BGOL TRUE confessions


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
I fucked up a lot of ass in high school too--bad PR chicks, Dominican chicks, Cuban, Island girls, freaky sistas, all kind of shit.

Fuck it man, I wasnt ready then. But between then and now I picked up a thang or two... ;)

hey, that shit is common to all men.

it takes a while to understand female communication.

before i was 17 girls didn't give a shit about me, and went out of their way to TREAT ME LIKE SHIT.

but once i hit a growth spurt and started exercising i got so much pussy thrown my way i couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

i started getting my ass grabbed, started getting hands thrown down my pants pockets, getting my dick stroked, etc.

but i was so oblivious to it that i thought they were just fucking WITH me, it never occurred to me that they really wanted to be FUCKING ME.

this one chick got me up in a corner like I was the bitch, spittin' game at me, and all i could do is giggle and stare back.

so after another chick finally got me, i THEN understood what the others meant.

no shame in that.


Lover of huge titties
Platinum Member
I was sent to Ft Hood as my Permanent post. Shortly after arriving, I hooked up with this cool chick from Tampa. We got to the point where we were together all the time, fucking, working, watching TV, fucking some more.

After a few weeks, some guys come back to the unit from desert training, one being her boyfriend. Right around the same time that he comes back, she pops up pregnant. Now rumors are spreading that it might be my baby. Dudes decides to elope with the chick, I guess to show that she was his. On the way to Dallas, they end up in a car accident, killing him. Her and the baby survive. I ended up singing at the funeral ceremony given by our Company. I never spoke to the chick again.

Ain't no way I could have sung at the funeral. I would have felt grimy as shit.

Day 1
I had real deep convo with a female I met while I was in undergrad, she was almost complete with her Ph.D, nice cool chick, body of a goddess.....beautiful face and skin was perfect....

Day 2
She invited me over her apt, she cooked dinner we chilled more checked out some movies... talked. Late into the night I wake up and go back to my dorm....Feeling all good..Hell I got me a dyme peice

Day 3
She calls me to meet her on campus, we meet up and the convo is weird.....She is talking about things that I could not connect the dots too at the moment...T tell her I have to get to class and I will call her and we will talk more..we hugged and kissed and I bounce

1 pm I call her, left a message...1:30pm call again....1:45pm call again and told her I had practice and I will see her after practice... During football practice the campus Police and the City Police comes out to the field and asks for me...I got over and they ask me what is my cell number and did I call a certain female at these times...I told them yes-and the first thing I thought she did was tell them I was stalking her....To my surprise they told me she committed suicide at 1pm and she had written me a letter right before she pulled the trigger and they wanted me to read it.....

It fucked me up for a long time, I never will read the letter...

Playa, this shit right here is all to real to me. I'll make mine quick. My girlfriend got raped in college my Sr. year. She was so tore up about it that she stayed in the shower for almost an hr. after we got home. It was as if she was trying to wash what happened off of her. She got out of the shower and was laying in the bed when I left the room to deal with how I was feeling. I'm in the living room and something tells me to go into the bedroom... I open the door and she was half way out of the window trying to jump head 1st to kill herself. After that incident I should have known to get her some help (I had had another girlfriend try and kill herself before), but I thought that I could lover her through what had happened because that's what I hadn't done before when my ex had tried.

Fast forward 5 months.

We get into a big argument (not about the rape) and I tell her I want nothing to do with her. I go into the bedroom leaving her in the living room and the yelling stops... nothing... not a peep, not a sound, nothing, for almost 3 minutes. I come back out of the room to see what the fuck was going on, her being quiet during an argument wasn't like her. I walk into the kitchen and she's at the sink cutting both her wrists. Blood was everywhere and she was crying and slicing away at herself. It was one of the strangest nights of my life.

What I didn't know at the time is when you try and attempt suicide they put you in a mental ward for a week. During her time there she told the doc. that she wanted to kill herself because I was all she had. What I found out that day is that she was molested for 5 years by a family friend from age 6 to 11.

Till this day I have problems breaking up with women and I end up in relationships that I have no business in. I never want
a brawd to care that much about me if I don't feel that way for her. I live in a prison because I'm afraid that I can never break up with a brawd for fear I will have to live through something like that again.


Ain't no way I could have sung at the funeral. I would have felt grimy as shit.

Playa, this shit right here is all to real to me. I'll make mine quick. My girlfriend got raped in college my Sr. year. She was so tore up about it that she stayed in the shower for almost an hr. after we got home. It was as if she was trying to wash what happened off of her. She got out of the shower and was laying in the bed when I left the room to deal with how I was feeling. I'm in the living room and something tells me to go into the bedroom... I open the door and she was half way out of the window trying to jump head 1st to kill herself. After that incident I should have known to get her some help (I had had another girlfriend try and kill herself before), but I thought that I could lover her through what had happened because that's what I hadn't done before when my ex had tried.

Fast forward 5 months.

We get into a big argument (not about the rape) and I tell her I want nothing to do with her. I go into the bedroom leaving her in the living room and the yelling stops... nothing... not a peep, not a sound, nothing, for almost 3 minutes. I come back out of the room to see what the fuck was going on, her being quiet during an argument wasn't like her. I walk into the kitchen and she's at the sink cutting both her wrists. Blood was everywhere and she was crying and slicing away at herself. It was one of the strangest nights of my life.

What I didn't know at the time is when you try and attempt suicide they put you in a mental ward for a week. During her time there she told the doc. that she wanted to kill herself because I was all she had. What I found out that day is that she was molested for 5 years by a family friend from age 6 to 11.

Till this day I have problems breaking up with women and I end up in relationships that I have no business in. I never want
a brawd to care that much about me if I don't feel that way for her. I live in a prison because I'm afraid that I can never break up with a brawd for fear I will have to live through something like that again.

Brotha, you must have a real tender heart if these women fall for you in this type of way. Keep in your mind that whoever raised you raised you right, and do not have any qualms about those girls loving you.
Keep it in mind some people are married for 20 years and their partner only said I love you on their wedding day.

If you are still with her ;) but if not,(it's easy for me to say) try to allow this life experience to wash away your doubts about you - if you did nothing wrong and you indeed gave her all the love and kindness you could, your married life will be more the sweeter.

Respect Brotha...


Potential Star
back when i first got my license, i would always be blazing and cruising. one day on the way back home thru a neighborhood, i was faded as hell and started yawning and my eyes got teary. i swerved into the left side of the street where a husband and wife walking their baby in a stroller. i came literally inches away from hitting them. it fucked me up thinking what would happen if i hit them. but other than that i got shit compared to any of you.


Rising Star
I guess where there's smoke there is fire. For some reason everything is starting to make sense now. No wonder there was always a strong undeniable sense of disdain or contempt in some of the thread starters post when it comes to people who do porn. For some reason the math just wasn't adding up until now.

I ain't a shrink but I suspect the thread starter had his suspicions all along about his niece & didn't have any proof. Apparently this has been eating at him for some time now or else this thread wouldn't have come to light. This ain't exactly barbershop type conversation here.

I don't think kats realize the mental seriousness of this situation. Cause talk about a William Shakespearean type irony in the worst fuckin way possible. The internal conflict is stressfull as hell when u'r addicted to the very same thing u despise which if I can best describe or parrallel is that of when a python constricts it's prey. Outside of having a mental block, I'm pretty sure everytime dude sees or watches porn his niece must pop in his mind, which has him shook. If I were to put myself in his shoes, that internal confliction & "see-saw" mental battle going on in this guys head must be a real motherfucker right now which is a huge contrast to how he must appear on the surface to others.

If that were my family member, would it bother me.........maybe a little. Yes I would be in shock of course but I would get over it that's the thing. I suggest the thread starter does the same if he wants to keep his sanity.

Yours Truly.....Professor


Potential Star
aw no man, make no mistake, my niece fucks for sport.

i don't love her any less, i don't judge her.

but the girl was THE jump off from the time she was 13 until...well...she's STILL the jump off.

her mother won't kiss her on the lips because, and these are HER words: "I don't know where her mouth has been."

apparently that was on point.

OH word? Myspace?

And y'all are shitting on NT's confession thread.:eek:

But :smh: @ some of y'all abandoning your parental responsibilities.

