FLAT EARTH!!!: Yes Niggas I'm Still Here... The Re-Up... Get Yo' Popcorn...


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Sharp observation!

However, they say that temperature doesn't exist in a vacuum due to few atoms, just like they say Neil Armstrong walked on the moon... ABSOLUTE PROPAGANDA!

All to reinforce that the Earth is a globe... SMH...

Just do an experiment like the guy in the following video did:

1) Create an "air-tight box" of some sort with a window to receive the sun's rays.

2) Vacuum the pressure out until you have few millibars of pressure similar to the Thermosphere.

3) Note that temperature in the vacuumed box is still relatively equal to the temperature outside the box.

Simple as that.

In other words, the wiki you posted is a bullshit excuse by "science" to make you believe that the extreme temperature in the near vacuumed Thermosphere would not affect a satellite. Just like their bullshit statement that the Earth is round...

In addition, according to the space model we're presented, although there may be few atoms in the Thermosphere, the satellite itself is made entirely of very closely arranged atoms. It would act as one huge particle - being affected by heat...

The satellite itself is just full of particles and could quite easily get very hot...

3000 degrees F...


Think about it...

simple answer: you can't put your hand into a bowl of water at 90ºC without sustaining serious injury. But you can easily sit in a sauna with an air temperature of 90ºC

There is a difference between temperature and heat.

Temperature is a measure of how much energy individual particles have.

Heat is a measure of how much energy is contained by all the particles in a given volume.

The thermosphere is a extremely low density gas (very few particles) so even though the individual particles have a lot of energy (high temperature), they don't hold much heat energy overall.

Spacecraft Thermal Control

as for solar radiation here is an article on radiative equilibrium temperature

baisically any object that is heated up will radiate heat away, the hotter it gets the greater the heat it radiates per second. So as the Sun is constant, eventually the object will reach a temperature at which it is radiating the same amount of heat as it is absorbing...

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BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Your point is mute, because man-made satellites don't exist as you understand them... Take your CGI images that you think are real and go home...

What are satellites made of?

Without giving references, I can tell you off-memory that they are made of Aluminum, Gold, & Titanium (to name a few elements/ metalloids)...

What is the melting point of Aluminum, Gold, Titanium, and Tin???

Once you figure that out, tell me how a satellite can survive the Thermosphere portion of the atmosphere which is where they say satellites orbit in!!! Can Titanium survive 3000 PLUS degrees Fahrenheit without melting??? If not, how does it orbit the Thermosphere???

Take your fake ass CGI images and go home...

If you still don't get it, then watch one of the most illustrative videos I've ever come across explaining Flat Earth and its principles... If you don't have doubts about "Ball Earth" after this one, then YOU ARE JUST SLOW...

As it says @ 2:07, "Are you ready to be DE-PROGRAMMED???"

Watch it in its entirety, and ENJOY...

Isn't your highly illustrative video made up entirely of Fake Ass CGI and Clip Art? :ssshhh:

I'm still going to need to see some video graphic evidence of this Ice Wall. And I'm not talking about some bullshit Ice cliff.... I'm going to need proof of a wall that shows the blackness of space on the other side of it.

Again... this shit should be easy. You don't even need a spaceship. You can book a Trip to Antarctica right now.
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Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
simple answer: you can't put your hand into a bowl of water at 90ºC without sustaining serious injury. But you can easily sit in a sauna with an air temperature of 90ºC

There is a difference between temperature and heat.

Temperature is a measure of how much energy individual particles have.

Heat is a measure of how much energy is contained by all the particles in a given volume.

The thermosphere is a extremely low density gas (very few particles) so even though the individual particles have a lot of energy (high temperature), they don't hold much heat energy overall.

Spacecraft Thermal Control

as for solar radiation here is an article on radiative equilibrium temperature

baisically any object that is heated up will radiate heat away, the hotter it gets the greater the heat it radiates per second. So as the Sun is constant, eventually the object will reach a temperature at which it is radiating the same amount of heat as it is absorbing...

you're so much fucking better than me dude

This nigga believes these YouTube kooks because it's easier to understand than indisputable math.

That's all of them though. Too lazy or too dumb to do and understand the math, so they go with fairy tales. Mental fucking cavemen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you're so much fucking better than me dude

This nigga believes these YouTube kooks because it's easier to understand than indisputable math.

That's all of them though. Too lazy or too dumb to do and understand the math, so they go with fairy tales. Mental fucking cavemen.
actually, that shit is harder than math and science
it is all over the place
it has no true tenets
and they always have to have some lame ass music in the vid as if that shit intensifies their conspiracy theory


Rising Star
OG Investor
Did that and my intuition lead me down a completely different path than the one you are suggesting in this thread.

Which is expected, because its silly to think that if everyone uses their intuition they will come to the same conclusion.

Im not even saying Im right and you are wrong, but our instincts can only take us so far.

I am NOT barking up the wrong tree and we do not have a problem. YOU presented the pic and spoke of ITS REAL INTENT. Therefore YOU should be able to share how to came to KNOW of its REAL INTENT.

