FOX Sports LAWSUIT: Emmanuel Acho beat Joy Taylor, Skip Bayless creeping in workplace misconduct lawsuit


Rising Star
Guilty of what??? Somebodys SPECULATION of some kind of "romantic involvement"???


she could tell HOW??

Acho shouldnt have to defend himself against hearsay....but he panicked in taking down that ANY case that situation has absolutely NOTHING to do with Faraji and shouldnt be mentioned in any court case.
You have mentioned repeatedly these are all allegations, which are true in theory only cause there needs to be two sides to a story in order for true or false to exist. But if your being accused of something that can negatively impact you personally and professionally (especially Joy Taylor lol ) by not defending yourself the assumption is that your way more likely guilty than not. An innocent person will fight to prove their innocence cause they have everything to lose that they spent their whole life chasing or building. A guilty person will always say nothing cause they have nothing to lose.

One last thing look back in history at any person who was relatively in the public eye that was embroiled or engulfed in scandal, was their career ever the same again in comparison to before and after. That is why you defend yourself upfront, not later. If all these allegations are false, why not just come out and say it. Why let the internet create a false narrative that can't be undone and ultimately becomes permanent if the allegations ain't true. Why let people tarnish your reputation by not saying anything if ain't true.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have mentioned repeatedly these are all allegations, which are true in theory only cause there needs to be two sides to a story in order for true or false to exist. But if your being accused of something that can negatively impact you personally and professionally (especially Joy Taylor lol ) by not defending yourself the assumption is that your way more likely guilty than not. An innocent person will fight to prove their innocence cause they have everything to lose that they spent their whole life chasing or building. A guilty person will always say nothing cause they have nothing to lose.

One last thing look back in history at any person who was relatively in the public eye that was embroiled or engulfed in scandal, was their career ever the same again in comparison to before and after. That is why you defend yourself upfront, not later. If all these allegations are false, why not just come out and say it. Why let the internet create a false narrative that can't be undone and ultimately becomes permanent if the allegations ain't true. Why let people tarnish your reputation by not saying anything if ain't true.
because its a legal matter theyre lawyers probbaly said to not say anything and risk making it worse. Also it doesnt matter. Public opinion is just that. Look at bgol for example. There is a thread admiring Joy...both body and brains. No said she was bad at her job and plenty said theyd love to fuck. The SECOND those allegations hit the net...shes a dirty whore. People had that in the chamber they were just waiting for an opportunity to come at her like that.

Acho is just a pompous ass who got scared and deleted shit that "looks" bad. He should have kept that video up. So what he promoted her...ratings DID increase since she was on the show. The actual work was legit. And thats his friend in any case.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I really hope he's fucked her or met her the way he's :superman2:
Why are people afraid of point/counterpoint???

I'm challenging this notion that GOSSIP about someone's sexual history should be used as a legit legal case. If it could EASILY happen to you.
ANYONE can drag you to court and make up some shit that YOU have to defend against.

Is that fair?? To make it worse its scary how FAST AND EASY people want to believe things.

I read that complaint and all of it concerning Joys moves with other people was I FELT, I COULD TELL, IT SEEMED TO ME... none of it backed up with ANY supporting evidence. Now faraji reveals some audio or video thats one thing...but those statements as they bullshit.


Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Joy has been with the network since 2016 and over all that time up until LAST one including you said that...

but lets keep it 100....NONE of the women who do those jobs are average looking..or think in the middle or jowly with crowsfeet around their eyes...




Rocsi Diaz


ALL of these women look HOT AF and play into it and the SECOND they start to age out and get grey and crowsfeet is the second they lose their job even WITH the journalism background...and you KNOW this.

Joy played the game just like they did...using their physical attributes to get a position and just dont hear the dirty details of their stories...
but lets keep it 100....NONE of the women who do those jobs are average looking.. :hmm:



Rising Star
Why are people afraid of point/counterpoint???

I'm challenging this notion that GOSSIP about someone's sexual history should be used as a legit legal case. If it could EASILY happen to you.
ANYONE can drag you to court and make up some shit that YOU have to defend against.

Is that fair?? To make it worse its scary how FAST AND EASY people want to believe things.

