DCs Legends of Tomorrow


Rising Star
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Legends of Tomorrow welcomes back 7 heroes in 100th episode first look photos

Arthur Darvill, Brandon Routh, Courtney Ford, and more return for the wacky superhero drama's milestone Gideon-centric hour.

By Chancellor AgardOctober 13, 2021 at 10:30 AM EDT

The road to DCThe road to DC FanDome begins here! In the days leading up to the second annual free virtual fan event — which returns Saturday, Oct. 16 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT — EW will be debuting exclusive new looks at DC Entertainment's forthcoming TV shows and comics.Today, we're screwing history up for the better with a first look at the 100th episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

Wentworth Miller isn't the only familiar face returning for the 100th episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

EW is debuting an exclusive first look at the Caity Lotz-directed milestone hour (airing Oct. 27) that reveals the returns of former cast members Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter), Victor Garber (Dr. Martin Stein/Firestorm), Franz Drameh (Jax/Firestorm), Falk Hentschel (Hawkman), Courtney Ford (Nora Darhk), and Brandon Routh (Ray Palmer/the Atom). Check out the two photos below.

So what brings all of these departed Legends back to the Waverider? Well, it all has to do with Gideon, the Waverider's artificial intelligence who becomes a real flesh and blood character played by Amy Pemberton in the CW superhero show's seventh season. (Pemberton has voiced Gideon since the pilot.) Unfortunately, the newly human Gideon gets overwhelmed and has a meltdown in the 100th episode. To reboot her, Astra (Olivia Swann) and Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) must dive into her mind and help her remember the Legends. While inside, the team's newest recruits witness previously unseen moments from the dramedy's earlier seasons.

"We are exploring the memories of who we consider the O-est of the OGs, Gideon, who is the Legend before the Legends," executive producer and co-showrunner Keto Shimizu tells EW. "As we explore these memories, we get to see familiar faces from all the different iterations of the Legends that she has experienced through her steadfast watch as the ship mother."

Co-showrunner and EP Phil Klemmer adds: "What this episode explores is the key memories and why Gideon held onto them, and what she learned in each of these moments."

For both Shimizu and Klemmer, the 100th episode's premise was an opportunity to not only reflect on how Legends of Tomorrow has evolved over the past seven years, but to also give the actors who left the show before season 3 a chance to enjoy the wild and playful tone that has come to define the series.

"It was a real chance to celebrate the evolution of the show," says Shimizu. "We really wanted to take viewers back to what it was and not despairingly. For a story that is thematically about growth and change and embracing the new, and what challenges turn you into — the blossoming — it was really imperative that we had those people come back to both live in the new tone of the show, but also to show like, 'Hey this is what the show was and look how far it's changed and evolved since then.'"

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that Legends shoots in Canada — which required international visitors quarantine for two weeks upon entering the country for most of the past year and a half — the producers had to approach this episode very differently. Who they were able to bring back dictated what these memories would be.

"We actually cast first and then wrote second," says Klemmer. "When we first started entertaining the notion of it, there was still a two-week quarantine period that nobody in their right mind would've done for a guest-star role. But it was one of those things that I don't think we dared let ourselves believe we would get as many as we did. When we broke the story, there were kind of placeholders [on the writers room board] like, 'And then there's gonna be a memory.' We didn't know what the memories were, who was going to be in them."

"We actually broke episode 4 first," says Shimizu. "We got episode 3 on the board as much as we could without knowing who was going to come in for those memories, and then we just moved onto four, pretty much broke it in its entirety. By the time we had done that, we knew who was coming back and then we went back back three and inserted all of the proper character into the mix."

Klemmer adds: "We didn't intend for it to be quite as expansive as it was, but it was just like we got one — we would've loved to have Hawkgirl and Heat Wave and Vandal Savage — [and] it made us greedy."