Osca Lee

The letter is still at the police station, In due time it will find its way in my hands and for my eyes to connect with the past again but for now I dont want to go on that mental roller coaster. I may be wrong but I dont think she suffered from mental illness. She was sane up until the last minutes I seen her alive, now from 9 something till 12:59....I have no clue what happen, even the detective didnt see how a student that came from a good family, beautiful had everything going her direction and made the Presidents List 8 semesters could have done that to herself.

I struggle with her being selfish and not giving me the opportunity to just listen and try to understand what she was feeling or what happened. I go back and forth with being angry at her and forgiving her all at the same time. The shit is a struggle for me mentally.

Bottom line is I have no closure, and never will have the chance to ask her why!

And on the real, The new Gnarls Barkley Album has a song on it called "No Time Soon"

This could be one of those days
that we must go our separate ways.
Scared for you to be out of my sight,
because you never know, you might.

And I carry this
it's heavy.
And I miss you

You were perfect babe.

My time will come
yours too.
I'll gladly go before you.

I hope you live forever,
or maybe we can go together.

It would be perfect baby.

And I carry this,
it's heavy.
And I miss you

this shit broke me down when I listened to it.....cause it told how I feel
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So pretty!
BGOL Investor
Couple years ago two of my homies would go out of state to hustle. They would spend a couple of weeks or a couple of months and come back ballin'. We all would hit up the clubs, hang out bag chicks and do some crazy shit.

One night I got a call from one of my homie's mom telling me that her son is dead. Murdered! I'm like WTF??? She gave me the cop's version on how it went down. My other homie called and told me what had happened.

I went to the wake and funeral with my head all fucked up; like I have to do this shit all over again.

Couple weeks later I got a call from one of my homies that I went to school with, he's like "I know your man is dead and I know who did it." WTF?? WHO?? He said one of his friends was out there at the time and he know the dude that killed him. He's like my dogg so and so was there you know him! And I'm like you sure?? He's like yeah, 100%. I'm like yooo tell me who this nigga is so I could bring the heat to him right now.

He told me that he didn't know the dude personally but he knows how he looks and where he lives. I got a description of the nigga and his address and the shit blew my mind.

The dude that killed my homie is my sister's baby father. They have two children together.

I never told my sister and up until this day I still talk to dude but the whole sitution make me uncomfortable. I never told him that I know.

oh and I brought some crocs and I wear them. :(

Ain't no way I could have sung at the funeral. I would have felt grimy as shit.

Playa, this shit right here is all to real to me. I'll make mine quick. My girlfriend got raped in college my Sr. year. She was so tore up about it that she stayed in the shower for almost an hr. after we got home. It was as if she was trying to wash what happened off of her. She got out of the shower and was laying in the bed when I left the room to deal with how I was feeling. I'm in the living room and something tells me to go into the bedroom... I open the door and she was half way out of the window trying to jump head 1st to kill herself. After that incident I should have known to get her some help (I had had another girlfriend try and kill herself before), but I thought that I could lover her through what had happened because that's what I hadn't done before when my ex had tried.

Fast forward 5 months.

We get into a big argument (not about the rape) and I tell her I want nothing to do with her. I go into the bedroom leaving her in the living room and the yelling stops... nothing... not a peep, not a sound, nothing, for almost 3 minutes. I come back out of the room to see what the fuck was going on, her being quiet during an argument wasn't like her. I walk into the kitchen and she's at the sink cutting both her wrists. Blood was everywhere and she was crying and slicing away at herself. It was one of the strangest nights of my life.

What I didn't know at the time is when you try and attempt suicide they put you in a mental ward for a week. During her time there she told the doc. that she wanted to kill herself because I was all she had. What I found out that day is that she was molested for 5 years by a family friend from age 6 to 11.

Till this day I have problems breaking up with women and I end up in relationships that I have no business in. I never want
a brawd to care that much about me if I don't feel that way for her. I live in a prison because I'm afraid that I can never break up with a brawd for fear I will have to live through something like that again.

back when i first got my license, i would always be blazing and cruising. one day on the way back home thru a neighborhood, i was faded as hell and started yawning and my eyes got teary. i swerved into the left side of the street where a husband and wife walking their baby in a stroller. i came literally inches away from hitting them. it fucked me up thinking what would happen if i hit them. but other than that i got shit compared to any of you.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I met this older woman at a business function, MILF. She have a body that is sicken sexy and brains to match. We talk brief that day and exchange tel#.

