Black Spades mobile game on iPhone and Android


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BGOL Investor
Should have more time to look to see how many books you can make and look over your cards
I wouldn't say that too loudly in this thread. :scared: But, I have an update coming for that where you can extend your time.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I wouldn't say that too loudly in this thread. :scared: But, I have an update coming for that where you can extend your time.

It is real fast tho. One hand it suggested I bet 0, I wanted to change it to 1. I started to slide the bar and got the times up message and I think it went to five and it disappeared.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Nice game....
Only thing that bothered me was the ads at the bottom of the screen over my cards...

Can you play against other people or get friends to be your partner?
you mean the ticker. that's to keep you connected why you play. lol. all you need is the top left corner of the card mane. Thanks for playing it.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Can all you playing do me a favor and share some of your game results with me by pressing the twitter button or facebook button at the bottom of your score. I'm trying to get the game to go viral. This is how to do it


Creatine Steve

Support BGOL
I love the passions! But i don't play like that! That computer is a temperamental one. You gotta know how to set him or her up to get what you want. You will see. keep playing. :roflmao:

Yeah I see that. It's dope. Definitely a keeper though. Paid version should have live camera to play with the ladies. And a random drunk uncle that knock the beer off the table ery now and then and it's great!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
you mean the ticker. that's to keep you connected why you play. lol. all you need is the top left corner of the card mane. Thanks for playing it.

Yeah.. that's it.... it gets in my way.. my fingers are big...


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
It is real fast tho. One hand it suggested I bet 0, I wanted to change it to 1. I started to slide the bar and got the times up message and I think it went to five and it disappeared.
yeah. In total you have 15 seconds. 10 to bid then 5 to confirm your bid as a team.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Yeah I see that. It's dope. Definitely a keeper though. Paid version should have live camera to play with the ladies. And a random drunk uncle that knock the beer off the table ery now and then and it's great!
lol. Thanks man. Good shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Props man a really dope game. I love seeing our people create things we will definitely use. I'm going to spread this to everyone I know who plays.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor

haven't downloaded yet but when you say its like how we actually play spades, what's that mean? can i talk shit? spin cards? call my lil cousin a reniger and get popped in the back of the head by his mother who interestingly enough is also a serial reniger.

No harm intended, but LOL @ you calling your fam ''n*ger x 2''..... Not trying to be a SpellNazi, but it looks funny in print.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What ya'll. We dropped a spades game for iPhone and Android called Black Spades. And it's exactly what it sounds like. Spades the way your friends and family play at home, college, reunions, and holiday get-togethers.
We tried to give you that real feeling of playing spades. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Click here to play the game now. (Hit the play button and you will go to the App Store or Google Play)

Direct links




Though this is a mock-up, this is exactly how it really looks. Let me know what's up.

Update! So I had to update this post because true spades masters don't read tutorials & shit. LOL. But seriously here are the tutorials yall should watch, because a lot of the stuff I see is already in the game, but you just haven't gotten to it yet. So I give you the official Black Spades Tutorial Series

Getting Started

House Rules

Game Features

Social Sharing

Good job KoGz. Will spread the word fam.


The Voice of Reason
BGOL Investor
I just downloaded and played a few times. Nice! Good Luck with this. I'll support the ad-free version when it's developed, especially if you consider a few of the ideas that BGOL came up with.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Since you're in the game, fam, you know of a dominoes app that's worth a shit? I've dl'ed a few and they highly disappoint.


Potential Star
Too many ads and found difficulty dragging the right card, maybe add double tap on the card to make sure it's the right card and timer is too fast add a way to slow the game down a bit


Rising Star
a project manager can always hear a project manager speaking. it creeps into the conversation.
good work. we have to speak for a related project coming up. we my be able to co-sponsor some things
you know this is a loaded question, right? :gun06:

But to make an app on this level the average costs are from 50K to 100K. If you can convince a developer to work with you are partner with you, it will cut your costs some. It took me about 9 months to get this out, but I was working on a few other projects as well. I was trying to do it in 5. :lol: Always plan for "Scope Creep"!


