Fuck ALL you non-voting, lame excuse, dumbass ninjas.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No, pal.
You're just way too content with being a 2nd class citizen and "complaining" about White supremacy to actually do something to combat it.
Are there always going to be corrupt politicians and people in power?
- Yes.

But if you don't vote, to fix/solve that issue...
- It just means you're part of the problem.
What are you talking about? I've voted in every US presidential election since 1988, but what I'm talking about is that militarization of the police which is beyond voting & about the racist role that they play. & it's not about a few corrupt politicians, 'Cop Cities' are built all over the nation and no one voted for those. Police departments are being sent to go train with Israel and no voted for that. & if you think just voting will solve these issues then you're being naïve. Like I said, police departments are not meant to protect and serve the people of the United States. Rather, they are bastions of White Supremacy whose job is suppress the Black dissent and to view Black people as insurgents. Voting won't affect that.

Here's another article about it, read this:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What are you talking about? I've voted in every US presidential election since 1988, but what I'm talking about is that militarization of the police which is beyond voting & about the racist role that they play. & it's not about a few corrupt politicians, 'Cop Cities' are built all over the nation and no one voted for those. Police departments are being sent to go train with Israel and no voted for that. & if you think just voting will solve these issues then you're being naïve. Like I said, police departments are not meant to protect and serve the people of the United States. Rather, they are bastions of White Supremacy whose job is suppress the Black dissent and to view Black people as insurgents. Voting won't affect that.

Here's another article about it, read this:

Speak on it! More police is only good for those not targeted BY police.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Speak on it! More police is only good for those not targeted BY police.
No doubt, bruh....



Potential Star
OG Investor
What gets me is all these black folks picking and choosing which parts of Project 2025, when we don’t need to convince the other to your point; it’s the entire doctrine of these cacs and what they want take away.
Showing us all the cards and how they will play them. Literally playing in our face and some cats are letting them do it. SMH


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What gets me is all these black folks picking and choosing which parts of Project 2025, when we don’t need to convince the other to your point; it’s the entire doctrine of these cacs and what they want take away.

Yup the whole thing is BS. Plus, the things they are saying out openly makes me even terrified of what they really are thinking behind closed doors.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yup the whole thing is BS. Plus, the things they are saying out openly makes me even terrified of what they really are thinking behind closed doors.
Facts. If this is their list, imagine the shit that isn’t in writing. How some of that 2025 shit is a lead-in to do horrific shit.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, this turned into a real shit show. We need Trump to save our black jobs... Lol


Republicans see THIS and will die to continue to support him

Democrats saw Biden stammer and stutter and got him out the race.

I really want to know what would it take for Trump to LOSE support from "rational" conservatives?

And what would it take for Democrat s to garner that level of unwavering loyalty?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Republicans see THIS and will die to continue to support him

Democrats saw Biden stammer and stutter and got him out the race.

I really want to know what would it take for Trump to LOSE support from "rational" conservatives?

And what would it take for Democrat s to garner that level of unwavering loyalty?
Repubs are mostly motivated by racism and money, so it will always be easy to get their followers to stay on code.

Getting similar support for Dems will never happen since as soon as you do something to appease one group, you will proceed to piss off the other one.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Repubs are mostly motivated by racism and money, so it will always be easy to get their followers to stay on code.

Getting similar support for Dems will never happen since as soon as you do something to appease one group, you will proceed to piss off the other one.


political post of the day


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can’t imagine any policy or campaign promise being enough to allpw that that fact racist Cac to define to us what a black woman is. And fuck any clown ass ninja with anything but contempt for that Cac no matter what Kamala is. They just called her a chameleon and ninjas still saying nothing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Republicans see THIS and will die to continue to support him

Democrats saw Biden stammer and stutter and got him out the race.

I really want to know what would it take for Trump to LOSE support from "rational" conservatives?

And what would it take for Democrat s to garner that level of unwavering loyalty?
Easy answer. Trump loses all his support the day he becomes pro black. Will never happen but if he did something like admit slavery benefited cacs, or apologizes americas treatment of us.

Dems already have it because most open minded people know the Republican Party is too racist to willfully sign up for that bullshit. Most of us don’t WANT the candidates thrown at us but we can’t walk into the buzz saw that is the Republican Party.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Easy answer. Trump loses all his support the day he becomes pro black. Will never happen but if he did something like admit slavery benefited cacs, or apologizes americas treatment of us.

Dems already have it because most open minded people know the Republican Party is too racist to willfully sign up for that bullshit. Most of us don’t WANT the candidates thrown at us but we can’t walk into the buzz saw that is the Republican Party.


It's getting more and more difficult to understand the modern voter or non voter

Trump never win a popular vote

We are so enslaved to bots algorithm and social media a small group can APPEAR to be massive and also have ACTUAL influence of greater public opinion.

But I have met good Black folk who sound dumb as f**k rationalizing supporting Trump.

It's frustrating.

Like someone said earlier the democrats have the impossible job if trying g to please ALL groups which inevitably leads to multiple internal conflicts


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
More and more black YouTubers are heavy against Kamala. Coons. Tons of my Caribbean friends on some “I’m on the fence right now” shit. Someone explain to me why Caribbean folks would even consider trump. Anybody. Make something up! I don’t fucking get it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's nothing wrong with being a Republican and there is nothing wrong with being a conservative.

But Donald Trump is a village idiot who found his daddy's gun and shouldn't be running a Lego built gas station let alone a superpower and his influence has probably fucked the Republican party for generations.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's nothing wrong with being a Republican and there is nothing wrong with being a conservative.

But Donald Trump is a village idiot who found his daddy's gun and shouldn't be running a Lego built gas station let alone a superpower and his influence has probably fucked the Republican party for generations.
Exactly. I could agree to disagree before Trump ran. Now, fuck that, I hate you if you vote republican.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
YouTube really fucked black men’s heads up. Dude just told me he can’t see himself voting for a black woman (blah blah blah) niggas got a girlfriend and two daughters. Literally hit me with the “What even makes her qualified..?” bullshit. What kind of Stockholm syndrome shit is happening to black men where they can see the monster Trump is over their hatred for women? I’m hard on women, but I’m not a goddamn fool. How does any black man look at Trump and not see it, and but it, I mean, everything? I turned and walked away from the ninja. Wanted to punch him.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
YouTube really fucked black men’s heads up. Dude just told me he can’t see himself voting for a black woman (blah blah blah) niggas got a girlfriend and two daughters. Literally hit me with the “What even makes her qualified..?” bullshit. What kind of Stockholm syndrome shit is happening to black men where they can see the monster Trump is over their hatred for women? I’m hard on women, but I’m not a goddamn fool. How does any black man look at Trump and not see it, and but it, I mean, everything? I turned and walked away from the ninja. Wanted to punch him.

I feel your pain. I also talk with some of the young and the restless from time to time. It's hard hearing their reasons and rational regarding politics. Most of them have no comprehension of how government agencies work or what those agencies are named.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I feel your pain. I also talk with some of the young and the restless from time to time. It's hard hearing their reasons and rational regarding politics. Most of them have no comprehension of how government agencies work or what those agencies are named.
Facts. Nooooooobody run this country without hundreds of appointed positions. All these redpill YouTube coons all hate Kamala. A few won’t say they are pro trump but daily shit on Kamala and indoctrinating the dumb ninjas who can’t get pussy. “I like how Trump speaks his mind!” Whhaaaaat? Bitter ninjas will be the death of the black community.