Few weeks later, I called her and she invited me over in the evening for dinner. I got to her place and she give me a tour of her house. In her living room, few pics of her daughter, who I thought looked like someone who I knew, but did not think much of it at that time. Well I hit that MILF for few hrs and jetted home to my crib early that morning.

Few days later, I walked into my investor office and she was sitting there, and the intro started again, hi,hi, hello, hello, this is so and so..and mom of bla, bla.

I slept with her daughter yrs ago, and I partied at her house also. I just could not put it together then, cause pussy was on my mind.

The mom's cool, she acted like nothing never happen, but I felt weird getting close to someone's mom who I know.


Rising Star
True Story #1: Shameful Sex

When I was in my late teens/early 20's, fellas know how it is, you just want pussy. Pussy didn't have a face. I was extraordinarily unlucky when it came to meeting women in MD/DC back then, and the torture was amplified because I was surrounded by gorgeous women on campus at an HBCU.

Back then, the phone lines like teledate and early internet boards like were ways for people to meet, so that's how I did the bulk of my 'dating'. Most of these women were obese in the worst sense of the word. 270's - 300+ easy.

The agreements were unspoken, but simple. There wasn't any love in it. It was just lonely people fucking. We do the business, and for that short period of time, it was just cool to feel something. We'd meet and fuck only once.

...Until the last time. I went to a woman's house and therein was a moment I was forced to look at myself.

She was a single mom, living off the county. She was pretty, once, I think. Her face was attractive, but tired, and her entire right arm was burned with the remaining fingers jetting from a nub at the end. The baby was in the next room in the cradle, and the apartment was a wreck.

I really don't remember the small talk. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. I just remember her rubbing her burned hand on me and I'm looking at her into what she used to be. She's looking at me like what she wanted me to be in another life, another person. We fucked on couch, hard on the floor. There was NO intimacy in this. Her sounds were gutteral and hard, like she needed it, and the whole time I just kept feeling shame. Like, "...Is this what it's come down to?", and, "I'm in college in DC and this is the BEST I can do?"

I remember walking away in the middle of the night. It was a bad N.E. neighborhood, and that was one of the only times in my life where I'd been utterly ashamed of myself. I never told any of my boys about this period in my life. Obviously, we never spoke again, and I'm blessed that during this time that I never got HIV or HERPES.

Amazingly, during all my time in that HBCU undergrad...I was never ONCE able to successfully pull a date, much less fuck one of my peers. During that time, the best I could do was local hoodrats - and not even the dimes - as described above. That fact fucked with me for many, MANY years....
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True Story #1: Shameful Sex

When I was in my late teens/early 20's, fellas know how it is, you just want pussy. Pussy didn't have a face. I was extraordinarily unlucky when it came to meeting women in MD/DC back then, and the torture was amplified because I was surrounded by gorgeous women on campus at an HBCU.
Back then, the phone lines like teledate and early internet boards like were ways for people to meet, so that's how I did the bulk of my 'dating'. Most of these women were obese in the worst sense of the word. 270's - 300+ easy.

The agreements were unspoken, but simple. There wasn't any love in it. It was just lonely people fucking. We do the business, and for that short period of time, it was just cool to feel something. We'd meet and fuck only once.

I really don't remember the small talk. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. I just remember her rubbing her burned hand on me and I'm looking at her into what she used to be. She's looking at me like what she wanted me to be in another life, another person. We fucked on couch, hard on the floor. There was NO intimacy in this. Her sounds were gutteral and hard, like she needed it, and the whole time I just kept feeling shame. Like, "...Is this what it's come down to?", and, "I'm in college in DC and this is the BEST I can do?"

I remember walking away in the middle of the night. It was bad neighborhood over in North East, and that was one of the only times in my life where I'd been so ashamed at myself, that I never spoke of it aloud. Obviously, we never spoke again, and I'm blessed that during this time that I never got HIV or HERPES.

Amazingly, during all my time in that HBCU undergrad...I was never ONCE able to successfully pull a date, much less fuck one of my peers. During that time, the best I could do was local hoodrats - and not even the dimes - as described above. That fact fucked with me for many, MANY years....



True Story #1: Shameful Sex

When I was in my late teens/early 20's, fellas know how it is, you just want pussy. Pussy didn't have a face. I was extraordinarily unlucky when it came to meeting women in MD/DC back then, and the torture was amplified because I was surrounded by gorgeous women on campus at an HBCU.

Back then, the phone lines like teledate and early internet boards like were ways for people to meet, so that's how I did the bulk of my 'dating'. Most of these women were obese in the worst sense of the word. 270's - 300+ easy.

The agreements were unspoken, but simple. There wasn't any love in it. It was just lonely people fucking. We do the business, and for that short period of time, it was just cool to feel something. We'd meet and fuck only once.

...Until the last time. I went to a woman's house and therein was a moment I was forced to look at myself.

She was a single mom, living off the county. She was pretty, once, I think. Her face was attractive, but tired, and her entire right arm was burned with the remaining fingers jetting from a nub at the end. The baby was in the next room in the cradle, and the apartment was a wreck.

I really don't remember the small talk. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. I just remember her rubbing her burned hand on me and I'm looking at her into what she used to be. She's looking at me like what she wanted me to be in another life, another person. We fucked on couch, hard on the floor. There was NO intimacy in this. Her sounds were gutteral and hard, like she needed it, and the whole time I just kept feeling shame. Like, "...Is this what it's come down to?", and, "I'm in college in DC and this is the BEST I can do?"

I remember walking away in the middle of the night. It was a bad N.E. neighborhood, and that was one of the only times in my life where I'd been utterly ashamed of myself. I never told any of my boys about this period in my life. Obviously, we never spoke again, and I'm blessed that during this time that I never got HIV or HERPES.

Amazingly, during all my time in that HBCU undergrad...I was never ONCE able to successfully pull a date, much less fuck one of my peers. During that time, the best I could do was local hoodrats - and not even the dimes - as described above. That fact fucked with me for many, MANY years....


(denzel training day voice)
"Maaah nigga."


OG Investor
This reminds me of my own niece, but unlike you Buk, I'm NOT the loving uncle-real talk. If I ever see her picture ANY where online,
I will MAKE sure to publish it...! you can take my word for it, "there are ALWAYS consequences for one's RECKLESS actions".

And that's my bgol true confession


New Orleans Legend
BGOL Patreon Investor
True Story #1: Shameful Sex

When I was in my late teens/early 20's, fellas know how it is, you just want pussy. Pussy didn't have a face. I was extraordinarily unlucky when it came to meeting women in MD/DC back then, and the torture was amplified because I was surrounded by gorgeous women on campus at an HBCU.

Back then, the phone lines like teledate and early internet boards like were ways for people to meet, so that's how I did the bulk of my 'dating'. Most of these women were obese in the worst sense of the word. 270's - 300+ easy.

The agreements were unspoken, but simple. There wasn't any love in it. It was just lonely people fucking. We do the business, and for that short period of time, it was just cool to feel something. We'd meet and fuck only once.

...Until the last time. I went to a woman's house and therein was a moment I was forced to look at myself.

She was a single mom, living off the county. She was pretty, once, I think. Her face was attractive, but tired, and her entire right arm was burned with the remaining fingers jetting from a nub at the end. The baby was in the next room in the cradle, and the apartment was a wreck.

I really don't remember the small talk. Whatever it was, it didn't last long. I just remember her rubbing her burned hand on me and I'm looking at her into what she used to be. She's looking at me like what she wanted me to be in another life, another person. We fucked on couch, hard on the floor. There was NO intimacy in this. Her sounds were gutteral and hard, like she needed it, and the whole time I just kept feeling shame. Like, "...Is this what it's come down to?", and, "I'm in college in DC and this is the BEST I can do?"

I remember walking away in the middle of the night. It was a bad N.E. neighborhood, and that was one of the only times in my life where I'd been utterly ashamed of myself. I never told any of my boys about this period in my life. Obviously, we never spoke again, and I'm blessed that during this time that I never got HIV or HERPES.

