
Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Yes... But firing a missile to blow up another missile carrying a warhead does what??? You think thats the end of it??? As if the notion that he fired a nuke means we can just say we was playing and we go back home. Like the fallout from said nuke being blown up just... Vanishes... As if anyone crazy enough to fire 1... Is gone stop at 1. You acting like its some basic ass missile thats just gonna blow some shit up and not much else.

this is exactly the type of information that too many people fail to understand.

this is not a video game or a tv show. a single nuclear missile being launched by any country has drastic worldwide consequences regardless of if it hits any target or causes any damage at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

They are discussinng what else Putin has in his arsenal (non-nuclear). They got some nasty shit to call on. The presenter just said that a 300K/T warhead fitted to an inter-continental missile would flatten Washington DC, London with one missile on target.

Wouldn't even have a chance hitting DC. If you ever been to an inauguration in the city, you would understand why I made that comment....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wouldn't even have a chance hitting DC. If you ever been to an inauguration in the city, you would understand why I made that comment....

Speak on it bro.

Spent many a trip up in DC/Northern VA. Most definitely they got hidden defenses everywhere.

I was up there when dude went postal at the Navy Shipyards a few years back...barely got a flight home before they cleared the airspace.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
I didn’t quote you or say you said it was basically nothing. I inferred from your multiple post that your stance is a nuclear strike and the Aftermath is basically nothing because well your example of how Japan came back afterwards.

exactly. japan is still dealing with the fallout of nagasaki and hiroshima. no pun intended.

and it took nearly 4 decades for japan to even recover economically.

black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Preciate the info. Now hypothetically. If one wanted to... Could some launch more than 1 nuke(warhead) from more than one location??? Subs, launching stations(or whatever they're called) from different locations???

Bruh...these wypipo have war down to a science...

If you're asking can one person launch a nuke from different locations, the answer is yes....sheeeid, AF 1 is a flying command center.

You've seen the guys walking with the ALWAYS has a briefcase (the football) with the codes to launch.


Platinum Member
exactly. japan is still dealing with the fallout of nagasaki and hiroshima. no pun intended.

and it took nearly 4 decades for japan to even recover economically.
It takes a while and a while aint months


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
You all thinking about missile strikes...

you all laughed at me the other day when I started that thread "I think I know whag Putin's agende may be"...

What if he detonates something to destabilise the Chernobyl nuclear power plant???

the media said that they are going through chernobyl because that is the most direct route to kyiv.

i always called bullshit on that.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Speak on it bro.

Spent many a trip up in DC/Northern VA. Most definitely they got hidden defenses everywhere.

I was up there when dude went postal at the Navy Shipyards a few years back...barely got a flight home before they cleared the airspace.

Even from a historical standpoint, DC was strategically a place George Washington, who owned most of the land here, decided to move the capital to after the incident that happened in Philly...Hard to invade - a reason why people hate driving in the city because if you don't the city like that the streets are very confusing and you can easily get lost....

I've only been to Obama's inauguration, but let me tell you the amount of security was some shit I have never seen before...

Let's just say every rooftop has military personal with them THANGS that could do some serious damage. On the ground had them Thangs, thangs meaning rocket launchers, on the ground....Like it really was some shit out of the movies...Snippers every where...

If you ever get a chance to see that concert that was done on the lincoln memorial, them boys were walking around the top dressed in all black...All the buildings in the city have them boys walking up top..

It's been rumored to me by true Washingtonians, that there are certain statues throughout the city that look very out of place or just weird, but you don't really pay too much attention to that house missiles pointed directly into the sky...

And just as I type this, 3 presidential helicopters are flying above me right now either taking someone important to or from Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland...


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Even from a historical standpoint, DC was strategically a place George Washington, who owned most of the land here, decided to move the capital to after the incident that happened in Philly...Hard to invade - a reason why people hate driving in the city because if you don't the city like that the streets are very confusing and you can easily get lost....

I've only been to Obama's inauguration, but let me tell you the amount of security was some shit I have never seen before...

Let's just say every rooftop has military personal with them THANGS that could do some serious damage. On the ground had them Thangs, thangs meaning rocket launchers, on the ground....Like it really was some shit out of the movies...Snippers every where...

If you ever get a chance to see that concert that was done on the lincoln memorial, them boys were walking around the top dressed in all black...All the buildings in the city have them boys walking up top..

It's been rumored to me by true Washingtonians, that there are certain statues throughout the city that look very out of place or just weird, but you don't really pay too much attention to that house missiles pointed directly into the sky...

And just as I type this, 3 presidential helicopters are flying above me right now either taking someone important to or from Andrews Airforce Base in Maryland...

We understand that but you said DC couldn't be hit by missiles. Explain that


International Member

Maxar satellite images reveal a 3 mile long convoy of Russian vehicles heading towards Kiev. About 40 miles out.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
how would you describe that system

this is not a video game, tv show or movie.

a laser is not taking out a missile and everything goes back to normal.

in its current state the "star wars" nuclear deterrent system is rudimentary at best. and in the event of a true nuclear attack the world is screwed.

nuclear missiles actually detonate their yield a mile or so above the target. simply disabling a missile does not destroy the warhead.

there is way too much to get into here without calling on colin. but long story short the united states does not have a comprehensive "star wars" nuclear defense shield.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruh...these wypipo have war down to a science...

If you're asking can one person launch a nuke from different locations, the answer is yes....sheeeid, AF 1 is a flying command center.

You've seen the guys walking with the ALWAYS has a briefcase (the football) with the codes to launch.
I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy or ill informed. Buddy was talking like Putin could only shoot 1 at a time like some old gun powder muskets or some shit. Like he was gone let off 1, wait like 16 hours and then launch another. Talking about Russia would be gone before they could launch more and shit.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Although I sympathize for the Palestinians can somebody tell King nobody gives a fuck about them right now. Now is not the time.

mofos are pulling out all of the stops for the distractions and to also have an attempt on the upcoming midterms.