Curry and Tikka Masala Thread - Indian Women Ongoing Thread (Add On)

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the 2nd time you were on a video shoot with your friend, Rene. The first time was a video shoot for a local artist in Brooklyn. This time it's for an independent film with a modest budget in Los Angeles.

You're a guest of Rene, and even though you have nothing to do with the production of the film this young lady keeps trying to get your attention.

She eventually walked over to you and started a conversation about how she would be perfect for this film. You explained to her that you didn't have anything to do with the film, but because she saw you talking to Rene she assumed you did.

To make matters worse she pulled you to the side (some secluded area on the set) to show you she had "talent."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
During the "NCAA Basketball Tournament" you developed an addiction to Turkey sandwiches from Subway. It became part of your weekly routine, and over time you became familiar with the staff.

Every now and then you would go in around 9:00 PM (They close at 9:30 PM), and you would run into Cassandra aka "Sandi."

You had a pretty good relationship with Sandi, and you would tease her and tell her that she would make a "Good wife."
She would laugh and say that most men can't handle me.
You asked: "Handle you in what way?"
Sandi said: "I have a very wild side."
You smirked: "What, like take a guy in the back of the store and make him "Eat Fresh," like the Subway motto.

Sandi: "Come with me in the back for a few minutes."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Shaurya was elated because her friend Carolyn introduced her to Matthew (an Attorney at her job that favor Glen Powell from the movie "Twisters"). It was their first date and you were surprised that they ended up in a restaurant in Harlem. You assumed it was Shaurya suggestions because your establishment caters to Traditional Southern Cuisine and Caribbean (Shaurya hailed from Guyana).

It wasn't soon after they were seated that you notice a "negative vibe" emanating from their table, and it wasn't because of the service. It appear that "their bone of contention" came from the fact that they had gotten into a conversation about politics (a "no no") , and their views were as far apart as the Hudson and East River.

You could literally see Matthew "turning red" which lead him to saying he needed some fresh air. Shauray didn't know this, but that meant that Matthew was about to "dine and dash" and leave Shaurya with the bill (and it was a "whopper"). It took her about 20 minutes to figure out what happened and unfortunately she's stuck with the bill, and didn't bring any credit cards and barely enough cash to get on the subway (actually, she had about $30.00).

So, you let her finish her meal and then security escorted her to your office.

You politely tell her: "That it appears you have a slight problem paying the bill, how do you suggest we rectify this matter?"


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your went to Charlotte, North Carolina to attend a "Family Reunion," and decided to stay in a motel. You could have stayed with a few family members, but you didn’t want to impose on them.

The motel you stayed in was adequate and although it didn’t possess the amenities of what you might find in a big city hotel in downtown Charlotte, it was adequate.

It was run by an Indian family, whose kindness made up for what they lacked in accommodations, especially one of the employees named...Gia.

Gia, who was the owner's daughter, was a member of Household services and split the cleaning duties with her cousin Shaya. They both were friendly, but there was something about Gia, something you couldn't put your finger on, but would soon find out.

One morning you decided to go for a walk over to your Aunt Gloria's house for breakfast, and then walked back to the motel for a quick shower. When you returned you found Gia in your room cleaning and sweating (you forgot to leave the air conditioner on).

Gia explained that she would be finished in a few minutes and just needed to clean up in the bathroom. You remember Gia going to the bathroom to clean up, and apparently the heat must have gotten to her because...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In spite of the fact that you have family in Chicago you've never been to visit, in addition, a very good friend would be attending the NABJ Convention (National Association of Black Journalist) there in less than 2 weeks (July 31 - Aug.4). If you decide to go you would stay in a hotel because you don't want to impose upon your cousin and her family.
Imagine, you're staying at a very upscale hotel in downtown Chicago and you're just sitting alone enjoying a drink trying to decide what you're going to have for dinner. You notice a young lady also seated at the bar having a drink. You figure you're alone, it's possible she's alone and you have a room upstairs, it's just how do you approach her?

You were surprised when you said: "I see you studying that menu like it's a treasure map, so exactly what have you decided you're having for dinner?" You had a good comeback in your mind, but you refrained thinking it's too soon. You pivoted and asked her: "What do you suggest?
This was a subtle signal for her to join you and somehow she ended up in your room that night.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nicole was like a "little sister" to you and from time to time you would stop by her job at the Public Library. You learned that the library had more information than just books which included audio recordings, Archives of historical events.

Malika was in charge of the Archives and audio recordings and surprisingly was very knowledgeable on the history of Jazz, Rock and Roll, Rhythm & Blues, Gospel and Rap.

You guess because you always sort her out that she assumed you liked her, and in some ways you did, but she just seemed a bit too conservative for you.

Nicole suggested that you ask her out on a date and you did without any expectations. The dat went well, dinner and a movie and then back to Malika's apartment.

You assumed the night would end with a kiss on the cheek, but Malika invited you in, and it was that night that you truly learned.

Never judge a book by its Cover.

The encounter was great, and it turns out Malika is a "Nasty Freak," and now she wants to do things in the library.

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
This is the 2nd time you were on a video shoot with your friend, Rene. The first time was a video shoot for a local artist in Brooklyn. This time it's for an independent film with a modest budget in Los Angeles.

You're a guest of Rene, and even though you have nothing to do with the production of the film this young lady keeps trying to get your attention.

She eventually walked over to you and started a conversation about how she would be perfect for this film. You explained to her that you didn't have anything to do with the film, but because she saw you talking to Rene she assumed you did.

To make matters worse she pulled you to the side (some secluded area on the set) to show you she had "talent."


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Submitted for your approval, You, another causality of a few "glasses of forgetfulness," once again find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings. You sought salvation in the bottom of a bottle that offered you an ounce of courage, but did the bottle also tell you that Karma expects her "pound of flesh?" And, though the aroma of the sweet scent of perfume is a subtle reminder of the events that took place last night your memory is still cloudy as to how you ended up here? And, what you assumed would be a casual "One night stand" with a Brown skinned enchantress, that one might refer to as a dream scenario is about to turn into a "living nightmare," and a lesson to be learned in The Twilight Zone.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of your friends is very cautious when it comes to trusting women and believes most of them are only out for what they can get from a guy. Currently, he requires Physical therapy to help improve his overall mobility and increase his flexibility. Just out of curiosity, you wonder how he would respond if one of his therapist did this in the middle of a session?


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Years ago when Carolyn lived in the city you had gone out a few times, but you felt that she placed you in the "Friend Zone," and in spite of all your efforts you felt you were destined to remain there. Nevertheless, your face light up when you got a phone call one evening from Carolyn. She had moved to Chicago and was scheduled to come to the city for some job training that was scheduled for July 17 - July 22, so there was a strong possible that you could spend a little time together.

When she got to the city she called you and you decided to go out to dinner, but there was one catch. She was not alone and would be bringing her friend/coworker Kareena. Since you had never been there you decided to tell them to meet you at the "Sugar Bar" (Nick Ashford & Valerie Simpson's restaurant on the West side). You arrived first and about 10 minutes lady, Carolyn and Kareena showed up. Carolyn still looked good, but after seeing Kareena, you really didn't care about being placed in the "Friend Zone" by Carolyn.

The dinner went well and you escorted them back to their hotel, but now you're trying to figure out a way to spend some alone time with Kareena. Your thinking you could just give her your number in front of Carolyn since you and her are "just friends," but women sometimes get possessive and even though they don't want you, they don't want anyone else to be with you.

Somehow you were able to pull a "David Blaine," and slipped Kareena your number. You didn't think she would call because she didn't know what type of history you and Carolyn had, but she called anyway and invited you to spend some time with her (Carolyn was spending the day in the Bronx with her sisters).

After about 20 minutes of being in the room with Kareena, she let you know what time it was.



Rising Star
Platinum Member


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You could not explain your attraction for Veda Nair or better known to you as Mrs. Nair? She ran a Health food store in the neighborhood and was always helpful to you, but you seemed to sense a sadness in her eyes. Perhaps the sorrow was caused by Mr. Nair constantly flirting with every young attractive female that entered their store. In addition, to him always staying late after hours to take inventory when that could easily be done at the end of the month.

