Diddy has been arrested.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I may have went too far down that rabbit hole that is information on Diddy and his charges...

I was on Twitter and saw a post that was titled "Diddy bodyguard speaks out" and was like OK LET ME CHECK THIS OUT.

The first 5 to 10 seconds all you hear is 2 men that sound like Diddy and Meek, and yeah... I'm a bit traumatized at this point. I might be thru with this shit for a hot minute fam...

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor



The Devil killed Heist & giggled about it @ brunch
10 million migrants got in America over the last 4 years yet Diddy has "No Way, Out"

If it's "All About the Benjamins", then he should be able to find someone to help him get out so the Saga Can Continue.

"Last Night" ......I thought about Diddy being in jail.......

........and I didn't give a fuck.

He wouldn't care if I was locked up.

I guess that's a "Victory" for me and not him

"Can't nobody hold you down" Puffy. Unless Nasty Nate gets hold of you in jail. Then I guess you will just have to "Take That, Take That."

Po Puff, I guess good times don't last "Forever"!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gotta remember though... Orange man nominated a bunch of the judges on the federal bench, including 3 supremes. That helps.
Harvey Weinstein's situation is closer To Puff's.


It’s amazing how fast the Justice System works to bust a Black Man.

The Orange Moron has done way more diabolical shit and he is out and about running his big mouth and playing golf.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
can someone direct me to the post of the room full of baby oil
i wanna show my girl cause i called out Luckyday's oil dripping album cover
and he said that's how he takes drugs