Black Spades mobile game on iPhone and Android


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BGOL Investor
You should probably reach out to Karen Hunter and go on her radio show for tech Tuesday..


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Is there an option to change the avatar that represents me from a man to a woman? Once you do multiplayer the option to upload your own picture or select from various preset ones would be nice.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I think just growing up around black people would teach you spades. dominos bid whist. And yet i'm still in mild shock whenever i run up on someone who doesn't know how to play lol. I don't mean the lol :*

See, I was going to mention I don't know how to play dominoes either, but I didn't want to be traded in the next racial draft. :lol:
I think I played dominoes when I was a kid tho. I think I've half forgotten how to play backgammon also. I used to watch my sister in law and my ex boyfriend play bid whist all the time, and I never picked it up. He called me recently, I think I need to make him teach me.


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BGOL Investor
I'm using a blackberry passport. The image was fine, it was the audio that was driving me nuts. When I closed it and reopened it it was ok, so it was just stuttering. It did crash on me once tho, but whether that is your game or me running it on a bb, its hard to say.

The OS I'm using is bb 10. Colbalt on has a hacked version of the play store that lets you download stuff, tho it some times has a problem with apps that require google services to run. It's functional tho.
Very true what you speak. i finally had to give up on BB when and go all iPhone. They were moving to slow for all the good apps. They have great native apps. They messed up by not making BBM public from the jump. I still use that as my #1 messaging app on iPhone.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
I think just growing up around black people would teach you spades. dominos bid whist. And yet i'm still in mild shock whenever i run up on someone who doesn't know how to play lol. I don't mean the lol :*
and just think how I am as someone that made this game. LOL. Unicorns are real.


Rising Star
See, I was going to mention I don't know how to play dominoes either, but I didn't want to be traded in the next racial draft. :lol:
I think I played dominoes when I was a kid tho. I think I've half forgotten how to play backgammon also. I used to watch my sister in law and my ex boyfriend play bid whist all the time, and I never picked it up. He called me recently, I think I need to make him teach me.

Nah i won't trade you in. For sho. Trade the rest of these niggas. But i learned how to do all that from my husbands grandmother. She and i were partners till the day she passed lol. Settin bitches left and right. Good times. I never learned backgammon tho. And spades i think she told me was how they learned math back in the day.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
:lol: NOTHING stops the BBQ faster then a nigga asking if I want to play spades and I'm like "I'm good, I don't know how" It's like the music stops and everybody turns around like


Man I get this all the time, I can't play spades for shit :lol:


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
I was wondering about that also. It would be great to have an option to specify the top 5 high cards. Normally we do joker joker deuce ace, all spades. And that's only if we are playing the deuce as wild. I've never designated any other suit as a high card.

That is the way I play as well -- Joker joker, deuce ace, deuce diamonds. So guess what's in the game just for you. The ability to flip the deuces! Go to the options.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
That is the way I play as well -- Joker joker, deuce ace, deuce diamonds. So guess what's in the game just for you. The ability to flip the deuces! Go to the options.

Is there a way to eliminate the diamond all together, but keep the spade? Also an option to eliminate both would be good. I don't usually play that way but I know folks who do. Also thanks for posting that screenshot. I only saw the audio when I went in the options. I didn't realize they scrolled down. I was trying to swipe left and right or click the arrows and it only changed the audio. I see the option for the avatar now as well. Good looking out on having a sista with a afro puff and hoop earrings... :lol:
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
I downloaded it, but I have a hacked version of the play store to run on my black berry. When it was running it kept repeating this annoying word I couldn't make out. If I can find my nook tablet, I'll dl on there and see how it works. I like the interface tho, it's nice and slick. I wish you could zoom in tho to see the cards. I'm getting blind in my ole age.
A blackberry. ..... . You and Obama. .


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Props OP..

As mentioned, that 2 of diamonds as a trump is throwing some of us off.

I think that House Rules screen should be configurable. I've never played with anybody who let a spade lead before somebody was cutting

I know it's hard. but yall should really hit the "Options". There you can flip the deuces. I would also suggest watching all the tutorials. I know it's hard cause we are all our own spades masters, but you will learn all the features of the game that way.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dope. Def need multi-player but found myself like wtf is my partner doing lol


I wasn't fan ofor the music, but I'm always music off when I play games.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
I've gotten into arguments over this at the beginning of spades games but, how the hell can the deuce of diamonds be higher than the deuce of spades? The game is called SPADES.

Yeah. I had the same question for my original game,. Honestly I was suppose to change that and I fucking forgot to do it. Sooooo, I put it in the options so you could change it. but as i see, thanks to the BGOL community. No one is trying to look at that feature. LOL. so I may have to go change it!


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Is there an option to change the avatar that represents me from a man to a woman? Once you do multiplayer the option to upload your own picture or select from various preset ones would be nice.

Yes, there is an Options button right under the start button. Press it, scroll to the bottom and the last options is to change your avatar. I'm begging yall to watch the tutorials. PLEEEEAAASSSE. :)


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor

haven't downloaded yet but when you say its like how we actually play spades, what's that mean? can i talk shit? spin cards? call my lil cousin a reniger and get popped in the back of the head by his mother who interestingly enough is also a serial reniger.

Yes you can reneg. This is the only mobile game that actually let someone play out of suit. When multiplayer comes you an talk that shit. Spin cards. It does it, but not as how I want it yet. I plans for that. :hellyea: Slapping ur lil cousin is all on you.