BREAKING: INVESTIGATION ENDS, AG BARR HAS MUELLERS REPORT .... an impending twitter fest now looms


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
So this Barr clown was a well paid fixer :smh:

He was The Wolf from Pulp Fiction.

Someone who was just confirmed last month shouldn't even have the power to do what he just did. The entire system needs to be reworked because it's wholly corrupt. He literally came in after a two year investigation and sacked it and wrote a press release to help Trump.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
INteresting so Mueller is also supposed to deliver a counterintelligence report that will sent to the committee because it’s separate from the criminal investigation

So I just learned something new
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Duppy Maker
BGOL Investor
INteresting so Mueller is also supposed to deliver a counterintelligence report that will sent to the committee because it’s separate from the criminal investigation

So I just learned something new

Look up Yuriy Lutsenko


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
ALso I’m trying to really understand the members saying this is a left/ democratic investigation.....
This entire thing started when the Republicans has the presidency, the senate, the House, and the Attorney Generals office..

Yes democrats have been hanging on the investigation .... but don’t let Trump/ Fox News confuse you guys about who started and controlled this Investigation...

“The Republicans”

They had clear control of the house and Senate..


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
ALso I’m trying to really understand the members saying this is a left/ democratic investigation.....
This entire thing started when the Republicans has the presidency, the senate, the House, and the Attorney Generals office..

Yes democrats have been hanging on the investigation .... but don’t let Trump/ Fox News confuse you guys about who started and controlled this Investigation...

“The Republicans”

They had clear control of the house and Senate..
Fox News is saying that to confuse their viewers


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I am not. There is a level of bullshit in this process that is Approaching critical mass right now. The Attorney General had enough evidence to charge Trump but he choose not to also he is covering his ass by saying that the report doesn’t exonerate Trump.

Completely agree...

How can we get pissed when an Attorney General decides to not charge a cop for Killing an unarmed black kid because of “lack of probably cause”

But not be equally pissed at this...

Cause it’s the exact same thing....

I’m matters like this.. you send to a grand jury in a criminal case and let a court decide...

Since this isn’t a typical case... you send this to Congress and let them decide...


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Give it up, bro

Was there probable coordination between Trump and the Russians? Probably. But there's no smoking gun.. you can't do shit without the smoking gun.

There is almost never a smoking gun...

Nixon was an exception and even take took years...

Clinton took a years and he was impeached on less...

The main difference is that Trump didn’t testify.....

Again.. I repeat

This report was never going to say Collusion...

Obstruction was the more likely scenario

And I do think he is fucked on the campaign finance shit... You can’t charge Cohen and Not Trump.... for the same thing.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
It’s safe to say that everyone who is not Trump supporters sees the cover-up....This was a very sloppy attempt at a cover-up as well


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
My quick summary of this report especially today there is a major cover-up going on and it has something to do with the attorney general. Apparently there was enough to charge trump with something from the report but the attorney general chose not to.

Ding ding ding....


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
ALso I’m trying to really understand the members saying this is a left/ democratic investigation.....
This entire thing started when the Republicans has the presidency, the senate, the House, and the Attorney Generals office..

Yes democrats have been hanging on the investigation .... but don’t let Trump/ Fox News confuse you guys about who started and controlled this Investigation...

“The Republicans”

They had clear control of the house and Senate..

Media let him push Mueller and the "13 angry democrats" bullshit when all the leadership in control of all the investigations were fucking Trump-appointed Republican. Even the Deputy U.S. Attorney for the United States Attorney's Office for SDNY is a Trump-appointed Republican.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I am curious about the statements that Barr said were related to obstruction that were not made in public.

I’m also curious to see what it says about the Trump campaigns relationship with Wikileaks...

That connection was the only thing closest to amounting to collusion ....

But since Wikileaks isn’t considered a state actor and since They don’t have anything that explicitly shows that Wikileaks did anything on behalf of Russia and if they were there is nothing to show that trump knew about it... that’s why they would have a criminal case for collusion for working with a foreign power prior to the election

But trump and his people have constantly denied any connection with Wikileaks.....

But we all know that Mueller has evidence to show that Roger stone was definitely in contact with them...

