BREAKING: INVESTIGATION ENDS, AG BARR HAS MUELLERS REPORT .... an impending twitter fest now looms


BGOL Investor
Straight up.... I would be SHOCKED if Trump lost in 2020. The way shit is going, fucking Ruth Bader Ginsburg gonna die 2 months before the fucking election and motivate every fucking republican alive to come out and vote :smh:
To her credit she been in the gym getting brolic I don’t think she going anywhere anytime soon.. But she admitted she’s waiting until after 2020 to retire


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
This report really muddy up the waters for trump reelection especially the letter from Barr. Also you’re forgetting economy is getting very shaky there is another factor to his demise


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Been reading into this.

AG Burr has only released a 4 page summary of Muellers report.

He has not released the full report as of this time.

Democrats are pushing him to release the full report.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
He was never going to say that he colluded...

There never was enough to show that he specifically worked with the Russians in their attempt to direct the election....

But the report did state that the Russians made several attempts to direct trump and his people.... I’m curious about all the people that the Russians did contact within trump organization and there are some people that we don’t know about.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Probably so? A 2 year investigation and the closest answer you can get is "probably so"?

NO ONE went to jail for collusion with Russia.

There is no proof of anything that can put Trump in jail.

No proof he is beholden to Russia.

No proof Russia is influencing US policy in any way.

2 year investigation. No collusion charges.

Let. It. Go.

Move on.
Probably so? A 2 year investigation and the closest answer you can get is "probably so"?

NO ONE went to jail for collusion with Russia.

There is no proof of anything that can put Trump in jail.

No proof he is beholden to Russia.

No proof Russia is influencing US policy in any way.

2 year investigation. No collusion charges.

Let. It. Go.

Move on.

Mueller’s mandate wasn’t to investigate the financial shit, it was strictly about the election and coordination/conspiracy with the campaign. That was always going to be hard to prove other than surrogates like Rodger dumb ass Stone. But the financial shit - money laundering, financial crimes?

That’s for SDNY and State charges. C’mon y’all, let’s not be naive. Trump was already beholden before he ran. Why would he coordinate during the election? Why would he need to? Russia had two options: Hilary or some food that indirectly owes them billions.


BGOL Investor
Yea.. they knew what time it was. Barrs son in law took a gig as advising attorney for WH counsel right after he was confirmed. This shit is beyond a joke my man.
Barr is the same clown when he was AG during Bush sr term advised Bush to pardon those involved in the Iran contra scandal especially when the investigation was getting close to Bush sr himself


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
These cacs are going overboard with their Obama Revenge, they out here flexin' their white supremacy card
in broad daylight and all out in the open :eek2: :smh:


Rising Star
Mueller’s mandate wasn’t to investigate the financial shit, it was strictly about the election and coordination/conspiracy with the campaign. That was always going to be hard to prove other than surrogates like Rodger dumb ass Stone. But the financial shit - money laundering, financial crimes?

Moving the goalpost but go on....

That’s for SDNY and State charges. C’mon y’all, let’s not be naive. Trump was already beholden before he ran. Why would he coordinate during the election? Why would he need to? Russia had two options: Hilary or some food that indirectly owes them billions.

Beholden huh? What has Trump given the Russians since he's been in office? What moves has he made that have been in the interest of Putin?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member

If we could just get people to understand one of the comments:
Here's the thing: elections fucking matter.
If you want to protect your democracy, don't pull a hissy fit and sit on the sidelines because your savior candidate didn't make the final round.

Don't moan because the winning candidate didn't ask for your vote or was uninspiring or failed your purity test.

You really want to win healthcare or education or jobs? Vote up and down the ticket in EVERY election, otherwise Republicans will place Republicans over every aspect of your life and all of us will be forced to live with it because you gave up.

This report should NOT be a shock.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Moving the goalpost but go on....

Beholden huh? What has Trump given the Russians since he's been in office? What moves has he made that have been in the interest of Putin?

He's removed sanctions on one of the oligarchs, attempted to water down others, attempted to do what he wanted in Syria when he tried to pull out and abandon the Kurds, and changed the GOP platform during the RNC convention on top of defending him against the findings of our intelligence agencies and refusing to take action to make our elections more secure.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
If we could just get people to understand one of the comments:
Here's the thing: elections fucking matter.
If you want to protect your democracy, don't pull a hissy fit and sit on the sidelines because your savior candidate didn't make the final round.

Don't moan because the winning candidate didn't ask for your vote or was uninspiring or failed your purity test.

You really want to win healthcare or education or jobs? Vote up and down the ticket in EVERY election, otherwise Republicans will place Republicans over every aspect of your life and all of us will be forced to live with it because you gave up.

This report should NOT be a shock.
I think the report is damaging for trump It is barr that put lipstick on a pig at this point


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
He's removed sanctions on one of the oligarchs, attempted to water down others, attempted to do what he wanted in Syria when he tried to pull out and abandon the Kurds, and changed the GOP platform during the RNC convention on top of defending him against the findings of our intelligence agencies and refusing to take action to make our elections more secure.

Yep I mean it was freaking obvious.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Yea.. they knew what time it was. Barrs son in law took a gig as advising attorney for WH counsel right after he was confirmed. This shit is beyond a joke my man.

CACs are something else man. Trump literally told us on live TV that he fired Comey to end the Russia investigation and then told the Russians the same shit in the Oval Office with a hot mic on him. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Moving the goalpost but go on....

Bruh. They have always made it clear that Mueller would pass on financial crimes to SDNY. He was strictly out for conspiracy related to the campaign.

Beholden huh? What has Trump given the Russians since he's been in office? What moves has he made that have been in the interest of Putin?

Wait what? Can’t be serious man. Start with not even acknowledging that Russia attacked us or even attempting to confront or prepare for more cyber attack’s. His policy on NATO, North Korea, Afghanistan, Crimea, etc.. there are whole articles on how Trump is acting like a Russian asset. Vanity Fair, Washington Post, New York Times. Shit Washington Post has an articles giving 18 reasons why this fool might be a Russian asset.


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
WTF Barr's daughter is working for Trump, i just saw the tweet on twitter somewhere :eek2: