Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend Nicki Watson teaches at an Elementary school in Harlem and last Saturday invited you to a "Retirement Party" for one of her coworkers.

The affair was nice and although Nicki could have taken her fiance (cool brother who really didn’t want to go) she figured she would "drag" you out the house. In addition, she has plenty of single female coworkers.

With this in mind, Nicki made sure that Ms.Kayla Rao sat at her table. In a nutshell, things went well and you surprisely had a good time.

Intially, you thought your hardest decision would be whether to dine on Steak, Lobster, Chicken or Shrimp? However, Kayla decided she would put something more "on your plate."

Kayla was enjoying the music and got up to dance so eventually you joined her. You were very impressed with her moves and complimented her on her "flow" and her nice legs.

Then, and this was truly unexpected, Kayla whispered "they would look so much better wrapped around your head."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You went to visit your nephew in NJ for the first time and noticed this young lady relaxing by the pool within his community.

In spite of it being a very hot day there weren't too many people out there. Nevertheless, you enjoy the view and watched her while she swam.

She must have noticed you watching her because your eyes met when she came out of the water.
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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few of your friends got together and decided to open up a restaurant that featured Southern Classic cuisine (they planned on expanding the menu overtime, but wanted to see what selections were popular before doing this). The place was nice and because they knew you were not working they offered you a job.

Because your kitchen skills are very limited they asked you if you wouldn't mind trying your hand at delivery (this was assuming considering you haven't done any delivery work since High school), but you figured why not, besides you could use the funds, and most of the delivery requests were local.

About 3 weeks ago, this sexy Indian woman walked in and placed an order, but because she was in a rush requested that the food be delivered.
She lived about 5 blocks away from the restaurant so it wasn't a problem and you only had 2 more orders to delivery that was on the way to her place.

When you arrive at her building the concierge called upstairs and asked did she want to come downstairs and pick it up or have the delivery man bring it upstairs (you remember that you always wanted to see the customer in person because that meant you might get a tip). She requested that you bring it upstairs (which is a better options since this allowed her to check her order).

When you get to the door, she's standing behind the door with just her head peeking out, she introduces herself as Sannati, and invites you into her kitchen.

Sannati apologizes for being so "sweaty," and you're just praying that you can keep your composure long enough to avoid saying something stupid. She checks her bags and takes everything out and then she tries the "Chocolate Cobbler" (ok, you didn't know what it was at first, but it looked good). What she did next kinda of messed with you because she told that she really loves "Chocolate," and then dipped her finger in the Cobbler, and wrapped her tongue around it like, well you know. Then dipped it again and pointed her finger at you for you to lick some off her finger (you had to lie about how that would affect your blood sugar levels).

She commented on you looking nervous and sweating a bit and you just mentioned that you felt a bit hot. She said she was sorry and didn't want to hold you up and gave you a nice tip. You "Thanked her," and figured that was the end of your encounter.

Unfortunately, you failed to realize that you have no control over your dreams...


doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member



November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok, let's say you go to see the fireworks celebration tonight and of course it's very crowed. You're "hanging out" with one of your good friends and you meet up with 4 young ladies who (like yourself) is trying to position themselves as close to the river side to get a better view of the fireworks display.

One of the young ladies seems to be attracted to you and it's mutual and you end up going back to your apartment. You're taken things slow, but it turns out that she is the aggressor and wants to do a little "Sumthin' Sumthin'."

The problem is you don't have any condoms in the house and the closest Drug store is about 17 blocks from your place.

What do you do?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First date and she came back to your place, then got up 90 minutes before you did, showered, got dressed and made you breakfast.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Initially, you could see the trepidation in her eyes because she knew her family would never approve of this relationship.

For she was promised to another, an arrangement promoted by her father to help provide a "lifeline" to his failing business.

But, at the moment the taste of "Forbidden Fruit" seemed so sweet.

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November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How did you end up here?

Short story, long, your friend Tamara asked you to come with her to the Department of Health because she needed to get an error corrected on her Birth certificate.

Tamara's a very attractive young lady and you figure the only reason Danya (Clerk) paid any attention to you while you and her waited to be called up.

Since you were there you figured you would pick up an application for your niece & brother (name needs to be amended). While you're talking to Danya she starts saying that you're a nice boyfriend to escort and wait with your girlfriend here.

You explained that Tamara was not your girlfriend (Danya did not believe you). So, you ended up slipping her your number with no expectations of her calling or texting you.

Apparently, women are more competitive than you think.
