Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't believe he's going to lauch anything. but y'all in full panic mode and you can't have reasonable conversations with ninjas that are panicking. I mean nukes are huge you just don't launch 20 at a time. The whole launch process is complicated. But I digress.
We havin a perfectly reasonable convo now. Im saying if he launches 1 or 20. The world aint just gonna go back to how it was.

Oh??? Break the nuclear missile launch process down for me like I'm 6. How does it happen, why can a person only launch 1 at a time, from 1 location??? Im all ears...


Platinum Member
Yes... But firing a missile to blow up another missile carrying a warhead does what??? You think thats the end of it??? As if the notion that he fired a nuke means we can just say we was playing and we go back home. Like the fallout from said nuke being blown up just... Vanishes... As if anyone crazy enough to fire 1... Is gone stop at 1. You acting like its some basic ass missile thats just gonna blow some shit up and not much else.
:lol: i like the way you explained this

Russia launch Nuk
Nato shoot something at Nuk to destroy it
It miss the target, so they send a second

the second hit nuk…. Causing an explosion that is felt from Wakanda to Ireland

Now we ain’t gonna worry about the 1 defense mistake that missed

now the only problem was Nato didn’t expect Russia to launch 10 nuks after the first nuk was shot down

ps. I don’t know shit about the process of launching nuk or much about warfare

so if any of my statements make u say
“Mask don’t know shit, he need to stick to posting them gals… he talking crazy”

i’m say to you “fuck you” :lol: just joking
but on the real now you know I’m limited about the inter works of warfare


International Member
You all thinking about missile strikes...

you all laughed at me the other day when I started that thread "I think I know whag Putin's agende may be"...

What if he detonates something to destabilise the Chernobyl nuclear power plant???


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
We havin a perfectly reasonable convo now. Im saying if he launches 1 or 20. The world aint just gonna go back to how it was.

Oh??? Break the nuclear missile launch process down for me like I'm 6. How does it happen, why can a person only launch 1 at a time, from 1 location??? Im all ears...
Bro I bow out. You win. I'm here to learn about this invasion not go back and forth with you. Peace and blessings


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
You all thinking about missile strikes...

you all laughed at me the other day when I started that thread "I think I know whag Putin's agende may be"...

What if he detonates something to destabilise the Chernobyl nuclear power plant???
Both Ukraine and Russia just made an agreement to protect the plant so that isn't the case

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Actually that was the first thing they did once Russia got there.
I “THINK” securing that plant was top of their list because that happened rather quickly

That makes sense. An “accident” while they are sending troops in would be something.

There are levels to losing. :lol:
Last edited:


Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
⚡️Summary of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine

A statement from the Ministry of Defense has listed Russia’s latest successes in Ukraine:

▪1,000 separate military installations have been hit.

▪Today seven anti-aircraft installations were destroyed, including three Bayraktar drones shot down.

▪Troops from the Lugansk People’s Republic advanced 2.5 miles, forces from Donetsk advanced 3.8 miles with help from Russian forces.

▪Russia acknowledges some forces have been lost, but losses “are many times less than the nationalists’.”

▪The faces, voices and correspondence of Ukrainian Nazis have been identified.

▪Ukrainian servicemen who laid down their arms will be treated with dignity.


black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't believe he's going to lauch anything. but y'all in full panic mode and you can't have reasonable conversations with ninjas that are panicking. I mean nukes are huge you just don't launch 20 at a time. The whole launch process is complicated. But I digress.
We havin a perfectly reasonable convo now. Im saying if he launches 1 or 20. The world aint just gonna go back to how it was.

Oh??? Break the nuclear missile launch process down for me like I'm 6. How does it happen, why can a person only launch 1 at a time, from 1 location??? Im all ears...

Been on this joint for over 20 years and not sure if I’ve ever seen a convo this serious about nukes..

I ain’t an expert by ANY stretch, but I seem to have read a lil more than some here…here’s what I know…

You can definitely launch one nuke at a time…but one icbm can have several MIRVs (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle)… I Think they can have up to 8 or so. Each MIRV allows separately targeted nuclear warheads to be sent on their independent ways after the main propulsion stages of the missile launch have shut down….so one icbm can have multiple nukes.

There are all types of sizes now and the yield can be adjusted…they don’t have to all be MOAB

There are small yield tactical nukes…supposedly for the battlefield..

Russian missiles were notoriously inaccurate…which is why they were also bigger….if its blast is big enough, no need to be as accurate was their thinking. I wouldn’t count on their inaccuracy nowadays tho…

Forget about missiles flying overhead or bombers. IFFFFF it were to happen, it almost certainly would come from a sub…Russia’s got very capable subs…only one has to get close enough to launch…a sub would prolly carry a dozen missiles with 6 or 8 MIRVs each.

‘This is another reason a country like N Korea or Iran can be so dangerous…missile tech is difficult…both of those countries have subs, tho.

The use of the smallest nuke WOULD change things forever….not because of total destruction, but it would change the mindset of using them.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Man the US military has a huge budget for a reason. Theyve been working on star wars since I was a kid. I'm 42 now. Those nukes aren't getting through like that. Beyond that he's surrounded by nukes. The second he launches one the entire mother Russia is gone. We have minutes to shoot his down. He'll literally have seconds. Unless Putin is suicidal he's simply looking for a way out.

you are grossly overestimating the capabilities of the united states nuclear deterrent systems.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Been on this joint for over 20 years and not sure if I’ve ever seen a convo this serious about nukes..

I ain’t an expert by ANY stretch, but I seem to have read a lil more than some here…here’s what I know…

You can definitely launch one nuke at a time…but one icbm can have several MIRVs (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle)… I Think they can have up to 8 or so. Each MIRV allows separately targeted nuclear warheads to be sent on their independent ways after the main propulsion stages of the missile launch have shut down….so one icbm can have multiple nukes.

There are all types of sizes now and the yield can be adjusted…they don’t have to all be MOAB

There are small yield tactical nukes…supposedly for the battlefield..

Russian missiles were notoriously inaccurate…which is why they were also bigger….if its blast is big enough, no need to be as accurate was their thinking. I wouldn’t count on their inaccuracy nowadays tho…

Forget about missiles flying overhead or bombers. IFFFFF it were to happen, it almost certainly would come from a sub…Russia’s got very capable subs…only one has to get close enough to launch…a sub would prolly carry a dozen missiles with 6 or 8 MIRVs each.

‘This is another reason a country like N Korea or Iran can be so dangerous…missile tech is difficult…both of those countries have subs, tho.

The use of the smallest nuke WOULD change things forever….not because of total destruction, but it would change the mindset of using them.
Preciate the info. Now hypothetically. If one wanted to... Could some launch more than 1 nuke(warhead) from more than one location??? Subs, launching stations(or whatever they're called) from different locations???


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Bruh all that is needed is for a few of those things to go off and sending huge amounts of radiation around the world.
No system is perfect, so some may get through.

They have these hypersonic missile now a days.

people really do not understand how nuclear bombs/missiles work.

what was dropped in nagasaki and hiroshima are firecrackers in comparison to the least powerful contemporary nuclear devices.


International Member

They are discussinng what else Putin has in his arsenal (non-nuclear). They got some nasty shit to call on. The presenter just said that a 300K/T warhead fitted to an inter-continental missile would flatten Washington DC, London with one missile on target.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
.......but Russia really isn't that big. The populated areas I mean.....

i am glad that u qualified that statement. but it also presents another issue. there is potential for one area to get hit by a nuclear weapon and due to the massive size of the country putin likely has other areas to retreat to.

"Not surprisingly, the largest country in the world is Russia, which spans a vast 17,098,250 km² across Eastern Europe and Asia. This is followed by Canada (9,879,750 km²) and its aforementioned two million lakes. The country ranked third changes depending upon the source of the comparison. Encyclopedia Britannica gives the third slot to China (9,600,013 km²) and places the United States in fourth. However, other sources, such as the United Nations and the CIA World Factbook, display a larger area for the U.S. and rank it above China."

  1. Russia — 17,098,250 km²
  2. Canada — 9,879,750 km²
  3. China — 9,600,013 km²
  4. United States — 9,525,067 - 9,831,510 km²
  5. Brazil — 8,515,770 km²
  6. Australia — 7,741,220 km²
  7. India — 3,287,260 km²
  8. Argentina — 2,780,400 km²
  9. Kazakhstan — 2,724,902 km²
  10. Algeria — 2,381,741 km²