You were basically a "lock" to get an advancement at your job, but the new position required that you have a B.S. or B.A., and you were a few credits short.
Therefore, you attended the spring semester at CCNY and worked towards your degree, but you seemed to be receiving poor grades in English Literature. Your professor was Ms. H.
For whatever reason she seemed to grade you extra hard and you couldn't understand exactly what you weren't doing correct?
A week before finals you went to met with her during her evening office hours and explained to Ms. H. that you had a lot riding on a passing grade in her class and that you were willing to do whatever it took to pass.
You probably should not have said this because she took advantage of your offer.
Oh, you'll probably get a "B" in her class, but now you're in her "private class" serving detention.
Therefore, you attended the spring semester at CCNY and worked towards your degree, but you seemed to be receiving poor grades in English Literature. Your professor was Ms. H.

For whatever reason she seemed to grade you extra hard and you couldn't understand exactly what you weren't doing correct?

A week before finals you went to met with her during her evening office hours and explained to Ms. H. that you had a lot riding on a passing grade in her class and that you were willing to do whatever it took to pass.
You probably should not have said this because she took advantage of your offer.
Oh, you'll probably get a "B" in her class, but now you're in her "private class" serving detention.