Picking up where season 6 left off, Legends of Tomorrow's seventh season finds the lovable super-screw-ups stranded in Texas 1925 after the destruction of the Waverider. With no other option, the team sets out for New York City, where they hope to find Dr. Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan's new character), who might be able to help them out of this predicament.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow premieres Wednesday at 8 p.m. on The CW. For more on Legends of Tomorrow and the rest of the Arrowverse, tune into DC FanDome on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET at DCFanDome.com.


Rising Star
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Here's what you should watch and read to prepare for Legends of Tomorrow season 7

From Homer's The Odyssey to Chicago and The Real World, the Legends showrunners tease season 7's many inspirations.
By Chancellor AgardOctober 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM EDT



DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Netflix, The CW, Google Play, and more options
DC's Legends of Tomorrow is switching things up for its seventh season, which premieres Wednesday night.
Whereas most of the super-show's seasons follow the team as they jump from one historical era to another and inhabit different genres (a John Wu action flick! a Bollywood musical! College party movies!), the latest one, at least initially, finds them stuck in the past — specifically 1925 Odessa, Texas — because their timeship, the Waverider, was destroyed by a second Waverider that appeared out of nowhere at the end of season 6. Without all of the futuristic technology they've come to depend on, Sara (Caity Lotz), Nate (Nick Zano), and the rest of the gang must travel to New York without causing too much damage to the timeline and find Dr. Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan), the forefather of time travel who might be able to help them.
Jes Macallan as Ava and Caity Lotz as Sara Lance on 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' season 7

Even though the Legends are stranded in the 1920s, that doesn't mean the pop culture-devouring CW dramedy will stop experimenting with different genres and drawing inspiration from classic stories. To help you understand season 7's many references and influences, EW asked showrunners Phil Klemmer and Keto Shimizu to put together a study guide over email.

Below, the producers share what you should read, watch, and research to enrich your viewing experience and preview the roaring season ahead.
Homer'sThe Odyssey
'The Odyssey' hardcover book by Homer and translated by Emily Wilson

"This season is about the Legends trying to return home, so if you're looking to go deep, start with the original 'just trying to get home' story. But if you're not into the classics, go for a classic film based on The Odyssey: O Brother Where Art Thou by the Coen Brothers. And if classic films are too snobby, we would suggest The Cannonball Run. Fun fact: Erwin "Cannonball" Baker was a real life person who first made the coast-to-coast race famous in 1925. Our Legends will manage to cross with him this season."
Bonnie and Clyde
Shayan Sobhian as Behrad and Tala Ashe as Zari on 'DC's Legends of Tomorrow' season 7

"Although these two historical figures have already appeared on the show (season 5, episode 9 'The Great British Fake Off'), this season will find our Legends doing an impersonation of flashy bank robbers who become media sensations (without killing anyone, of course). But it's more than just robbing banks…"

'Chicago' (2002) starring Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere, and Renee Zellweger

"It wouldn't be Legends if there wasn't a little song and dance, right? Move aside Roxie and Velma because the Legends are going to try their hand at some tap dancing — oh and also a little aerial silk action. Caity Lotz and Jes Macallan didn't need doubles to make this one shine!"
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (2004) starring Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet

"In order to prepare for the 100th episode of Legends you're going to have to bend your brain a bit. Our celebration of the century mark is an episode based on the notion of memory, and how identity is formed by memory. Snore-fest, right? On paper, it might make your head hurt. But a parade of Legends from seasons past will make it worth it…"
The Great Train Robbery
'The Great Train Robbery' (1903) starring Gilbert 'Broncho Billy' Anderson

"I'm [Klemmer] not going to lie, I haven't seen this movie, but we do have an episode about a train this season… and not a robbery exactly, but a crime. Murder on the Orient Express? Sorry, haven't seen that one either. I've seen Snowpiercer… but our episode was shot in August so no snow, sorry."
The Real World seasons 1-4
'The Real World' season 1 cast

"Our Legends are going back to the '90s this season. The only thing worse than being stuck on a timeship with eight annoying roommates? Being stuck in Constantine's manor. John might be gone but infernal curses persist on our show. Question: Who do you think will play our version of Puck?"
The Terminator
Arnold Schwarzenegger in 'The Terminator' (1984)

"I'm not going to tell you why to watch this but you can probably guess."
And here's a bonus tease from the EPs: "Listen to some Franz Ferdinand and while you're at it do a little light wiki reading on the final days of the original dude."
DC's Legends of Tomorrow returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. on The CW


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
man I'm tripping that the season has already started.. i'm so behind on shit. Flash.. Superman... Supergirl..

Batwoman is the only thing I'm current on.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Legends of Tomorrow 100th episode script pages reveal a hilarious 'lost' season 1 scene

EW's exclusive script excerpt journeys all the way back to the CW series' pilot.
By Chancellor AgardOctober 21, 2021 at 01:18 PM EDT



DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Netflix, The CW, Google Play, and more options
DC's Legends of Tomorrow is taking a trip down memory lane to reveal some "lost" scenes from the titular team's past — and you can dive into one of them right now because EW is exclusively debuting three script pages from the show's landmark 100th episode.
In the Caity Lotz-directed hour, cleverly titled "wvrdr_error_100<oest-of-th3-gs.gid30n> not found," Astra (Olivia Swann) and Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) enter the now-human Gideon's (Amy Pemberton) mind because a virus is threatening to erase all her memories. As they scour Gideon's mindscape for the virus, the duo glimpse previously unseen moments from the show's history that were buried in her mind and encounter some of the Waverider's former crew members, including Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill), Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller), Dr. Martin Stein/Firestorm (Victor Garber), Jax/Firestorm (Franz Drameh), Hawkman (Falk Hentschel), Nora Darhk (Courtney Ford), and Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh).

The accompanying excerpt journeys all the way back to the pilot and reveals the team's tense, rowdy first breakfast together after boarding the Waverider. Read the scene and check out Lotz and co-showrunner Phil Klemmer and Keto Shimizu's annotations below.


1. "[Revisiting] season 1 was easy to do, because for whatever reason, it's indelible," says Klemmer, who co-wrote the episode with Matthew Maala. "I was so stressed out season 1 [that] I remember it. It gets a little murky in the middle seasons. Whoever does the Arrow wiki, we're not joking, we want to give them like a special thanks title card on this one because I had to go back and read so many wiki pages from our own show for stuff I could not for the life of me remember."
2. "[This episode] was an opportunity for actors like Wentworth Miller who left the show in season 1 to get to return to the show and perform scenes, like the one that we shared with you, which purportedly existed in the background of season 1 but clearly is imbued with the tone that would be much more familiar to season 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7," says Klemmer. "We kind of realized that there were people who didn't get to have as much fun as their talents deserved."

Lotz had a blast guiding her former castmates through this scene. "Everybody really was there and down to play," she says. "They were excited to be able to do a different version of their character that got to be a little bit more light and playful. And I think all of them were happy to see each other as well. It was such a reunion."
3. "We did a lot of takes too so that we could play around with the tone," Lotz says of how she helped the returning actors settle into this funnier mode. "Because it was a bit tricky because it's like, what is this humor? How big do we go? How small do we go? And so we just did a couple different takes where everybody got to play with it at varying levels, like being a little more over-the-top or a little more natural with it. And I think that was my strategy, to just let them play with it so that when we put it together in post, we have options."
4. "I was just fascinated by what season 1 would look like through the eyes of season 7 Legends," Klemmer says of Astra's reaction to seeing the original members. "It's like when you go to college, you feel like, 'I'm the only who is having this experience. Nobody has ever gone and lived in this dorm and had all of these life altering moments.' That's kind of like what the Waverider is — it's just a dormitory that's been around. For them to come back to the place that they think of as home and go, 'Wait a second, there was another generation of people here who were so much different than us.' Especially [with] like Sara, it's like going back and seeing your mom before she was your mom and going, 'Mom was crazy!'"
5. "When people wear white, they're kind of asking to get spilled on," Shimizu says of this joke about Sara's original super-suit. "We were just wanting to poke fun at that a little bit, and that she would lose her temper when someone inevitably spilled something on her."


