Indians are the PREFERRED niggas. Because they are all or at least mostly Candace Owens mentally. They worship White people and they will work themselves to death for a chance at the American dream that you got to be asleep to believe
Respectfully Niggas are not wanted.... anywhere in America. They (Maga Musks) are lobbying for them to get here, they have been here taking the tech jobs, Physican jobs, etc. It's not new to most of Americans who live in urban areas they EVERYWHERE the money is going. Not sure if it was NPR I believe they have the highest capital per household, partially because they get married to each other. They are nothing like niggas again respectfully.
Honestly this whole discussion will go away by Jan 20th. The American public has the attention span of a gnat. 2-3 weeks ago we was talking immigrants setting Americans on fire.
If there are young brothers on this board who looking for a guidance.
1) Stay Healthy
2) Work
3) Start a Business (Even if its small and only nets couple hundred a week, it will secure your ability to live good if you last when you are old)
4) Put as
much money you can into the market into MSFT, VGT, NVDIA, APPL, VOO
5) Get you a woman that loves you more then you love her

Not a joke.