Amazingly, during all my time in that HBCU undergrad...I was never ONCE able to successfully pull a date, much less fuck one of my peers. During that time, the best I could do was local hoodrats - and not even the dimes - as described above. That fact fucked with me for many, MANY years....

u was hittin these hoes with no rubber....:smh:

Brother Blues

Deceased - Nov. 4, 2015
BGOL Legend
Alright,since the statute of limitations has ran out.....

I ain't proud but,years ago I worked at a large mental health was mainly for the rich and well-heeled.The unit was mixed,young,old...acute and long-term.
Some of the young women were as fine as they wanted to be.I had heard/knew that some of the other attendants had fucked a few of the women...but I never did.
At least until one day I bumped into a former patient.Usually if you saw a former patient outside,you didn't speak first...some of them didn't want to be reminded of their visit.But this fine,fine woman came over to me and greeted me like an old friend.So....for the next couple of months we fucked day and night.
I never felt bad about it,until a year or so after I had stopped working there...a buddy told me she had been admitted again.
I was happy that I no longer worked there...and it's not that I contributed to her being back,at least I hope not...but...
I thought it was unethical...even though there have been many stories of shrinks fucking patients.Anyway...hope she's well today.



Rising Star
True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.
Last edited:


New Orleans Legend
BGOL Patreon Investor
True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.

i cant believe i read all this shit:lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.

i feel you homey. i got shocked a few times before i was hip to the chatline/internet dating thing. it seemed like a cool concept at first.(getting at hoes without leaving the crib). i got to meet some interesting people, but they all lied or misled me about thir appearance.i learned my lesson and dont fuck with shit anymore.(oh and the finer and sexier they sound on the phone, the bigger and more Linebacker like they are)


So pretty!
BGOL Investor
True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.

Damn you went through alot. I am sorry I am laughing though:lol::lol:


True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.


(denzel training day voice)
"Maaah nigga"


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.



Lover of huge titties
Platinum Member
Brotha, you must have a real tender heart if these women fall for you in this type of way. Keep in your mind that whoever raised you raised you right, and do not have any qualms about those girls loving you.
Keep it in mind some people are married for 20 years and their partner only said I love you on their wedding day.

If you are still with her ;) but if not,(it's easy for me to say) try to allow this life experience to wash away your doubts about you - if you did nothing wrong and you indeed gave her all the love and kindness you could, your married life will be more the sweeter.

Respect Brotha...

We're not together now; that incident happened back in 97, the lady had a lot of problems --maybe from the things she went through starting at 6. I can't say what something like that would do to a person, I haven't lived through anything like that. She was doing really foul shit the whole time (that's what caused the argument; I had found out) we dated.

Thanks for the kind words. I really don't have doubts about myself... I just know that when it comes to the "Love" word I don't play around. I play no games and I'm upfront about where I stand. I don't mind a woman loving me, I just want it to be a two way street when it happens.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
btw this is one of the best threads ive ever read in my 6 years on bgol

black men usually dont open up like this

Id tell my story but no one would ever believe it

hell half of these fools dont believe i was a great qb in the the late 80's- early 90's


This is one of the most sad/amazing/deep ass threads I've ever seen on BGOL. :eek:

Now y'all know why HNIC wants to charge, you can't get this shit anywhere else!



I'm gonna have to co-sign what cats were aiming at earlier, you're a excellent writer/story teller.. or maybe it was the situations that made the story great but if you aren't in that field you should definitely think about it.


True Story #2: Deja

NOTE: This will sound like I'm writing a story, but this shit really happened...


This was the next to the last woman that I met on 'teledate'. The very last woman I met ended up being my girlfriend of a year or so, with whom I moved to LA. That's another story.

I was in my third year at HU. I lived in a duplex with one of my best friends and a female room mate, and our place was spitting distance from campus. My entire crew was thriving socially. Even the homie roommate that didn't go to college seemed to be dong well. He'd tell me about how he and our lady room mate would have their midnight rendezvous on the regular.

Somehow, though, this social success was skipping me, and that tore me up.

So I met this chick on teledate who called herself Deja. For a guy in my situation, she seemed like a fantasy right out of a noir novel. She was a 'stripper' trying to get out of the game. She'd only met bad guys and had 'never talked to anybody like me before'. One conversation became two, and two became ten. Before you knew it, we were talking every night. When I came back from class, It was exciting to get those voice mails with, "I miss you" and, "Call me back, boo...", and blah, blah, blah.

