Fuck ALL you non-voting, lame excuse, dumbass ninjas.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who voted for the pigs to train in Israel? Huh?

The problem is that we're dealing with a growing militarized police force not a "protect and serve" the community police force. In the militarized police force, as Black people we are the insurgents to them. That's their mindset.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The irony calling what I said "dumb" without anyone rebuttal. Just name calling. I see you.

The pigs are building 'Cop Cities' all over the Untied States and what I said is dumb? Who asked or voted for 'cop cities'? Huh? Open your mind and your eyes.
#1. I didn't name call you. Nor did I call you out your name.
- Re-read my post.

#2. One of the most important elements to combating racism and White supremacy is realizing you're not alone and that you have a voice. And when your voice combines with other voices, and you combine your money & time you become a much more powerful force to be listened to, to be taken seriously and to be respected. That's how you make change.
- That's how you fight White supremacy.
- That is why you need to vote.

#3. When you vote on the local, state and federal level YOU put in place politicians, judges, sheriffs, law makers and laws that best serve you, your family, your community and your people.

But if you don't vote, you're not helping anyone...except those White supremacists you "complain" about. Because unlike you, they vote in EVERY election to get what they want... :hmm:

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
#1. I didn't name call you. Nor did I call you out your name.
- Re-read my post.

#2. One of the most important elements to combating racism and White supremacy is realizing you're not alone and that you have a voice. And when your voice combines with other voices, and you combine your money & time you become a much more powerful force to be listened to, to be taken seriously and to be respected. That's how you make change.
- That's how you fight White supremacy.
- That is why you need to vote.

#3. When you vote on the local, state and federal level YOU put in place politicians, judges, sheriffs, law makers and laws that best serve you, your family, your community and your people.

But if you don't vote, you're not helping anyone...except those White supremacists you "complain" about. Because unlike you, they vote in EVERY election to get what they want... :hmm:
I hear what you're saying & thanks for your response. I know voting sounds very reasonable & it is; however we are not living in a reasonable country and voting is being thwarted increasing. I give the example of Cop City in Atlanta: Cop City is basically a police military outpost and police want to build it in Atlanta, however the Atlanta residents oppose it. Come to find out backroom deals by the Atlanta powerbrokers prevented the residents from voting on Cop City.

Here's an article about it:

Closed-door meeting thwarts bid to let Atlanta residents vote on Cop City

This article is more than 7 months old
Top aide to mayor objected to referendum measure’s wording just before city official was to introduce it

Timothy Pratt in Atlanta
Sun 10 Dec 2023 11.00 EST

A back-room meeting between local power brokers in Atlanta, including a top aide to the city’s mayor, led to the last-minute scuttling of an ordinance that could have helped people get to vote on whether to build a controversial police and fire department training center known as “Cop City”.

Mounting a referendum campaign allowing voters to decide on Cop City is one of many strategies opponents to the center have adopted in a movement that has gained worldwide attention while taking on concerns ranging from police militarization to environmental racism and deforestation in an era of climate crisis. The center is planned for a 171-acre footprint in a forest south-east of Atlanta.

A coalition of voting rights and pro-democracy law firms in the US drew up the ordinance to codify how the city would verify and count voter signatures on petitions to place questions on ballots in general, since the training center campaign is the first such local democracy effort in the capital of Georgia’s 176-year history – and no such process exists.

But in a meeting behind closed doors during the city council meeting last week, where the city councilwoman Liliana Bakhtiari was planning to introduce the ordinance, a deputy chief of staff to the Democratic mayor, Andre Dickens, objected to wording that would have made the process for handling petitions effective immediately, thus covering the Cop City referendum effort, according to a person who was in the room and spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity.
akhtiari returned to the meeting and never introduced the ordinance. Neither the mayor’s office nor Bakhtiari returned requests for comment.

In the middle of a mostly green image of deciduous green leaves, a young person wearing a red bandana covering their head and black mask covering their face holds a tree above the unseen ground with their arms and legs and looks at the camera.
Federal agencies pushed extreme view of Cop City protesters, records show
Read more

“There’s an anti-democratic tendency here,” said Rohit Malhotra, a member of the referendum coalition, in a public zoom call on Thursday night on the latest developments in the referendum. “They need to stop debating this behind closed doors.”

