the last one, I was fucking this bitch and she started giving me head. She was like don't come in my mouth so I was like okay but you know I was thinking .fuck that shit. anyway I busted all n her mouth and I was like my bad. she just smiled and climbed on top of me real slow like everything was cool and that bitch spit that shit all in my face. I was so heated that I couldn't do shit but laugh that shit off. Now thats some shit I ain't never told nobody.


Okay 1 more, I had just got to Ft hood and I Knew a few cats that was already there so we went to the club. I didn't have a car so i rode with someone else. So im in the club drinking and I was fucked up so I had met this chick who lived on base and I got her to take me back to her room. So we get to the room and we kissing and shit so she says she's going to go to the bathroom and wash-up a lil bit. So im laying on the bed all of a sudden the room started spinning. Dog I rolled over and threw up on side of her bed right between the bed and the wall. I got up and left before she came out of the bathroom. I seen the a few days later and she just looked at me like "you nasty nigga"


I stayed at the club for about an hour I left early and got back to the room. She was sleep in my bed so I got in the bed too and banged her well I went to sleep and my roommate came in from the club to find us but ass naked. That nigga was sick about it.



Okay this the last one, I was fucking this bitch and she started giving me head. She was like don't come in my mouth so I was like okay but you know I was thinking .fuck that shit. anyway I busted all n her mouth and I was like my bad. she just smiled and climbed on top of me real slow like everything was cool and that bitch spit that shit all in my face. I was so heated that I couldn't do shit but laugh that shit off. Now thats some shit I ain't never told nobody.

:lol: :smh: damn she pulled a roxy reynolds on you homie


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

Bruh, read the letter.....for closure.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
22 years ago my 24 year old sister had a baby girl.

i was a teenager, my sister worked LONG hours, and it fell on me to babysit, feed, wash, clean, cloth, and generally keep my niece alive.

as my niece grew our entire family pitched in to make sure she was guided well, mentored, tutored, and had all the chances to succeed in life.

she began fucking up about 6 years ago, but we all banded together to help her to rise.

a few days ago i opened a stolegrown thread by The Magnificent Butcher.

there my niece was with a mouth full of dick.


LOL...i KNEW one day i would see it, i was just wondering when.

yeah i'm a little fucked up over it, (she just left here btw) but she's still my niece.

hopefully i've scared her enough to keep her from doing any porn.

anyone else care to confess?

>>>here's<<< some porn if you need it.

Damn bruh.

When my cousin first got her phone, she was so happy, I just happen to pick it up to use it and I look and there she is in the mirror with her just her bra. I sat her down and I told her, "I'm on the internet alot and I see hundreds of girls who got their pictures stolen or picturmail accounts hacked, If they can hack Paris Hilton they can hack you" so she's like "Well I'm not naked" and I tell her "still do you want just anybody looking at you in your drawls, do you know that if somebody is mad at you they can send this to me, your mom, your dad or anybody else just to embarrass you".

Then I show her a folder I downloaded off of DF that was full of stolegrown, I told her "All I have to do is take your pic and put in to this folder and re-upload it and you've have been immortalized for life on the net, because this folder will rotate around all the forums on the net atleast 100-200 times"....She seemed like she understood, but she didnt delete the pics before her mom found her phone and she got the leather belt, now she has a cell phone with out a camera.....which is probably the best thing that could've happened.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Well I spent an hour reading this thread...good read. Here's my contribution:

Fuck you, Colin :lol:

DISCLAIMER - I always stay strapped, so please no "hope you used a condom.

I, like others on here, used to fuck with the chatlines hardcore in the 90s. While I have fucked some dimes off of there, I've also fucked some bent, rusted pennies. The bad part is that I actually can't remember half the chicks I've fucked on there. That shit was addictive. I got chicks in real life, but I enjoyed the "adventure" of meeting chicks, fucking them the same day, and never seeing them again. Glad I'm over that shit. :smh:

But one time stands out. I'm actually in my office working on a Saturday nite (at the time, I didn't have a computer at home), and gets to hollering at this girl on the chatline who swears she isn't fat (most of the time you can tell if a bitch is big by her voice), and she's only about 5 mins from my office, so I say "fuck it...lets do this". Long story short, chick's about a 6 or 7, except for one thing she left out...she only has 1 arm. I fucks her anyway :o ...but never talked her saw her again.

Went to the freak club/aka swinger club with some female friends. Now I usually just chill and be a voyeur, but for some reason that nite, I was horny as hell. Long-story short, I ends up fucking 3 married women (only 1 was there with her husband) and 2 single chicks...just that one nite (bitches truly ain't shit :smh: ).

While fucking this one cute-ass thick (not fat) redbone, another chick starts watching. So as soon as I finish fucking the redbone, I holla at the fine-ass, fit amazon chick. I guess she's impressed by the show, so we end up fucking 2 minutes later. For some reason, we start feeling each other so I take her home that nite and end up fucking her off and on till about 2 in the afternoon the next day. To top it off, we actually dated for a min and I used to hang with her and her daughter! Till this day, I still consider her a good friend.