Basically, simp bait.

Every time I wanted to meet, she had an excuse. "I've got to work late tonight", or "they wanted me to dance at club XXX but now I've got to dance at club YYY across town." This is difficult, when both of you rely on public transportation and me, on a measly undergrad budget, needed to schedule meetings and transportation with extreme financial prejudice.

For the first month, this was okay with me. It satisfied a fantasy. Every night we spoke on the phone, we seemed more connected. Shit, we even fucked around on the phone. It was all part of the illusion, and from my years of dealing with phone-chicks, I knew exactly what to say and how to say it such that I was Denzel on the tele. That's all mattered.

During month two, I started to get antsy. The fellas were looking at me funny because I was treating this invisible chick like my lady. When cats were going out on dates, I'd skip out because I'd tell them that I had my own 'date', a meeting with a girl I spoke most enthusiastically about where our face-to-face meeting was always, "tomorrow, man. I'm tellin' you...tomorrow."

The irony is that all lies have a morsel of truth. I knew her telephone number, and she'd even given me her Bowie address once. At one point, Her birthday came. I was feeling romantic, and I wanted to surprise her. I'd managed a ride from my room mate and we went out with some bullshit present that I'd bought, but she wasn't home. I left it at the door, and the next day I got a call thanking me for it, so I knew that the address was real.

During Month THREE is when, as Chinua Achebe said, "Things Fall Apart". I was tired of the games and tired of the runaround, and she could sense it. Her promises of meeting up became more and more pleading. I started to believe her less an less. Her lies were confusing. My thinking was, "if she was playing me, why go on for this long? Why do we talk all the time, and what was the gain?" I started to let my emotional side go, and let my analytical mind kick in for the first time. Maybe she was sincere and I had really bad luck...

...but it was highly unlikely.

It was when she set up our last date that i decided to call her bluff. We spoke, and she said that she wanted me to catch the last train out to New Carrolton (a good hike from HU by train), then catch the last bus - a rural county bus - which would take me to a shopping complex near her house in Bowie. She'd meet me there and pick me up.

So I said, Fuck it. Whatever happens, I just wanted to test her character. At that point, that was all that mattered to me.

So I went. As the sun started going down in those summer hours, during that long ride I realized that I was putting a lot of faith in this person.

The shopping complex was thinning out, and I waited at the meeting point at the pay phone by the Taco Bell. I called, and she said she was waiting on her ride and she'd be by to pick me up shortly. One hour passed, then two. By this time, the entire place was deserted save for the occasional person going to the gas station across the street.

By midnight, I knew that she wasn't coming. We spoke on the phone, and she told me that she'd be there soon. By this time, I called my roommate to tell him the story, and he offered to come get me. Every hour, I'd call on the payphone with an update, and he'd offer to come out and I'd decline. I wanted to see this through. I needed to know if this chick that I spoke to for three months would really leave me sitting out here all night long at a fuckin' pay phone :lol:

By 1am, she was just like, "Go with your friend", and I'm like, "no, I want to really see what you're going to do." You see, I *had* to see what she was going to do. This was my first lesson out of naivety. Until this point, I didn't really realize what some people were capable of. It was then that I got my first lesson that some people really just don't give a fuck. It was a defining moment for me, my first REAL life college lesson.

I sat on that corner until the sun came up.

I caught the first bus back home, and, newly resolved, made my decision.

Deja called several times apologizing profusely, and I played along. We continued as if nothing happened. I'd already decided what i was going to do that weekend.

I borrowed a friend's car, but didn't tell her immediately. During the week, I purchased a cell phone, and got her comfortable with the transition of talking on that as opposed to the land line.

We'd made plans to talk that evening, but my plans were to drive out to the address that I'd been sitting on for months. Back then, I was a big comic book junkie, and brought a comic to read just in case I'd be out there a while. I remembered that her nephew liked comics, and in case I met him, I wanted to have something to give him.

