Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop them


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Is that what you used to have to tell mommy when you were little?:(

Please don't take your motherly issues out on me ... before I have to "son" you:yes:;):rolleyes::)

You're on fire today! :lol::lol: FAMU2g3 got you all riled up. Don't worry. I think you and the other women of bgol forced him to suicide.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

To the OP

I agree that some Black women have made bad judgement calls in regards to relationships and that some could do better in picking a “man”/husband/role model for their children

However ... those men being thugs and dogs isn’t our fault so some responsiblty has to lie with some Black men who have made choices to behave in that manner ... not all of these thugs/dogs came from single parent homes ... some had fathers who "lived that life" as well so they followed in those foot steps

Another problem in the Black community (on top of what you say is women with multiple "baby daddies") is some Black men who are overly sexually active ... having unprotected sex with numerous women ... I mean if a man has 10 kids by 9 women is it really only the womens fault??? Of course the women play a part in it due to their bad judgement ... but putting all the blame of ones actions on somebody else will never resolve any problems

In order for us to get a real solution we all need to acknowledge our faults and collectively move forward together

And I need to ask what is your suggestion on “stopping us”?:rolleyes:

This post doesn't make any sense and it's not logical. Why? We as black people have not until today, learned and found ways to protect our so called "communities", including the African continent, from the white people that practice racism/white supremacy and now someone is talking about trying and finding ways of stopping black women from destroying our community. This doesn't make any sense and that is because both the black man and woman are still subjects to the system of racism/white supremacy. We should learn how to whip the slave master and not our fellow slaves. oNE!!!


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

The truth is that both black males and black females don't control (politically, economically, etc) the so called "black community". This is the same as saying that Africans are destroying the African continent. This is not possible because black people don't control and dominate politically and economically the African continent. Please people do some reading and research in order to find out and analyze the context in which "black communities" exists. oNE!!!

We are part of that community, so what happens there affects us. We may not be able to control everything that happens there, but we can surely control our own actions. We have free will and we can us that free will for good or evil. We have to work together if we want to bring about the political and economic change that our communities need, but that first requires making an individual decision to do so. Comparing our communities to the continent of Africa is a very broad analogy. There are some very successful black 'communities' in Africa. Just because the Devil is knocking at your door doesn't mean you have to relinquish all of your power and let Him in.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

The truth is that both black males and black females don't control (politically, economically, etc) the so called "black community". This is the same as saying that Africans are destroying the African continent. This is not possible because black people don't control and dominate politically and economically the African continent. Please people do some reading and research in order to find out and analyze the context in which "black communities" exists. oNE!!!

Exactly, they won't listen tho, they want to bash themselves
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

take care of your kids bitch

hell i want to speak to your childs father, you know your husband:rolleyes:

If that is your way of asking me if I'm single the answer is yes;):yes:

But before you get any ideas ... I wouldn't fuck you if you had the last hard dick on GOD's green Earth:)

Now back to yo momma:rolleyes:

You're on fire today! :lol::lol: FAMU2g3 got you all riled up. Don't worry. I think you and the other women of bgol forced him to suicide.

:lol: @ FAGmontofri2009 jumpin' :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

The truth is that both black males and black females don't control (politically, economically, etc) the so called "black community". This is the same as saying that Africans are destroying the African continent. This is not possible because black people don't control and dominate politically and economically the African continent. Please people do some reading and research in order to find out and analyze the context in which "black communities" exists. oNE!!!

Has very little to do with the original topic...There has been economic hardship,racism and every negative thing in this country since its inception.

The behavior being spoken about is a relatively new event.The lack of responsibility and poor choices being made now cannot be blamed on hardships that are in no ay comparable to the times of our grandparents and in my case parents times.

The behavior of parents and our communities in the way children are raised is not political in nature but social.

And to try and make it political is a smoke screen on the choices being made.

We wear 200 sneakers and make bad choices.In the past we shared clothes and if we had one pair of jeans they were clean.We were made to respect our hoods and elders..

I grew up with real gangsters and real thugs and they to showed respect on our blocks.Dirt wasn't done in our neighborhoods,it was done elsewhere..Like the old saying goes you don't shit where you eat"..

So the original problem from the OP is that the black woman is making the choices we are talking about so the solution is easy.make beter choices..

I would be remiss is I didn't say that only the negative is being talked about as usual.There are a lot of black men who do what they should and alot of black women who make good choices and those families thrive.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

I will admit that "bitches" was too strong a word.