Cop City Vote organizers spent months gathering 116,000 signatures in order to reach a required threshold of about half that number of verified, registered voters. Referendum efforts in other parts of the country often have about half of petition signers disqualified for technical reasons such as being registered to vote in a neighboring municipality.

In the Cop City case, once the threshold of about 58,000 signatures is reached, the city is required to put the question about the training center’s future on a forthcoming ballot.

Among other things, the ordinance as drafted prohibited the use of “signature matching” to verify voters, a method the Atlanta city clerk’s office said in August it would use to evaluate the petitions.

This method, favored by Republican officials, relies on matching signatures on ballots or petitions to existing signatures in public records – and has been successfully litigated against many times due to its unconstitutional tendency to disproportionately affect marginalized populations, such as people with disabilities.

The ordinance effort came as the referendum had been stalled for three months, with boxes of petitions sitting uncounted in city hall. Atlanta appealed a judge’s decision about who was eligible to collect those signatures and said in September it would not start counting and verifying them until after 14 December, when a federal appeals court hears oral arguments in the case.
people hold signs and raise fists outside state capitol
View image in fullscreen

People protest against Cop City in March. Photograph: Cheney Orr/Reuters
Experts have told the Guardian the whole process leading up to the effort to break the logjam via the ordinance has been anti-democratic and fraught with moves by the city that threaten referendums as a tool for expressing the wishes of voters, particularly in the south, where such campaigns are much less common historically than other parts of the US.

This includes the issue at the heart of the case now with the 11th circuit court of appeals. Initially, the referendum campaign sued to allow residents of neighboring DeKalb county to help gather signatures on the petitions to put the Cop City question on the ballot, even though only Atlanta voters could sign. The rationale: the Atlanta-owned site for the training center is actually in DeKalb, surrounded by mostly Black neighborhoods, and residents should be able to participate in the canvassing effort.

A federal judge agreed and in late July extended the deadline for organizers to turn in petitions. Then, in August, as the city announced its intention to use “signature matching”, it also appealed the judge’s decision. An 11th circuit judge ruled in the city’s favor, granting a temporary stay on the earlier decision – and throwing the whole process into limbo. Shortly afterward, in early September, the Cop City Vote coalition turned in the petitions with 116,000 signatures, and the city cited the court case as the basis for not evaluating them.

This issue has come up elsewhere, and courts have favored expansive interpretations of who can gather signatures.
“With signature gathering, trying to restrict people from outside the jurisdiction [of the referendum], many of the cases have been struck down by federal courts as restricting free speech,” said Ryan Byrne, managing editor for ballot measures at Ballotpedia, a non-profit organization that covers elections and politics.

Sarah Walker, director of policy and legal advocacy at the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, said “who can gather signatures” was one of the issues increasingly used in the last decade to make it more difficult for civic and other groups to succeed in getting questions on ballots through referendums. At the same time, she added, the Cop City case “is the first time I’m seeing this sort of thing with Democratic municipalities”.
Another stunning development took place several weeks after organizers turned the petitions in, when the city clerk posted them online – with no redactions. This meant anyone could see the addresses and phone numbers of 116,000 people who supported voting on Cop City. The move has been roundly criticized by experts. “They don’t have a legitimate reason to post at all,” said Walker. “It’s hard not to conclude this is an effort to undermine or create mistrust.”



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
I am so amazingly thankful that Republicans act like bad James Bond villains. politicians didn't used to show you how evil they were. You used to have to figure it out and read the cliff notes. now they say the quiet part out loud.

They weren't supposed to tell us about Project 2025, but when it leaked people said Oh, they're trying to take away MY job. This is attacking ME. I thought they were just going after THOSE people, but they're coming after ME. But I'm one of them. I'm on THEIR side.

I'm not going to vote for that guy


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Literally the same thing bro. When I said when 12 has a gun to your head. Think about the day you didn’t vote. I don’t have the post in front of me but that’s the scope of it. But you have a nice time on the couch. Hope the type of living works out for you. Respectfully

See everybody.... Respect, you can disagree and still have decorum.

Good form @Mo_Fun


BGOL Legend
Your kids don't have the same issue as my kids. Couch 2024..