She called me when I was in route, and I told her that I was going to buy groceries. She bought it, and carried on business as usual. By the time I made it to the dirt road leading to her 'neighborhood', I remember seeing a car pass by and I hoped that it wasn't her and her people. Her area, back then, was in the nascent stages of development when communities were being forced from rural simplicity to the Americana cut-n-pastes that they are today, so it was uncommon for two cars on roads like these to pass each other.

They didn't pause, and neither did I, though. I kept my eyes straight on the road, praying that they didn't see me.

When i pulled up in front of her house, I dialed her number. Her easy mirth plunged to shock when i told her that I was parked in front of her place. She was furious, and the words just tumbled out, "Why didn't you tell me you was coming?? You can't just show up! I ain't even there right now! I'm gone! I won't be back for hours."

It didn't matter, though. I was resolved. I just parked and told her that I'd wait. After about two hours, I knocked on the door and an older woman answered. I politely told her my name and my business there. She didn't recognize the name Deja at first, but she paused, drew in a breath, then started biting her lip. After a moment, she new what was going on. She called to a man in the house and said that somebody's here for (I can't remember her real name) "Shaneka". When the older man came to the door, he looked at me for a long time, listened to my story, realized that I was straight, and invited me inside.

The three of us sat at a dinner table in an uncomfortable silence. The woman, who I learned was her mother, offered me a drink. The father sat there, looking back and forth between the two of us, then told me that I needed to be prepared to deal with the fact that the girl I called Deja is a liar and that I needed to be ready for some disappointment.

Mind you, I didn't care if this girl looked like a model 10 at this point. I just wanted closure. I wanted to see this chick that had usurped three months of my life, face-to-face.

As told by them, she'd had multiple phones and amused herself with the phone lines. I looked on the wall and saw, just like she said, a wall mounted phone on the dining room wall. Below it was another phone resting on some odd table, undoubtedly one of the many phones to go with the one that Deja spoke to me on those late nights in her bedroom. The mother continued, saying that things like this had happened with her before, but never to this extent.

For what felt like an eternity, we sat waiting at that table until we heard a car pull up at the rear of the house, doors open, and several people make way to the back door.

The first one through was the nephew. I'd never seen him before, but as soon as the youngin' saw me, he looked at me, looked to the mom and dad, said, "Uh oh", and knowing the deal...shuffled off, stage left.

Bad sign.

Next came Deja. She was big. I mean REALLY big. Like 300lbs big. My face was blank. Nothing, at this point, surprised me anymore. The mother lowered her head and, i shit you not, the father actually SMILED and said, "Shaneka, this young man is here to see you."

Deja shock turned to anger, then righteous indignation. The profanity poured, and I was more shocked that she used that language in front of her family than at the fact that it was directed towards me. "You can't come to my fucking house! Fuck you! Fuck you!"

She sat down at the end of the table, the father sat, the mom went off somewhere else in the house. I never saw her again. The little nephew was off somewhere in my peripheral, smiling and laughing, but never bold enough to come to the table.

When she'd exhausted herself, Deja's furry turned to tears, then pleas, "I didn't mean to lie to you. I was gonna tell you but I didn't know what to say!" I caught feelings for you and...blah, blah, blah..."

The whole time, I didn't say a word. I just looked at her, then looked into myself, angry that I'd allowed my own weakness and solitude to bring me to this place at that moment. When she finished, she looked at me and asked me, "Aren't you gonna SAY something?".

I didn't think that there was anything to say. I waited there for a long moment. It was the nephew that I noticed more than anything else. I just didn't feel ANYTHING, except the nephew made me smile. I don't know what it was. I just saw a little geek kid caught up in all this drama, and I remembered that i had that damn comic book in my hand.

I stood up and told Deja that I wasn't angry. I told her that none of it mattered. As the father escorted me to the door, I stopped and gave that kid my comic. He smiled, and for some reason, that stuck with me. Deja was saying something at my back, but I couldn't tell you what the words were. They just faded into the noise of that evening, just like everything else.

I walked to my car, saw Deja, her dad, and her nephew standing at the porch like something out of an old slave movie, got in my car and drove away.

She called a few more times that week, but I never answered, and the calls eventually tapered off.

We never spoke again.

It would be another year before I used Teledate again.
your new name is MILENNIUM SIMP.