BREAKING: INVESTIGATION ENDS, AG BARR HAS MUELLERS REPORT .... an impending twitter fest now looms


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
DAMN !!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel like I am reliving Robb Stark in the Red Wedding


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I told yo old ass it wasn’t collusion that was going to take trump out.. it will be his decades of scamming NY out of 100s of millions in taxes and other housing fuckery..

You forget what NYS did to his foundation?

After he's out of office, like they've done with two x-presidents in brazil.... but this muthafucka is probably going to be re-elected now


BGOL Investor
After he's out of office, like they've done with two x-presidents in brazil.... but this muthafucka is probably going to be re-elected now
Or he prob won’t... Dems still need to come out in force like they did in 2018... even if he’s re-elected

Congress Dems still need to keep the pressure on with the oversight


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
They ain't Trump. That's like when cats were running around with Obama maps in 2016. Obama ain't running. Some bland, ho-hum politicians are running. Democrats have a battle right there if this were just a regular election.

I think the Dems can put together a winning ticket.... but I question it happening because they're always chasing CAC rural voters.The midterms show you the way...but they're trying to seem "moderate" for white rural voters. If they don't get a woman and/or a black person (or POC) on that ticket, they can kiss this election goodbye. CACs love Trump.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I told yo old ass it wasn’t collusion that was going to take trump out.. it will be his decades of scamming NY out of 100s of millions in taxes and other housing fuckery..

You forget what NYS did to his foundation?
Yep. had he not been such a bitch and injected himself into the election, none of this shit likely would be happening. he did more damage than anyone. No one helped Trump more than him
And the bitch ass cac has no self awareness or shame.. He just keeps peaking his head out his rathole giving his 2cents as if anyone asked him any got dam thing.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
yo @BDR Remember when the MSM spin it that the Dems lost the midterms but when all the votes came in that had the biggest wins in House history for the Dem Party in terms of flipping seats?

The more I'm reading the more it's becoming clearer that Barr is just covering for Trump and it's just gonna be about how long they can keep the report from the public.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

he was not Exonerated and Republicans are now backpedaling about releasing the report

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I told yo old ass it wasn’t collusion that was going to take trump out.. it will be his decades of scamming NY out of 100s of millions in taxes and other housing fuckery..

You forget what NYS did to his foundation?

Cohen pleaded guilty a year ago and he’s still not in jail. Do you really think Trump will be investigated, charged, tried, convicted and appealed to the supreme court in the next 18 months?

Bruh, Trump is not going to be removed from office.

He’ll go to jail after he’s out of office.


BGOL Investor
yo @BDR Remember when the MSM spin it that the Dems lost the midterms but when all the votes came in that had the biggest wins in House history for the Dem Party in terms of flipping seats?

The more I'm reading the more it's becoming clearer that Barr is just covering for Trump and it's just gonna be about how long they can keep the report from the public.

Pelosi know what time is it

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
They ain't Trump. That's like when cats were running around with Obama maps in 2016. Obama ain't running. Some bland, ho-hum politicians are running. Democrats have a battle right there if this were just a regular election.

And Dems don’t vote nearly as much as Republicans in midterm elections. They vote in much higher numbers in presidential elections.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor

Cohen pleaded guilty a year ago and he’s still not in jail. Do you really think Trump will be investigated, charged, tried, convicted and appealed to the supreme court in the next 18 months?

Bruh, Trump is not going to be removed from office.

He’ll go to jail after he’s out of office.

Politically, this shit is completely over in terms of any real ramifications for Trump.

Now it's just about seeing Trump get his at some point... but that will need to be after he leaves office. He'll have indictments waiting for him, but politically, he's teflon right now. He has all his people running interference for him and he's been "vindicated" by the only thing that could have reasonably led to his impeachment.

Any other POTUS would have longed been impeached, but the "Bar(r)" is higher for Trump and he just escaped the only real pressure he had that could have led to impeachment.

Pelosi probably knew as soon as Barr was confirmed that it was over.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
And Dems don’t vote nearly as much as Republicans in midterm elections. They vote in much higher numbers in presidential elections.

