Breaking Bad *series finale 9/29/2013

Louis Koo

BGOL Investor
Damn. Finally caught up on Dexter and just watched the Breaking Bad Series finale....Talk about complete opposites.....

Breaking Bad ended dope though. I mean maybe it was somewhat predictable but the episode brought closure when I think we all knew how it would end. Better than that Soprano's BULLSHIT. I guess that's my standard. If its better than the Soprano's finale its good. Didn't have to call my cable company and ask why the fuck my shit blacked out at the end of the finale or nothing like that.

sopranos ending was too witty. u would have to know about camera angles to really understand what happened. it's comparing oranges with apples though


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Revenge for killing Andrea cause Jessie loved her ?

I'm talking about the kid on the bicycle.

It would have never got to that if he just swallowed it as business.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Todd had to get got....and the way he killed the one chick in cold blood sealed the audience in wanting him dead....

Jesse was still a bitch in my opinion....your in the illegal business...shit happens you can t be part moral and part shady....or you get what he got...

Skylar was so disloyal...damn Skylar is only slightly below Walking Dead's Laurie in how I feel about her....

Hank got what he deserved too....period...He chose his career over his family...fuck him...

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Todd had to get got....and the way he killed the one chick in cold blood sealed the audience in wanting him dead....

Jesse was still a bitch in my opinion....your in the illegal business...shit happens you can t be part moral and part shady....or you get what he got...

Skylar was so disloyal...damn Skylar is only slightly below Walking Dead's Laurie in how I feel about her....

Hank got what he deserved too....period...He chose his career over his family...fuck him...

How was Skylar disloyal?

She didn't snitch and go crazy like Jesse and kept up the car wash.

Hank was a prick but I understand him wanting to bury Walt. The cousins nearly killed his ass because of him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How was Skylar disloyal?

She didn't snitch and go crazy like Jesse and kept up the car wash.

Hank was a prick but I understand him wanting to bury Walt. The cousins nearly killed his ass because of him.

Skylar always underminded him....and she slept with her boss.....

then used the drug money to cover her dumbass boss......

there are so many things that she did throughout that made her disloyal...not just these things...

When Walt said pack up lets go....she pulls a knife on dude....FOH....

the problem with everyone involved is that they wanted to be half pregnant.......

it doesn t work like that in the illegal lifestyle.....

fuck..cats defending Skylar is something....:smh:

Louis Koo

BGOL Investor
skylar is a bitch. "if i have to hear one more time you did it for the family...." made Walt just straight up lie to her to keep her from flipping out


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
skylar is a bitch. "if i have to hear one more time you did it for the family...." made Walt just straight up lie to her to keep her from flipping out

What? :confused: Walter was telling the truth.. In the beginning it was about the family, but it all went to to his head, and it became more about himself


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BTW, I've never really gotten emotional over any movie or TV series, but for some reason that scene with Andrea getting shot in the back of the head with Jessie watching fucked me up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
sopranos ending was too witty. u would have to know about camera angles to really understand what happened. it's comparing oranges with apples though

Camera angles my ass. I took film/television production in college. That shit doesn't make it any better. :lol: It just spit in the face of the fans of the show but that's what David Chase planned to do.

the crazy thing tho is the fake spoilers was wilder than what actually happened...I was in disbelief when I first read it

Ahh man I need a link to that shit.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
skylar is a bitch. "if i have to hear one more time you did it for the family...." made Walt just straight up lie to her to keep her from flipping out

Like UGK said, that wasn't a lie. He had been lying the whole time about doing it for the family. He did it because he loved it. It gave him power. Like he said, he felt well while doing it. It was the only thing he ever done well and made millions off it.

I think he finally realized it when he saw his kid walking off that school bus and seeing their living conditions. He had realized right then all this shit he did to build for their future wasn't worth it.

Revenge for what? That wasn't his fucking kid.

Jesse's bitch ass was the reason everything escalated the way it did.

Truth be told....Todd was the reason why the nigga wasn't dead to begin with. Todd saved his life. :lol:

Louis Koo

BGOL Investor
What? :confused: Walter was telling the truth.. In the beginning it was about the family, but it all went to to his head, and it became more about himself

no, i think it was the opposite. he got pulled in by the underworld, and in the end he tried to get out for his family when he retired, and he never forgot the purpose was money for the family.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Best fucking ending to a series in a long time... At least he's not a fucking lumberjack or some shit now!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good ending although it was kinda predictable.

I knew he'd find some crazy way to kill everybody.

The way he did Lydia and his former biz partners was classic.

Revenge is indeed sweeter than puzzy.:yes:

They stayed true to the show. Walt always outsmarts everybody. That cunt Marie tried to downplay him. If the writers would have had Walt either get caught or get killed then they would be trying to play the moral card but for once the bad guy won in the end.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

- We watched the Gray Matter episode (from season 1) and the key scenes from Crawl Space and Face Off beforehand
- The finale (Felina) was recording in the background
- We joined it in progress to SKIP all commercials
- Thank goodness for DVRs, PVRs, Tivo, etc. Here in Canada we've got PVRs ... and I can honestly say I pretty much watch 98% of programming off there. Hardly anything live (because of commercials)
- Enjoyed the finale on the whole\
- 1st half was a bit slow
- Good to put the SCARE into Gretchen and Elliott in order to pass along the $9.2+ million to eventually send along to Walt Jr, etc.
- Good to get some final Badger & Skinny Pete to cap the series
- Hopefully Heull & Saul are safe somewhere, BGOL fam :D
- Wish the best for Brock in the future (how does that work - does he live with other family / foster care system?)
- Good to have Walt tie things up with Skyler
- Nice move passing along the coordinates to Hank/Steve's bodies given the gruesome way in which they were taken out
- Nice to poison Lydia as many of us had suspected Walt would do her in
- TODD took out Andrea with a bullet to the back of the head
- Jesse watched her die ^
- Walt also gave Jesse the intel previously on watching Jane die beside dude in bed
- Good to let JESSE finish Todd off by strangulation
- Good to have WALT put one in Jack's forehead while dude scoffed @ him about not knowing the location of the money
- DYING in the lab with a bullet in the stomach with the police arriving on scene ... that pull-away camera shot from above ... made me think about the aforementioned great Crawl Space episode from season 4 ... that final scene was DOPE in that episode in 2011
- Although I didn't follow the Dexter series ... hey ... at least we can say this finale was better than that one, right? At least BB was able to tie things up pretty well ...



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They stayed true to the show. Walt always outsmarts everybody. That cunt Marie tried to downplay him. If the writers would have had Walt either get caught or get killed then they would be trying to play the moral card but for once the bad guy won in the end.

I'm glad too because TV is so predictable. The Wire didn't do that shit either. In every story the bad guy always goes down. You already know what the ending is in season 1. Shit I thought Walter was gonna end up arrested when I first hear the premise of this show......then you start to see how each season is unpredictable...


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Still one of my fave tv episode endings ... Crawl Space from 2011 ... season 4 - episode 11 ... love the way the camera pulls away and then up to the ceiling ... Walt basically being framed like a picture on the wall ... laying on his back underneath the house ... the maniacal laughter ... a nice little light homage to that with the end shot on Felina tonight (season 5 finale). The camera shot pulling away from above ...



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
A White Drug Dealer get praise , If this was about a Black man would it have finished season One

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
BTW, I've never really gotten emotional over any movie or TV series, but for some reason that scene with Andrea getting shot in the back of the head with Jessie watching fucked me up

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Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
A White Drug Dealer get praise , If this was about a Black man would it have finished season One

Shit many black people would go fucking nuts that the show is on tv... and nuts not in a good way... bgol.. would hate .. at least most..


Rising Star
This finally proved my point.. all through out the thread I was debating fools.. about Walts "love" for jessie and his "family"

They always said oh.. he had his own selfish reasons or he doesn't love them

Particularly when I talked about his love for Hank and Jessie

as I said earlier.. walt has killed people for less... yet jessie lives...all the time and now in the end

The look on his face when he seen jessie in chains was the look of a father seeing his son hurt... I seen sadness and anger

Gives the disloyal skyler... some more help to get her off

Has that kid they say is his son become rich... Gretchen and her Husband will make sure he gets the makes sense... safety being number and though they can hire security... a sniper is a bitch it's not "their money":yes: walt said don't spend a dime of your own money doing this...:yes::lol:

also notice the show ended just like this scene...same facial expression and floor layout.. plenty of foreshadowing in this show


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta admit though, Avon Barksdale, Stringer and Marlo were dealers and they were all known for their smarts (different kinds, but still smarts) and Marlo ended up alive and free at the end of the series.

A White Drug Dealer get praise , If this was about a Black man would it have finished season One


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The car keys over the sun visor thing.... does anyone know people that actually do that shit? That's some shit I've only seen in movies and I can't believe anybody is doing that in 2013, even in some little New Hampshire town.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
The car keys over the sun visor thing.... does anyone know people that actually do that shit? That's some shit I've only seen in movies and I can't believe anybody is doing that in 2013, even in some little New Hampshire town.

Yeah - I know some small town people who still do that. Shit ... my brother lives in a small town and they are way too trustworthy there. He drives a Ford Explorer and always leaves it unlocked. Shit has all his tools in it, and a 10-disc cd changer, etc. He leaves his place unlocked too ... rental place adjacent to the homeowner's property. Visited the cat this summer ... and he had his money, passport, and Macbook Pro just sitting there on the kitchen table. Shit was 10 seconds from the street. :eek::smh: - said to my brother all it takes is that 1 visitor to town ... knowing ya'll leave shit unlocked left and right ....


BGOL Investor
This finally proved my point.. all through out the thread I was debating fools.. about Walts "love" for jessie and his "family"

They always said oh.. he had his own selfish reasons or he doesn't love them

Particularly when I talked about his love for Hank and Jessie


who disputed that walt loved jesse like a son?

with regard to hank, you're still way off base.

go back to the episode where skylar visits walt in his condo (after their separation) and discusses hank.

that makes walt's feelings towards hank crystal clear. walt was going to let hank twist in the wind IF SKYLAR HADN'T ASKED HIM TO INTERVENE.

walt didn't love hank. walt only cared for hank inasmuch as hank was a lynchpin for skylar's sanity.