Caitlin Clark Is The Truth


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Man deserted the whole league once it was obvious angel wasn't going to win.
All those other black players don't deserve support?
Shit I paid for the damn wnba package. I put my money where my mouth is
Im a manager at an event center/sports bar. I've watched just abouy every televised WNBA game this season.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No Aubrey. Quite the opposite. Like I said. I've been here a long time. You're always here. I'm not looking for you offline. For what? Life is whooping your ass for being you, far worse than I could ever do physically. Nope. I'll just point out the bitch in you whenever possible. You have the day you deserve Aubrey.

You told me you hate me and you’re going to follow me around from thread to thread……You lost.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
You told me you hate me and you’re going to follow me around from thread to thread……You lost.
Listen Aubrey. All your attempts of redirection aren't going to work. You're a bitch, I don't like you, and I'm going to point it out EVERY chance I get because it entertains me. Some cats like Warzone. I like rattling the bars on lame soft niggas cages.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
You think you being a hater is somehow uplifting black folks. Ignore all stats and imperical data because, "black girl magic" and anyone who disagrees with you is a coon or a race traitor. Meanwhile NORMAL sports fans and folks with common sense just want to enjoy the competition. But I'm lost. Yeah, OK Aubrey.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You think you being a hater is somehow uplifting black folks. Ignore all stats and imperical data because, "black girl magic" and anyone who disagrees with you is a coon or a race traitor. Meanwhile NORMAL sports fans and folks with common sense just want to enjoy the competition. But I'm lost. Yeah, OK Aubrey.

You’re cheerleading for a female CAC athlete on a black message board all while stroking a White dude’s nuts who has been throwing shade at black female players since the start of the season. All while throwing a temper tantrum and threatening to stalk a black man from thread to thread. You think you’re the winner here?


Thanks for killing this last hour of work for me Random Nobody


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
You’re cheerleading for a female CAC athlete on a black message board all while stroking a White dude’s nuts who has been throwing shade at black female players since the start of the season. All while throwing a temper tantrum and threatening to stalk a black man from thread to thread. You think you’re the winner here?


Thanks for killing this last hour of work for me Random Nobody
Didn't we already adress this Aubrey? All you're doing now is trying to reframe my statements with your added commentary. Try again. This is all from the "Im popular on bgol" playbook. Ill be a random nobody, but I also know, nobody's coming to help you. No one is going to dog pile me so you can slip through the back. You're on your own bitch. This is between you and I. Ill take it one step further, you sound so delusional and stupid that folks that somewhat agree with you aint fucking with you. And I haven't had to go anywhere or stalk anyone, because you're right here. Matter of fact you're making this way too easy. Just take your lumps and fall back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmao.... you soft. Youre a hater and I called it out. You called me all types of coons because you and all the rest of the aunties are mad because reality ain't matching up to your delusions. I see the bitch in you. So anytime I see you in a thread it's up. I don't like keyboard warriors and Emilitants. This ain't the first thread you and I have had words. Your bitch ass knows I ain't no alias. Ive been on this board longer than you with the same username. You're just trying to pull that diva bullshit.
Damn @THREAD_CRITIC, you got knocked the fuck out!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Listen to this how bitch ass nigga moves the goalposts. Just because you blindly follow auntie Sheryl and them on the hate train and they were dead wrong, now it’s everything else. "White American Men" need someone to root for. Do you hear how stupid you sound? Niggas just man the fuck up and say you was wrong. You going out like a woman right now.
Stay on that nigga neck :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn @THREAD_CRITIC, you got knocked the fuck out!!

Any Coon I go back and forth with you come around later with your tits out ready to suck them off..I wouldn’t even be surprised if that random who “hates me” is an alias of yours

You’ve tagged me several times in this thread after i haven’t been in for days. You bring up things I talk about in other threads to this thread….its so obvious I’m in your head. Its like I have you Coons using eachother for some kind of therapy…the best thing is seeing all the likes coming from the same 3 people :lol:

I know for a fact you sit at home watching a Fever game and think to yourself…..Oh imma tell thread critic about this :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

Shits as pathetic as your sports predictions…..Coon


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Boo Hoo bitch ass nigga.
Any Coon I go back and forth with you come around later with your tits out ready to suck them off..I wouldn’t even be surprised if that random who “hates me” is an alias of yours

You’ve tagged me several times in this thread after i haven’t been in for days. You bring up things I talk about in other threads to this thread….its so obvious I’m in your head. Its like I have you Coons using eachother for some kind of therapy…the best thing is seeing all the likes coming from the same 3 people :lol:

I know for a fact you sit at home watching a Fever game and think to yourself…..Oh imma tell thread critic about this :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

Shits as pathetic as your sports predictions…..Coon


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Any Coon I go back and forth with you come around later with your tits out ready to suck them off..I wouldn’t even be surprised if that random who “hates me” is an alias of yours

You’ve tagged me several times in this thread after i haven’t been in for days. You bring up things I talk about in other threads to this thread….its so obvious I’m in your head. Its like I have you Coons using eachother for some kind of therapy…the best thing is seeing all the likes coming from the same 3 people :lol:

I know for a fact you sit at home watching a Fever game and think to yourself…..Oh imma tell thread critic about this :roflmao2: :roflmao2:

Shits as pathetic as your sports predictions…..Coon
The brotha said he gone check your chin on sight.


Unapologetic Heterosexual Male
BGOL Investor
Where I'm from folks have no issue telling pussy ass niggas we don't fuck with you. Maybe I just have a direct communication style denoting masculine energy. I'm sorry if your femininity can't comprehend.

:roflmao2: Your boy got super Saiyan level upset
You still trying to convince yourself I'm mad. Why would I be mad? I'm not the one doing mental gymnastics trying to justify and defend a bullshit position. I'm enjoying this. Didn't you say you do this for fun?