Come on son. Yall gotta stop being sensitive. In "Clash of the Titans", they released the Kraken and he literally was dead a minute later. It cheapened it. I was already assuming that the Dragon Fire wasn't going to kill him. That would have been too "easy". When you build up an antagonist in the way the Night King was built up, you don't want him to never break a sweat the entire time and then die from an out of nowhere jab in the stomach where there is never any type of real fight. The Night King and his generals never even engaged in combat at all. It's much more compelling when a powerful antagonist is challenged in a more threatening fashion...he exhibits his power and then he's overwhelmed in some way and then dies. Arya could have still been the one to kill him and she could have still killed him in the same way in that scene, but he literally cruises through the scene while he's on land and never even engages in battle. He was up 20 with 10 seconds left and lost by a 21-point shot. Even Arya being able to sneak up on him isn't a stretch because of her training. It's just a bit of a letdown to see him the generals just stroll in at the end... walk in like Puffy and Nas in Hate me Now and die like that. Even if he and the generals were more engaged in fighting other people in more threatening ways before getting there would have been enough.