Candace Owens tells Congress white nationalism not a problem for minorities in US

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Fact. You have more of.a chance of being hit by a train than killed by a cop.

Fact. 13% of the population is commiting 50% of the murders, mostly on other Black people. And because of this stupid no snitching shit, most of those go unsolved.

When you walk out the door today, theast thing you gotta worry about is violence from a white supremacist.

'and if the rest of that is white supremacy then what are you gonna DO about it besides cry? Strong families can overcome all that. Culture can. Economics can. Politics can't.

The ancestors we come from educated themselves and built businesses for themselves even amongst real racism and white supremacy. Then they gave it over to government in the 60s. And here we are in 2019 and all you got is your battlecry about what we can't do.

Some of y'all have these separatists ideas as if there ain't already 54 african nation's and however many Caribbean island nation's. I know the feeling. I used to tbjnk shit like that. all you'd end up doing is trying to get to Some version of what you have now. this is why Black people FROM these nation's would gladly take your place while you bitch about how bad you have it. At some point we have to take a reckoning of what we can do as individuals and as a group. Sorry it's so uncomfortable to look at ourselves

Why are you on a porn board watching black women get nutted on and not at church?


Rising Star
OG Investor
The GOP use her to show her as black inclusion.
She does EVERYTHING for money.
She will do anything if you put enough money on the table.
She just one of the black stooges, along with Diamond and Silk.
She is the angry head of the group.
Isn't it interesting how the congressional panel had 3 white people from the Dems and Republicans had her? Would've been a smart move by the Dems to put someone Black on there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn good question. I also.wamna.know how she got in this congressional hearing . Because Someone like Antonio Moore needs to find out how to do the same thing.
OH - now that one is easy. Someone has an agenda and she's a too -:rolleyes2: er I mean she's an asset to it.

Namely giving racists whites cover.

Oh, and from what I've heard, she is NOT an American Descendant of Slaves. Is that correcto_O?


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
Isn't it interesting how the congressional panel had 3 white people from the Dems and Republicans had her? Would've been a smart move by the Dems to put someone Black on there.
Why would they?
We are 14% of the population with half not voting.
It’s a numbers game in politics
White women will decide who is in congress and in the White House.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why would they?
We are 14% of the population with half not voting.
It’s a numbers game in politics
White women will decide who is in congress and in the White House.
and, I am NO fan of Ann Coulture, but she may be right in saying the Democrats are dumping the Black Americans for the Latino community and immigrants.


Professional Bastard Bum
Platinum Member
and, I am NO fan of Ann Coulture, but she may be right in saying the Democrats are dumping the Black Americans for the Latino community and immigrants.
They know most are going to vote democrat
They like Biden because of Obama.
They figure they got us in their political pocket


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Owens said black male masculinity is atop her issues.
That white dick got her dickmatised.

that bitch been traumatized and brainwashed... its the repbulicans answer to aoc..

both are lowkey telling black and latina women.. hey if you want to live this dead lavish lifestyle, where no knigga can take you... just repeat after me...

oh and you have to lose your soul...its ok... you dont need a soul in purgatory... they say

because IF you lucky thats where you may end up... fuck a demoncrat or republikkklan

I vote for me to keep my soul intact....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
MAY? Lol Jesus
I stand corrected - they already have (forgot about that debate where Corey Booker started speaking spanish).

And Republicans are the preferred party of the Klan and the alt right.

But to you and Candace, the Klan wants what’s good for us too.

we just need to go to church
No. That's exchanging the fox for wolf. We need to start playing "amoral pragmatism" and get to fight each other while the chickens sit back and watch.


Rising Star
OG Investor
She repeats white supremacist rhetoric that belittles black people. "Black people are stuck on the democratic plantation". Plantation? A white person writes her material and she goes out and acts it out.

Yep she constantly drops code words/phrases the white supremacist use when denigrating black people : "failed inner cities" "Fatherless epidemic" "Black on black crime"

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
thats not what happend with the tangibles, Im tryin to tell you.. fags exposed the bullshit democratic game..

when Obama won the presidency.... instead of using their political power to include us, they were like fuck yall knee grows.. its all about fag marriage and nothing else mattered...

we peeped that and was like oh thats how this game goes...fags started realizing the inevitable that they are still gonna need our future support if they want to nomalize their abnormal lifestyle..

now we know better to just get all caught up in emotions and also to not tie our plight with anyone elses plight that are just going to act like we dont exist the minute they get a grain of power..

We aint going for it...if reparations are stupid then so is fuckin voting for actors that will just go a whoring to the highest bidder once in office.. thinkin its any different..NOW

thats fuckin idiotic
If Obama ran again, tangibles would be done. Anyone on that shit would be promoted to 'hating coon' who doesn't understand how government works. :smh: President only all-powerful if he mean.

People ain't really learn shit. Democrats just don't have a charismatic salesperson.

I feel you.

So the only tangible you can really see is prison reform but you don't believe there's much real hope in tbat. The rest is just living your regular life I kinda agree

That's all you can do. When you do that, you good no matter which clown is in office. Community fucked either way. And with the track record of the masses, that's not going to change.

I hope the tangibles movement becomes a force, but I fear the shills will win and continue the incompetence that we've enjoyed for 50 years.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Obama ran again, tangibles would be done. Anyone on that shit would be promoted to 'hating coon' who doesn't understand how government works. :smh: President only all-powerful if he mean.

People ain't really learn shit. Democrats just don't have a charismatic salesperson.

That's all you can do. When you do that, you good no matter which clown is in office. Community fucked either way. And with the track record of the masses, that's not going to change.

I hope the tangibles movement becomes a force, but I fear the shills will win and continue the incompetence that we've enjoyed for 50 years.

nah it would be different for Obama this time if he ran.. no way in the world he gets the same number of "black" votes he gets this time around as the first "gay" president...

no way... and the only folks who will be calling anyone coon askin for tangibles are clowns like exiled queen.. that nobody would take seriously anyway..

its all a mindfuck tho... its like the masses enjoy their ride and music..

they just think they in a jet with a great sound system going places... silly rabbits dont know they are just drugged up on a merry go round..

you NEED govt if you have wealthy parasites tryin to fuck everyone who isnt a wealthy parasite...

unfortunately under a capitalistic system.. everything is for sale.. ESPECIALLY govt officials


Rising Star
OG Investor
If Obama ran again, tangibles would be done. Anyone on that shit would be promoted to 'hating coon' who doesn't understand how government works. :smh: President only all-powerful if he mean.

People ain't really learn shit. Democrats just don't have a charismatic salesperson.

That's all you can do. When you do that, you good no matter which clown is in office. Community fucked either way. And with the track record of the masses, that's not going to change.

I hope the tangibles movement becomes a force, but I fear the shills will win and continue the incompetence that we've enjoyed for 50 years.
What do you mean by "tangibles would be done"? They would get done or they would be over ?


Rising Star
OG Investor
And Republicans are the preferred party of the Klan and the alt right.

But to you and Candace, the Klan wants what’s good for us too.

we just need to go to church
Lol this is something I think people have used for decades and now people like Candace are using it to flip the same bullshit on you. The KKK was created as the militant arm of.tje Democratic party. BUT, For anyone to assume white militants are only on one side and not the other is retarded to me. Fuck the racist part cuz they're are racists in both parties. Ifnya never had an.issue dealing with Democratic racists I don't see why you'd have a issue with republican ones. Now pick another issue.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Yep she constantly drops code words/phrases the white supremacist use when denigrating black people : "failed inner cities" "Fatherless epidemic" "Black on black crime"
Oh you mean words that describe the truth?

Well what about the words used to obscure all your issues and Pack em into other groups until they disappear like "people of color", or "black and brown" , or the words like "black and poor" that hypnotize you into acceotanfe of being the permanent lower caste ? What about the low expectations they have of you? You guys have to let fertian shit go and think. Quit being scared if some ghosts

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
nah it would be different for Obama this time if he ran.. no way in the world he gets the same number of "black" votes he gets this time around as the first "gay" president...

no way... and the only folks who will be calling anyone coon askin for tangibles are clowns like exiled queen.. that nobody would take seriously anyway..

its all a mindfuck tho... its like the masses enjoy their ride and music..

they just think they in a jet with a great sound system going places... silly rabbits dont know they are just drugged up on a merry go round..

you NEED govt if you have wealthy parasites tryin to fuck everyone who isnt a wealthy parasite...

unfortunately under a capitalistic system.. everything is for sale.. ESPECIALLY govt officials
I don't know man. I discussed politics on here for years before Obama. Had the same fucking stance when Obama came on the scene. All of a sudden, I was a hater and coon. I was a republican. :hmm:

Cats still kind of fucked up in the mind over Obama. Granted, their grandkids will clown the shit out of them because the politics of Obama won't age well and is already showing that.

I'm telling you. If Obama could run again, folks would be back to copping pleas. They'd be asking :confused: "what do you want' 1000 times OR telling us how government works. It's patience with Obama. It's a monarchy when it's Bush and Trump.

What do you mean by "tangibles would be done"? They would get done or they would be over ?

Over man. Those cats would all be self-hating coons going against Obama. Because best believe Obama going to play politics and that don't involve tangibles.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor

Lol this is something I think people have used for decades and now people like Candace are using it to flip the same bullshit on you. The KKK was created as the militant arm of.tje Democratic party. BUT, For anyone to assume white militants are only on one side and not the other is retarded to me. Fuck the racist part cuz they're are racists in both parties. Ifnya never had an.issue dealing with Democratic racists I don't see why you'd have a issue with republican ones. Now pick another issue.

Now show meet a tweet of a known klansman backing a dem.

Brainwashed people like you always try to both sides this issue like it’s equal. So if it’s equal, you should have no problem posting an example of the klan supporting a dem in the last two years.

A white supremacist has pleaded guilty to killing a black man with a sword as part of a racist plot that prosecutors described as a hate crime.

James Jackson admitted to fatally stabbing 66-year-old Timothy Caughman in 2017 after stalking a number of black men in New York City.

Jackson, who is white, told police he traveled from Baltimore to carry out the attack because New York is the media capital of the world.

Someone needs to resurrect that brotha and tell him white supremacy is not a problem.

Also show me a left wing racist doing this shit too.

Also lol and smh at a black man actually saying, forget racism, let’s talk about actual problems.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I don't know man. I discussed politics on here for years before Obama. Had the same fucking stance when Obama came on the scene. All of a sudden, I was a hater and coon. I was a republican. :hmm:

Cats still kind of fucked up in the mind over Obama. Granted, their grandkids will clown the shit out of them because the politics of Obama won't age well and is already showing that.

I'm telling you. If Obama could run again, folks would be back to copping pleas. They'd be asking :confused: "what do you want' 1000 times OR telling us how government works. It's patience with Obama. It's a monarchy when it's Bush and Trump.

Over man. Those cats would all be self-hating coons going against Obama. Because best believe Obama going to play politics and that don't involve tangibles.
Aaah I get ya. I don't like bashing Obama to this day, and Im still glad he was president just for the symbolism of it if nothing else. I don't think identity politics is ALL bad lol.


Rising Star
OG Investor

Now show meet a tweet of a known klansman backing a dem.

Brainwashed people like you always try to both sides this issue like it’s equal. So if it’s equal, you should have no problem posting an example of the klan supporting a dem in the last two years.

Someone needs to resurrect that brotha and tell him white supremacy is not a problem.

Also show me a left wing racist doing this shit too.

