Caitlin Clark Is The Truth


Rising Star
Hate is hate and criticism is criticism. It all depends on the angle and who it's coming from.

Regarding Caitlin, in this thread it's hate from specific members. We've all criticized Caitlin and it's not hate, but from them it is.

This is was a thread about one basketball player where it transitioned to be about WNBA basketball. But it's still the majority about Caitlin.

The issue is that many white people have made Caitlin a Black and White issue and several members came into this thread and made it a Black and white issue too. Whereas the rest of us are just speaking about basketball.

Caitlin can shoot, pass and rebound so that would make her a 3 dimensional player.

She needs to work on her defense, offense, attitude, body language and leadership skills. Those are criticisms and critiques.

Haters come in here and nitpick every single thing that she does wrong because white people told them that Caitlin was the GOAT. And their goal is to show us, "Even though we're not the audience that they need to be speaking to" that she's not the GOAT.

None of us said or think that she's the GOAT. But Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and social media amped them up on the Caitlin Clark talk and they come in here mad.

Again in this thread we're talking basketball and it's not a Black and white issue, to us. So if you see a person using words like "Caping for", "Coon", or "Hyping up white queen". Just know that to them it's a Black and white issue and they're influenced by social media and the media in general.

While the rest of us are talking about Caitlin Clark, not Caitlin Trump.

And it's perfectly ok to be a hater, I'm a hater too when it comes to some things. This country really is pussy when someone can't admit to being a hater.

I'm a J Lo hater and I have no problem admitting it :lol:

BINGO! Fuckers running at the mouth and conflating unrelated shit with me I never said.

:angry:THAT BITCH NOT EVEN A TOP 25 PLAYER!! ...... i never said she was :dunno:

:angry:THAT BITCH UGLY AS FUCK AND LOOK LIKE MEL GIBSON!! ...... i never claimed her to be cute :dunno:

:angry:WHITE PEOPLE LOVE THAT BITCH AND SOME OF HER FANS ARE RACIST ...... i never said those elements didn't exist :dunno:

:angry:WELL IM NOT GONNA WORSHIP THAT BITCH AND YOU CANT MAKE ME!!! ...... i never implied you had to :dunno:

SHE NOT THE ONLY ROOKIE HOOPING!! ..... i didn't say she was :dunno:

again...why are you so angry? ,,,,,:angry:BECAUSE YOU IN HERE COONING AND I HATE YOU TOO!!

you know you not using the term correctly? Please show me my coon activities. :angry:YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SAID


...running around with torches and lanterns. on a real Winston Salem witch hunt.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
BINGO! Fuckers running at the mouth and conflating unrelated shit with me I never said.

:angry:THAT BITCH NOT EVEN A TOP 25 PLAYER!! ...... i never said she was :dunno:

:angry:THAT BITCH UGLY AS FUCK AND LOOK LIKE MEL GIBSON!! ...... i never claimed her to be cute :dunno:

:angry:WHITE PEOPLE LOVE THAT BITCH AND SOME OF HER FANS ARE RACIST ...... i never said those elements didn't exist :dunno:

:angry:WELL IM NOT GONNA WORSHIP THAT BITCH AND YOU CANT MAKE ME!!! ...... i never implied you had to :dunno:

SHE NOT THE ONLY ROOKIE HOOPING!! ..... i didn't say she was :dunno:

again...why are you so angry? ,,,,,:angry:BECAUSE YOU IN HERE COONING AND I HATE YOU TOO!!

you know you not using the term correctly? Please show me my coon activities. :angry:YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SAID


...running around with torches and lanterns. on a real Winston Salem witch hunt.

You summed it up perfectly :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She just getting started. I expect more major brands will get on board. Could be wrong, but I haven't seen many Gatorade ads with WNBA players.

Much easier to market women who are feminine.

DING DING DING DING.....The WNBA powers to be think folks should just love their lifestyle when that just isn't reality. Angel is everything feminine and she has a hell of a personality.


Star Playa
BGOL Investor
They need to bring back Te’a Cooper with her juicy ass. Get her on the Sky with her buddy Reese. I just wanna see ass hugging booty shorts running up and down the court.

This is why I'm excited for expansion. There are a lot of players like Te'a out there that can ball. There simply isn't enough spots for them.

The good news is she's still balling so she can definitely step into a situation if she's called.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Investor
They need to bring back Te’a Cooper with her juicy ass. Get her on the Sky with her buddy Reese. I just wanna see ass hugging booty shorts running up and down the court.

This is why I'm excited for expansion. There are a lot of players like Te'a out there that can ball. There simply isn't enough spots for them.

The good news is she's still balling so she can definitely step into a situation if she's called.

They didn't cut her because she couldn't play they cut her because they didn't want to pay her, I figured another team would have grabbed her right up but they didn't. I follow her on Snapchat she keeps hinting at coming back but never does. She played a couple games in some kind of league earlier this year, hopefully with the expansion someone does pick her up