But if it bothered you that much,
You could have just taken a bit more time
To write an original post of your own.

I don't need anyone editing my current thoughts
Thank You Much.

I don't care if you use the word bitches. Doesn't make a difference to me one way or the other. However I don't think its black women that are destroying the black community. It's a certain segment of the black population thats responsible.

Ace Money

Potential Star
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop them.

You may think I'm not joking. I'm not. I'm being dead serious.

I'm tired of hearing about how women are the backbone of the community. That's a lie. Black men are the backbone of the community.

I am tired of hearing men are the problem in the black community. No actually it's the black females.

And I'm sure as hell am tired of hearing that there aren't enough black men in the home. This is of course black women's fault. If they would go out and bring MEN into the homes, this wouldn't be a problem. But they don't bring MEN into the homes, instead they go out and chase THUGS and DOGS and bring them into the home.

If they would stop dating and chasing thugs and dogs, that wouldn't be happening, As a matter of fact it is this chasing of thugs and dogs and choosing them over good black men, or the nice guys, that is the epicenter of a great many problem in the black community. What's worse, it has lead to problems that, left unchecked, could actually lead to the demise of the black community as whole.

Now let's break down the problem...

A lot of women who think it is ok to chase dogs and thugs and badboys. And what's worse feel it is ok to pass over generally good dudes. Or worse yet feel it ok to use or abuse or mistreat the positive brotha because they feel he is a simp or that he's weak.

They then feel entitled, after all this is over, to have people feel sorry for them when their badboy boyfriends mistreat them, and to expect good men to come take up the slack and give them the life that they want.

It is this mentality that is the problem.

It's not black men, but black women who are destroying the black community with this.

Black women spend all their time chasing thugs and dogs and turning their noses up to the "nice guy".

I've seen women, both hood rat and college educated, crawl through crowds of good men to get to the dog or thug at the back of the room.

Then five, ten years later...

now that they're fat and flabby,
got three or four kids, and two or three baby daddies,
and now, that they're pushing thir- perry menopause...

Now all of a sudden they want a "good man".

"Oh! Oh! Where are the good men at?" They ask.
My response... "Why? You weren't looking for a good man before."

Here's the deal you don't want a good man. You still want the thugs and bad boys, but they aren't going to put up with your shit or help raise your kids, so now you looking for a good man.

Oh really....

Fellas let me translate.

Where are all the good men at??
Translation: Where are all the simps at? Where are all those men we used to bypass and turn our noses up at because we thought they were weak and we wanted thugs instead??? They couldn't have possibly gone on with their lives??? Right??"

Well guess what? We have gone on. And we don't want women like you? As Tariq Nasheed said, Our stock has gone up, your stock has gone down. The idea that we were always going to be hanging around waiting for you women to stop dating thugs and get with us is absurd. (even though this is what you believed)

Most of us have gotten college degrees, got well paying jobs, and are dating beautiful women of multiple races.

We don't want women like you.

And that's fine because for a long time you didn't want men like us... but nowwww yooou doooo! :yes:

Too bad babes. Accept the fact that this is your fault and move on.

Women will ask...

"What's wrong with dating a woman that has a child if you wanted to date her now that she has a child? You obviously wanted her so what's different. . .oh it would hurt your pride to want a female."

But my answer to women is simply this...

I'm not put here to help take care of some other man's child. :smh:

I know women find this hard to understand, but that's not really not why we're here. :smh:

Evolution (or creation) dictates that we reproduce and raise our own kids.

As women, you don't seem to understand this. This is why you keep wanting to reproduce with the thug population, and then getting us the good men, whom you don't want to want to reproduce with to raise them.

Or in other words, you don't want want to have the nice guy's kids, you want to have the thug's kids, but you want the nice guys to raise them.

This of course produces a problem. And it's unfair.

First the problem...

I had a white friend ask me, what is going on in the black community? We noticed that there is a whole section of the black male populace that isn't reproducing, ie the the nice good men, meanwhile the thug populace is getting their seed out and reproducing. This over time will degrade the type of offspring in the black community.

Now why this is unfair...

Black women want to date thugs and have their kids but they don't want to have ours. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a black woman say" Hmmph, I've already had all the kids I'm going to have" or " I've got my tubes tied!"

Sooo... You get to pass along your genes and the thugs get to pass along their genes, but the good men are only good for spending money??? Fuck that. Has it dawned on you we want to reproduce and pass along our genes too???

But collectively as a group black women have decided to reward thuggatry and punish being a good man, by allowing the thugs to reproduce and by telling good men that we have to just be there to make sure everybody else's offspring survives.

Did not read all this but based on the first paragraph, it sounds like a bitch recently broke your heart.:hmm:
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

So the question is why are the thugs not on the outside looking in instead of being chosen by the women who see them as defective men?

Well like the OP said and I agreed some of these Black women are making bad decisions on who they choose to mate with ... it would be irresponsible of me to make it seem like every Black woman is making good choices with mates cuz that isn't true ... but it would also be irresponsible for somebody to say all Black women want a "bad boy" cuz that aint true

Who is enabling this behavior as not only accepted but desired? We have alot of wannabe bad boys who have seen that is the behavior that attracts the women instead of being considerate responsible you know the so called simps..

This is very true ... they are being enabled ... but not only by some Black women ... keep in mind alot of Black men date outside the race so there are some White, Asian, Indian etc women who like "bad boys" and are enabling them as well ... it's not fair to blame it only on us

If thses dudes are overly sexually active and making babies they don't raise and provide for why are they being invited to continue that behavior? More enabling? The answer is quite simple,either the women are to quick with the panty drawers and don't know anything about who they invite to their beds or they just don't give a damn.

Very true ... I've never once denied that ... however the blame is on both sides not just one ... these men need to be held responsible for their actions

either way we are back to the choices women make in chosing the next generation of fathers..

If you chose to lay down with dogs be prepared to get up with fleas..If you chose to have sex and unprotected sex with m3en who have none of the real positive traits you want as a father to your child then you had better make sure you are not procreating.

:yes::yes::yes:Words every woman should live by

As far as some men becoming this way because that was their exposure in childhood again why are you choosing to sleep with them?

Again some Black women have bad judgement along with other races of women as well

The issue is why are the so called good men (simps) on the outside while the defects are the ones with the attention being enabled to continue their behavior with reward?

If you are looking for an answer from me about why women date thugs I can't answer that for you ... I haven't dated a "thug" since I was a teenager and I'm 30 years old now ... all I can say for my mind frame as a young woman is that I was on some dumb shit:dunno: To deny that would mean I am not acknowledging my faults which means I can't move on to being a better woman. That is what I am asking the OP to do ... take a look at himself and other Black men as well ... we all have contributed to the problems so we all together need to fix it

This post doesn't make any sense and it's not logical. Why? We as black people have not until today, learned and found ways to protect our so called "communities", including the African continent, from the white people that practice racism/white supremacy and now someone is talking about trying and finding ways of stopping black women from destroying our community. This doesn't make any sense and that is because both the black man and woman are still subjects to the system of racism/white supremacy. We should learn how to whip the slave master and not our fellow slaves. oNE!!!

Ok I agree with you ... you're definately comin' from a deeper angle than I ... I guess I'm covering the more surface issues where as you're diggin' in the roots which is great ... again I feel your post 100%


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

BGOL is falling the fuck off. To many bitch niggas. Way too many. Niggas are basically anti black woman, surfing for porn of black women. Yall some ass backwards fuck boys.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

We are part of that community, so what happens there affects us. We may not be able to control everything that happens there, but we can surely control our own actions. We have free will and we can us that free will for good or evil. We have to work together if we want to bring about the political and economic change that our communities need, but that first requires making an individual decision to do so. Comparing our communities to the continent of Africa is a very broad analogy. There are some very successful black 'communities' in Africa. Just because the Devil is knocking at your door doesn't mean you have to relinquish all of your power and let Him in.

Free will? What do you mean when you say free will? "No one can control your actions", Black people are moved by the racists/white supremacists any time that the racists/white supremacists want too, haven't you ever heard of "gentrification"? what about New Orleans Katarina? Why are we fighting over things that we don't control and dominate? I said, first learn how to protect your self from the white people that practice racism/white supremacy before your learn how to protect yourselves from yourselves. oNE!!!
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Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Here's a statistic for you....

70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock.

(And yes there was even a BGOL thread on this topic.)


70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock.

But who are these children born to??? Who are the fathers of these children???

More than likely these dead beats are the bad boys who you see these females chasing after.

I've seen more than my fair share of these sob stories and they all tend to follow the same track.

Yeah there are exceptions to the rules.

It is said. Men should man up and take care of their children.


MEN already take care of their children. THAT"S WHAT MAKES THEM MEN.

MEN take care of their responsibilities.

MEN get real jobs.

MEN are fathers to their children.

Oh yeah and most importantly...

real MEN are GOOD ROLE MODELS to their children.
In other words they get real jobs and not sell drugs, commit crimes, go to jail, and talk and dress like complete imbeciles!!!

Of course a lot of black women in our communities don't date men like that. No instead that date badboys and THUGS.

Nobody ever wants to talk about this. Instead they want to blame black men for shit we didn't do!!!!

Let's be honest about this. BLACK MEN ARE NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!!

A large portion of our women want and mate with thugs.... PERIOD!

Yes they're MALES.

But remember this...

All men are males, BUT ALL MALES AREN'T MEN!

THUGS are the OPPOSITE of men....

THUGS DON'T take care of their responsibilities. Thugs and badboys don't have a reputation for looking out for others. No they too busy looking out for self.

THUGS DON'T get real jobs. They rather shoot steal sell drugs, or try to get that ever elusive rap career rapping about.... what else?? Shooting stealing, and selling drugs!!!

THUGS usually aren't fathers to their children. They're too busy fucking the next female, and talking about how they don't love the bitches for that. Plus being a good father means having affection and these guys are to cool or too "Hard" for that. They got to keep it "Real" and "Street" you know.
There are exceptions to the rule... but they are just that... exceptions.

THUGS are BAD ROLE MODELS to their children.
In other words they DON'T get real jobs! Instead, they sell drugs, commit crimes, go to jail, and talk and dress like complete imbeciles!!!

But this is who these females are having these out of wedlock kids with!!!!

So if Black Men are different from Thugs...

Arent real Black Women different from hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes??

Thats who you have a problem with: hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes...yes THEY are a detriment to our community BUT so are Thugs, Thug-Wanna-Bees, Fake-Hustlers, Pimps, 40yr old Players with 3 kids from 3 baby mommas, and so on and so on...

Why is it so hard for you [O.P] to understand that two parties play a role in the destruction of our community. U cant have one without the other.

The Dark Mind

Lifetime Member
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

So black women are destroying the black community all by ourselves...unbelievable. And now "We" need to find a way to stop them. How in the hell are "we" gonna stop grown people from doing what they want to do? Some women have their preferences and that just happens to be thugs. Just like some men prefer fat bitches, or white bitches or asian bitches or grimey bitches. That is their preference. And who do you think these thugs are? Are they white men, asian, they are black men. Women are only as social as their options. When we cut down on the thugs we'll cut down on the options. So what we need to do is teach our sons not to be thugs. Teach our sons that the road to success doesn't have to include a detour to a jail cell. Teach our sons to get an education. Teach our sons to be they don't blame black women for all that ails the black community.

More complete and utter BULLSHIT!!!

But thank you. No I mean it! THANK YOU for bringing up this stupid argument and giving me a chance to crush and destroy this dumb argument once and for all!

And it won't even take long...

Ok. Let's DESTOY your post....

So black women are destroying the black community all by ourselves...unbelievable.
Yes. You are destroying it. And yes... BY YOURSELVES!!!

And now "We" need to find a way to stop them. How in the hell are "we" gonna stop grown people from doing what they want to do?
I don't know, but that is the purpose of this conversation. And we need to find out FAST!

Some women have their preferences and that just happens to be thugs. Just like some men prefer fat bitches, or white bitches or asian bitches or grimey bitches. That is their preference.


THIS. THIS is the CORE of what I'm talking about!!!!

Look. I don't care if a woman says she doesn't like me because I'm too tall, or too short, or too fat, or too skinny, or too light, or too dark.

That's preference.

That's based on genetics, our want to reproduce, and nature's desire to maximize diversity to keep the human species going.

On the other hand a woman telling me she don't like me because I'm not gangsta or thuggy enough is the same as saying..

"I don't like you because you are too law abiding..."


"I want the nigga who commits crimes..."


"I don't want you because you treat me right..."


"I want the thuggy dude who beats the shit of me every night. I need Chris Brown treatment."

WTF bitch???

You females are straight clueless and we must stop you before you destroy us all.

And who do you think these thugs are? Are they white men, asian, they are black men.

NO they are black MALES! That's the problem. You women do not know the difference between MALES and MEN.

Women are only as social as their options. When we cut down on the thugs we'll cut down on the options.

Bull. How do I know this? Because when the badboys do decide to change they're ways... the females think they are too "boring" and dump them and leave to go find another "exciting" thug/badboy.

So what we need to do is teach our sons not to be thugs. Teach our sons that the road to success doesn't have to include a detour to a jail cell. Teach our sons to get an education. Teach our sons to be they don't blame black women for all that ails the black community.

Who's going to do all that ???

The black single mothers who've been chasing thugs all their lives???

or their thug/gangsta/badboy fathers???

Who's going to do it. Tell me.

I'm waiting for some sort of answer here.

Oh yeah and by the way,

it's sort of hard to convince the young males to go straight when all the females are chasing the thugs and badboys. Trust.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Well like the OP said and I agreed some of these Black women are making bad decisions on who they choose to mate with ... it would be irresponsible of me to make it seem like every Black woman is making good choices with mates cuz that isn't true ... but it would also be irresponsible for somebody to say all Black women want a "bad boy" cuz that aint true

This is very true ... they are being enabled ... but not only by some Black women ... keep in mind alot of Black men date outside the race so there are some White, Asian, Indian etc women who like "bad boys" and are enabling them as well ... it's not fair to blame it only on us

Very true ... I've never once denied that ... however the blame is on both sides not just one ... these men need to be held responsible for their actions

:yes::yes::yes:Words every woman should live by

Again some Black women have bad judgement along with other races of women as well

If you are looking for an answer from me about why women date thugs I can't answer that for you ... I haven't dated a "thug" since I was a teenager and I'm 30 years old now ... all I can say for my mind frame as a young woman is that I was on some dumb shit:dunno: To deny that would mean I am not acknowledging my faults which means I can't move on to being a better woman. That is what I am asking the OP to do ... take a look at himself and other Black men as well ... we all have contributed to the problems so we all together need to fix it

Ok I agree with you ... you're definately comin' from a deeper angle than I ... I guess I'm covering the more surface issues where as you're diggin' in the roots which is great ... again I feel your post 100%

Sir, i respect your opinion. I know that there is a lot of work that needs to be done, not only within the "community" but also in regard to our relationships. But we first have to analyze and understand under what conditions and context do the black communities exist. oNE!!!


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

If that is your way of asking me if I'm single the answer is yes;):yes:

But before you get any ideas ... I wouldn't fuck you if you had the last hard dick on GOD's green Earth:)

Now back to yo momma:rolleyes:

:lol: @ FAGmontofri2009 jumpin' :lol:



Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

I bet that whole fuckin room smelled like...







Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Black men that act a fool; thuggin', doggin', etc. aren't exactly entirely innocent either. Solution? I ignore how these simple minded niggas and bitches interact, and worry about what i'm doing. Any woman hypnotized by that immature, thug shit, is not someone i'm trying to wife. I have no sympathy for people that end up in piss-poor relationships. Keep it moving.

YEah but you are mature. Problem is young black BOYS in school are enticed into being thugs and in a lot of cases ruining their lives because females are basically incentivizing them to live that lifestyle. I'm not saying its THAT simple but it would help if black girls weren't kind of encouraging young males to engage in that type of activity.

I think its a legit topic especially for males who don't have fathers and get brainwashed by a certain definition of what being a man is.
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

So if Black Men are different from Thugs...

Arent real Black Women different from hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes??

Thats who you have a problem with: hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes...yes THEY are a detriment to our community BUT so are Thugs, Thug-Wanna-Bees, Fake-Hustlers, Pimps, 40yr old Players with 3 kids from 3 baby mommas, and so on and so on...

Why is it so hard for you [O.P] to understand that two parties play a role in the destruction of our community. U cant have one without the other.

Say it louder BigReg :yes::yes::yes: I don't think they heard you

Sir, i respect your opinion. I know that there is a lot of work that needs to be done, not only within the "community" but also in regard to our relationships. But we first have to analyze and understand under what conditions and context do the black communities exist. oNE!!!

I agree 100%:yes::yes::yes:

I'm a Ma'am btw:)

BGOL is falling the fuck off. To many bitch niggas. Way too many. Niggas are basically anti black woman, surfing for porn of black women. Yall some ass backwards fuck boys.

:yes::yes::yes: *points down to next post*



You wanna see me shake my ass:confused:

And to think ... this whole time I thought you were gay:lol:That's funny:)


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Say it louder BigReg :yes::yes::yes: I don't think they heard you

I agree 100%:yes::yes::yes:

I'm a Ma'am btw:)

:yes::yes::yes: *points down to next post*


You wanna see me shake my ass:confused:

And to think ... this whole time I thought you were gay:lol:That's funny:)



~Brown Suga~
BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

So if Black Men are different from Thugs...

Arent real Black Women different from hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes??

Thats who you have a problem with: hoodrats, jumpoffs, bustdowns and the likes...yes THEY are a detriment to our community BUT so are Thugs, Thug-Wanna-Bees, Fake-Hustlers, Pimps, 40yr old Players with 3 kids from 3 baby mommas, and so on and so on...

Why is it so hard for you [O.P] to understand that two parties play a role in the destruction of our community. U cant have one without the other.

100% cosign


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Here's a statistic for you....

70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock.

(And yes there was even a BGOL thread on this topic.)


70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock.

But who are these children born to??? Who are the fathers of these children???

More than likely these dead beats are the bad boys who you see these females chasing after.

I've seen more than my fair share of these sob stories and they all tend to follow the same track.

Yeah there are exceptions to the rules.

It is said. Men should man up and take care of their children.


MEN already take care of their children. THAT"S WHAT MAKES THEM MEN.

MEN take care of their responsibilities.

MEN get real jobs.

MEN are fathers to their children.

Oh yeah and most importantly...

real MEN are GOOD ROLE MODELS to their children.
In other words they get real jobs and not sell drugs, commit crimes, go to jail, and talk and dress like complete imbeciles!!!

Of course a lot of black women in our communities don't date men like that. No instead that date badboys and THUGS.

Nobody ever wants to talk about this. Instead they want to blame black men for shit we didn't do!!!!

Let's be honest about this. BLACK MEN ARE NOT THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!!

A large portion of our women want and mate with thugs.... PERIOD!

Yes they're MALES.

But remember this...

All men are males, BUT ALL MALES AREN'T MEN!

THUGS are the OPPOSITE of men....

THUGS DON'T take care of their responsibilities. Thugs and badboys don't have a reputation for looking out for others. No they too busy looking out for self.

THUGS DON'T get real jobs. They rather shoot steal sell drugs, or try to get that ever elusive rap career rapping about.... what else?? Shooting stealing, and selling drugs!!!

THUGS usually aren't fathers to their children. They're too busy fucking the next female, and talking about how they don't love the bitches for that. Plus being a good father means having affection and these guys are to cool or too "Hard" for that. They got to keep it "Real" and "Street" you know.
There are exceptions to the rule... but they are just that... exceptions.

THUGS are BAD ROLE MODELS to their children.
In other words they DON'T get real jobs! Instead, they sell drugs, commit crimes, go to jail, and talk and dress like complete imbeciles!!!

But this is who these females are having these out of wedlock kids with!!!!


:eek::eek:Co-signing this ether!:eek::eek:

And adding the homothug factor to these so-called thug simps.




Not sure who posted it but the poster who said that it is the women who choose the next generation of fathers by their selections is 100% correct.

Those choices make up the vast majority of the absent father who does no child raising..

The poster who excused the choices made because thugs and bad boys offer must be out your damn mind. What security does a thug or bad boy really offer? Most are users who bring nothing to the table..Most are undereducated and don't have legitimate jobs so there is no financial security..bad boys usually end up pathetic men. O h yeah your example was the dumb ass mike tyson in the club analogy..senseless...

blunts example of the murder and assault rate in the black community actually confirms the original post...most of that is perpetrated by the thugs and bad boys..

lastly not being a bad boy or thug does not mean the man is a simp.being responsible does not equate with weakness..being a damn fool that disrespects women and hold no value for their family does not mean swagger is present but usually means there is insecurity in self., those who hold those definitions are usually young and don't understand that manhood is not worn on the sleeve...

Now the problem is going on three generations long and a lot of that is because boys were being raised by women who have no idea how to raise a man but that all goes backthe choices in mates made by women in the first place.


First paragraph is correct but actually agrees with the OP thread...So the question is why are the thugs not on the outside looking in instead of being chosen by the women who see them as defective men? Who is enabling this behavior as not only accepted but desired? We have alot of wannabe bad boys who have seen that is the behavior that attracts the women instead of being considerate responsible you know the so called simps..

The second paragraph also does not offer any sound reasoning on the female perspective..If thses dudes are overly sexually active and making babies they don't raise and provide for why are they being invited to continue that behavior? More enabling? The answer is quite simple,either the women are to quick with the panty drawers and don't know anything about who they invite to their beds or they just don't give a damn.

either way we are back to the choices women make in chosing the next generation of fathers..

If you chose to lay down with dogs be prepared to get up with fleas..If you chose to have sex and unprotected sex with m3en who have none of the real positive traits you want as a father to your child then you had better make sure you are not procreating.

As far as some men becoming this way because that was their exposure in childhood again why are you choosing to sleep with them?

The issue is why are the so called good men (simps) on the outside while the defects are the ones with the attention being enabled to continue their behavior with reward?


Has very little to do with the original topic...There has been economic hardship,racism and every negative thing in this country since its inception.

The behavior being spoken about is a relatively new event.The lack of responsibility and poor choices being made now cannot be blamed on hardships that are in no ay comparable to the times of our grandparents and in my case parents times.

The behavior of parents and our communities in the way children are raised is not political in nature but social.

And to try and make it political is a smoke screen on the choices being made.

We wear 200 sneakers and make bad choices.In the past we shared clothes and if we had one pair of jeans they were clean.We were made to respect our hoods and elders..

I grew up with real gangsters and real thugs and they to showed respect on our blocks.Dirt wasn't done in our neighborhoods,it was done elsewhere..Like the old saying goes you don't shit where you eat"..

So the original problem from the OP is that the black woman is making the choices we are talking about so the solution is easy.make beter choices..

I would be remiss is I didn't say that only the negative is being talked about as usual.There are a lot of black men who do what they should and alot of black women who make good choices and those families thrive.

I could never understand why people would buy $200.00 shoes but complain not having money :hmm::hmm:

So black women are destroying the black community all by ourselves...unbelievable. And now "We" need to find a way to stop them. How in the hell are "we" gonna stop grown people from doing what they want to do? Some women have their preferences and that just happens to be thugs. Just like some men prefer fat bitches, or white bitches or asian bitches or grimey bitches. That is their preference. And who do you think these thugs are? Are they white men, asian, they are black men. Women are only as social as their options. When we cut down on the thugs we'll cut down on the options. So what we need to do is teach our sons not to be thugs. Teach our sons that the road to success doesn't have to include a detour to a jail cell. Teach our sons to get an education. Teach our sons to be they don't blame black women for all that ails the black community.

How can you say women who date thugs is their preference but those same women hit 30 years old complain their isnt no good man out here.....

You are right they have the right to date whoever they want but they shouldnt complain about a guy who they knew wasnt shit and expect him to be their for her while she has kids either....Thats like me being with the neighborhood slut, knowingly theirs a high chance of her cheating on me but when she does im complaing about her doing it.....knowing full well she wasnt about shit in the first place......makes no sense at all :hmm::hmm:


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

:lol: Why you e-yellin' at me GAYNE? :lol: You maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad???????? :lol::lol:



Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Yep, I can definitely see this goin' on for a few more pages as always. :lol:


Potential Star
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

This is sad and funny. Any nigga agreeing with the OP is just ignorant. Maybe if women always go for the "thugs and badboys" you are the problem. You probably are lame ,corny and /or soft. Step your game up. You are probably a nerd and dont know it. Women of all races go for the "Alpha male/ cool guy". These "thugs" and "badboys" you hate probably are neither most the time but just niggas who have some swag and you have none. Women dont want a man softer than them. You dont have to be a "thug" to be a strong black man and get respect. Women want a man that they respect and makes them feel safe.

Another point, I know as many lame niggas not taking care of their kids as people you would call "thugs". I know alot of niggas in the hood doing their part and I know alot of working class suburban type niggas who dont do shit for their kids. Black men as a whole need to step up in the fatherhood department.

The domestic violence thing is something else you put on "thugs" thats bullshit. Most niggas that beat they women are lame niggas who wont fight a man or even say shit to one. Where are the facts that these so-called "thugs" are doing it. Most domestic abusers are all hurt and emotional like some of the losers on here.
Yall niggas need some pussy and some counseling.


Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

This is sad and funny. Any nigga agreeing with the OP is just ignorant. Maybe if women always go for the "thugs and badboys" you are the problem. You probably are lame ,corny and /or soft. Step your game up. You are probably a nerd and dont know it. Women of all races go for the "Alpha male/ cool guy". These "thugs" and "badboys" you hate probably are neither most the time but just niggas who have some swag and you have none. Women dont want a man softer than them. You dont have to be a "thug" to be a strong black man and get respect. Women want a man that they respect and makes them feel safe.

Another point, I know as many lame niggas not taking care of their kids as people you would call "thugs". I know alot of niggas in the hood doing their part and I know alot of working class suburban type niggas who dont do shit for their kids. Black men as a whole need to step up in the fatherhood department.

The domestic violence thing is something else you put on "thugs" thats bullshit. Most niggas that beat they women are lame niggas who wont fight a man or even say shit to one. Where are the facts that these so-called "thugs" are doing it. Most domestic abusers are all hurt and emotional like some of the losers on here.
Yall niggas need some pussy and some counseling.



Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Before I leave its funny how for over 30 years Black women have always talked about the issues they have with Black Men.......but when its the other way around......its bashing,or you hate mother and grandmother, blah blah blah...that too me is hypocritical....cuz Black Men have only been talking about the Black Women's issuse for a few years now and black women dont want to listen...

Nobody isnt saying that leaving your kids is right cuz it not but when a black man wants to speak on the issue about the black community particularly about black want to act like its not true...


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

This is sad and funny. Any nigga agreeing with the OP is just ignorant. Maybe if women always go for the "thugs and badboys" you are the problem. You probably are lame ,corny and /or soft. Step your game up. You are probably a nerd and dont know it. Women of all races go for the "Alpha male/ cool guy". These "thugs" and "badboys" you hate probably are neither most the time but just niggas who have some swag and you have none. Women dont want a man softer than them. You dont have to be a "thug" to be a strong black man and get respect. Women want a man that they respect and makes them feel safe.

Another point, I know as many lame niggas not taking care of their kids as people you would call "thugs". I know alot of niggas in the hood doing their part and I know alot of working class suburban type niggas who dont do shit for their kids. Black men as a whole need to step up in the fatherhood department.

The domestic violence thing is something else you put on "thugs" thats bullshit. Most niggas that beat they women are lame niggas who wont fight a man or even say shit to one. Where are the facts that these so-called "thugs" are doing it. Most domestic abusers are all hurt and emotional like some of the losers on here.
Yall niggas need some pussy and some counseling.

shut the fuck up....idiot :hmm::hmm:


Potential Star
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

shut the fuck up....idiot :hmm::hmm:

Truth hurts sometimes. Yall lame niggas need to just kill yourselves. Dont get mad at me because I love Black women and Black women love me. Most Black women I know dont date thugs. BUT they dont date pusy ass lame niggas like the ones in here crying. Niggas mad because they prolly caught the bitch they love fuckin a nigga like me. Yall soft emo ass niggas need to get over it and just leave the Black women to the real men. You niggas obviously arent that.
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Truth hurts sometimes. Yall lame niggas need to just kill yourselves. Dont get mad at me because I love Black women and Black women love me. Most Black women I know dont date thugs. BUT they dont date pusy ass lame niggas like the ones in here crying. Niggas mad because they prolly caught the bitch they love fuckin a nigga like me. Yall soft emo ass niggas need to get over it and just leave the Black women to the real men. You niggas obviously arent that.


Gucci cold as ice boy damn lmao

I agree with your previous post though that women like a man with swag and not every man with swag is a thug or bad boy

Swag=Confidence IMO


BGOL Investor
Re: Black women are destroying the black community and we need to find a way to stop

Oh shit, here we go with the "lame" comments.:rolleyes: It was bound to happen sooner or later.

Check it, i've dealt with women who have viewed me as lame. My best friend happened to be a female and I would date some of her friends even. She would share with me their feelings about me post-talking/relationship.

Comments such as

"He's too nice. He does what I ask most of the time. I want a nigga that will tell me no.(I've told her no but not enough I guess"

"I don't like when he opens the door for me all the time. I can do it myself"

"Does he even like sex. He didn't try anything with me at all(this was after the second meeting/date:hmm: )"

"He doesn't smoke or drink. That's boring"

"He's a good listener and I enjoy the talking, maybe we should just be friends:hmm: )


The list goes on.

Am I a lame, NO. Do I treat them like I saw my mother being treated, YES. But obviously she want a dude that is more "agressive or manly" WTF??

Wonder how these "girls" would act if I didn't do shit for them or treated them like shit.:hmm: