Cassie Accuses Diddy of Rape, Domestic Violence, Verbal Abuse & More

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Calling him gay and a killer constantly isn’t going hard?
He insinuates shit about Puff , never comes out saying it. He will tell a story and say shit without saying it. If Ja Rule asked him to go shopping he’d constantly be talking about it trying to ruin his career more. Just look at the contrast of who he really goes at compared to Diddy. It’s very careful and calculated


BGOL Legend
Have you ever dated a woman who's been abused?

The shit you type is weird as fuck. Even weirder you don't understand the dumb shit you're saying.

I'm beginning to think the women beaters are exposing themselves.

She wanted to get beat on, got it. At what point would she have been a victim? If he would have picked a 14 year old, would she have been a victim? Then dudes wonder why women don't go the police.
Now you jumped the shark completely

Even jumping to exposing women beaters on a post that I made

Disgusting bullshit from you.
Completely disgusting

I didn't say anything about wanting anything outside of it was worth it based on what she was getting until it wasn't

You're not even beginning to try to have any type of nuanced conversation

I'd appreciate you never bringing or implying or associating any type of abuse with me.



Mr. Pool
who has more to lose with their public image being tarnished, Cassie or Puff?

if you really think Cassie comes away from this situation losing more than Puff did then maybe i can interest you in a slightly used bridge i have for sale in Brooklyn. inbox for further details.
I don't think either really care about public image at this point, bit got money now and the world keeps turning. On to the next scandal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate all bitches that fuck over men and all whores...and I whip they ass whenever I get close...I do it to make them real ladies...for their own good...and they all love me for it...I have posted ass whips on the board...brah
Not the pimp stick straight off the stove, brah? Say it ain't so!
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Come on you really think Cassie and Diddy are going to come with the idea that says she was getting run through by multiple dudes with "big, Black dicks". And Diddy is gonna agree to saying he was jerking off watching dudes with "big, Black dicks".

You reaching now.
Big black penises, NOT big black dicks.


BGOL Legend
Let's assume the Kid Cuddi story is true. Having a man's car blown up seems like alot to keep a girl around or cause her to think twice about leaving. Then you hear the stories of him getting into fights with artist who as much as talked to the girl. It's not a stretch that she'd stay around especially if nothing seems to be happening and events are being covered up. They alleged she tried to leave multiple times and Puff wouldn't let her go. Didn't he recently shout her out over his current girl or what she is?

Is the husband in the industry? Maybe Puff wouldn't pull the same shit because someone outside of the industry would go to the police. They don't have the same fear of being blackballed. If the husband is a nobody, Puff looks at it as sending her back to the streets used up and deemed untouchable.

Like it has already been said, maybe she aged out and he wasn't as interested in her.

I'm not saying you are completely wrong about her staying due to his money or hopes that he'd continue to help her career. However, women have stayed with broke dudes for different reasons including fear of what will happen after they leave. Truthfully, maybe the industry men were bitches and her husband made her feel protected.

Even if you keep it to she allowed men to fuck her while Puff watched, it gets somewhat tricky. This is woman logic but think about women who get trains ran on them. Some will later say they didn't really want to do it and they were in fear or wanted to feel like they were in control of the situation. Even though to the men they consented, the woman may still say they were raped. That's the reason I've personally never taken part in trains. If it was the truly in fear, the girl regretted it later or the girl got mad for whatever reason, I didn't want to get caught up. Puff's position in Cassie personal life and the industry as a whole doesn't help how it looks. Throw in the fact that this started when Cassie was 19 makes this looks worse. So yes she seemingly was with it, but we don't know the why. Even if you demise that, she also claimed he forced into her apartment and raped her. That isn't consent.

The reason you and others are being questioned is because you seem to be ignoring how domestic abuse works and it's not as simple as just leaving for alot of victims. It's not just the physical aspect, but the mental games abuser play. The opposite of what you are saying can also be true. If she was there for the money and clout, what would make her leave.why didn't she ever have a kid with him?

