DL HUGHLEY: Come on down!! It's Your Turn to Get Shit on By MONIQUE......SMH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I will tell this story.

There was a show here in Cleveland, gotta be about 5+ years ago. Joe, El Debarge and Tank as the headliner.

That's how the tickets had it, Joe, El Debarge and Tank is bigger letters at the bottom.

Well the show was supposed to start at like 8:10-8:15...the local talent did the intro and asked if we were ready for the show then walked off. About 8:20 some rap music starts playing come 8:30 ish still no show and more rap. Then about 8:45-8:50 we hear Tanks "Celebration" start playing and he comes out and does a 45 ish minute set......

Joe comes out and says "peace to my brothers Tank and El Debarge" did 30ish minutes and dipped. There was a 20 minute intermission and then El came out and did about 40/45 minutes....

At the time after Tank left the stage the people around us were talking...."I thought this was Tank's show?" "Why did Tank come out first?" And things of the like.....

It was apparent Tank was pissed about something when he first came out and allegedly afterwards he cut his meet and greet short....

El pulled a diva move.

Don't get me wrong, El and his family used to get big time radio play up here. Dude was always touring the Cleveland/ Akron area. When he was clean.

Tank didn't say shit about El when he was on the stage, he did big up Joe and gave him a nice intro when he left the stage as well.

Tank put on a hell of a show....if the order stayed the same Joe, El then Tank....it would have been perfect. Tank set the bar high, Joe lowered it a bit and El....he's gonna El, but it wasn't quite the same. it was a roller coaster ride. Go up high, come down low and ended back up on some mid.....

But there was no beef or bickering to the fans, just music playing

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
She just another fat bitter bitch. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Really dude. This entire thread is about Monique's misguided attack on DL and here you go. Goofiedan. Gone mane, go play in the sand someplace.

I would agree with this assessment but I would add that innuendo, gossip and reputation destruction might be a primary move for women but they aint the only ones who do that shit...and remember it happened to her first...I would say how shit has gone down for her back then..set the rules for how this shit is played. Should she have gone after DL in that manner?..no its not the professional move. Is she bitter....hell yes...ANYONE would be after the shit they pulled on her. And she saw how EVERYONE STOOD TO THE SIDE and not only watched but told her she was wrong for standing up for herself. ..yeah she's bitter.... Lee Daniels apologized cuz he knew it was fucked up.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I will tell this story.

There was a show here in Cleveland, gotta be about 5+ years ago. Joe, El Debarge and Tank as the headliner.

That's how the tickets had it, Joe, El Debarge and Tank is bigger letters at the bottom.

Well the show was supposed to start at like 8:10-8:15...the local talent did the intro and asked if we were ready for the show then walked off. About 8:20 some rap music starts playing come 8:30 ish still no show and more rap. Then about 8:45-8:50 we hear Tanks "Celebration" start playing and he comes out and does a 45 ish minute set......

Joe comes out and says "peace to my brothers Tank and El Debarge" did 30ish minutes and dipped. There was a 20 minute intermission and then El came out and did about 40/45 minutes....

At the time after Tank left the stage the people around us were talking...."I thought this was Tank's show?" "Why did Tank come out first?" And things of the like.....

It was apparent Tank was pissed about something when he first came out and allegedly afterwards he cut his meet and greet short....

El pulled a diva move.

Don't get me wrong, El and his family used to get big time radio play up here. Dude was always touring the Cleveland/ Akron area. When he was clean.

Tank didn't say shit about El when he was on the stage, he did big up Joe and gave him a nice intro when he left the stage as well.

Tank put on a hell of a show....if the order stayed the same Joe, El then Tank....it would have been perfect. Tank set the bar high, Joe lowered it a bit and El....he's gonna El, but it wasn't quite the same. it was a roller coaster ride. Go up high, come down low and ended back up on some mid.....

But there was no beef or bickering to the fans, just music playing
Interesting...I would have figured Tank would be the opener out of that group...surprised he performed the best too...but yeah, Monique is the one who has the rep of being difficult to deal with which she claims is a lie....so why come out there and cuss out DL like that?...if you can't back it up with irrefutable proof you just gonna be "there go Monique beefing with somebody again, I guess the rumors were true"

Even if DL was on some diva shit, once you do what Monique did then you on some diva shit too so it evens out...and she the one that claimed she was blackballed so she has more to lose...plus most people will believe DL should have been the headliner...its a losing battle unless you really got that absolute proof that DL was on some fuck shit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I would agree with this assessment but I would add that innuendo, gossip and reputation destruction might be a primary move for women but they aint the only ones who do that shit...and remember it happened to her first...I would say how shit has gone down for her back then..set the rules for how this shit is played. Should she have gone after DL in that manner?..no its not the professional move. Is she bitter....hell yes...ANYONE would be after the shit they pulled on her. And she saw how EVERYONE STOOD TO THE SIDE and not only watched but told her she was wrong for standing up for herself. ..yeah she's bitter.... Lee Daniels apologized cuz he knew it was fucked up.

If you believe her narrative......

Her narrative was she was standing up for black women but we all knew that was to deflect from her fucked up way of conducting herself.

or Lee Daniels was tired of the negativity aimed at him especially since his core audience is black women. Like settling a lawsuit to make it go away.

So she replaced Octavia on the Demon House project..

That should be some set with Aunjanue Ellis who also has a reputation of being very difficult on set.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because the contract that she signed stated that she was the headliner.

Yours or my opinion on her comedy doesn’t matter in this situation, she has a contract that was presented to her and signed stating that she’s the headliner.

As for as her being a legitimate headliner, in the apt words spoken by Wesley Snipes in White Men Can't Jump, "You can put a cat in an oven, but that don't make it a biscuit" :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As for as her being a legitimate headliner, in the apt words spoken by Wesley Snipes in White Men Can't Jump, "You can put a cat in an oven, but that don't make it a biscuit" :rolleyes:

In the apt words and view of history, she’s been a headliner for more than 20 years.