So even though it wouldn’t a criminal charge... if the report says that Trump’s campaign was in contact with Wikileaks.... then you have a huge lie from the campaign.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is almost never a smoking gun...

Nixon was an exception and even take took years...

Clinton took a years and he was impeached on less...

The main difference is that Trump didn’t testify.....

Again.. I repeat

This report was never going to say Collusion...

Obstruction was the more likely scenario

And I do think he is fucked on the campaign finance shit... You can’t charge Cohen and Not Trump.... for the same thing.


He's gonna skate on campaign finance charges too because of what happened with John Edwards. You can't prove he paid the money to influence the election. That orange motherfucker will say he did it to protect his marriage.

The only hope is that the SDNY has sealed indictments on him that will catch him if he's voted out in 2020


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shit, Democrats now almost surely have to play it safe and go with a cac like Joe Biden in 2020


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y'all let this bullshit consume y'all's lives for 22 got damn months. Didn't y'all learn anything from the 2016 election??? Distract y"all for months on end and finally hit y"all with the okie doke of things aren't going to end the way y'all thought they would.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
At the gym, it was interesting to see CNN and FOX right next to each other on the TVs. I try to keep an open mind but those fox people are living in fantasy land. I can hardly believe the lies they tell one after another. It's mind-boggling. And worrisome that there are enough people watching to let them stay on the air.

I said it before and I'll say it again: this report will "leak" in its entirety. It doesn't matter to the trump people and the republicans, they've made their beds. It's the people who can be swayed.

Then again as long as the travesty called the electoral college is in place, it will be hard to stop trump in '20.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
As someone who never thought Trump would get removed this changes nothing. But I said on this forum, by continuing to believe the fantasy that Trump would be removed, when he wasn’t, folks would consider the game rigged and give up.

Fuck paying attention to these investigations. Let them play out, ain’t shot any of us can do to affect them anyway.

What wencan do is remember we just washed these fucks a few months ago, and we can wash them again if we quit fighting amongst ourseleves and fucking focus.

Getting trump out in 2020 in the number one agenda item. I don’t want to hear any other agendas right now.

Oraganize, donate, talm to your folks. Get them ready to vote. We have 18 months. Let’s put in that work.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Completely agree...

How can we get pissed when an Attorney General decides to not charge a cop for Killing an unarmed black kid because of “lack of probably cause”

But not be equally pissed at this...

Cause it’s the exact same thing....

I’m matters like this.. you send to a grand jury in a criminal case and let a court decide...

Since this isn’t a typical case... you send this to Congress and let them decide...
As someone who never thought Trump would get removed this changes nothing. But I said on this forum, by continuing to believe the fantasy that Trump would be removed, when he wasn’t, folks would consider the game rigged and give up.

Fuck paying attention to these investigations. Let them play out, ain’t shot any of us can do to affect them anyway.

What wencan do is remember we just washed these fucks a few months ago, and we can wash them again if we quit fighting amongst ourseleves and fucking focus.

Getting trump out in 2020 in the number one agenda item. I don’t want to hear any other agendas right now.

Oraganize, donate, talm to your folks. Get them ready to vote. We have 18 months. Let’s put in that work.

I agree. But how does that jive with ADOS? Is that important? Do we get moral victories for having politicians mention reparations in s Democratic debate while Trump coasts using that shit as a rallying point?

What’s the goal for Us?


Rising Star
So this Barr clown was a well paid fixer :smh:

The thing about that is Trump was going to always have his people as the ultimate arbiter of the investigation since day one. Thats why it was entirely silly to spend years hanging your hat on this. It doesnt matter if congress has Muller come in and testify a month from now as the public opinion is going to be locked in by the first major version of the story.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
At the gym, it was interesting to see CNN and FOX right next to each other on the TVs. I try to keep an open mind but those fox people are living in fantasy land. I can hardly believe the lies they tell one after another. It's mind-boggling. And worrisome that there are enough people watching to let them stay on the air.

I said it before and I'll say it again: this report will "leak" in its entirety. It doesn't matter to the trump people and the republicans, they've made their beds. It's the people who can be swayed.

Then again as long as the travesty called the electoral college is in place, it will be hard to stop trump in '20.
No....Michigan and WI went back Dem