Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dude.... o_O
A Black man wishing/calling for the rape of a Black woman is beyond fucked up.

When you've allowed your dislike of someone to diminish your own value as a human being, you've already lost.... :smh:

Harriet Tubman would have killed this traitorous massa lovin' coon bitch. A white man opining on matters he can possibly understand or identify with is beyond fucked up ---- Dude... :mad:
Maybe when her current cac husband ditches her she'll give your white ass a shot. :rolleyes:

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black again

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wish no harm to her. She's a sellout. So be it. Rather she stand and be counted than hide as an agent.

As an open board, the last thing you'd want is something to happen to her and people start looking at what someone said thanks


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The self hate oozes through her every word...

Her parents who she didn't grow up with... She lived with her grandparents...
Must have did a number on her...

When she said I don't look like a monkey smh....Duh bitch we know that but racist whites used to say that as a derogatory term. Just like calling a grown Black man boy was derogatory. She is so lost its not even funny.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When she said I don't look like a monkey smh....Duh bitch we know that but racist whites used to say that as a derogatory term. Just like calling a grown Black man boy was derogatory. She is so lost its not even funny.

Just ignore this dumb bitch... :smh: I used to try to seriously debate people like her and then I realized that I was doing exactly what they wanted. This is a quote about holocaust deniers but is just as applicable for these self-loathing clowns...

Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

― Jean Paul-Sartre


LinuxGawd & BOFH
BGOL Investor

I know I'm a weirdo, but does anyone else see what I see?


Walter Panov

Rising Star
Why would she be called by Congress to testify on anything? What exactly is she an expert on? They might as well have called Diamond and Silk.

Everyone in that room, including the Republicans, is laughing at her dumbass.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Aren’t you white? FOH and fuck that coon ass bedwench smut whore. She ain’t Black as far as I’m concerned

When that black woman does everything she can to undermine black people just to gain acceptance from white people she deserves more than just scorn. If she were to be raped and the perpetrator was white her hatred of her black skin is such that she would probably welcome being seeded by a cac --- like you :mad:

Harriet Tubman would have killed this traitorous massa lovin' coon bitch. A white man opining on matters he can possibly understand or identify with is beyond fucked up ---- Dude... :mad:
Maybe when her current cac husband ditches her she'll give your white ass a shot. :rolleyes:

#1. The fact that you (a Black man) feel it's acceptable to call for (or wish for) the rape and sexual violation of any Black woman (or any woman, regardless of race) says more about YOU , your devotion to Black people and most importantly as a human being (or your apparent lack of humanity) than anything else. :smh:

#2. I'm not a fan of Candace Owens either, but you guys give Candace WAY more credit & power than she actually has. She's just a disposable mouth piece for FOX NEWS and the extreme right wing. Nothing more...
Ultimately, she will be used, abused and discarded by her White handlers just like all "good" boot lickin' coons are. Just watch... :cool:

#3. You don't know what Harriet Tubman would or wouldn't do with a woman like Candace. I'd wager Harriet would've come to realize that Candace is too far gone in her devotions to "massa", and probably would've just as likely, just left her ass behind as she shuttled the other slaves to the north. At the end of the day, Harriet was about the liberation and freedom of Black people, not for murdering them...o_O
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Rising Star
OG Investor
WTF does her being a coon have to do with being Carribean or African?

This cocksucka was yucking it up with an ADOS alpha coon in Jesse Peterson while embarrassing himself in the process.

He lost in a debate to an actual white supremacist and Told the guy white people are better than Black people. Only Tariq can LOSE a debate to the most illogical shit ever— that being white supremacy. That’s how dumb he is. You guys are so worried about the wrong shit.

My bad to put you in that basket. I agree with you


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
its all about money , she might have fucked up by including other monirities as other groups dont play


Rising Star
OG Investor
Harriet Tubman would have killed this traitorous massa lovin' coon bitch. A white man opining on matters he can possibly understand or identify with is beyond fucked up ---- Dude... :mad:
Maybe when her current cac husband ditches her she'll give your white ass a shot. :rolleyes:

Lol you guys talk like you’re actual slaves. Harriet Tubman lived a long life , ya know? And she ended up working for and with the United States. Just like you do while you play fake revolutionary.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Candace is a college dropout speaking before Congress. She's living proof that black Republicans have some of the lowest IQs but get by off cooning for dollars. She is the best they have to offer, an idiot who cant outdebate Cliff Harris. :lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Candace is a college dropout speaking before Congress. She's living proof that black Republicans have some of the lowest IQs but get by off cooning for dollars. She is the best they have to offer, an idiot who cant outdebate Cliff Harris. :lol:
Lol you wish you could get up there and have someone listen to you speak huh? Do you notice something ? All this time black media has been freezing her out and not wanting a dissenting voice to be heard, every couple of weeks , she’s speaking in front of congress and you guys have a new sound bite to get mad over. Meanwhile, the main outlets that talk to Black folks are running the same echo chamber, yet slowly but surely,, realizing the fake “resistance” hasn’t worked at all. Then one day, boom, she on tbe stage talking at revolt and killer Mike is agreeing with her.

They told us Trump wouldn’t win. He did.
They told you they would impeach him. They didn’t
They told you about this Russian collusion and how that would be the way your white liberal daddies would get him. They ran that for 3 years. It failed.
They also replace Black Lives Matter with LGBT , immigrant , and me too issues.
On one hand, they tell you you’re living under a nazi president and white supremacy is closing in- on the other hand they tell you to give up your guns.
They tell you you CANT do anything and you NEED them.
They tell you what and how to think and feel about everyone, including your favorite comedians once they step out of line with their agenda

Now Candace works for a conservative group, and she loves her some Trump. This is true.

You don't have to. But the fact that there is a dissenting voice to Democrats , so loud that they've even stooped so low as to pretend tbeh wanna give Black people reparations now-- you should be happy someone is there to scare them. You should PRETEND to love what she's saying.
It's so weird to me that out of all the messages we hear from our music and our movies about killing each other , fucking bitches.. shit we actiau sell to other cultures that predominates our culture -- and something she says in a room somewhere is all of a sudden going viral. To hate her as much as y'all do, ya sure make her powerful.


Rising Star
OG Investor
its all about money , she might have fucked up by including other monirities as other groups dont play
Killer Mike makes so much money off of stumping for Bernie Sanders for TWO campaigns it ain't even funny. Countless appearances on talk shows , all these summits, speaking engagements.

TI just jumps from being a gun toting inmate to a gun control advocate -- who can't even vote or legally own a gun. And he hijacked Black Lives matter movement and started banking off it. AND he gets to profit off Kanyes album by being a feature , "speaking for US" Lol

Jemele Hill got fired from ESPN and started milking the so called movement , also weaving in whatever LGBT flavor of the month

Charlemagne is now an author and political pundit.

Angela Rye lied to y'all for two years about what she and.her white daddies were gonna do for you.

Tariq Nasheed went from relationship advice guy living in an apartment to millionaire movie producer within these few years.

Umar squeezed some money out of folks before he got exposed. But ya didn't believe it until Tariq made a puppet show out of him.

Roland Martin runs a Candace owens , and "ain't Kanye crazy?" Segment couple of times a month. It's great content for him.

They're all out there fleecing you. What's one more person gonna hurt ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Of course this coon is with a pink face. I fucking hate this trash heap of filth. Get raped bitch!!!

What black man outside of Sheriff Clarke or Larry Elder would be with her? I've dated super hood chicks and super professional chicks, but they never spent their time putting down black people to gain praise or money from white people.


Rising Star
OG Investor
What black man outside of Sheriff Clarke or Larry Elder would be with her? I've dated super hood chicks and super professional chicks, but they never spent their time putting down black people to gain praise or money from white people.
What part of anything she's said is putting down Black people ?

I can show you where the other people that people love have , but I'm curious as to what she's said that you think is "putting down black people"?

And what makes you think that Larry Elder and Sherrif Clarke are the only Black guys like that? Just like there's more than one of her , there's more than them. Because as people love to say round here "Black people aren't a monolith".

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Once you read up on her history you see she's just a hustler...

NAACP payout
Obama Supporter
Anti Trump website
A doxing website (Red Pill Black)
Trump Supporter
Turning Points USA
Blexit scam

But once you go this route there is no coming back...
Not really.


Failed gangsta rapper
"Street pimp"
'Relationship' expert
Black HIStorian
Pan Africanist
Carribean activist
Washed Up R&B singer
Patriotic ADOS activist/anti Pan Africanism

Works for him.