I read that complaint and all of it concerning Joys moves with other people was I FELT, I COULD TELL, IT SEEMED TO ME... none of it backed up with ANY supporting evidence. Now faraji reveals some audio or video thats one thing...but those statements as they bullshit.

You make the claim of no real supporting evidence as in something tangible that you can physically see or hold in your hands. In spontaneous or routine encounters, way more often than not there is never an audio or video of a specific encounter when it's one person's word against another. In a court trial or company behavioral mis-conduct investigation you don’t need one. All you need is a credible witnesses to prove or disprove if an allegation is true or not.

All the people Noushin Faraji named in her lawsuit she was around them all the time for years. She was Joy Taylors make up and hair artist everyday. Which means she was in physically close proximity to Joy Taylor all the time. She had intimate knowledge of who Joy Taylor was and how she operated and moved. That alone makes her allegations very credible against Joy and everybody else. Which also means it can be corroborated by others. If you notice people who use to work at FS1 are suddenly popping up saying looking back in retrospect it makes sense as to how Joy Taylor got to where she is now at FS1. I know the lawsuit isn't mainly about one person but Joy seems to be the common denominator among all the guys that are mentioned in the lawsuit.

In Noushin Faraji's lawsuit it states that she has made multiple complaints over the years to human resources regarding behavioral mis-conduct. This means there would be a paper trail or documentation of it.

These are just allegations as you claim which is true in theory, but why would Noushin lie about it? What could she gain? You say public opinions don't matter which is true in a legal case. But don't you find it strange that with these professionally damaging stories coming out, no one has come to the defense of all the accused including women especially where Joy Taylor is concerned lol. What does that tell you when no one is coming to your defense?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You make the claim of no real supporting evidence as in something tangible that you can physically see or hold in your hands. In spontaneous or routine encounters, way more often than not there is never an audio or video of a specific encounter when it's one person's word against another. In a court trial or company behavioral mis-conduct investigation you don’t need one. All you need is a credible witnesses to prove or disprove if an allegation is true or not.
All the people Noushin Faraji named in her lawsuit she was around them all the time for years. She was Joy Taylors make up and hair artist everyday. Which means she was in physically close proximity to Joy Taylor all the time. She had intimate knowledge of who Joy Taylor was and how she operated and moved. That alone makes her allegations very credible against Joy and everybody else. Which also means it can be corroborated by others. If you notice people who use to work at FS1 are suddenly popping up saying looking back in retrospect it makes sense as to how Joy Taylor got to where she is now at FS1. I know the lawsuit isn't mainly about one person but Joy seems to be the common denominator among all the guys that are mentioned in the lawsuit.

In Noushin Faraji's lawsuit it states that she has made multiple complaints over the years to human resources regarding behavioral mis-conduct. This means there would be a paper trail or documentation of it.

These are just allegations as you claim which is true in theory, but why would Noushin lie about it? What could she gain? You say public opinions don't matter which is true in a legal case. But don't you find it strange that with these professionally damaging stories coming out, no one has come to the defense of all the accused including women especially where Joy Taylor is concerned lol. What does that tell you when no one is coming to your defense?
here's some points from the complaint:

Faraji was hired to work at FOX long before she met Joy...

17. In approximately 2012, a makeup stylist, who would do Ms. Walden and/or Ms.
Berman’s makeup when Ms. Faraji worked on their hair, recommended Ms. Faraji for a position at Fox.
Fox then hired Ms. Faraji as a part-time employee.

When hired, Ms. Faraji was asked to bring her own
tools for her work. She would later discover that all her coworkers received a “kit fee” for bringing
their own tools. However, she herself would not receive a kit fee until 2019, approximately seven years
after she started working at Fox.

In addition, while Ms. Faraji was a “hairstylist” (i.e., styling hair), her
supervisor Gina Porretti (“Ms. Porretti”) also required that she do the job duties of a “barber” (i.e.,
cutting hair).

When Ms. Faraji complained to her union, they told her that while cutting hair was not in
her contract, Ms. Porretti was known to be difficult, and it was best to just comply with her requests.
Accordingly, throughout her tenure, Ms. Faraji both styled and cut hair.
18. In 2016, Fox hired Ms. Faraji as a full-time “hairstylist.”

so she was ALREADY at the network getting screwed over..had ALREADY complained to her UNION about it and was told to go along to get along..

In approximately May 2016, Ms. Taylor asked Ms. Faraji to meet for a drink in Santa
Monica. When Ms. Faraji arrived, she found Ms. Taylor with an older man, Fox Sport’s Executive Vice
President of Content, Mr. Dixon. As Executive Vice President, Mr. Dixon is responsible for overseeing
all content and production on FS1. Ms. Faraji, however, did not know Mr. Dixon.
21. When Mr. Dixon went to buy them another round of spicy margaritas, Ms. Faraji asked
who he was. Ms. Taylor responded that he was just a friend. Following that night, whenever Ms. Faraji
would meet with Ms. Taylor for drinks or food, Mr. Dixon would either arrive with Ms. Taylor or show
up later in the night and leave with Ms. Taylor. He would always buy rounds of drinks and/or food.
From their body language, Ms. Faraji suspected that the pair were sleeping with each other, and
although this concerned Ms. Faraji as she knew Ms. Taylor was recently married, Ms. Faraji kept her
opinions to herself.

Suspected? Really? and everything is cool as long as old boy is buying the food and drinks...


C. Mr. Dixon gropes Ms. Faraji after putting her on Undisputed.
27. On January 14, 2017, Ms. Taylor had her birthday party at Pearl’s Rooftop in West
Hollywood. Ms. Faraji and other Fox employees who were invited attended as it was a part of their job
duties to appease talent, and a birthday party is an important event. As usual, Mr. Dixon was heavily
drinking, buying drinks for everyone on a Fox credit card, and blustering that everything purchased was
on Fox’s dime.
28. As Ms. Faraji was standing near the bar, facing the crowd, Mr. Dixon approached her.
He asked the bartender for a drink and then placed his arm on Ms. Faraji’s lower back. He asked how
she was doing, if she was having fun, and if she wanted a tequila shot. Ms. Faraji felt very
uncomfortable by his unsolicited touching and responded: “No, thank you.” Mr. Dixon then moved his
hand lower and started rubbing her body and grabbing her buttocks. Ms. Faraji was mortified but
quickly thought to fake an incoming call to escape from the situation.
29. Ms. Faraji did not know who to turn to, but as she knew Ms. Taylor was sleeping with
Mr. Dixon, she turned to her. Surprisingly, Ms. Taylor responded to “get over it” and explained that she
herself only had her job because of Mr. Dixon and that Ms. Faraji only had her job because Ms. Taylor
requested her. She warned that Mr. Dixon could take both away.

so that sounds like something Joy said in FEAR...

30. Ms. Faraji was terrified and then turned to her coworker, Anonymous1 (“Anonymous”),
to discuss the situation. Anonymous responded that Mr. Dixon was disgusting, that the entire situation
was sick, but that it wasn’t shocking given Fox’s culture, and that Ms. Faraji should remain quiet if she

wanted to keep her job. As a single mother who needed the job to support her son, Ms. Faraji had no
choice but to remain silent.

soo Anonymous (presumably another woman) told her to shut up and move on...that person is confidential yet JOY gets blasted for giving THE SAME ADVICE.

Ms. Faraji is targeted because of her ethnicity and disability.
66. In October 2021, Ms. Faraji’s friendship with Ms. Taylor ended. Ms. Taylor then began
insulting Ms. Faraji on a personal and professional level. In early June 2023, the treatment reached a
breaking point, as Ms. Taylor began openly mocking Ms. Faraji’s English (e.g., exclaiming that she
could not understand Ms. Faraji’s accent) and complaining about Ms. Faraji’s humming—an
involuntary subconscious coping mechanism for her diagnosed PTSD. Ms. Taylor then began stating
that she needed a black hairstylist.

67. Ms. Faraji and her coworkers (who noticed the harsh interactions) hoped that Fox could
see through the facade as Ms. Faraji had been doing Ms. Taylor’s hair for approximately seven years at
Ms. Taylor’s own request without any complaint and had been working on textured hair for decades
(e.g., she was hired to do the hairstyles of over 10 black background dancers in Cee Lo Green’s music
video “F*** You”).
68. Ms. Faraji’s June 1, 2023 diary entry states: “she’s been acting like because I’m not
black I’m stupid, she keep saying black girls[’] hair should be done like this not how you do it, I’ve
been doing her hair for 7 years… she keep making me feel that my English is not good…she keeps
making comments like oh white girls are dum.”

69. On June 14, 2023, Ms. Faraji reported the incidents to Ms. Porretti. Ms. Faraji’s June 14,
2023 diary entry states: “…by now it has been 7 days that the company knows about this racism and
discrimination towards me. I told my boss Gina. I told Cindy all about it.”
70. On June 16, 2023, Ms. Porretti pulled Ms. Faraji into her office and asked if she wanted
to leave Speak. Ms. Faraji explained that she wanted to work. Ms. Porretti told Ms. Faraji that she
should just leave the room when Ms. Taylor was acting out. Ms. Faraji noticed that this was a pattern.

THIS^^^ is the main issue she had with Joy. That thing about "get over it"...EVERYBODY TOLD HER TO GET OVER IT...including "anonymous" who clearly sympathized with her. Only AFTER Joy started talking shit to her, is when Faraji put her on her payback list.

Mind you I'm NOT excusing that behavior IF its true but if thats her case against JOY then thats all that needed to be said in the complaint.

Peep the next part:

N. Ms. Faraji participates in an internal investigation, only to be singled out, taken off Speak,
and accused of having sex with Mr. Bayless.

75. In mid-July 2023, Anna Druker (“Ms. Druker”), Fox Sport’s vice president of Employee
Relations, asked Ms. Faraji for a meeting. At the meeting, Ms. Druker asked if Ms. Taylor was having a
sexual relationship with Mr. Acho. Ms. Faraji admitted that the two were in a sexual relationship. Ms.
Faraji shared this information because she didn’t think it was a big deal (e.g., Ms. Taylor and Mr. Acho
had similar amounts of power at this time) and because she didn’t think Ms. Taylor or Mr. Acho would

physically harm her for providing this information (e.g., Mr. Acho had always been respectful to Ms.
Faraji and never threatened or hurt her).
76. On July 31, 2023, Kelsey Doe (“Ms. Doe”) of Employee Relations asked Ms. Faraji for
a meeting. At the meeting, Ms. Doe told Ms. Faraji that there had been complaints of her humming.
Ms. Faraji explained that her humming is an involuntary subconscious coping mechanism for her
diagnosed PTSD and that everyone at Fox knew she hummed. Ms. Faraji further explained that she has
been humming since she was a child, has been humming her entire tenure at Fox, her humming was
exacerbated in stressful situations, and although she hates it and wants it to stop, she does not even
realize when she is humming. Ms. Faraji further explained that if anyone was now complaining they
were only doing so to hurt and embarrass her.

77. Ms. Doe thanked Ms. Faraji for the information, abruptly changed the conversation, and
quickly asked whether she had made public comments regarding Mr. Dixon and Ms. Taylor having sex.
Ms. Faraji became very scared (as Mr. Dixon had previously assaulted her and Ms. Taylor had warned
her that he would fire her if she said anything) and responded that while everyone in the company knew

about their relationship, she did not have any information and did not want to comment about it. Ms.
Doe then tried to end the conversation and asked if Ms. Faraji had any questions. Ms. Faraji then began
crying, asking why such a swift investigation took place regarding her humming, but no one cared
about Ms. M threatening to kill her or others mocking her English. Ms. Faraji then explained that all
she wants is a safe normal work environment, but everyone mistreats her because there are no
consequences for them. While she focused on others mocking her English, she was thinking of her
interactions with Mr. Dixon and Mr. Bayless.

On August 21, 2023, Kim Beauvais (“Ms. Beauvais”), Fox Sport’s Executive Vice
President of Human Resources and Business Operations, and Ms. Druker asked Mr. Bayless for a
meeting. When Mr. Bayless arrived, Ms. Beauvais and Ms. Druker told Mr. Bayless not to worry and
that his job was safe. The two then started interrogating him on whether he had a romantic relationship
with Ms. Faraji and whether she had offered him sex. When Mr. Bayless responded truthfully—that she
had never offered him sex—they again told him not to worry and that his job was safe, heavily

implying that they wanted him to say otherwise. This circular conversation took place for
approximately 20 minutes. Following the meeting, Mr. Dixon called Mr. Bayless and asked why he
didn’t just lie. Mr. Bayless responded that he cares about Ms. Faraji. Mr. Dixon responded: “Who
cares? I can get you a better-looking hairstylist.”

So it seems like Joy's sex life got put on blast for being a meangirl which if true DID contribute to a toxic workplace but the waay bigger fish are Dixon, Bayless and 2 or 3 other people then Joy Taylor....if this were a soap opera Dixon and Bayless would be the main characters and Joy would be supporting character number 6 with about maybe 10 minutes of screen time all totaled up.

and Acho would a day player who caught a stray BIG TIME.... :lol:

the vast majority of the complain is about Dixon and Bayless and a "Ms.M" who is black and apparently threatened to kill her. And how Fox tried to sweep all that shit under the rug.

but why would Noushin lie about it? What could she gain?
I dont know if she frabricated anything but it seems to me she went with SPECULATION AND RUMOR. Hell Fox did the same thing with HER when they asked Skip if SHE TRIED TO FUCK HIM.

But don't you find it strange that with these professionally damaging stories coming out, no one has come to the defense of all the accused including women especially where Joy Taylor is concerned lol. What does that tell you when no one is coming to your defense?
the people who smile in your face aren't your friends...and the corporate world and entertainment industry are true dens of inequity. :dunno::smh::dunno::smh:

here's the link to the go thru it and tell me what you think??



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You have mentioned repeatedly these are all allegations, which are true in theory only cause there needs to be two sides to a story in order for true or false to exist. But if your being accused of something that can negatively impact you personally and professionally (especially Joy Taylor lol ) by not defending yourself the assumption is that your way more likely guilty than not. An innocent person will fight to prove their innocence cause they have everything to lose that they spent their whole life chasing or building. A guilty person will always say nothing cause they have nothing to lose.

One last thing look back in history at any person who was relatively in the public eye that was embroiled or engulfed in scandal, was their career ever the same again in comparison to before and after. That is why you defend yourself upfront, not later. If all these allegations are false, why not just come out and say it. Why let the internet create a false narrative that can't be undone and ultimately becomes permanent if the allegations ain't true. Why let people tarnish your reputation by not saying anything if ain't true.
That would make you a fool. When in the public eye, you let the news cycle die by not saying anything.

Joy has nothing to defend because she was not accused of any sexual harassment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Regarding this statement on page 11 of the lawsuit:

"She explained that she was also now powerful, and once Mr. Dixon was no longer useful to her, she would follow through on her plan to tell the company that he forced himself on her. She would not allow herself to be forced out by Mr. Dixon like other women talent."

The alleged plan of filing a false rape claim "once Mr. Dixon is no longer useful" sounds more pre-emptive than contingent upon being forced out. Additionally, Dixon doesn't even have to be the one to have her to be "forced out" if FOX decided to do that later. Her co-hosts and co-workers are likely seeing her in an different light from that alleged statement. The hilarious strategy of now dressing like a Preacher's wife on air won't help with that perception.

We'll see how this all shakes out
She’s truly a piece of shit.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

Ohhhh she’s a Capricorn makes perfect sense… they be trying to be fake headstrong but be smuts in I definitely known my fair share of Capricorn chicks and they definitely have her energy.. they’ll run over weak men or suckers but will kiss your ass or bow down if you don’t tolerate their shit. They make good sugarmamas and female tricks if you utilize them right

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Acho so fake smart

He sniffing Joy's residue like it's eau de flowers for algernon
That was some cringe shit. Dude may as well have stood up and said I’ll drink her bathwater on Tv. Them other dudes was looking at him like look at this sucker ass shucking and jiving ass negro. Musta have worked cause he put that hoe on her knees. She probably fucked a few other folks in the organization too.

The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
News flash. People are people.

Put folks in any room. How long before everyone gets sized up and comparisons start for:

1. Fighting
2. Fucking
Line of the year right there. I tried to explain the logic of this very same thing to a woman who fell victim to accessibility. Suppose a man can spend time with a woman and be around her. In that case, the attraction will increase if there is any emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual attraction. She's probably going to end up on her knees, sucking it out or getting fucked. Or being rejected (Leslie Jones, Whoopi Goldberg, etc.), I don't make the rules. Most men don't need female friends, especially if they are attractive. All I see is a hoe I haven't fucked yet. She thought one thing led to another, and I told her no, it was premeditated. You fell into the trap. And ended up the sidepiece three times.