Same freak club about 2 months later (FYI - I stopped going there a year ago), I see this brotha sucking on the nipple of this 40-something PAWG (later found out she's Jewish) with big nipples (my weakness) and a nice ass. So with no words spoken, I start sucking her other one. He eventually leaves when its obvious she's feelin' a nigga and we "hang out" for the rest of the nite. She sucks me a few times, but we don't fuck :hmm: . She was actually there with a "date", but he lost his mind and ends up fucking a whole bunch of women there, so she gets pissed and goes out on her own. I was there with a female friend (it was a couples-only nite - no single men allowed).

We actually end up having cool convo that nite and exchange names and emails. The next morning, she actually looks me up in LinkedIn (biz people know what it is...kinda like a MySpace for the business community) just to see if I was legit. We end up doing business together! :lol::lol::lol:

Just thought of this one...

Met a chick off of (was actually looking for a legit wifey-material woman at the time. BTW - they have some quality women on there...doctors, lawyers...and you can filter out the fat hoes! :lol: ). Anyway, met this cool-ass, fine-ass, single, educated Carribean sista who works for a Fortune 100 company. We talk for a week. She's ready to meet this one nite (I think it was Labor Day weekend), but I tell her that (the above-mentioned freak club) is really off the chain on holiday weekends and I want to. After very minimal prodding, she actually agrees to go there with me...BEFORE WE ACTUALLY MEET!!! :eek:

I pick her up, her teeth were moderately-jacked (but she wore braces), but was chocolate and fine as all get-out! We went, actually had a good time, but I didn't fuck since she got drunk (I have a policy against fucking drunk chicks...could catch a case) but I did get some head. BUT several women kept hitting on her in the club and she kept deflecting them to me since she "claimed" she wasn't bi :hmm: . I literally had to beat the women off of HER that nite!

Here's the fucked-up part...had an unrelated argument and never got to fuck :hmm:

I'm done.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I lost my prom money from my job working at Rally's back in '95. I saw these cats hustling 3-card-monty where you have to find the card. I thought I was slick and onto the cat's card. Nope. I got got. Never gambled again.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I used to do some wild freaky shit. Fuck with broads I met on yahoo groups and shit. Well this one chick hits me up via PM. We start choppin' it up and she asks if I want to come over on Saturday night. I'm like cool. I take the bus to her area and she picks me up at a strip mall nearby.

We get to her house (a 2 family and she has the upstairs part) and I get up the stairs and see this 6'4" 250 pound black dude with dreds sitting in the kitchen. I'm like WTF?!!! :eek:

"Who is that?" I asked

"Oh, that's my husband." and this mofo shakes my hand. I am just figuring this out when there was a knock on the dook. His wife gets it and up the stairs comes "his entertainment for the night." So he goes to one bedroom and says, "Aight, man. handle yours. I'mma handle mine" He goes into a room with his girl and his wife goes into another room with me.

Well, I was turned on by this shit. I didn't fuck or beat my shit for a week preparing to bang her guts out. Well, she started giving me head, then I started banging her. I pulled out, snatched off the rubber and she flipped over Sierra style begging me to cum on her face. I did...and a LOT. The bitch looked like on of those Cum On Her Face chicks, but it was just my nut.

She gets up, opens the door and she knocks on her husband's door. She comes out and she say's, "Honey, look. Look at all of this cum!" He looks at me and says, "Damn, dude" AND HE GIVE ME DAP!

After his girl leaves, we all go in the same room, all 3 of us bucked naked. He says, "Suck his dick, honey. I wanna see you suck his dick." She proceeds to blow me and then starts stroking him. Then she switches. Then she put both our dicks in her mouth AT THE SAME TIME!!! She starts fucking him while sucking my dick, we swap. Then we both cum on her face. She goes to the bathroom, grabs a rag and wipes off her face and she comes back and kisses him. The wildest thing about this is


I had a ball. I woke up that next morning and she was sucking my dick while he was eating her out. Then I fucked her and she blew him. Then he tried to fuck her, but she was drying out and he started eating the pussy. I always found it wild when I watch a porno and a guy kisses or eats the pussy after the other guy's dick was just there. I guess he didn't give a fuck.

I fucking love 3-somes. Be it "The Devil's 3-Way" or the good kind. It is like a live action porno. Too bad the wife isn't into it. We could go to swingers clubs if only to watch or put on a show ourselves.


oh god

when faggots hate

carry on queers

Hate?...Faggot?...naw homie you got the wrong nigga.. you the one who said you are a former pro quarterback...I assume you're black...hence my comment.....please point out where the hate was ...oh ...wait cant cause there was none:cool: