When shyt hits the fan...
If you ain't got a dragon, better find a damn good substitute
It doesn't shatter the wights only the white walkers. It kills both of them but the effect is different in how they die.I don't understand why the Dragon Glass weapons and the Valerian Steel swords didn't decimate the muhfuckas during the battle like they did before. I'd expected white walkers to be shattering like bags of ice all over the place in chain reactions.
He didn’t though. Jon dragon struck heavy blows and Dany dragon grounded it. It had holes in its neck it was going to die anyway.Told yall last week about them dragons and how they'd get their ass beat trying to fly them shits against the night king
he clapped them up QUICK
couldn’t have said it better. This is like Thanos getting the stones then getting his arm chopped off immediately and the movie goes off. I wanted to see his true power. More interaction with him and Bran ... like even if he touched Bran and they both just rambled through each other’s mind and the Night King got killed while doing so...
The dead Starks could have at least had the decency to do a choreographed dance if they were gonna bust outta their graves like that. Have they no sense of style?
No one respects the old-school undead anymore.
Felt like when blunt got exposed
Niggas dyin left and right
Religion bein born again
Niggas lost in the battle
Good niggas gone for good
Ladybear was like duece takin on blunt
Hnic came in the club all white walkered up lookin for endless donations
Man when nk fell of his drag
He was like I’m good fam, I like fallin
Where is this thread if it ain’t on front page?
fuck outta here....Blah, blah, blah........there was no need for the battle to be drawn out for 50 minutes......redundant and boring.
Intrigue, craft, cunning and intelligence makes this series great......all of which was missing.
His true power is resurrecting people. We saw plenty of that. Having your own war dead rise and fight you is enough power already. Not to mention he fell off a dragon from the clouds and survived. Don't forget this motherfucker would easily win the gold in the Javelin Throw. Having him touch Bran and then dying would invalidate the entire battle. If touching Bran would kill him why not have Bran return beyond the wall or go meet the Night King? Why have a battle at all?
Season 8 Episode 3 was a HUGE MIDDLE FINGER from the 2 Showrunners (Dan & Dave) to all the salty-ass Bookreaders & Contrarians who criticized the shit outta SEASON 5 & SEASON 6..... and called Arya’s whole storyline with the Waif BORING, and a WASTE of TIME.... or said some type of sideways shit about it.
Alot of those folks are SALTY AS FUCK today... because they had been shitting on Arya’s character development for the last 2-3 years. Not paying attention. And thinking that her story arc & abilities reached their climax when she took out Walder Frey & poisoned House Frey.
Nobody's being sensitive, everyone is just tired of telling you that the long, drawn-out battle you are looking for has been happening continually for several seasons already.
The dead Starks could have at least had the decency to do a choreographed dance if they were gonna bust outta their graves like that. Have they no sense of style?
No one respects the old-school undead anymore.
lol..somebody should shop the head of the night king on mj body doing the thriller dance...
Dany was stupid as fuck having Drogon on the ground for that long too, Drogon was getting shanked up by the wights like he stepped into the wrong council estate in London by Yutes and their zombie knives
Yes!Later on I'm going to post the game of thrones YouTubers. Who was completely wrong on the predictions so far.
You are just like Tyrion, down in the Crypts... when Sansa says to him: “You’d get killed. It’s time to face the TRUTH.”Blah, blah, blah........there was no need for the battle to be drawn out for 50 minutes......redundant and boring.
Intrigue, craft, cunning and intelligence makes this series great......all of which was missing.
couldn’t have said it better. This is like Thanos getting the stones then getting his arm chopped off immediately and the movie goes off. I wanted to see his true power. More interaction with him and Bran ... like even if he touched Bran and they both just rambled through each other’s mind and the Night King got killed while doing so...
If you are not salty... that means you have completely ‘changed your mind’ about season 5.... Because there is no way you could STILL think season 5 was bullshit, if you liked last night’s episode.I'm one of those contrarians who hated Arya's story and I'm not salty at all. I finally figured it out last season that she would play a more important role than I initially thought.
They need saddles for those dragons. No way I believe they should have been able to hang on at high speed, diving and twirling mid air.
You try and put a saddle on a dragon and if you don't come back a 2 piece extra dark then I'll try it
Until then?
Jon I think could hold on he's got strength he's a fighter
Nah she's not about that grip strength shit lol
was lit when it was time for people to die.
Nah she was getting it in. She was getting overwhelmed and tired. She ducked off cause she needed a second. Not cause she was scared.
Not to mention how bad ass it was when they had her surrounded and she just rolled over top of them.