Candace Owens Says Cardi B's Wap Eroding USA with Children


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Candace Owens pussy drier than day old Popeyes biscuits



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Unless there are empirical data regarding songs like WAP negatively affect the black community more than any black men/women who go on a national right wing news program who sole jobs is to berates put down and demonized our people for the sake of receiving a pay check your claim is incorrect.

Additionally if Candance feels that strongly about it then why go to white media to voice her concerns, why not meet with black leaders of the community keep our matters in house as opposed to crawling up the mans ass on national TV.

Do you hear about people in the Jewish, Italian, Asian etc community airing out their dirty laundry on national TV? No, they have enough sense to keep that mess to themselves it stays in house.

Black people forgot about what our parent told us growing up, about not telling everyone your business.
I stand by my comment. I don't like the filthy music being thrown out there because it is detrimental to the youth way more than what Candace says.


American fruit, Afrikan root.
BGOL Investor
Consider the source.

And this is low-hanging fruit. Anyone who doesn't know that all these negative images are damaging TO EVERYBODY just doesn't get it.

But then again, anybody listening to her ain't the brightest light on the tree anyway.


Rising Star
Do you hear about people in the Jewish, Italian, Asian etc community airing out their dirty laundry on national TV? No, they have enough sense to keep that mess to themselves it stays in house.

Black people forgot about what our parent told us growing up, about not telling everyone your business.

How many women from those groups have attained worldwide stardom and political attention from the highest offices from behaving like a harlot?

My mother also told me growing up not to be acting like I didn't have any home training when I left the house.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
You keep saying wet ass pussy and the song on the radio is called wap and wet and gushy are the lyrics

Lil Jon said he was going to skeet on bitches on the radio mainstream
SKEET on them


Fools acting like the whisper song AIN'T happen

"Wait till you see my ..."

This song was played in the AFTERNOON AND MORNING RADIO!!!

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Rising Star
Beat me to it...

And lets not forget

ODB oooh baby i like it raw

Did ODB perform baby i like it raw live humping a bed prime time on the nationally televised Grammys?

Yall keep trotting out these examples but NONE of these people became mainstream media darlings.

NONE of them were used as minority influencers who got an audience with presidental candidates.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Cardi, Megan, NIcki, City Girls, trap, drill rappers etc., are low hanging fruit.

The proper target for the outrage is these industry executives who promote it the music to the black community. Since that act then Pres. Clinton signed back in 96 has help erode the image of black people in music. The executive suits just five/six years prior to this act decided they were going to promote non productive, criminally influenced, hyper-sexualized type as the dominant forms of black musical expression. Black people ain't controlled the direction of black music since the 90s. That reckoning when the execs are in the bullseye will be at hand when more people wake up. This shit is bigger than one wild grammy performance.


Rising Star
Cardi, Megan, NIcki, City Girls, trap, drill rappers etc., are low hanging fruit.

The proper target for the outrage is these industry executives who promote it the music to the black community. Since that act then Pres. Clinton signed back in 96 has help erode the image of black people in music. The executive suits just five/six years prior to this act decided they were going to promote non productive, criminally influenced, hyper-sexualized type as the dominant forms of black musical expression. Black people ain't controlled the direction of black music since the 90s. That reckoning when the execs are in the bullseye will be at hand when more people wake up. This shit is bigger than one wild grammy performance.

Bruh...everyone you named was discovered and developed by black people.

They are managed people.

Their music is written and produced people.

Before they got the white man's bag their music was popular.....with black people.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Bruh...everyone you named was discovered and developed by black people.

They are managed people.

Their music is written and produced people.

Before they got the white man's bag their music was popular.....with black people.

Only the music that degrades us? That means we are everything everyone else say we are and I ain't buying it:tut:

How did our image in music decline? How do we go from EWF, Marvin Gaye, Anita Baker etc. to the shit we have now? Have you ever asked why non black artist are taking over the R&B genre?

Nope no redirection.................. No other genre of modern music has the dynamic that popular urban/black music have. How come execs. don't promote other groups dysfunction in music? The answer to that is that their community/cultural code of conduct would not allow themselves to be seen in that light.

