DL HUGHLEY: Come on down!! It's Your Turn to Get Shit on By MONIQUE......SMH


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Nah you heard it right.

Some were pissed, IMO, that he didn't feed into that shit and match her ignorance.

Ok I just wanted to make sure it wasn't just me.

That is some toxic sh*t right there.

And revealing as hell about a segment of our people.

We get mad that the media and black celebrities didn't cover the Buffalo shooting

And then you hear THAT reaction?

Says a whole lot.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
F*cking pathetic

At least I can give Mo this much..

White black make female corporations or mom and pop

Don't matter

If she feels you wronged her?

She go straight all out nuclear warfare.


Has Monique ever APOLOGIZED for ANYTHING she may have done wrong?

I think she apologized for interrupting her husband and his boy when they were "meditating" a couple of times but that's about it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What did she say that DL did wrong?
She said she went on DL’s show and during the show they played a game “would you rather”. They asked her, if she would rather have her husband fuck a man or Super head without a condom”

keep in mind that DL was not there that day. DL got word that she didn’t like that question and he edited it out and did not air it.

That was her justification for going at him


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Like said before, I thought a real comedian would have delivered a hellava set, figuratively burned down the stage, then tell the “headliner” to follow that.

That is what you SUPPOSED to do.

But ok now we gotta be fair.

Mo KILLED it the audience was losing their collective sh*t

DL started strong but once he got on positive?

At least from what I just saw and heard?

He lost them

That audience chose violence that evening.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
I mean.......



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I felt like when DL started talking about positivity and Buffalo?

They were not supporting or trying to hear that.

Maybe it was just me.

were there supposed to be cheers or applause when he mentioned dead black people and kids in texas? :dunno:


Rising Star
She said she went on DL’s show and during the show they played a game “would you rather”. They asked her, if she would rather have her husband fuck a man or Super head without a condom”

keep in mind that DL was not there that day. DL got word that she didn’t like that question and he edited it out and did not air it.

That was her justification for going at him
Wait. Wouldn't that mean that he was trying to look out for her? How could she be mad at him?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I just don't think they had any reaction in that moment because he was talking about seious shit homie he didn't lose the audience... they paid to see him.

They had a reaction. You could hear it and feel it.

No matter what side you on

And I have long defended MO

There was a reaction a feeling at that specific moment.

And to ME?

it wasn't about reverence or respect.

That crowd wanted more blood and was disappointed DL wasn't going to give them any more.

Again that is just me off a clip.

Neither of us was actually there.

I would love to see the whole set


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She said she went on DL’s show and during the show they played a game “would you rather”. They asked her, if she would rather have her husband fuck a man or Super head without a condom”

keep in mind that DL was not there that day. DL got word that she didn’t like that question and he edited it out and did not air it.

That was her justification for going at him

Damn WTF?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They had a reaction. You could hear it and feel it.

No matter what side you on

And I have long defended MO

There was a reaction a feeling at that specific moment.

And to ME?

it wasn't about reverence or respect.

That crowd wanted more blood and was disappointed DL wasn't going to give them any more.

Again that is just me off a clip.

Neither of us was actually there.

I would love to see the whole set
they were like


also the host gave the impression that dl would clap back just as hard... :hellyea:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
they were like


also the host gave the impression that dl would clap back just as hard... :hellyea:


So you DID understand exactly what I meant from the jump.

See what I mean about the audience looking for and finding what it wants when it wants?

Whether it's there or not?

It was obvious to me at least they wanted raw meat

DL ain't give it.

Now the REAL reason he chose that path we will never know.

But personally I prefer it.

But also I don't begrudge MO either.

Cause she tore it down from what we have been shown

And that was not rehearsed

It was off the top improv

Hate all you want...

But that is a damn skill a talent that must honed perfected and worked on like a muscle

Not many can DO THAT.

folk gotta stop saying she ain't funny or talented or a real stand up

Problem is it appears pain anger vitriol and spite are her fuel and favorite topics


Rising Star
Monique and her husband are 2 sad motherfuckas. That video started out like a hostage video. And the tone of the video is that of a losing tone. She was fulla shit the whole time. There was never a contract dispute. She said due to somethings DL had said in the past to Vlad and Steve Harvey about her, she was gon cook his ass when she got on that stage. Thats an awful bitch. I'm surprised surprised she is even getting the work she's getting.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

DL dropping those haymakers to open HIS set?

To react that fast?

Shows why he is an original king of comedy

People forget that man was sniper off the top of the head.

It's sad really really sad these two are beefing.

I could see them doing a hell of a special.

In fact if I was 50?

I would have them play husband and wife hustler dealer pimps on BMF.

50 you owe me 10%


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Monique and her husband are 2 sad motherfuckas. That video started out like a hostage video. And the tone of the video is that of a losing tone. She was fulla shit the whole time. There was never a contract dispute. She said due to somethings DL had said in the past to Vlad and Steve Harvey about her, she was gon cook his ass when she got on that stage. Thats an awful bitch. I'm surprised surprised she is even getting the work she's getting.

Thank you for watching and letting us know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

So you DID understand exactly what I meant from the jump.

See what I mean about the audience looking for and finding what it wants when it wants?

Whether it's there or not?

It was obvious to me at least they wanted raw meat

DL ain't give it.

Now the REAL reason he chose that path we will never know.

But personally I prefer it.

But also I don't begrudge MO either.

Cause she tore it down from what we have been shown

And that was not rehearsed

It was off the top improv

Hate all you want...

But that is a damn skill a talent that must honed perfected and worked on like a muscle

Not many can DO THAT.

folk gotta stop saying she ain't funny or talented or a real stand up

Problem is it appears pain anger vitriol and spite are her fuel and favorite topics

agreed...people are turned off by black female aggressiveness.

and for the people saying she burning bridges...in that gif....the bridge was abandoned and therefore useless...

in moniques case.. I believe the turning point in her career and life was precious...what should have been her greatest triumph ended being bitter-sweet becuz literally all the people who could have spoke up for her didn;t and add insult to abandonment they turned around and used their platform to speak on her situation and never once said (as far as I can tell) the rumors are NOT true. DL spoke on it on his radio show and essentially just gossiped about with other comedians.

Steve Harvey brought her on his show...NEVER SAID THE RUMORS WERENT TRUE then tried to lecture her about how to behave. Going so far as to say your personal integrity comes a distant second to gettin money. And lets not forget the shit between him and Bernie Mac and how Bernie felt he tried to burn him.

So who is monique really burning bridges with? She major awards off the strength of HER talent. Her stand up career is parallel in length and time-in to steve and DL...And no ones ever mentioned how they helped her or gave her an opportunity early on....and the ONE TIME they could have helped her they chose to NOT and both have shown to be fake friends who smile in your face but when the shit goes down they step to the side.

Oprah, TP and Lee Daniels showed that don't have any real juice in hollywood cuz when cacs speak they ducked themselves and theyre possibly two-faced too....

Sooo burning those bridges doesn't really mean much does it?? Monique knows she's out here by herself so she may as well do it her way...
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