Yeah. If they just keep the caucus together, they can still win considering how the mid-terms went. It's politics/campaigning/GOTV now. Let Congress do what it's going to do but they have to be focused on 2020.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I think the Dems can put together a winning ticket.... but I question it happening because they're always chasing CAC rural voters.The midterms show you the way...but they're trying to seem "moderate" for white rural voters. If they don't get a woman and/or a black person (or POC) on that ticket, they can kiss this election goodbye. CACs love Trump.
Democrats got a lot of juggling to do. They have to balance the far left with the moderate folks in the midwest. Hillary basically said fuck it last time. She treated the white voters in the midwest the opposite of Obama.

I don't envy their position. They can't just think best candidate or policy; they have to think identity. Man. This whole thing is a mess. :smh:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You gotta give Trump credit. He probably knew shit was wrapping up and that's why he finally sacked Sessions. Then he put a clown in charge until he could find a real cleanup man. This nigga is a world-class crook who is used to beating the system.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Democrats got a lot of juggling to do. They have to balance the far left with the moderate folks in the midwest. Hillary basically said fuck it last time. She treated the white voters in the midwest the opposite of Obama.

I don't envy their position. They can't just think best candidate or policy; they have to think identity. Man. This whole thing is a mess. :smh:

Straight up.... I would be SHOCKED if Trump lost in 2020. The way shit is going, fucking Ruth Bader Ginsburg gonna die 2 months before the fucking election and motivate every fucking republican alive to come out and vote :smh:


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Man I keep re-reading that Barr letter...dude ain’t about shit, but he got some Bill Slick Willy Clinton “that depends on what your meaning of the word ‘is’ is” word smithing going on :smh:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
My quick summary of this report especially today there is a major cover-up going on and it has something to do with the attorney general. Apparently there was enough to charge trump with something from the report but the attorney general chose not to.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Man I keep re-reading that Barr letter...dude ain’t about shit, but he got some Bill Slick Willy Clinton “that depends on what your meaning of the work ‘is’ is” word smithing going on :smh:
Man you could tell there is a cover-up going on


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Man I keep re-reading that Barr letter...dude ain’t about shit, but he got some Bill Slick Willy Clinton “that depends on what your meaning of the work ‘is’ is” word smithing going on :smh:

Yep. He even said "I haven't even finished reading it". He very clearly just provided cover for Trump and it's on some "it depends on what the meaning of a crime is".


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I think that's what @Big Tex is saying.... just focus on the campaign and beat Trump at the ballot box because the numbers already said that's doable.
It’s very much doable the Big sign that Trump is in trouble is Wisconsin and Michigan with Democratic.


Uncle Juice
BGOL Investor
Democrats got a lot of juggling to do. They have to balance the far left with the moderate folks in the midwest. Hillary basically said fuck it last time. She treated the white voters in the midwest the opposite of Obama.

I don't envy their position. They can't just think best candidate or policy; they have to think identity. Man. This whole thing is a mess. :smh:

Straight up.... I would be SHOCKED if Trump lost in 2020. The way shit is going, fucking Ruth Bader Ginsburg gonna die 2 months before the fucking election and motivate every fucking republican alive to come out and vote :smh:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
My quick summary of this report especially today there is a major cover-up going on and it has something to do with the attorney general. Apparently there was enough to charge trump with something from the report but the attorney general chose not to.

Barr wrote a letter to the WH literally saying if he was AG, he would shut this shit down. He auditioned to do exactly what he just did.

And people have to realize that admitting to obstruction of justice would implicate Rosenstein because he wrote the letter that offered Trump the cover to fire Comey so Rosenstein was never going to support an obstruction charge.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Barr wrote a letter to the WH literally saying if he was AG, he would shut this shit down. He auditioned to do exactly what he just did.

And people have to realize that admitting to obstruction of justice would implicate Rosenstein because he wrote the letter that offered Trump the cover to fire Comey so Rosenstein was never going to support an obstruction charge.
I know this is why I am not letting it go I don’t care how many BGOL members bitch about me. I was prepared to say this report is fucked up and move on until other stuff started happening naw I’m gonna keep talking about this