Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you see people not for who they are, but for who you want them to be.

There is a 24 Hour Convenience store in your neighborhood and you tend to go there very late at night (It's run by people of Indian descent). Usually Mr. Khatri is there, but sometimes his sons or daughters might be working in the store (depending on the hour). Every now and then his daughter, Debra (who you believe is his eldest daughter is there) works until midnight.

Debra is always cordial and very mild mannered, and gives off the vibe that she is more comfortable curled up with a book and a warm glass of milk on a Friday night.

So, last Thursday you asked Debra what were her plans for the weekend? Debra said she would probably just go home and just relax and then she explained that:

"I'm not the girl I used to be."

You asked her: "What do you mean?"

She said: "I used to go out on the weekend to a club, meet a guy, take him home and "screw his brains out."
You looked surprised, and then she explained how she would "show off the girls," and that would get the attention of some guys.

"Huh?" Then she demonstrated...

You left confused, but returned on Friday night around the same time and Debra asked you:

"When are we hanging out?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because you were pretty "Tech savvy" your coworker Farah asked you if could cover over and help her install and setup her new television set (55" Class Samsung Neo QLED 4K QNX1D). You explained that you were not really familiar with "Smart televisions," but she insisted that you would be alright (plus the television was too heavy for one person to unbox and lift).

Farah said that she couldn't pay you, but she would treat you to dinner. So you told her that you would come by her apartment on Saturday evening (She was okay with that and set the time for 6:00 PM).

Were you attracted to Farah? Yeah, but when Farah would talk about guys that she was attracted too, all you would hear was Ryan Gosling or Bradley Cooper. In addition, she seemed to swoon over those types when they would walk into our office or just pass by.

Therefore your chances of "getting with" Farah was between "Zero and Nil."

Strange thing when you get there she seems to be a little "frisky."

As your setting her television up, you keep looking back at Farah because you are trying to explain how her remote control has multiple functions.
Meanwhile Farah is "engaged" with herself, and you're not sure how to proceed?



not the little wizard
BGOL Investor
Not for nothing, but real names of the talent in this thread would be helpful for "further research". Please and thanks

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not for nothing, but real names of the talent in this thread would be helpful for "further research". Please and thanks
I hear what you are saying and the reason I am reluctant to add the real names (a lot of times they aren't available) is because I have seen some women request that their photos or videos be removed from the site.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Mrs. Tanja Muhkerjee was separated from her husband and although many men had attempted to date her she refrain. Her husband had cheated on her and in spite of her beauty she felt inadequate. Her daughter, Tamara who was currently attending NYU suggested that she try something new, and told her that she might want to "open herself up" to different cultures.

Tamara, was currently dating a young black man who she met a school and told her mother that her boyfriend had a "Hot Uncle" (this would be you). Tanja wasn't sure because although she was attracted to black men she had never dated a black man. So, one particular evening she was speaking to her daughter and Tamara showed her some pictures of you and it had her thinking.

In spite of never having met you, Tanja started to fantasize about how things might be if you were to share her bed.

Normally, Tanja was composed, but her desire started to overwhelm her.

At that point, there was nothing that she wouldn't do to please you.

Absolutely nothing.


It must be remember that this is Tanja's fantasy.

and, now your potential rendezvous is being left in the hands of an entity we refer to as "Fate."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your friend, "Clark," who worked as a cleaner during the evening tour told you a wild story. Although, the building was open 24/7 there were a limited amount of people working during Clark's tour (which was 4:00 PM to 12:00 AM).

Clark was really excited because he found out that a new employee, Raina would now be working his tour. You had seen Raina and she was a very attractive young lady, so you understood why Clark was elated to be around her.

Raina was friendly, but mainly kept to herself (probably because she was just getting to know the people on her new tour), and Clark tried to "break the ice," but didn't feel he was making any "headway."

That was until last Friday evening. Clark was explaining to you that certain rooms were running low on toilet paper and paper towels and he had some stashed away in a 9th floor locker room. So, he went upstairs to get some supplies and when he open the door he got a big surprise.

Raina was in the room "handling her business." Initially, when he entered the room, Raina looked up and was shocked and embarrassed. However, after seeing it was Clark, she just said the hell with it and continued.

So, you had to ask Clark: "What did you do?"
He was honest and admitted that he was scared because he didn't know how Raina would react so he closed the door and left.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You met Maya for the first time last summer because she used to come by your job and go out to lunch with her niece Sarita. Sarita, although very attractive was currently working part-time while attending Law school at Columbia University, and if memory serves you correctly Maya worked for American Express in the Financial district in lower Manhattan.

Maya and Sarita actually favored each other, but because you were closer in age to Maya the conversations seemed to flow more smoothly even to the point that they invited you to go to lunch with them a few times. One particular Friday, the office was overloaded with work and the Supervisor asked Sarita would she be available to work some overtime? Sarita had to think about it because Maya was coming by that evening and they were going to go home together.

Somehow, when Maya showed up at the job, Sarita volunteered you to escort Maya home (since Maya had been out to lunch with you a few times, it wasn't like you were a complete stranger to her).

So, you decided to take the subway out to Jackson Heights, Queens were she lived and you figured you would see Maya to her door and then turn around and go home. Maya appreciated you taken the ride with her and you guess she felt guilty, so she invited you to dinner (her treat). You wanted to keep things simple so you suggested just picking up some sandwiches from "Subways."

You treated her and said that if she "didn't take advantage of you" that maybe you and her could go out to dinner next week. Maya said: "So what happens if I do take advantage of you?" You pretended to be shy and that got a big laugh out of her. Upon returning to her place you sat down, ate and talked a bit, and you lost track of time

Now, you're thinking about leaving when Maya asked you what did you think of her place and do you think she could do a few things to make it look better? You thought it looked okay, and then she said you need to see my bedroom because it's really basic.