The purpose was to activate your intuition, not give you a history lesson on the symbol...

You insist on making mountains out of molehills. Everyone ELSE gets the symbol in the way I implied, so if YOUR intuition is out of whack, then you need to open some books, or get to tapping on your keyboard in THAT direction for your answer because I'm not going there...

Not trying to side-step you or anything, but your question is too insignificant regarding the broader message...


I'm already bombarded with questions, so you're going to have to handle that one yourself... Ask something more pertinent...

(I'll be back after midnight. Got stuff to do)


Rising Star
OG Investor
simple answer: you can't put your hand into a bowl of water at 90ºC without sustaining serious injury. But you can easily sit in a sauna with an air temperature of 90ºC

There is a difference between temperature and heat.

Temperature is a measure of how much energy individual particles have.

Heat is a measure of how much energy is contained by all the particles in a given volume.

The thermosphere is a extremely low density gas (very few particles) so even though the individual particles have a lot of energy (high temperature), they don't hold much heat energy overall.

Spacecraft Thermal Control

as for solar radiation here is an article on radiative equilibrium temperature

baisically any object that is heated up will radiate heat away, the hotter it gets the greater the heat it radiates per second. So as the Sun is constant, eventually the object will reach a temperature at which it is radiating the same amount of heat as it is absorbing...


Good points... I got ya...

I'm gonna spend some time on you, so let me address some other responses first (in the name of expediency...).


Rising Star
OG Investor
Man what in all the Shit is going on at the 7:13 mark. Please explain to me the scientific data to support this theory that the sun revolves around the flat Earth in this formation.


On the globular model, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer are located as such:


What 7:13 demonstrated, was the ACTUAL depiction of these two "Tropics" on the FLAT EARTH model and how they make MORE SENSE...

As the Sun circles the circumference of the FLAT EARTH, it moves closer toward the center during the summer months (making it feel more warm while it is near the Summer Solstice which we just past circa June 20th), and how it moves further away towards the Flat Earth's outer diameter during the winter months (Tropic of Capricorn, Winter Solstice, December 21, making it feel colder)...

Basically, as the Sun traverses the inner circumference of the Earth's circular PLANE, it moves in towards the center (Summer) and out towards the outer circumference (Winter)...

That's what it was trying to show... Hope that explains it...


Rising Star
OG Investor
Moon from North America.


Moon from the other side of the world - Australia.


The moon is flipped.

The moon wouldnt reverse on a flat earth.

Not only is your post a WEAK argument, but how do I even know these pics were taken on the same day??? If the pics WERE taken on the same day, it doesn't dismiss Flat Earth, maybe the moon turns or wobbles somewhat...



Rising Star
OG Investor

How did I miss this one.

Isn't your highly illustrative video made up entirely of Fake Ass CGI and Clip Art? :ssshhh:

I'm still going to need to see some video graphic evidence of this Ice Wall. And I'm not talking about some bullshit Ice cliff.... I'm going to need proof of a wall that shows the blackness of space on the other side of it.

Again... this shit should be easy. You don't even need a spaceship. You can book a Trip to Antarctica right now.

Yes, my "highly illustrative video" IS CGI... But unlike NASA and other countries, it's not being presented as if it's REAL SHIT...

It's a CGI vid to give you an idea of FLAT EARTH principles...

No more, no less...


waking people up
BGOL Investor
Yes, my "highly illustrative video" IS CGI... But unlike NASA and other countries, it's not being presented as if it's REAL SHIT...

It's a CGI vid to give you an idea of FLAT EARTH principles...

No more, no less...
i want proof, not a CGI vid. Show me a wall.

And what is to gain by telling everyone there is a circular Earth?


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
If the Earth is Flat, how come we have mountains?

Definition of the word flat:

Search Results
adjective: flat; comparative adjective: flatter; superlative adjective: flattest; adjective: Flat
  1. 1.
    smooth and even; without marked lumps or indentations.
    "a flat wall"
    synonyms: level, horizontal;More
    smooth, even, uniform, regular, plane
    "a flat surface"
    antonyms: vertical, uneven
    • (of land) without hills.
      "thirty-five acres of flat countryside"
    • (of an expanse of water) calm and without waves.
      synonyms: calm, still, pacific, tranquil, glassy, undisturbed, without waves, like a millpond
      "the sea was flat"
      antonyms: choppy
    • not sloping.
      "the flat roof of a garage"
    • having a broad level surface but little height or depth; shallow.
      "a flat rectangular box"
      synonyms: shallow, low-sided
      "a flat wooden box"
      antonyms: deep
    • (of the foot) having an arch that is lower than usual.
    • (of shoes) without heels or with very low heels.
      synonyms: low, low-heeled, without heels
      "flat sandals"
  2. 2.
    lacking interest or emotion; dull and lifeless.
    "“I'm sorry,” he said, in a flat voice"
    synonyms: monotonous, toneless, droning, boring, dull, tedious, uninvolving, uninteresting, unexciting, soporific;More
    bland, dreary, colorless, featureless, emotionless, expressionless, lifeless, spiritless, lackluster, plain-vanilla
    "the teacher's flat voice"
    antonyms: exciting, emotional
    • (of a person) without energy; dispirited.
      "his sense of intoxication wore off until he felt flat and weary"
      synonyms: depressed, dejected, dispirited, despondent, downhearted, disheartened, low, low-spirited, down, unhappy, blue;More
      without energy, enervated, sapped, weary, tired out, worn out, exhausted, drained;
      informaldown in the dumps
      "he felt too flat to get out of bed"
      antonyms: cheerful, energized
    • (of a market, prices, etc.) showing little activity; sluggish.
      "cash flow was flat at $214 million"
      synonyms: slow, inactive, sluggish, slack, quiet, depressed
      "the market was flat"
      antonyms: busy
    • (of a sparkling drink) having lost its effervescence.
      "flat champagne"
    • (of something kept inflated, especially a tire) having lost some or all of its air, typically because of a puncture.
      "you've got a flat tire"
      synonyms: deflated, punctured, burst
      "a flat tire"
      antonyms: inflated
    • (of a color) uniform.
      "the dress was a deadly, flat shade of gray"
    • (of a photographic print or negative) lacking contrast.
    • (of paint) without gloss; matte.
  3. 3.
    (of a fee, wage, or price) the same in all cases, not varying with changed conditions or in particular cases.
    "a $30 flat fare"
    synonyms: fixed, set, regular, unchanging, unvarying, invariable
    "a flat fee"
  4. 4.
    (of musical sound) below true or normal pitch.
    • (of a note) a semitone lower than a specified note.
      "the double basses' opening low E-flat"
    • (of a key) having a flat or flats in the signature.
  5. 5.
    of or relating to flat racing.
    "the Flat season"
adverb: flat
  1. 1.
    in or to a horizontal position.
    "he was lying flat on his back"
    synonyms: stretched out, outstretched, spread-eagle, sprawling, prone, supine, prostrate, recumbent
    "she lay down flat on the floor"
    • lying in close juxtaposition, especially against another surface.
      "his black curly hair was blown flat across his skull"
    • so as to become smooth and even.
      "I hammered the metal flat"
  2. 2.
    completely; absolutely.
    "I'm turning you down flat"
    synonyms: outright, absolutely, firmly, resolutely, adamantly, emphatically, insistently, categorically, unconditionally, unequivocally
    "she turned me down flat"
    • after a phrase expressing a period of time to emphasize how quickly something can be done or has been done.
      "you can prepare a healthy meal in ten minutes flat"
  3. 3.
    below the true or normal pitch of musical sound.
    "it wasn't a question of singing flat, but of simply singing the wrong notes"
noun: flat; plural noun: flats
  1. 1.
    the flat part of something.
    "she placed the flat of her hand over her glass"
  2. 2.
    a flat object, in particular.
    • an upright section of painted stage scenery mounted on a frame.
    • North Americaninformal
      a flat tire.
    • North American
      a shallow container in which seedlings are grown and sold.
    • a shoe with a very low heel or no heel.
    • a railroad car with a flat floor and no sides or roof; a flatcar.
  3. 3.
    an area of low level ground, especially near water.
    "the Utah salt flats"
    synonyms: tidal flats, mud flats, tideland, intertidal area
    "they race their bikes across the flats"
  4. 4.
    a musical note lowered a semitone below natural pitch.
    • the sign (♭) indicating this.
verb: flat; 3rd person present: flats; past tense: flatted; past participle: flatted; gerund or present participle: flatting
  1. 1.
    MusicNorth American
    lower (a note) by a semitone.
    "“blue” harmony emphasizing the flatted third and seventh"
  2. 2.
    make flat; flatten.
    "flat the loaves down"
Middle English: from Old Norse flatr ; related to plant, platy-, plaza.

By the definition of the word, the world isn't flat.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Yes, my "highly illustrative video" IS CGI... But unlike NASA and other countries, it's not being presented as if it's REAL SHIT...

It's a CGI vid to give you an idea of FLAT EARTH principles...

No more, no less...

Man what in all of the shits....

I don't even have a comeback for this one.

Your beautifully stated words are all the comeback that I would ever need. Woooooooww


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
Good discussion, fam'.

I always thought the Earth was as flat as Paris Hilton's assets, but word on these cold streets of Canadaland is that it's as round & shapely as that bubble on Cherokee D'Ass.

That's just what I've been hearing from those cats on the corner. Scarecrow, Tinman, Dorothy ... all those muthafuckas. That's what they told me when I passed by Yellow Brick Road Avenue en route to the Wonderful Wizard of Zod with my menageable fuckables Midori & Mika Tan.
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Rising Star
Not only is your post a WEAK argument, but how do I even know these pics were taken on the same day??? If the pics WERE taken on the same day, it doesn't dismiss Flat Earth, maybe the moon turns or wobbles somewhat...


You live in north america. You know what the damn moon looks like. It has looked the same way all your fucking life.

It doesnt rotate. No one has ever claimed it did.

People in Australia see it differently. It is always the reverse.

Day of week, month, year or century doesnt matter.