You attended Baruch College part time this semester and we're earning credits toward your degree. It was in your Computer Science class that you met Emily (that was her major and she really knew her stuff).
Your relationship developed because she sat right next to you and she enjoyed talking to you because in spite of you coming from different backgrounds she felt she could learn a lot from you. In return, she offered to help you learn to write code.
Sometimes on the weekend she would ask you to escort her to museums (she had an Art history class), as well as other events you normally wouldn't go to.
You tried to ignore it, but sometimes people would stare at you and Emily and probably wonder, "What are they doing together?" However, it didn't matter and you were still "just friends."
That was until one Saturday afternoon you and Emily went to "ARTEC HOUSE NYC," and then back to her place (you stopped by Chipolte's first). You never "hit on" Emily, and your relationship was purely platonic, but this was about to change.
You went to the bathroom for a "hot minute and upon returning the Emily you thought you knew was no longer there?
You found out that she knew more than just Computer science.