I took the time to read your entire post and consider your points

It's possible that she was allowed because he is a broke pt
It's possible she aged out
I never said she only stayed for the money
I said it was assumed for over a decade she was a kept woman

Now we'll hear stories like from other ppl about his abuse but they to didn't actually care as long as they benefitted and by they to I'm not even talking about Cassie

The sex things are murky I'm not wading into the arrangements that are the "FO"

Anything that rises to her saying no and him continuing is completely wrong there is no siding with that never was.

And in the last paragraph is my issue

Because nobody is taking the time to read just blanketing things onto stuff I'm not saying

I never said what took her long to leave. I asked why would he ever allow her to leave that's a difference it's not on HER its why did HE the abuser have a change of heart

In one sentence he is blowing up a car for talking to another dude in the next she is married with children

I like honesty.
You abused me and I want my fucking money for it. I respect it. Get your damn money

The whole I am a champion and voice for women to turn around and say peace I got mine is what I don't like

This isn't directed at YOU

but it's ironic how so many ppl are against cancel culture and mislabeling of ppl etc etc

But if you skip past what someone's trying to say you'll just mislabel me lol


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
He insinuates shit about Puff , never comes out saying it. He will tell a story and say shit without saying it. If Ja Rule asked him to go shopping he’d constantly be talking about it trying to ruin his career more. Just look at the contrast of who he really goes at compared to Diddy. It’s very careful and calculated
Curtis 50 Cent Jackson? You might need to go see where he has literally name dropped Diddy...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Have you ever dated a woman who's been abused?

The shit you type is weird as fuck. Even weirder you don't understand the dumb shit you're saying.

I'm beginning to think the women beaters are exposing themselves.

She wanted to get beat on, got it. At what point would she have been a victim? If he would have picked a 14 year old, would she have been a victim? Then dudes wonder why women don't go the police.

I'm a woman whippa...bout to beat one at 915..I told that bitch..not to call me when I'm with my woman...and she did...she already said she know the punishment...and she wants me to do it before our reservation at 10 at 5 star restaurant...brah


BGOL Legend
Speak for yourself. Someone in the theard literally said she wasn't a victim. I don't know if he was more so speaking on the participation in the voyeur shit or all of it, but it was said.

There are clearly people who are doubting the abuse if not victim blaming. If you are questioning why she would stay or why she was allowed to leave, you maybe denying part or all of the story ie she wasn't abused.

I already gave potential reasons as to why he would allow her to walk away. We also heard reasons as to why she potentially didn't do it sooner. I'll also add growth. What you allow at 19 and what you'll allow at 30 can differ greatly.

If you believe she was abused, what does it matter why he allowed her to leave?

I'm not a conspiracy theorists so you'll need to take the alleged killing of old friends and bm to someone else.
It was about participation and exchanges of lifestyle
She went in with her eyes open and then when it wasn't worth it left which is absolutely the right thing to do
It does not mean she didn't suffer abuse during the course of the relationship

This is what I mean by just "it was said" so that means this because that's what I think it means


BGOL Legend
I think some of you did not read the actual filing . Man kept her doped up and gave her a dose of steady beatings when she tried to leave..
I read the fillings
See what I mean

Just have a regular conversation and ask did I or say hmm from the filings I feel this

That's fine

She was abused and left thank goodness


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
30 million is a hell of a book deal. The movie is getting made just off the leaked filings.
Yeah someone is going to make a movie or tv show based off it by the very least with certain elements. That sounded like some Luscious Lyon storyline.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I read the fillings
See what I mean

Just have a regular conversation and ask did I or say hmm from the filings I feel this

That's fine

She was abused and left thank goodness
The filing literally detailed numerous instances where she tried to leave, FROM the very beginning , man groomed her and kept her from leaving...


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Based on the filing, did anyone bother to do a count of how many FOs Diddy had her do? By her summation, he was working her like a hired mule...