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Too many ads and found difficulty dragging the right card, maybe add double tap on the card to make sure it's the right card and timer is too fast add a way to slow the game down a bit

Good feedback. Watch this video it may help you. You can actually tap first to ensure it's the correct card, then flick it to play. Watch it in this video. And there will be a way to remove the timer in the future.



Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
I just downloaded and played a few times. Nice! Good Luck with this. I'll support the ad-free version when it's developed, especially if you consider a few of the ideas that BGOL came up with.

I'm curious about what kind of phone you are using. I know on the iPhone they don't let you have those crazy blinking ads and shit. I don't know why android allows that kind of ad. The BGOL crew has confirmed i'm on the right path. Thank you for the support


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
a project manager can always hear a project manager speaking. it creeps into the conversation.
good work. we have to speak for a related project coming up. we my be able to co-sponsor some things

You caught that, huh? LOL. I'm down to talk just hit me up when it's time.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Since you're in the game, fam, you know of a dominoes app that's worth a shit? I've dl'ed a few and they highly disappoint.
That's a question that has come up a lot. And no one has shown me one that they really really like. Which ones are you playing?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Very nice app!
My quick thoughts are:
Maybe a way to adjust the speed. Whether its a slide in settings or just different levels. I know for a fact, some older folk would play this all the time but it may need to be slower for them/us. Also, fat fingers sometimes pick the wrong card.
Thoughts of offering challenges paying with in-game currency?

Overall great experience. Congrats OP!


Truth seeker
Will someone tell this dude who I am. LOL. I published the game. I designed the UX. Hell I wrote all the scripts for the tutorial and edited the videos. LOL. The developer was my hired goon but this is my game don't get it twisted.
didnt mean to come off a a hater. if I'm gonna support something I wanna make sure its black owned. props brother you did great with this app.:cool:


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Very nice app!
My quick thoughts are:
Maybe a way to adjust the speed. Whether its a slide in settings or just different levels. I know for a fact, some older folk would play this all the time but it may need to be slower for them/us. Also, fat fingers sometimes pick the wrong card.
Thoughts of offering challenges paying with in-game currency?

Overall great experience. Congrats OP!
Great feedback. I'm will be doubling the time via all the feedback i've gotten. I have a challenge plan mapped out, but I'm waiting to see what the players do. I'm torn between doing challenges or multiplayer first. hmmm.

thank you for playing.


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
Too many ads and found difficulty dragging the right card, maybe add double tap on the card to make sure it's the right card and timer is too fast add a way to slow the game down a bit
Tap and Flick. don't drag the cards. tap to make sure its the right one. then flick it from the selected position.

What this video


Join the UKNO beta!
BGOL Investor
When you guys say too many ads which ads do you want to see less of?


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
It is real fast tho. One hand it suggested I bet 0, I wanted to change it to 1. I started to slide the bar and got the times up message and I think it went to five and it disappeared.

Ok just played a couple games.. I definitely see your point about the bid speed. That timer is insane.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I get that you have to have the ads on there, but I think the scrolling ticker creates to much of a distraction with your cards.

I would also suggest adding a little bit more distinction to the Clubs to allow them to stand out more from the Spades. With everything being black in the color scheme, it was easy to confused on if something was a club or a spade.

I would probably add the ability to add some detail to your personal player.

I loved the background music and I also liked that the A.I. seemed to play like how I would expect a real person to play and not that random A of Spades on the second hand bullshit that other games will do.

Overall this is really really nice... I would actually throw money on a paid version of this without the Ads.

I even moved your App to my home screen. :cheers:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
When you guys say too many ads which ads do you want to see less of?

I don't like the pop up add after you finish a game. It messes up the flow, a banner add would be better. It's gets repetitive and annoying after a while. And if you have to keep the add you have in the game itself, moving it to the top would be less distracting.