Sorry bruh I didn’t say you were not black. My point my brother is your vote is more than about now it’s for the future. Sorry are you saying you had the cops put a gun to your head twice or are you saying you voted twice? Just asking I was a little unclear of the end of your post. Respectfully couch 2024 is a whack tag.

Bruh, don't waste your time on trolls.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear what you're saying & thanks for your response. I know voting sounds very reasonable & it is; however we are not living in a reasonable country and voting is being thwarted increasing. I give the example of Cop City in Atlanta: Cop City is basically a police military outpost and police want to build it in Atlanta, however the Atlanta residents oppose it. Come to find out backroom deals by the Atlanta powerbrokers prevented the residents from voting on Cop City.

Here's an article about it:

Closed-door meeting thwarts bid to let Atlanta residents vote on Cop City

This article is more than 7 months old
Top aide to mayor objected to referendum measure’s wording just before city official was to introduce it

Timothy Pratt in Atlanta
Sun 10 Dec 2023 11.00 EST

A back-room meeting between local power brokers in Atlanta, including a top aide to the city’s mayor, led to the last-minute scuttling of an ordinance that could have helped people get to vote on whether to build a controversial police and fire department training center known as “Cop City”.

Mounting a referendum campaign allowing voters to decide on Cop City is one of many strategies opponents to the center have adopted in a movement that has gained worldwide attention while taking on concerns ranging from police militarization to environmental racism and deforestation in an era of climate crisis. The center is planned for a 171-acre footprint in a forest south-east of Atlanta.

A coalition of voting rights and pro-democracy law firms in the US drew up the ordinance to codify how the city would verify and count voter signatures on petitions to place questions on ballots in general, since the training center campaign is the first such local democracy effort in the capital of Georgia’s 176-year history – and no such process exists.

But in a meeting behind closed doors during the city council meeting last week, where the city councilwoman Liliana Bakhtiari was planning to introduce the ordinance, a deputy chief of staff to the Democratic mayor, Andre Dickens, objected to wording that would have made the process for handling petitions effective immediately, thus covering the Cop City referendum effort, according to a person who was in the room and spoke to the Guardian on condition of anonymity.
akhtiari returned to the meeting and never introduced the ordinance. Neither the mayor’s office nor Bakhtiari returned requests for comment.
In the middle of a mostly green image of deciduous green leaves, a young person wearing a red bandana covering their head and black mask covering their face holds a tree above the unseen ground with their arms and legs and looks at the camera.
Federal agencies pushed extreme view of Cop City protesters, records show
Read more

“There’s an anti-democratic tendency here,” said Rohit Malhotra, a member of the referendum coalition, in a public zoom call on Thursday night on the latest developments in the referendum. “They need to stop debating this behind closed doors.”

Cop City Vote organizers spent months gathering 116,000 signatures in order to reach a required threshold of about half that number of verified, registered voters. Referendum efforts in other parts of the country often have about half of petition signers disqualified for technical reasons such as being registered to vote in a neighboring municipality.

In the Cop City case, once the threshold of about 58,000 signatures is reached, the city is required to put the question about the training center’s future on a forthcoming ballot.

Among other things, the ordinance as drafted prohibited the use of “signature matching” to verify voters, a method the Atlanta city clerk’s office said in August it would use to evaluate the petitions.

This method, favored by Republican officials, relies on matching signatures on ballots or petitions to existing signatures in public records – and has been successfully litigated against many times due to its unconstitutional tendency to disproportionately affect marginalized populations, such as people with disabilities.

The ordinance effort came as the referendum had been stalled for three months, with boxes of petitions sitting uncounted in city hall. Atlanta appealed a judge’s decision about who was eligible to collect those signatures and said in September it would not start counting and verifying them until after 14 December, when a federal appeals court hears oral arguments in the case.
people hold signs and raise fists outside state capitol
View image in fullscreen

People protest against Cop City in March. Photograph: Cheney Orr/Reuters
Experts have told the Guardian the whole process leading up to the effort to break the logjam via the ordinance has been anti-democratic and fraught with moves by the city that threaten referendums as a tool for expressing the wishes of voters, particularly in the south, where such campaigns are much less common historically than other parts of the US.