It only seems to be okay for black people? So are we a depraved people? Not buying that narrative.


Rising Star
And yet her acting like a harlot got here to where she is now.

These are pictures from 30 years ago. Never did she say she was proud of these pictures, or act them out every time there was a camera in her face. But continue on with the false equivalencies.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Did ODB perform baby i like it raw live humping a bed prime time on the nationally televised Grammys?

Yall keep trotting out these examples but NONE of these people became mainstream media darlings.

NONE of them were used as minority influencers who got an audience with presidental candidates.

because what YOU WANT ain't how it is.

There can be NO perfect comparison because this is 2021

not 1992.

but the common thread you want to ignore is that this is NOT NEW

and in the context of how these songs and videos were released IN THEIR RESPECTIVE times?

They would all essentially be the equivalent of what you complaining and clutching your pearls about now.

So yes if the songs everyone is mentioned were released TODAY?

They WOULD be on TV the internet every streaming platform for mass consumption

Hold on hold...

WTF you even talking about

Nicki ANACONDA song was LITERALLY EVERYWHERE for almost 2 weeks on the news internet gifs till this day too

Were you up in arms about THAT?


Rising Star
and in the context of how these songs and videos were released IN THEIR RESPECTIVE times?

They would all essentially be the equivalent of what you complaining and clutching your pearls about now.

So yes if the songs everyone is mentioned were released TODAY?

They WOULD be on TV the internet every streaming platform for mass consumption

No shit they would be hits on streaming platforms. Doesn't mean they'd become media darlings.

You think ODB would have been invited on Ellen's couch to trade cutesy barbs?

Since you're being dismissive of my "pearl clutching" let me ask you listen to these type of raunchy songs in front of your kids?


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Whole bunch of dudes in this thread agreeing with that sellout bitch Candace Owens cause y'all got issues with Cardi B. I keep saying the hatred of women in this place makes a bunch of y'all weird as hell.

Y'all acting like the uncensored version of WAP is playing on the radio.

Y'all acting like two women dressing sexy and performing on TV is a bad thing.



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
No shit they would be hits on streaming platforms. Doesn't mean they'd become media darlings.

You think ODB would have been invited on Ellen's couch to trade cutesy barbs?

Since you're being dismissive of my "pearl clutching" let me ask you listen to these type of raunchy songs in front of your kids?

I didn't mean to be dismissive, its the selective reasoning I don't understand

and just to let you know?

ODB WAS a media darling!

I don't know how old you are but do you NOT remember Wu Tang Clan?

They were the biggest act in the WORLD at one time!

Snoop was a media darling off a murder case

50 Cent confirmed drug dealer who was shot in the face and sang about killing and pimping

Madonna was kissing a black Jesus and talking about feeling like a Virgin

All on Morning Talk shows, radio when that actually MEANT something ALL DAY LONG, late shows, etc etc

Your argument is flawed on the MERITS bro NONE of this is really NEW

and to answer your question HELL NO.

But they have heard these SAME songs when they were hot on the damn radio, the mall, in COMMERCIALS, friends house, camp

I cannot CONTROL everything (although my kids have NOT heard WAP I have no idea how I was able to pull that off)

But I can TEACH them, TALK to them, answer their questions

That is MY responsibility as a parent

They are GOING to be exposed to stuff I CANNOT prevent that

but I can LIMIT it and when confronted with it? DEAL WITH IT.

If listening to WAP gonna make my kid go drop it like its hot in church?

That's MY FAILURE not Cardi B and Megan

(that being said, of course artists & corporations need to take personal responsibility for their product and the audience they are targeting and be held to that)


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Whole bunch of dudes in this thread agreeing with that sellout bitch Candace Owens cause y'all got issues with Cardi B. I keep saying the hatred of women in this place makes a bunch of y'all weird as hell.

Y'all acting like the uncensored version of WAP is playing on the radio.

Y'all acting like two women dressing sexy and performing on TV is a bad thing.



dudes in here sounding like them old white women saying Elvis' hips were the devil talking


and that jungle music was gonna have their daughters running out into the fields