You became privy to this information because Mrs. Nair felt comfortable talking to you when Mr. Nair was not in the store, and you tried to listen attentively and not feed into the possibility that Mr. Nair might be "cheating" on her.

One day when you went to the Health food store to purchase some items Mrs. Nair inquired as to whether you had a wife or girlfriend and you told her that you didn't. She then said that a nice man like you deserves to have a home cook meal from time to time and offered her services (you thought this was a kind gesture and figured she was just trying to be nice). She said that Mr. Nair is out of town visiting his mother in North Carolina and that she would be more than happy to make you home cook meal this evening.

She asked did you live far from the store and you told her about 8 blocks away so she took your number down and told you that she would call you when she is leaving the store (she didn't want the other employees to see her leave with you and they could lock up at closing time).

When she called around 6:00 PM, you told her that you would meet her in front of "Starbucks," she agreed, and you told her that you had some frozen chicken already in the refrigerator and plenty of spices in the cupboard so you just continued walking to your apartment.

Unfortunately, you never got that "home cooked meal," at least not that evening.


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Last Friday at work, you and Amara had a lengthy conversations about movies and she was telling you that there are a lot of movies she would like to see, but she doesn't want to go by herself (plus going to the movies can be expensive).

So, you asked her what is out now that she would like to see? And, she told you that "A Quiet Place: Day One" seemed interesting, but she was apprehensive when it came to scary movies. You told her that it's not that bad, and that you would be willing to treat her to the movie.
She accepted and after work you found a theater that was not too far from her place and you and Amara went. After the movie, you found a restaurant and grabbed a bite to eat and then you figured you might as well see her home.

When you got to her place she invited you inside for a "tour" of the apartment that she shared with her roommate (who was out of town for the weekend), and Amara even invited you to spend the night. You declined, because for one, you kind of saw Amara like a "little sister," and two, sometimes she would wear a Saree and you thought that she was deep into her religion (to you that meant no sex with anyone unless it's your husband). So you left, and she asked you to call her when you got home.

When you got home you called Amara and she "Thank you," for a great time and hope that you and her could "hang out" again. In addition, she also wanted you to know that she really wanted you to "spend the night," and said it would have been fun if you did.

After you hung up she send you this video...

You were surprised to see the first part and never realized that Amara had a decent body, but you didn't expect what was in the 2nd part of the video...


November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sometimes you look at women and assume now they might be in bed, and with Ziana you figured that she was a "pillow princess." The type that lays back and expects the guy to do all the work.

Boy were you wrong, and Ziana did not hesitate to let you know "what time it was."

Tha Baldavenger

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Last Friday at work, you and Amara had a lengthy conversations about movies and she was telling you that there are a lot of movies she would like to see, but she doesn't want to go by herself (plus going to the movies can be expensive).

So, you asked her what is out now that she would like to see? And, she told you that "A Quiet Place: Day One" seemed interesting, but she was apprehensive when it came to scary movies. You told her that it's not that bad, and that you would be willing to treat her to the movie.
She accepted and after work you found a theater that was not too far from her place and you and Amara went. After the movie, you found a restaurant and grabbed a bite to eat and then you figured you might as well see her home.

When you got to her place she invited you inside for a "tour" of the apartment that she shared with her roommate (who was out of town for the weekend), and Amara even invited you to spend the night. You declined, because for one, you kind of saw Amara like a "little sister," and two, sometimes she would wear a Saree and you thought that she was deep into her religion (to you that meant no sex with anyone unless it's your husband). So you left, and she asked you to call her when you got home.

When you got home you called Amara and she "Thank you," for a great time and hope that you and her could "hang out" again. In addition, she also wanted you to know that she really wanted you to "spend the night," and said it would have been fun if you did.

After you hung up she send you this video...

You were surprised to see the first part and never realized that Amara had a decent body, but you didn't expect what was in the 2nd part of the video...

might have to go back for a night cap