This includes the issue at the heart of the case now with the 11th circuit court of appeals. Initially, the referendum campaign sued to allow residents of neighboring DeKalb county to help gather signatures on the petitions to put the Cop City question on the ballot, even though only Atlanta voters could sign. The rationale: the Atlanta-owned site for the training center is actually in DeKalb, surrounded by mostly Black neighborhoods, and residents should be able to participate in the canvassing effort.

A federal judge agreed and in late July extended the deadline for organizers to turn in petitions. Then, in August, as the city announced its intention to use “signature matching”, it also appealed the judge’s decision. An 11th circuit judge ruled in the city’s favor, granting a temporary stay on the earlier decision – and throwing the whole process into limbo. Shortly afterward, in early September, the Cop City Vote coalition turned in the petitions with 116,000 signatures, and the city cited the court case as the basis for not evaluating them.

This issue has come up elsewhere, and courts have favored expansive interpretations of who can gather signatures.
“With signature gathering, trying to restrict people from outside the jurisdiction [of the referendum], many of the cases have been struck down by federal courts as restricting free speech,” said Ryan Byrne, managing editor for ballot measures at Ballotpedia, a non-profit organization that covers elections and politics.

Sarah Walker, director of policy and legal advocacy at the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center, said “who can gather signatures” was one of the issues increasingly used in the last decade to make it more difficult for civic and other groups to succeed in getting questions on ballots through referendums. At the same time, she added, the Cop City case “is the first time I’m seeing this sort of thing with Democratic municipalities”.
Another stunning development took place several weeks after organizers turned the petitions in, when the city clerk posted them online – with no redactions. This meant anyone could see the addresses and phone numbers of 116,000 people who supported voting on Cop City. The move has been roundly criticized by experts. “They don’t have a legitimate reason to post at all,” said Walker. “It’s hard not to conclude this is an effort to undermine or create mistrust.”

This is just a bullshit excuse to not vote.
- It's not a reason.

Dude, these people went through literal HELL to ensure that you are treated with respect, dignity, fairness and have the right to vote.

But you spit in their collective faces and say; "FUCK YOUR PAIN & FUCK YOUR STRUGGLES!!! I'M HAPPY BEING A 2nd CLASS CITIZEN!!!"

Meanwhile; these assholes look at your refusal to vote and and say;

"Score another victory for the White race!!!!
4 more years of Trump means we're closer to wiping ni@@ers out completely!!!!
We've got them so scared that they won't even vote!!!!"


Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anything to keep Black people down, ignorant, infighting and self hating.

People think it’s a joke. Do you know how many racists are going to join the police force just for the opportunity to kill us???????? Bookmark this thread; there will be a news report of police academy enrollment if trump wins. I said it here.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is just a bullshit excuse to not vote.
- It's not a reason.

Dude, these people went through literal HELL to ensure that you are treated with respect, dignity and fairness.

But you spit in their collective faces and say; "FUCK YOUR PAIN & FUCK YOUR STRUGGLES!!! I'M HAPPY BEING A 2nd CLASS CITIZEN!!!"

Meanwhile; these assholes look at your refusal to vote and and say;

"Score another victory for the White race!!!!
4 more years of Trump means we're closer to wiping ni@@ers out completely!!!!
We've got them so scared that they won't even vote!!!!"


You didn't even read the article; that's why I don't have these discussions a lot. In sum, you didn't read the article and then you throw up some Civil Rights images, that's the extent of how you want to think about the issue. To understand the issues you have to read. It's deeper than voting or not voting, I'm showing how the militarization of the police is being continued no matter how you vote and a lot of cases the voting is being thwarted as in the case of the Cop City example in Atlanta.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
People think it’s a joke. Do you know how many racists are going to join the police force just for the opportunity to kill us???????? Bookmark this thread; there will be a news report of police academy enrollment if trump wins. I said it here.
There's already Cop Cities being built right now & those started about 2020 not long after the George Floyd protest so you're late.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is just a bullshit excuse to not vote.
- It's not a reason.

Dude, these people went through literal HELL to ensure that you are treated with respect, dignity, fairness and have the right to vote.

But you spit in their collective faces and say; "FUCK YOUR PAIN & FUCK YOUR STRUGGLES!!! I'M HAPPY BEING A 2nd CLASS CITIZEN!!!"

