These are pictures from 30 years ago. Never did she say she was proud of these pictures, or act them out every time there was a camera in her face. But continue on with the false equivalencies.
You forgot to say "Trump just won the election"
These are pictures from 30 years ago. Never did she say she was proud of these pictures, or act them out every time there was a camera in her face. But continue on with the false equivalencies.
Or C. Delores Tucker.Nothing to see here...just Candace trying to be Tipper Gore.
Since you're being dismissive of my "pearl clutching" let me ask you listen to these type of raunchy songs in front of your kids?
and to answer your question HELL NO.
dudes in here sounding like them old white women saying Elvis' hips were the devil talking
and that jungle music was gonna have their daughters running out into the fields
thank you for being honest....but how is it wrong for Owens to criticize this song/performance if you wouldn't want your kids listening to said song/performance?
The shit is so weird. It's like the dudes in here have their panties in a bunch because a bunch of women talk about fucking and that it feels good.
thank you for being honest....but how is it wrong for Owens to criticize this song/performance if you wouldn't want your kids listening to said song/performance?
You hit it right on the head
Thats it that's all...
We had rappers saying beat a b*tch, pimp her, share her, use her, kick her in her stomach, lock her in a trunk, drug her, kill her...
Don't trust other black men, kill them, rob them, don't respect them...
One of the biggest songs of the past decade was talking about cocaine and had little kids saying i can't feel my face and oral sex cake by the ocean...
These fools forgot sippin sizzurp?
Rappers DIED of codeine...
Man let me stop.
Because the song is it meant for kids to make for adults. You're acting like the song is being played at daycare it's not.
Bruh, I hate that bitch. Alright, got that off my chest. She's right, nothing genuinely good can come from what I call "porno music". It will produce overwhelmingly more bad, than good, whether thats adults or kids. Let's not play dumb, did y'all listen to NWA or Gheto Boys when you were 9, 10, 11, 12? I did so the kids will hear Cardi. Some kids are more influenced by music than others.
There was a coordinated promotion of the song and raunchy video released THE SAME DAY all over the internet, with a radio push right behind it.
But sure, its only for adults.
Dudes on here know all the lyrics to Put It In Your Mouth but WAP is going too far.
Dirty laundry is not just about so called harlots, I've been to plenty of strip clubs they have all nationalities don't deflect. It's about Candance Owens constant attack on our Brothers and Sisters on white media. Plain and simple, if it bothers her speak to us directly and stop being a hoe for the white man and it's audience.How many women from those groups have attained worldwide stardom and political attention from the highest offices from behaving like a harlot?
My mother also told me growing up not to be acting like I didn't have any home training when I left the house.
Again I do NOT get your point...
how many movies with inappropriate content get that SAME push EVERY 3 months?
So Trump putting kids in cages mimicking a special needs person spreading racist propaganda inciting a damn treasonous attack on the capital
How you think kids reacted to THAT?
When he was calling the virus the Chinese Flu my kids best friend who is Asian scared she was gonna get attacked?
If you REALLY think watching the WAP video is gonna make kids do what?
involuntarily uncontrollably shake they ass?
Wait a minute do you HAVE kids?
Dirty laundry is not just about so called harlots, I've been to plenty of strip clubs they have all nationalities don't deflect. It's about Candance Owens constant attack on our Brothers and Sisters on white media. Plain and simple, if it bothers her speak to us directly and stop being a hoe for the white man and it's audience.
that'as it thats all
How many of those movies show sex and cold blooded murder directly in the trailers?
HOW MANY PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD WERE CRITICAL OF EVERYTHING TRUMP SAID AND DID????? Where are the WAP critics? Are Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens the only ones????
You know damn well that song/video has negative effects on our kids and even young adults who should know better.
And yes I have kids, and hell no they aren't watching that shit.
I totally, 1000% agree. And get called a coon for it on here.
Dirty laundry is not just about so called harlots, I've been to plenty of strip clubs they have all nationalities don't deflect. It's about Candance Owens constant attack on our Brothers and Sisters on white media. Plain and simple, if it bothers her speak to us directly and stop being a hoe for the white man and it's audience.
its not politicians screwing over the people for months on end, arguing over why they won't give them desperately needed federal aid.
Its not a pandemic blowing through the country killing loved ones and friends.
Its not jobs being shut down, people not being able to work en masse.
Its not the failure of America to update its health care system so that everyone can go to the doctor when they need to and not have to choose between rent, food and medical bills.
Its not the existence of starvation in the wealthiest country on the planet.
Its not the failure to educate children on a level that is competitive in the world markets.
Its not systemic racism, classism and discrimination at the highest levels on down.
Its not the easy accessibility to every possible violent depravity on the internet.
Its not constant anger and bullying on social media and peoples' total disregard for each other because they feel safe enough to behave however they want to behind the anonymity of screen names.
Its Cardi B., Megan Thee Stallion and the WAP song.
Well. Let's lock them up, keep them away from microphones and everything should be solved, right?
People always blame artists because its easier than critical thinking and truth.
How hard is it to turn off a song you don't like?
If you don't like the world, FIX IT. Start with the real stuff before you get to the arts.
People always blame artists because its easier than critical thinking and truth.
How hard is it to turn off a song you don't like?
If you don't like the world, FIX IT. Start with the real stuff before you get to the arts.
Same here.Its the blatant hypocrisy that gets me fam.
Same here.
And I don't like the song. I think its shit. I think that about most of the music out but I'll fight to defend its existence because its freedom of expression.
Like I said in the other post, they breeze right by the multi-faceted media machine that put these artists in front of the masses and go straight to blaming the artists for doing exactly what they've always done.
Then, they blame another and another and never hold the system behind it accountable.
I guess its easier to "cancel" Cardi than it is to cancel youtube, facebook, tv, video games and radio.
Then, they plop their kids right back down in front of the media like nothing ever happened, putting full trust in it all over again.
Listen, the fact that you could be on the side of ANY argument Tucker Carlson and Candice Owens so fully SUPPORT?
Says volumes.
Go find who else has ADAMANTLY supported that WAP is the worst thing of all time?
That aint a list you wanna be on.
Is this really what the defense is all about? Because you don't like the critic? SMH.
The fact that you'd defend this debauchery in public (and keep it the fuck away from your home) speaks volumes.
Cam’Ron -Suck it or not
Is this really what the defense is all about? Because you don't like the critic? SMH.
The fact that you'd defend this debauchery in public (and keep it the fuck away from your home) speaks volumes.
I'm sorry, maybe I missed Candice Owens criticizing H.E.R. and J. Cole.
You want to hate the messenger, fine. But stop pretending this is some random, baseless attack.
Only the music that degrades us? That means we are everything everyone else say we are and I ain't buying it
How did our image in music decline? How do we go from EWF, Marvin Gaye, Anita Baker etc. to the shit we have now? Have you ever asked why non black artist are taking over the R&B genre?
Nope no redirection.................. No other genre of modern music has the dynamic that popular urban/black music have. How come execs. don't promote other groups dysfunction in music? The answer to that is that their community/cultural code of conduct would not allow themselves to be seen in that light.
It only seems to be okay for black people? So are we a depraved people? Not buying that narrative.
thank you for being honest....but how is it wrong for Owens to criticize this song/performance if you wouldn't want your kids listening to said song/performance?
You like to use good ole White Southern Baptist words like harlot and debauchery. You and WE are on a adult "porn" forum "WE" are all subjects of debauchery. You seem to be one of those accusers in a famous Biblically scripture. John 8: 2-7
2Early in the morning He went back into the temple courts.
a All the people came to Him, and He sat down to teach them.
3The scribes and Pharisees, however, brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before them
4and said, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.
5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such a woman. So what do You say?”
6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger.
7When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”
dudes in here sounding like them old white women saying Elvis' hips were the devil talking
and that jungle music was gonna have their daughters running out into the fields