6. Stepping back into season 1 Sara's mindset was "weird," Lotz says. "She's such a leader now. I like Sara now. I like this version of Sara that is more connected to people and less guarded. So it was actually kind of tough playing. It almost like retrogressing."
Klemmer adds: "I guess the interesting question [raised here] would be: Sara was ready to murder people because she got poached egg on her super-suit, and now Sara is basically the glue that is holding the team together as they're marooned in 1925 and trying to do this arduous cross-country road trip, essentially. It sort of opens up the question, 'Wow, if Sara changed that much in six years, what does it mean for us?' It opens up the question of, if somebody else evolved, it stands to reason that you're destined to evolve as well, and that's kind of a mind-blowing idea because we don't think of ourselves as changing, really."
7. "The whole episode takes place in Gideon's mindscape, so you are tripping through her neural connections," Klemmer explains. "But it's interesting because we kind of realized who was important to Gideon and how she chose to remember them. You realize that Gideon's got her biases and favorites. She loves all the Legends, but she's got a special place in her heart for the people that work on her [like Jax]. The ship's mechanic, they spent the most time together, and therefore he was the most indelible and the fondest of her memories, so he's like the spirit guide that takes us through this journey through her memories."
8. "It's like this is some of our newest Legends getting to see the first iteration of this team and to have that total sense of disorientation of seeing such a different group, and seeing the dynamic being so adversarial and dark, and that these people were just so eager to fight one another," Shimizu says, explaining the significance of the team's stand-off. "There's also something wonderful about the scene, which is it's kind of showing the worst impulses of this group and the fact that they are such a powder keg. The scene is actually really important because it actually makes her say, 'No, Rip, these people are disasters' [in a later scene]."


9. Both Shimizu and Klemmer also note how this scene highlights some of Rip's deficiencies, like managing personalities.
"He literally took the losers from the timeline, and what did he expect was going to happen, that they were going gonna sing 'Kumbaya' and get along? No!" Shimizu says. "Nor did he make many efforts to create that sort of familial atmosphere. It kind of happened by accident, and it certainly happened after he was gone. It was sort of something that was forged later on. He wasn't necessarily the people person that this team needed."
Furthermore, Sara's closing exchange with Gideon is "kind of the first moment in which season 1 Sara, who never in a million years thought that she would be the captain of this ship, had this moment of recognizing Gideon's authority," says Klemmer. "But I think that was kind of where the seed was planted of Sara being like, 'If Gideon can keep them from killing each other, then maybe there's hope for me to one day manage this team.'"
DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on the CW.
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Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Legends of Tomorrow welcomes back 7 heroes in 100th episode first look photos

Arthur Darvill, Brandon Routh, Courtney Ford, and more return for the wacky superhero drama's milestone Gideon-centric hour.

By Chancellor AgardOctober 13, 2021 at 10:30 AM EDT

The road to DCThe road to DC FanDome begins here! In the days leading up to the second annual free virtual fan event — which returns Saturday, Oct. 16 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT — EW will be debuting exclusive new looks at DC Entertainment's forthcoming TV shows and comics.Today, we're screwing history up for the better with a first look at the 100th episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

Wentworth Miller isn't the only familiar face returning for the 100th episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow.

EW is debuting an exclusive first look at the Caity Lotz-directed milestone hour (airing Oct. 27) that reveals the returns of former cast members Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter), Victor Garber (Dr. Martin Stein/Firestorm), Franz Drameh (Jax/Firestorm), Falk Hentschel (Hawkman), Courtney Ford (Nora Darhk), and Brandon Routh (Ray Palmer/the Atom). Check out the two photos below.

So what brings all of these departed Legends back to the Waverider? Well, it all has to do with Gideon, the Waverider's artificial intelligence who becomes a real flesh and blood character played by Amy Pemberton in the CW superhero show's seventh season. (Pemberton has voiced Gideon since the pilot.) Unfortunately, the newly human Gideon gets overwhelmed and has a meltdown in the 100th episode. To reboot her, Astra (Olivia Swann) and Spooner (Lisseth Chavez) must dive into her mind and help her remember the Legends. While inside, the team's newest recruits witness previously unseen moments from the dramedy's earlier seasons.

"We are exploring the memories of who we consider the O-est of the OGs, Gideon, who is the Legend before the Legends," executive producer and co-showrunner Keto Shimizu tells EW. "As we explore these memories, we get to see familiar faces from all the different iterations of the Legends that she has experienced through her steadfast watch as the ship mother."

Co-showrunner and EP Phil Klemmer adds: "What this episode explores is the key memories and why Gideon held onto them, and what she learned in each of these moments."

For both Shimizu and Klemmer, the 100th episode's premise was an opportunity to not only reflect on how Legends of Tomorrow has evolved over the past seven years, but to also give the actors who left the show before season 3 a chance to enjoy the wild and playful tone that has come to define the series.

"It was a real chance to celebrate the evolution of the show," says Shimizu. "We really wanted to take viewers back to what it was and not despairingly. For a story that is thematically about growth and change and embracing the new, and what challenges turn you into — the blossoming — it was really imperative that we had those people come back to both live in the new tone of the show, but also to show like, 'Hey this is what the show was and look how far it's changed and evolved since then.'"

Given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that Legends shoots in Canada — which required international visitors quarantine for two weeks upon entering the country for most of the past year and a half — the producers had to approach this episode very differently. Who they were able to bring back dictated what these memories would be.

"We actually cast first and then wrote second," says Klemmer. "When we first started entertaining the notion of it, there was still a two-week quarantine period that nobody in their right mind would've done for a guest-star role. But it was one of those things that I don't think we dared let ourselves believe we would get as many as we did. When we broke the story, there were kind of placeholders [on the writers room board] like, 'And then there's gonna be a memory.' We didn't know what the memories were, who was going to be in them."

"We actually broke episode 4 first," says Shimizu. "We got episode 3 on the board as much as we could without knowing who was going to come in for those memories, and then we just moved onto four, pretty much broke it in its entirety. By the time we had done that, we knew who was coming back and then we went back back three and inserted all of the proper character into the mix."

Klemmer adds: "We didn't intend for it to be quite as expansive as it was, but it was just like we got one — we would've loved to have Hawkgirl and Heat Wave and Vandal Savage — [and] it made us greedy."

Picking up where season 6 left off, Legends of Tomorrow's seventh season finds the lovable super-screw-ups stranded in Texas 1925 after the destruction of the Waverider. With no other option, the team sets out for New York City, where they hope to find Dr. Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan's new character), who might be able to help them out of this predicament.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow premieres Wednesday at 8 p.m. on The CW. For more on Legends of Tomorrow and the rest of the Arrowverse, tune into DC FanDome on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 10 a.m. PT/1 p.m. ET at DCFanDome.com.

Something seriously bad must have happened with Ciara Renee(HawkGirl) for her not to be invited back. When the sexual harrasement accusations took place she was unusually quiet - https://www.instagram.com/ciararenee8/


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Something seriously bad must have happened with Ciara Renee(HawkGirl) for her not to be invited back. When the sexual harrasement accusations took place she was unusually quiet - https://www.instagram.com/ciararenee8/

“We went through the team, made a list of all the characters and started to think of stories for them. When we got to Hawkman and Hawkgirl, we had trouble coming up with stories. The bow was tied so tightly and neatly with their story in the finale, that everything we thought of felt very forced. After 4000 years, they were no longer under the specter of Vandal, and we felt they need some time off. Bringing them back to the team as soon as the the beginning of Season 2 felt premature."



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Something seriously bad must have happened with Ciara Renee(HawkGirl) for her not to be invited back. When the sexual harrasement accusations took place she was unusually quiet - https://www.instagram.com/ciararenee8/

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you first learn Kendra would be leaving and how did you feel about about her sendoff?

CIARA RENEE: It had been something that was in talks for a little while toward the end of filming. We didn’t exactly know how we were going to wrap up the season, but once the final script came out, we understood where we were headed. Honestly, I was like, “Oh, I get it, it makes sense. We wrapped up the story. Totally cool.” Marc [Guggenheim], Phil [Klemmer] and I, we all chatted about it and we were like, “I think this is going to be for the best.

But did you feel like there was more story to tell?

With all of these comic book characters, there’s thousands and thousands of stories to tell. There’s 4,000 lifetimes to tell for Kendra, specifically, but there are plenty of origin stories and other earths and other dimensions for these characters. So I think absolutely there’s more to tell if that’s what maybe we would talk about later, or something like that. But for now, this is definitely the best move for everybody.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you first learn Kendra would be leaving and how did you feel about about her sendoff?

CIARA RENEE: It had been something that was in talks for a little while toward the end of filming. We didn’t exactly know how we were going to wrap up the season, but once the final script came out, we understood where we were headed. Honestly, I was like, “Oh, I get it, it makes sense. We wrapped up the story. Totally cool.” Marc [Guggenheim], Phil [Klemmer] and I, we all chatted about it and we were like, “I think this is going to be for the best.

But did you feel like there was more story to tell?

With all of these comic book characters, there’s thousands and thousands of stories to tell. There’s 4,000 lifetimes to tell for Kendra, specifically, but there are plenty of origin stories and other earths and other dimensions for these characters. So I think absolutely there’s more to tell if that’s what maybe we would talk about later, or something like that. But for now, this is definitely the best move for everybody.

I believe they brought Hawkman back a couple of times since the 2 left but Ciara was never brought back - I have NO IDEA if the harassment think is the case but her departure and then the stories a year later seems too coincidental.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I believe they brought Hawkman back a couple of times since the 2 left but Ciara was never brought back - I have NO IDEA if the harassment think is the case but her departure and then the stories a year later seems too coincidental.

But to be fair she could have been silent because she did not witness or experience anything negative herself.

Just yesterday batwoman out her apparently lying about issues on the set

And supergirl signed a big production deal with them despite everything.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
Lmao. I'm enjoying this season better than last. Probably due to how they are using historical stuff.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man What In THe ENTIRE FUCK???!!!

Had no idea this shit was still goin. THought it was cancelled years ago like season 2 or some shit.lol


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
Man What In THe ENTIRE FUCK???!!!

Had no idea this shit was still goin. THought it was cancelled years ago like season 2 or some shit.lol

every season they come back they on a different time
I enjoy it based but who would've thought this show we see 100 episodes and be so different from the original vibe of the show. At this point its almost more comedy than anything else

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
every season they come back they on a different time
I enjoy it based but who would've thought this show we see 100 episodes and be so different from the original vibe of the show. At this point its almost more comedy than anything else
this show is on life support imo..the lastest episode was just too heavy handed with LGBTQ politics


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Legends of Tomorrow
star explains their decision to leave and 'honorable exit'
Wednesday's finale marks Nick Zano's final episode as a series regular.
By Chancellor AgardMarch 02, 2022 at 09:01 PM EST

DC's Legends of Tomorrow

Warning: This article contains spoilers from the season 7 finale of DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which aired Wednesday night.

If DC's Legends of Tomorrow returns for an eighth season — which the CW hasn't ordered yet — it will be without one of its longest tenured members.
Nick Zano, who joined the dramedy as lovable historian-turned-superhero Nate Heywood in season 2, is leaving the Waverider, and Wednesday's season 7 finale was his last episode as a series regular. In the World War I-set closer, Nate charged into a haze of mustard gas to save the love of Gwyn's (Matt Ryan) life, Alun (Tom Forbes), and lost all of his steel powers as a result. In the aftermath of his honorable sacrifice, Nate decided it was time to give up superhero-ing and join Zari 1.0 (Tala Ashe) in the totem, a move he'd been pondering all season long. (For more information on Donald Faison's introduction as Booster Gold, Avalance's shocking news, and more, read our postmortem interview with co-showrunner Phil Klemmer.)