Meanwhile; these assholes look at your refusal to vote and and say;

"Score another victory for the White race!!!!
4 more years of Trump means we're closer to wiping ni@@ers out completely!!!!
We've got them so scared that they won't even vote!!!!"


For all you “Vote the couch” ninjas!


Potential Star
OG Investor
Bruh, don't waste your time on trolls.
It’s not a problem bruh. We’re not going to get everyone. All we can do is give the information and hopefully one day they will understand where we are coming from. Part of the journey is the small set backs. Everyone has to get things on their time. So all we do is keep fighting the good fight. Sorry peeps I’ll get off my soapbox now. ✌


BGOL Legend
It’s not a problem bruh. We’re not going to get everyone. All we can do is give the information and hopefully one day they will understand where we are coming from. Part of the journey is the small set backs. Everyone has to get things on their time. So all we do is keep fighting the good fight. Sorry peeps I’ll get off my soapbox now. ✌

Yep, I used to try to take the diplomatic route but bgol is full of agents for the maga side. I've learned that there are black AND white members that their main goal is to sway black voters away from our own interests. I'm sure some are getting paid so trying to go toe to toe is just pisssing in the wind. Don't waste your time


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You didn't even read the article; that's why I don't have these discussions a lot. In sum, you didn't read the article and then you throw up some Civil Rights images, that's the extent of how you want to think about the issue. To understand the issues you have to read. It's deeper than voting or not voting, I'm showing how the militarization of the police is being continued no matter how you vote and a lot of cases the voting is being thwarted as in the case of the Cop City example in Atlanta.
Again, that's a bullshit excuse you're using to not vote.
As I already pointed out, voting is about you taking an active role in how your laws and lawmakers are enacted.
If you vote for corrupt political leaders who make backroom deals to illegally fund a "secret police force", then it's on you as a citizen to do your part to hold them accountable and make sure they're answerable to those laws. You know how that happens?


This is the epitome of the "militarization of the police".

And this is what happens to them when outraged citizens actively do their part to hold them accountable.

Voting in judges who hear these cases.
Voting in a District Attorney to prosecute the cases.
Voting in sheriffs and marshals to work with the Feds to investigate cases.

Get out and VOTE.
Last edited:

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, that's a bullshit excuse you're using to not vote.
As I already pointed out, voting is about you taking an active role in how your laws and lawmakers are enacted.
If you vote for corrupt political leaders who make backroom deals to illegally fund a "secret police force", then it's on you as a citizen to do your part to hold them accountable and make sure they're answerable to those laws. You know how that happens?


This is the epitome of the "militarization of the police".

And this is what happens to them when outraged citizens actively do their part to hold them accountable.

Voting in judges who hear these cases.
Voting in a District Attorney to prosecute the cases.
Voting in sheriffs and marshals to work with the Feds to investigate cases.

Get out and VOTE.
Again, you didn't read the article I posted; if you had read the article you would have know that people were not allowed to vote for Cop City in Atlanta, they were being thwarted from voting.

& like I said 'Cop Cities' are being created all over the country & no one voted for that. Cops are being trained in Israel and no one voted for that, the militarization of the police is beyond voting. This is happening weather we like it or not. That's my point, & I know it's gray area, & you're not understanding this area~~~ you have black & white thinking so I can't help you to think. Think what you want.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, you didn't read the article I posted; if you had read the article you would have know that people were not allowed to vote for Cop City in Atlanta, they were being thwarted from voting.

& like I said 'Cop Cities' are being created all over the country & no one voted for that. Cops are being trained in Israel and no one voted for that, the militarization of the police is beyond voting. This is happening weather we like it or not. That's my point, & I know it's gray area, & you're not understanding this area~~~ you have black & white thinking so I can't help you to think. Think what you want.
No, pal.
You're just way too content with being a 2nd class citizen and "complaining" about White supremacy to actually do something to combat it.
Are there always going to be corrupt politicians and people in power?
- Yes.

But if you don't vote, to fix/solve that issue...
- It just means you're part of the problem.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Kamala doesn't even have policies at the moment and the voter shaming stuff doesn't work in 2024. She's gonna get blown out, then Trump and Vance gon spend the next 4 years making POC's life hell. Oh well.