
Support BGOL
I'm glad none of you are in charge.

The shit has popped off. No matter who started it.

While you point fingers about what started it and worry about racism which is wrong but was there the whole time and will continue to be there, forces are acting that will make racism nonexistent for certain.

Bury your head in the sand all you want, it's still happening.

Tell the nuclear warhead tipped missiles raining down upon you that you Black and had nothing to do with this White man's war...see how that works out.
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Platinum Member
All fair points and I doubt anyone would disagree with you about any of it however, this conflict (given who's involved and their history of violence) could pop off into a world war. Letting Russia move from Ukraine to Poland, etc., only agitates our allies and before you know it we're all lobbing bombs. Support is not propaganda based it's based off of the big picture should Russia take Ukraine and keep pushing east.
Not to play the devil advocate but what if Russia citizen feel like wise about NATO surrounding them…

At this point it’s got to the point whereit’s nuclear nations picking at each other…

they done smoothly convinced some nation to get rid of theirs then invaded :lol:

that’s why Lil Kim said nope I ain’t doing that shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm glad none of you are in charge.

The shit has popped off. No matter who started it.

While you point fingers and worry about racism which is wrong but was there the whole time and will continue to be there, forces are acting that will make racism nonexistent for certain.

Bury your head in the sand all you want, it's still happening.

Tell the nuclear warhead tipped missiles raining down upon you that you Black and had nothing to do with this White man's war...see how that works out.
This sounds coonish and dramatic. Black people more likely to die in this country by this country then some nuclear war


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit is crazy. Remember though, this is all part of Putins 4D chess that us non-conspiratorial mortals can't understand. They are intentionally losing and embaraasing/further isolating themselves on the global stage so that when they start winning, it will look better. :rolleyes: :lol:

Yooooooooooooooooooooo. Either this is top notch Ukrainian propaganda, or Putin is an ever bigger piece of shit that I imagined (and I already thought he was a gigantic pos). This bitch really took Ukrainian citizens from the newly recognized independent regions and used them as fodder on the front line. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Anyone know the legal justification of this? I know why they're ultimately doing this shit. If all of those oligarchs get their money and possessions taken they may try to pull some Operation Valkyrie shit on Putin, but how tf are they seizing this shit under the law?


Support BGOL
Anyone know the legal justification of this? I know why they're ultimately doing this shit. If all of those oligarchs get their money and possessions taken they may try to pull some Operation Valkyrie shit on Putin, but how tf are they seizing this shit under the law?

Probably naming them a rogue state or similar. There are countries we don't do business with and we can seize their citizens assets...just adding Russia to the list. That's just me answering without doing any research so just speculation...we still buying their oil so maybe just certain industries and assets are sanctioned.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
I'm glad none of you are in charge.

The shit has popped off. No matter who started it.

While you point fingers about what started it and worry about racism which is wrong but was there the whole time and will continue to be there, forces are acting that will make racism nonexistent for certain.

Bury your head in the sand all you want, it's still happening.

Tell the nuclear warhead tipped missiles raining down upon you that you Black and had nothing to do with this White man's war...see how that works out.

This reads like a CAC wrote it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shut your Trump lovin, Russian propagandist ass up! You one of the reasons why I stopped giving to this board. Y’all are allowed to spread Russian talking points without impunity.


IRA targeted Us specifically to get us to not vote and we still have people who remain Russian apologists:

“Messaging to African Americans sought to divert their political energy away from established political institutions by preying on anger with structural inequalities faced by African Americans,” the report states. “These campaigns pushed a message that the best way to advance the cause of the African American community was to boycott the election and focus on other issues instead."

Persuading African Americans to stay home was a staple of the Trump campaign’s approach, too. Barack Obama had twice won the presidency by motivating black turnout. Trump’s path to victory hinged on getting as many white voters to come out as possible while hoping the Obama coalition stayed home—or persuading them to do so.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone know the legal justification of this? I know why they're ultimately doing this shit. If all of those oligarchs get their money and possessions taken they may try to pull some Operation Valkyrie shit on Putin, but how tf are they seizing this shit under the law?

They are sanctioned, so they can have their assets seized.


Rising Star
I'm glad none of you are in charge.

The shit has popped off. No matter who started it.

While you point fingers about what started it and worry about racism which is wrong but was there the whole time and will continue to be there, forces are acting that will make racism nonexistent for certain.

Bury your head in the sand all you want, it's still happening.

Tell the nuclear warhead tipped missiles raining down upon you that you Black and had nothing to do with this White man's war...see how that works out.
I get a laugh out of those who live in the USA cheering on negative things that happen or could happen to the country that they live in as if only white folk are or will be affected. Yet we talk about white folk cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not to play the devil advocate but what if Russia citizen feel like wise about NATO surrounding them…

At this point it’s got to the point whereit’s nuclear nations picking at each other…

they done smoothly convinced some nation to get rid of theirs then invaded :lol:

that’s why Lil Kim said nope I ain’t doing that shit

By your metric Israel should feel some kind of way being surrounded by Muslims and- playing devils advocate- be justified invading neighbors (which they've done to a degree).

The way you've posed the question doesn't really allow for an answer bc there are too many qualifiers we'd have to agree on before having a conversation. For example, Russia media is state run so it's next to impossible to know how the Russian Citizens feel. Also, Russia has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world and a lot of oil, they should and could have a vibrant economy but they don't due to rampant corruption. The Russian economy (nationally) is about the size of New Yorks. An economy the size of New York with 145 million inhabitants is a toxic recipe and Russian's (even though I don't know this) would probably give their first born to be apart of the EU & NATO.



IRA targeted Us specifically to get us to not vote and we still have people who remain Russian apologists:

“Messaging to African Americans sought to divert their political energy away from established political institutions by preying on anger with structural inequalities faced by African Americans,” the report states. “These campaigns pushed a message that the best way to advance the cause of the African American community was to boycott the election and focus on other issues instead."

Persuading African Americans to stay home was a staple of the Trump campaign’s approach, too. Barack Obama had twice won the presidency by motivating black turnout. Trump’s path to victory hinged on getting as many white voters to come out as possible while hoping the Obama coalition stayed home—or persuading them to do so.