Again, your opinion or mine isn’t relevant in this equation.

She’s been a headliner.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If you believe her narrative......

Her narrative was she was standing up for black women but we all knew that was to deflect from her fucked up way of conducting herself.

or Lee Daniels was tired of the negativity aimed at him especially since his core audience is black women. Like settling a lawsuit to make it go away.

So she replaced Octavia on the Demon House project..

That should be some set with Aunjanue Ellis who also has a reputation of being very difficult on set.

But I'm not going by her narrative...I'm going by history and pattern of behavior.

I said this before....

Dude we live in an era of the PILE-ON...meaning when someone tells a story about some bad shit a person did...then 40 other people come out the woodwork and make their claims about shit that happened decades ago...ask cosby and kevin spacey and weinstein about the pile on... hell it happened to ELLEN DEGENEROUS... the story broke on her that she was a cold bitch and her staff were a bunch of assholes to everyone at the studio the show shoots in.... and within a couple of weeks MORE people came out even other CELEBRITIES..

  • Stories about the legendary entertainer Ellen DeGeneres being "notoriously one of the meanest people alive" are cropping up online thanks to a viral Twitter thread.
  • A comedian named Kevin T. Porter said he would exchange anecdotes about DeGeneres being rude for donations to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, and he got nearly 2,000 responses.
  • The beauty YouTuber Nikkie de Jager also recently shared her negative experience as a guest on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," and some celebrities have made it clear they think DeGeneres is mean.
  • As stories about DeGeneres piled up, so did accusations of a toxic workplace at her show that included allegations of sexual misconduct.

^^^^^^ thats what I'm talking about ^^^^^^^

that didn't happen for monique.. when the initial "rumor" went out after precious there was plenty of opportunity for others to jump in and give validity to it...that didn't happen. Hell even in DL's OWN recollection of past dealings with her he said he had a good time and she was great to interact with. And even the time period after precious and between this one incident wit DL..... she's worked and there wasn't a groundswell of complaints to any significant degree.

And the Lee Daniels thing....why would be settle if the allegations were true?? Why choose her when there are many black actresses to play the part? Why is it hard to believe that she got legitimately fucked over on the precious project?? Why are you willing to believe the rumor mill and whisper campaign set up by some hollywood cacs who were pissed off because she had the temerity tell them NO?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I would agree with this assessment but I would add that innuendo, gossip and reputation destruction might be a primary move for women but they aint the only ones who do that shit...and remember it happened to her first...I would say how shit has gone down for her back then..set the rules for how this shit is played. Should she have gone after DL in that manner?..no its not the professional move. Is she bitter....hell yes...ANYONE would be after the shit they pulled on her. And she saw how EVERYONE STOOD TO THE SIDE and not only watched but told her she was wrong for standing up for herself. ..yeah she's bitter.... Lee Daniels apologized cuz he knew it was fucked up.

Bro, alls I know is Monique ain't hitting, she ain't that funny, she definitely can't touch DL. One should know how they rank in their industry. She ain't up there. She just not. This man got kids, wife, and here she go callng the dude gay. Sometimes his mannerism are feminine, yes, but apparently he's not gay. With his status he would be called out by one of these chauncies by now. What she is doing is burning bridges instead of building them. She is coming off as hard to work with.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bro, alls I know is Monique ain't hitting, she ain't that funny, she definitely can't touch DL. One should know how they rank in their industry. She ain't up there. She just not. This man got kids, wife, and here she go callng the dude gay. Sometimes his mannerism are feminine, yes, but apparently he's not gay. With his status he would be called out by one of these chauncies by now. What she is doing is burning bridges instead of building them. She is coming off as hard to work with.

cmon dude....guys get pissed off and call dudes fags all the time (how many rap beefs does that happen in?)..now a line as been crossed??? :rolleyes:

older version

A version older
Are there ANY vids of DL after Monique left the stage in Detroit? Or at least know what his first words were to the crowd?

Because I would have left and said "Every haint who laughed with Monique can refund all the rest of yall"

Monique spent 10 minutes playing "go girl" victim and a lot of them were cheering it on.

People still talking about how Chris Rock handled the Will Smith slap, but if DL went after that crap and gave the
Detroit fans a show, 100% that is what a professional OG does


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Geechie, when dudes say that shit, they don't really mean it, they like say it to call a man a coward or punk or simp, not necessarily gay. But when a dude or chick says you down low, well that means just that. Plus you know when a mofo mean that shit vs they just saying it. But I hear you though cuzzo.

cmon dude....guys get pissed off and call dudes fags all the time (how many rap beefs does that happen in?)..now a line as been crossed??? :rolleyes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But how do see the AUDIENCE reaction?

Did it seem like the audience was on DL side?

They were cheering, screaming and laughing so it sounds like they were with it.

They laughed when Mo’Nique was out there and was cheering when DL was out there. It didn’t sound like they picked sides, they were just there to laugh and have a good time.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
They were cheering, screaming and laughing so it sounds like they were with it.

They laughed when Mo’Nique was out there and was cheering when DL was out there. It didn’t sound like they picked sides, they were just there to laugh and have a good time.


I felt like when DL started talking about positivity and Buffalo?

They were not supporting or trying to hear that.

Maybe it was just me.



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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I felt like when DL started talking about positivity and Buffalo?

They were not supporting or trying to hear that.

Maybe it was just me.

That portion wasn’t jokes so the only reaction was to listen.

One woman did say “Right” so some were in agreement.

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
These 2 decided to do another live. Did we forget her husband crying during the Netflix fiasco? Her fans are getting played.