Also lol and smh at a black man actually saying, forget racism, let’s talk about actual problems.

Who the fuck cares? I don't live my life thinkingnabohtnwhat davidnduke thijksnor likes. I don't even KNOW any known Klansman to be able to find that for you. He's the only one I've ever heard of. The whole KNOWN KKK was Dems and if you think there aren't still some , I got some beachfront property in Atlanta to sell you. What is this "Republicans are racist and Democrats ain't " philosophy? If you actually have an agenda of your own you can.use either one of em for whatever it is you want at the time. Especially known racists cuz they're the easiest to manipulate, just like how youre so easy to manipulate just from some screaming "boo! Racism!"

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Aaah I get ya. I don't like bashing Obama to this day, and Im still glad he was president just for the symbolism of it if nothing else. I don't think identity politics is ALL bad lol.

Nah son, get over to your side and get your maga hat. Trump’s your man and according to him Obama was born in Kenya. Obviously white republicans wouldn’t lie to you. Just Dems.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Who the fuck cares? I don't live my life thinkingnabohtnwhat davidnduke thijksnor likes. I don't even KNOW any known Klansman to be able to find that for you. He's the only one I've ever heard of. The whole KNOWN KKK was Dems and if you think there aren't still some , I got some beachfront property in Atlanta to sell you. What is this "Republicans are racist and Democrats ain't " philosophy? If you actually have an agenda of your own you can.use either one of em for whatever it is you want at the time. Especially known racists cuz they're the easiest to manipulate, just like how youre so easy to manipulate just from some screaming "boo! Racism!"

So you can’t post any, You can’t post proof of the current klan supporting Dems. So you admit you’re pulling shit out your ass and you’re full of shit. And no, I take no coon’s word for anything.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know man. I discussed politics on here for years before Obama. Had the same fucking stance when Obama came on the scene. All of a sudden, I was a hater and coon. I was a republican. :hmm:

Cats still kind of fucked up in the mind over Obama. Granted, their grandkids will clown the shit out of them because the politics of Obama won't age well and is already showing that.

I'm telling you. If Obama could run again, folks would be back to copping pleas. They'd be asking :confused: "what do you want' 1000 times OR telling us how government works. It's patience with Obama. It's a monarchy when it's Bush and Trump.

Over man. Those cats would all be self-hating coons going against Obama. Because best believe Obama going to play politics and that don't involve tangibles.

Obama was needed for his time, the bush administration had the whole world done with america... they was fuckin throwin shoes at its leader

at the president...LOL

fact is.. on a global level folks are tired of seeing caucasion men in charge....

folks are just detaching from the system... good for the population.. bad for capitalist


Rising Star
OG Investor
Nah son, get over to your side and get your maga hat. Trump’s your man and according to him Obama was born in Kenya. Obviously white republicans wouldn’t lie to you. Just Dems.
You have to at least attempt to make sense bro. Get out your feelings. I wasn't even talking to you.


Rising Star
OG Investor
So you can’t post any, You can’t post proof of the current klan supporting Dems. So you admit you’re pulling shit out your ass and you’re full of shit. And no, I take no coon’s word for anything.
No, I can't. Ya got me there. I don't sit around looking for KKK members. Sorry. You can.count that as a win.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Aaah I get ya. I don't like bashing Obama to this day, and Im still glad he was president just for the symbolism of it if nothing else. I don't think identity politics is ALL bad lol.
I've never bashed Obama. Same issues I raised before him I raised with him and after. I've seriously got less shit for talking about Jesus. :lol:

Obama was needed for his time, the bush administration had the whole world done with america... they was fuckin throwin shoes at its leader

at the president...LOL

fact is.. on a global level folks are tired of seeing caucasion men in charge....

folks are just detaching from the system... good for the population.. bad for capitalist

Yeah, Obama was a great option after Bush. He was better at disguising hawk shit and not pissing the world off.