Upon entering the bedroom...

Maya explained that it had been a long time...

since she had been with a man...

and I fully intend on taking advantage of you.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You used to collect vinyl records, but since the advent of Compact Disc (CD) and Mp3, stores began to reduce their inventory of those musical formats. This was painful because this had been a long time hobby of yours. However, one day you found this small store on 23rd St between Park and Lexington Avenue that still specialized in old and hard to find vinyl records. In addition, they would also purchase vinyl records.

Because you were a frequent customer you became acquainted with the staff and they could inform you if there was a particular record that you request was available and if not they had means to obtain it.

This brought you great job, but there was one other thing that you enjoyed about the store, that was "Chanda."

"Chanda" had some of the deepest brown eyes that you've ever seen and what enhanced her beauty was that her hijab not only covered her head, but cover her face (so all you could do was imagine how she looked underneath it all). What made "Chanda" even more appealing was that you found that you and her had a similar music taste in music (which surprised you because you assume that she would only be into tradition Indian music).

Whenever, you would go to the store, you would flirt with Chanda, and although you felt things would never go any further than what transpired within the store. You got pleasure out of seeing her eyes dance and hearing her laugh.

Of course there was one night (the store stayed open until 11:00 on the weekends) that will stay forever etched in your memory.

You had spent many years searching for the album "Arabian Nights" by the Ritchie Family because there was a cut on there entitled "Quiet Village" that brought back a better time in your life. You had an MP3 version of the song on your iPod Cloud and played some of it and she seemed to like it, in addition, you told her that the album cover reminded you of her.

So, she was able to find it and felt flattered by your comments because the women in the group are all portraying African Queens on the album cover.

Apparently, you got caught up in the connection you had with "Chanda" at the moment and you asked her if it would be alright if you saw her face? (at the time it was only you and her in the store because it was close to 11:00 PM, and her father went to get his car)

She told you: "No, not yet, however."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your nephew, Darius was recently laid off from his job and he was seeking new employment. Most of your connections had "dried up," but you did have one friend who still had some sway at JP Morgan Chase. Chase had been doing business with this company based in Indian HCL Tech that had offices in the United States. Fortunately, your nephew has a background in Computer Science and is somewhat familiar with Digital tech and basic Artificial Intelligence.

There was just one "catch." Your friend, Marty who had the connections with HCL Tech could probably arrange a meeting with a representative from the company, but that meant he would have to deal with Rayna (that was his connection). Rayna had some big title and he mentioned that she is the niece of the founder of the company (so she has pull).

Marty explained that Rayna wanted to "sleep" with him, but he had to "chill" because he was married at the time and although she was tempting it probably would have destroyed his situation at home.

So Marty felt the need to give Darius the "heads up," in the event she takes an interest in him outside of work.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whenever you went to the "Bombay" to pick up some Indian food you were greeting by "Sahara" (she is the hostess). You found her to be very attractive, and would often tell her, but what she told you shocked you. "Sahara" explained that very few men would approach her in her community and usually gravitated to her sisters and cousins, who have lighter complexions. In fact, she did not consider herself to be attractive.

You thought the topic of "colorism" within her community was interesting and asked her if it was okay if you continued to further the discussion outside of her place of business? Because she found the topic of interest to her she gave you her phone number. Initially, you exchanged text messages and then you graduated to phone calls.

Although you never made any sexual advances towards Sahara, she surprised you one night with a video...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A few months ago you had to escort your Aunt Jeanine (she's in her late 80's) to the bank because her husband had passed away and she needed to assume ownership of his accounts. Because you would help her with her business she added you to the checking account to assist her with paying her monthly bills. The transference when smoothly, but she was told that they would have to mail her a "debit card" within 7 to 10 business days.

If she needed to withdraw any funds she could simply report to the bank and they would perform the transaction without the card. Aunt Jeanine was okay with this since she had paid everything for the month and could afford to wait on the card.

However, the next day she told you that a young lady named, Damaris Gupta would be happy to bring her "debit card" to her home if she would like and that way she could avoid the wait (she left her contact number). When you saw your Aunt Jeanine later that day you call the number and Damaris said she could expedite the delivery of the new card and bring it to her tomorrow.

You said "okay," and arrived at your Aunt's place early and "hung out" with her until 5:30 (that was the time Damaris said she would be there.

It was Wednesday and your Aunt usually went to the "Senior Citizen Center" for her weekly exercise so you told her that you would wait in the apartment of Damaris.

You had seen Damaris in passing the other day while you were at the bank, but didn't really focus on her because you were engaged in a business transaction.

When Damaris arrived you greeted her and she did in fact have your Aunt's new "debit card," and some paperwork for her or yourself to read.

You realized that Aunt Jeanine would probably not be back for at least 2 hours, and let's just say Damaris got real comfortable...

Before she left Damaris told you that she forgot to bring your new "debit card," but if you like she can come see you again.



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

What if she was the daughter of this guy


..and he tells you that if you want to continue seeing his daughter you would have to eat an entire bowl of that right there in front of him :giggle::lol:

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm sure we've all had Supervisors that got on your last nerve. Your relationship with Nora fell into this category.

Yeah, she had a cute face. Yeah, she had a nice body, but she could be a straight up bitch at times, and because of this when your yearly evaluation came up you expected the worse.

Since you worked the "Overnight shift" (9:00 PM - 7:00 AM) Nora came in early at 5:00 AM to meet with you. Nervous, was the word of the day, but you noticed there was something different about Nora.

Nora seemed a bit intoxicated, maybe a "liquid breakfast" on the Long Island Railroad did the trick (rumor has it that her husband might be looking to trade her in for a new model).

Nevertheless, those were some of the circumstances that landed you here with Nora.
