Fuck this place! (The Expat thread)


Transnational Member
I am slowly setting up my exit here soon, I can't wait.

I would advise people to stay away from the United States or you could end up being held hostage.


Transnational Member
I am slowly setting up my exit here soon can't wait.

I would advise people to stay away from the United States or you could end up being held.

Instead of situating myself somewhere else that is not criminal/genocidal, I have spent six more months being baited into peon battles. I expend a great amount of effort to isolate myself to avoid these peon battles with people over nonsense.

What I want to do is praise the United States for approving one component that I need to leave. I know it was difficult for you to loosen your depraved grip and the international pressure forced you to do the right thing.

You can't hold people against their will to terrorize them with surveillance and chasing them around everywhere they go.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ve been there and I saw what you saw. Same with The D.R; which is more racist than Costa Rica, but ninjas still flock there. It’s not on my short list but I see why many have it on theirs.

Dudes don’t do their research. Their laws are interesting

The got laws where if you are a gringo (non-national) and you get into an argument with a Dominican woman or man and you call either of them out of their name or publicly disrespect them they can have you arrested. That’s right arrested.

Shit is wild but the Child support laws are even more interesting, if you and ya girl break-up with a child involved the max payout for child support for a gringo is 5000 - 6000 pesos ≈ $100 - $120/ month. This was 5 yrs ago, so things could’ve changed.

Wherever you go know the laws, and remember you are a guest no matter if you got investments in the country


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dudes don’t do their research. Their laws are interesting

The got laws where if you are a gringo (non-national) and you get into an argument with a Dominican woman or man and you call either of them out of their name or publicly disrespect them they can have you arrested. That’s right arrested.

Shit is wild but the Child support laws are even more interesting, if you and ya girl break-up with a child involved the max payout for child support for a gringo is 5000 - 6000 pesos ≈ $100 - $120/ month. This was 5 yrs ago, so things could’ve changed.

Wherever you go know the laws, and remember you are a guest no matter if you got investments in the country
Exactly. And good info. I’m trying to get away from all American/hood culture. No Caribbean for me. Been enough to know I can’t stay there long term. I want soft, feminine, natural women, beaches and preferably no need a for a car. I don’t really want where everybody goes, so a little off the common path.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’ve started watching video on where blacks shouldn’t go. The commons places are Muslim countries. Philippines is on every list, along with some Asian spots.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I live in another country, but what most of these videos won’t tell you is the access to health care isn’t as easy, the local management of the government, VAT, and other shit to think of is not as convenient as it in the US. It sounds nice at first, but when things start mounting up from the medical to the language, it doesn’t get better. Do your homework and prepare for the worst.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Spoke to real estate agent today. I’m gonna list my crib soon. Time to dig deep and learn this shit. I’m ready to dip this year. After I sell everything and combine it with my savings I’m more than good to go. I won’t even think about social security for another 6-8 years. I’m booking a visit to Malaysia in November. I’m gonna hit a few places over there like a Thailand and Vietnam to see if I would come back for longer.


Transnational Member
Be careful announcing your intent to leave they are taking passports with no fucks given. They have made attempts to block me from leaving so this could happen to me.

This forces you into staying in the U.S. or risking political asylum. I would fly out of Canada/Mexico if you are going to questionable places like Russia or Middle East.


Transnational Member

Asian are dumped into segregated schools with us. What do you think they would do next?

a. Fight for equality for everybody to end segregation.
b. File a junk lawsuit asking to be considered honorary white and being allowed into white schools.
c. Accepting their fate with us.

The answer is b

They pulled this same stunt in South Africa during apartheid. Indians argued when they were excluded from immigration that they were white/caucasian.
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Transnational Member
The Lum family sued to get their daughters back into the white school, making the argument that it was discriminatory to force Asian students to attend a school in which “colored” otherwise meant black. But when a lawyer who was passionate about 14th Amendment issues took on their case, it became something bigger: Earl Brewer wanted to strike a blow against segregation laws in general.

He lost in 1927, and the decision was devastating not only for the Lums, but for people of color throughout the country. The unanimous ruling “let Mississippi schools regulate themselves however they want, and define race of their students however they want,” Berard says. “That’s the really horrible thing about this decision: the Lum family aside, this created a precedent for segregation that broadens it, gives it more power.”

Part of the reason Lum v. Rice isn’t better known is that the Lum family lost, Berard says, but their place in history may also be affected by the fact that the family wasn’t fully on the side of civil rights for all. They, like their lawyer, make flawed heroes.
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Transnational Member
I don't know where to start. I was basically human trafficked for over a decade.

My main concern is the United States chasing after me doing terrorist shit to whatever country I go to. I mean, basically the same thing they're doing here to isolate me. I have to make sure the message is understood that you were being dumped because you suck. I have to basically shut down any delusional thoughts that they will develop to justify chasing after me.

It isn't a simple process for me.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You can live nice anywhere
I’m visiting Thailand in December. The homey and his wife sold everything and moved to Malaysia. Illl visit them next year to check it out. My plan is to rent for a time, then if I get bored, dip to another city or country. I’ll start with 90 day visitor visas, then extend to 6 months, then longer if I like it. Another homey goes to Colombia. You get 90 days off your passport and proof where you’re staying. Not for me, but maybe once to kick with him and his crew.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Philippines will always be cheap on the $USD. Friend there said 1,000,000 there is roughly $20,000 USD. Rents can be $300 a month for a basic apartment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I’m visiting Thailand in December. The homey and his wife sold everything and moved to Malaysia. Illl visit them next year to check it out. My plan is to rent for a time, then if I get bored, dip to another city or country. I’ll start with 90 day visitor visas, then extend to 6 months, then longer if I like it. Another homey goes to Colombia. You get 90 days off your passport and proof where you’re staying. Not for me, but maybe once to kick with him and his crew.
Thailand is beautiful, spent a year there 20 years ago. Best time of my life