Blacks for D.Trump how y’all feeling now? Trump signs Executive Order to revoke Civil Rights Era order to protect against discrimination in federal…

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Transnational Member

Rather than just saying that slaves are citizens of the United States as promised by President Lincoln. They wrote this broad 14th amendment.

Now these foreign intelligence operations are exploiting this loophole with these temporary visas, having a child while they're going to college then taking their American baby back to India or China.

Then they come back when they reach 18 to attend college as a full US citizen. We had three presidential candidates barely in the United States seriously wanting to be president. These groups need to stop it or we all suffer. I am not supporting another Kamala Harris, that will trigger another Trump visiting the White House. They don't want you controlling their nuclear weapons.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate the "white women benefit most from DEI/Affirmative Action" take so much... like, hate it with a passion

Listen, I'm not disagreeing with the factual nature of this statement... yes we are all fully aware that white women are the beneficiaries of affirmative action/DEI...


if one of these prejudiced asswipes walk into a building and are asked to point out then fire the AA/DEI hires, who do you think is about to be boxing up their shit? The white women or the people of color?

that white woman could be the most under qualified, liberal, or uneducated person there, all she has to do is be quiet and watch her whiteness work as they pick out the people of color and say that those are the Didn't Earn It hires.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know that we are not going to wake up in slavery but there is an uneasy, uncertain feeling like never before. Just feels like something horrible is coming.
For example ... using slavery as a punishment for "crimes" (found in the 13th Amendment) is something to look out for.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How much you wanna bet not one of the black dumb fucks who voted for Trump even knew the law existed. All they cared about was "Massa Trump gave me dat simolus money". Fuckin' assholes!!! :mad:
What law are you referring to


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do you think that act prevented black people from being hired due to discrimination? Wanna check the unemployment numbers since?

I was gonna say a bunch of stuff about how stupid you are and what kind of black person you must be to discount the civil rights movement. Or how important the EEOC was in going after racist companies. Then I realized you just trolling cause you woke up this morning looked in the mirror and saw your own skin and hated it. Then I felt sorry for you.

Deprogramming and Restoration Of Pride

You need to turn off the internet lock yourself in a room and read about your history in America. There is hope for you my brother. All you have to do to come back to your people is love yourself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was gonna say a bunch of stuff about how stupid you are and what kind of black person you must be to discount the civil rights movement. Or how important the EEOC was in going after racist companies. Then I realized you just trolling cause you woke up this morning looked in the mirror and saw your own skin and hated it. Then I felt sorry for you.

Deprogramming and Restoration Of Pride

You need to turn off the internet lock yourself in a room and read about your history in America. There is hope for you my brother. All you have to do to come back to your people is love yourself.
You typed all that bullshit and the reality is that black wealth has been stagnant since 1865. All the acts and symbolic advancements you coons celebrate all add up to the same poverty and unemployment and misery for our community as a I'm not celebrating you petit bougie who think you made it because you're closer to whiteness or have some sort of white validation.
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