Breaking Bad *series finale 9/29/2013


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A White Drug Dealer get praise , If this was about a Black man would it have finished season One
Ease up Brother. Marlo walked away free and easy in The Wire. I agree with you that there are racial undertones here, but not that serious IMO.

Crossover, I should have read the thread before I posted this. Consider this a cosign.
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Rising Star
BGOL Legend
i really enjoyed how the writers book-ended the hospital scene with ted with todd's scene with skylar in the nursery.

skylar got a taste of heisenberg power over ted (and liked it), but the roles were reversed (and dialogue repeated) when todd visited her.

Yes - they did a good job with book-ending stuff in the series, and having contrasts and homages to past scenes and episodes. Examples being Walt walking through Gretchen and Elliott's place and admiring the layout ... contrasted with him having his final conversation with Skyler in the small kitchen of the shitty place she was living at. Flashing back to his first phone call and lie to Skyler ... with that being the place the major shootout took place with Schrader, Gomez, Jack & crew. Todd killing Andrea. Jesse killing Todd. Gus Fring crying by the pool in the flashback with the cartel. Walt crying in the desert after Hank got blasted. The whole Ozymandias imagery. The ending with Crawl Space with Walt laying on his back ... the ending of the Felina finale with Walt laying on his back in the lab post-gunshot wound.


Rising Star
Re: Breaking Bad *series finale 8/11/13

1 more question.

we know that walt survives long enough to grow a full beard and a thick head of hair.

barring a disguise, does that mean that fate delivers a cruel wrinkle into walt's calculations? that his cancer goes into remission and the possibility of a lifetime in prison is a possible future? making the ricin his way out?

we also know from his stained clothing that walt is not living comfortably. was he forced to surrender his remaining millions?

Or he's trying to look at "poor" as possible... definitely don't need any extra attention being on the run


this was beyond extra strength ring around the collar.

:lol: we'll see



Rising Star

who disputed that walt loved jesse like a son?

with regard to hank, you're still way off base.

go back to the episode where skylar visits walt in his condo (after their separation) and discusses hank.

that makes walt's feelings towards hank crystal clear. walt was going to let hank twist in the wind IF SKYLAR HADN'T ASKED HIM TO INTERVENE.

walt didn't love hank. walt only cared for hank inasmuch as hank was a lynchpin for skylar's sanity.

Who disputed ? all the people in the predictions .. who actually thought it was even possible that walt would kill jessie at all .. or the ones who said I bet Jessie kills walt..

Or posters saying.. Walt only wanted jessie because he could control. him.. or the fact that I pointed out well he could have controlled gale too.

They obviously underestimed the "love" as Fathers don't tend to kill their sons .. nor do son tend to kill their fathers.. and that was the relationship The thought should't have crossed their mind

Jessie is walts son.. I was 99.9 percent sure... that .1 came to make it 100 when I seen how angry and sad he looked when he saw jessie in chains... after jessie snitches.. spit in his face etc... he displayed unconditional love. like a father . by not killing him

I'm not going to try and convince you about his love for hank..anymore you see things your way.. that's a dead horse.:yes:.

You say episode when he gets condo.. and they "discuss" hank vauge.. and his feelings are known ? that doesn't tell me shit. didn't even say episode name or number:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Sad its over , loved the series, but it doesn't sit well with me that, that snitch bitch jesse pinkman survives... :smh: :angry: :angry: :angry:


BGOL Legend
The nazis lived in the middle of nowhere. Who called the cops?

Walt told them where he would be. he didn't plan on living after killing the nazi's and jessee.

when it came down to it, he loved jessee so he didn't and let him go.

but everybody was going to die, the police found what they were supposed to find, heisenberg... just not alive.


BGOL Investor
You say episode when he gets condo.. and they "discuss" hank vauge.. and his feelings are known ? that doesn't tell me shit. didn't even say episode name or number:smh:



i gave you the SPECIFIC scene?

i didn't say "when he gets condo". :smh:

i gave you the scene when skyler and walt are SPECIFICALLY DISCUSSING HANK. in walt's new condo after the separation. nothing vague about that.


BGOL Investor
Re: Breaking Bad *series finale 8/11/13


walt wasn't forced to surrender his millions, he found a way to leave it to his family.

walt wasn't trying to look poor, he was just tore down and haggard.

i was hoping they didn't go with the ricin in the stevia. i predicted that weeks ago. i wanted something more creative.

on another note, the finale was proper. not great, not bad. solid.

felina turned out to be the marty robbins song, as many of us surmised in this thread.

i would've like to have seen an update on saul and some sort of ending to marie's character. but i suspected we wouldn't see anything about marie, since she was a 2D character throughout the show anyway.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I'll post my thoughts later on...

but I STILL need to know what the hell happened with Grey Matter!!!!:angry:

Did the husband KNOW that Walt and his wife were in a relationship?

Why did he suddenly up and leave and take the money?

Was really just because Sklyer was pregnant?

That is pretty the only part is frustrating me...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Saul's spinoff TV series should be good....

Think about it...we are gonna find out how Saul met up with


Hit men...

The guy who goes to jail for folks...

there are so many people and hookups that Saul knew...

his show would be interesting...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BTW, I've never really gotten emotional over any movie or TV series, but for some reason that scene with Andrea getting shot in the back of the head with Jessie watching fucked me up

Yeah that was the scene that sealed the audience against Todd....

Truth is though...I blame Jesse for most of this shit....

Here it is he started all this bullshit cause her son was poisoned....(and healthy by the way afterwards)....

and now his bullshit gets dude's mom's killed.....:smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sad its over , loved the series, but it doesn't sit well with me that, that snitch bitch jesse pinkman survives... :smh: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Yeah at the end of the day Jesse punked out.....

Walt was loyal to Jesse even in the end......but the same can t be said the other way....

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
skylar is a bitch. "if i have to hear one more time you did it for the family...." made Walt just straight up lie to her to keep her from flipping out

Very true. When he first started, he did it for his family. When he found out what having balls felt like, he started to do it for himself. So in the end, after all that badass shit he did as Heisenburg, he still had to cower to Skylar and tell her what she wanted to hear, not what he wanted to say. Balls. Easy come, easy go.

He knew he had to say what that bitch wanted to hear otherwise she puts on another production with her illogical, bitch ass. Even with the money, he had to funnel it through other sources because his stupid ass family didn't want it.

He lied to her to her face, and he is lying to her from beyond the grave with the money.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Very true. When he first started, he did it for his family. When he found out what having balls felt like, he started to do it for himself. So in the end, after all that badass shit he did as Heisenburg, he still had to cower to Skylar and tell her what she wanted to hear, not what he wanted to say. Balls. Easy come, easy go.

He knew he had to say what that bitch wanted to hear otherwise she puts on another production with her illogical, bitch ass. Even with the money, he had to funnel it through other sources because his stupid ass family didn't want it.

He lied to her to her face, and he is lying to her from beyond the grave with the money.

Yeah Skyler was who we thought she was.....disloyal and a bitch....

real talk...Skyler was one of his biggest downfalls besides Jesse....

if Skyler....Hank .....and Jesse....could have just played their position....

everyone would have eaten and been merry......


Fat broads need NOT apply
Saul's spinoff TV series should be good....

Think about it...we are gonna find out how Saul met up with


Hit men...

The guy who goes to jail for folks...

there are so many people and hookups that Saul knew...

his show would be interesting...
Is this a fact? if yes, then.. :dance:

R.I.P. Todd


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
or how about if walt didn't keep the book that was given to him by a dead man in his bathroom...he's too smart to pass it off as an oversight...I know the writers had to quickly tie things together but that irked me too

Yeah Skyler was who we thought she was.....disloyal and a bitch....

real talk...Skyler was one of his biggest downfalls besides Jesse....

if Skyler....Hank .....and Jesse....could have just played their position....

everyone would have eaten and been merry......


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
what was the point of this


according to Vince it was originally just a little continuity fix..

but then it become more.

They realized later that when Walt was breaking the bacon in the diner he didn't have the watch on they had to go back and fix it so they had him take it off.

But "storywise" it symbolized him realizing his time was up and how Jessie gave it to him for his birthday and he wasn't that man anymore...


I have been working badly on an idea Bills thought would be cool and I had to buy a new watch...

and been doing better.

it is the EXACT same watch Gilligan wears when he writes Breaking Bad.

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Rising Star
Platinum Member
what was the point of this
For continuity. They realized that in an earlier filmed scene he wasnt wearing the watch so they wanted to show exactly what happened to the watch. The secondary explanation was that it was a watch Jessie got him on his 51st birthday and he had worn it since and him removing it at that point before enacting his last stand was sort of symbolic of things.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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