Of course, no one is ever really gone on Legends, and the door is always open for everyone to return, including Zano.
Below, EW chats with Zano about his decision to leave the show, what he'll miss the most, and more.
The cast of Legends of Tomorrow

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So this is your final episode as a series regular. Was it your decision to make this your last season?
It was my decision. My contract was coming to an end. I had a conversation with Phil Klemmer, my main man in Burbank, and I told him that I think I'm going to end it when it ends. That decision was made during last hiatus, but the only people who knew were Phil and the producers. My castmates didn't know. So we started shooting the season, and I didn't say anything to anybody because I'm very uncomfortable with that kind of attention.

Eventually, I think five episodes in, the writing starts coming on the wall that they're setting up something for Nate, and I eventually told my coworkers. I'm like, "This is it." They're like, "What?!" And it became the thing I didn't want it to become, but I was just postponing it because I didn't want to be in it. We're a tight group that's been through a lot. In TV, you don't really get too many opportunities to get a proper goodbye to a character you portray for six or seven years of your life.
How did your costars behave when it became the thing you were trying to avoid?
[Laughs] When you're together this long, a lot of eye contact is a lot of communication. Because you're around a lot of people on a set. So a lot of times you'd like to have a conversation, but people are like putting on your clothes, putting microphones on you. So there's a lot of eye contact. It's a moment of intimacy of being like, you know, "I'm not coming back" and just stare at each other, and that heaviness of the stare. That's just people who have been together for so long communicating so much.
I imagine the producers wanted you to return for another season if it gets renewed. What made you decide that you wanted to leave when your contract was up?
I don't know. There's always been a voice that's guided me in my life. It's always been like in my subconscious, I think we all have it, where it felt right. When I made that deal with everybody for this amount of time, honestly Chance, I never felt I would see the end of my contract. But that's what happened, and that's a beautiful thing. That's a wonderful thing! But I do something called the Harvard test where your head, heart, and gut all have to say yes before you make a decision. My head, heart, and gut told me that it was time. So, I spoke with Phil, and then we started. To Phil's credit, he gave me a beautiful, honorable exit that I'm forever grateful for.
So you're satisfied with Nate's story wrapping up with him going to join Zari in the totem?
Oh, it's just finally giving the man what he's always wanted: love and a relationship that isn't going to go away, something that's not doomed. Anybody who watches the show knows that this is what the guy is really about. He's a loving character who cares about everybody and kind of always puts himself last, especially in the past couple seasons which were about [him] being the glue. Being rewarded this way is a beautiful thing for this character.
It's funny how it took you deciding to leave for the writers to finally get rid of Nate's very expensive and hard-to-render steel powers.
[Laughs] It's insane. How many years have I been saying, "I don't think they knew how much this superpower actually costs?" But this superpower that I barely got to use, I couldn't change my hair for six seasons because we spent too much money in molding and like 800 camera angles of my face and body so we could just go right into the CGI. But yeah, they found a way. It was kind of a big thing on set when it was the last time they put on the dots to create the Steel effect, and the last time they took off the dots.
Nick Zano as Nate Heywood/Steel on 'Legends of Tomorrow'

What was your very last day on set like?
It was a day early. It was a Wednesday. I was supposed to be series-wrapped on Thursday, but we had a first AD who was just banging out scenes. He's like, "I may be able to get to that one scene that you're in tomorrow tonight." I was like, "Really?" So now, I'm in my body [thinking] I'm wrapped tonight and not tomorrow, which I emotionally wasn't prepared for.
Then I felt the shift in my coworkers when everybody heard that we're doing the scene. We sat in our tent in the middle of the woods together and it was just like, "Wow, this is the last time we're all stuck in the woods with seven heaters in the rain together." Where that thing [was once] so draining, [but] in that moment I was sitting there, it was beautiful; it wasn't cold or raining. It was like my last two hours with seven people I've done things with that people don't do together in lifetimes. It was an extraordinary experience for me internally. Then we shot it, and coverage, coverage, and they said that's a series wrap on me. I got a collapse hug from my coworkers that I was in the center of. It was beautiful and it was nice, and it was special.
And then it broke and I just saw the entire crew staring at me. I don't prepare stuff to say, I just say things. In that time, the first thing that came to my head [was], I said to the crew, "I'm always going to be here for you," because I will, because I have a bond with my crew that is so deep and so special and I care about them so much. "You're not losing me the person, and I'm not losing them because we've all been through way too much." Then, we said our goodbye and they presented me with the Legends goodbye, which is a puppet of your character and a cake. And Phil Klemmer came up and gave me the goodbye speech that just destroyed my heart in the nicest way imaginable. There's no ill will. Usually if there's an ending, there's something bad happening somewhere in the shadows. Nothing bad ever happened from the time I walked in to the time I walked out. It's only been a wonderful exchange will Greg [Berlanti], Phil, and [EP Marc Guggenheim].
What was the last scene you shot?
I have no idea [Laughs]. It was something [with] a crane. We were looking up. I really don't recall; however, I just remember kind of collapsing into myself like, "Oh my god, this is it," and being overwhelmed by it. I knew I was going to feel a lot. I just didn't know how much I was going to feel.
If the show gets renewed for a final season, would you be open to returning in some compacity?
To quote the great Phil Klemmer, he's like, "I hope you go to LA and hate it and then ask to come back." [Laughs] Once a Legend, always a Legend. If I'm available and things are open, I would be in Vancouver in two seconds to pop in on the gang. Everything is wonderful.
What do you think you'll miss the most about being on Legends?
I really love Legends shorthand. I love our jokes, verbiage, and the things we say that only apply if you work on the show. If you didn't know us, you wouldn't know what the hell we were saying to each other. A collect 50 people in a crew could shout, "Thank youuuuu" and they all know what it means outside of "thank you." It means a lot of other thing outside of "thank you," but nobody else knows what it means and it's certainly not "thank you."
Conversely, what do you think you'll miss the least?
November through February, 3 a.m. Saturday mornings in the raining woods. I think that's what I'll miss the least.
In the season 7 finale, Nate (Nick Zano, right) left the Waverider to live with his girlfriend Zari (Tala Ashe, left) inside of a totem.

In the past when we've talked about some of your favorite episodes, you've mentioned the season 3 finale with Beebo, the episode David Ramsey directed last year, and the one Marc Guggenheim directed in season 5. Now that you've gotten some distance from it since wrapping in December, which episodes do you cherish the most when you look back on your six seasons?
That's the thing about time. Time kind of reveals the things you cherish are moments, and those moments could come from eight different episodes over five years. So, it's not one episode that's like the most that I can think of. Gugs' episode was just fun for all of us. It was fun for him, the responsibility he took on the first time directing television, which is hilarious. Then for us, just being so ridiculous in so many different ways. It was so much work, but all that work we knew there was a huge payoff. I think this is the rare situation: Surround yourself with seven actors who are not complaining. And that's what we were. We were really working hard in that episode because we all knew the outcome. We just kind of pushed one another through with like joy.
Have you started figuring out what you want to do next? Do you have an idea of a genre or type of character you want to play?
I'm at place now personally in life where I've had the good fortune, professionally speaking, of covering a lot of genres. I've done sitcoms, superhero shows, sci-fi shows, comedies.
And all of that is just on Legends.
Exactly, that was last month. [Laughs] But I'm in a new place for the first time in my life. I'm really excited to just read and go, "That's interesting. I'd really like to put all of my energy and efforts into this." I realize at this point, doing it this long, you can want to do something, but that doesn't mean it's going to happen. I'm open to finding the thing that I'm going to put all of my effort into and be fulfilled.
Is there anything else you want to add?
I just want to thank our fanbase, our die-hard Legends fans. And let them know I've seen their support, read their support, heard their support, and I look forward to seeing them on the next one.
This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I tried to come back to this show but the cast is so different I don't know Any of them except white Canary or the atom and heatwave if they are still there.

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
when the show started it was just a bunvch of misfits who went on time travel adventures. now the show is trash
completely and totally on a LGBTQ agenda.