Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My god y’all went from nk not doin shit when he commanded his forces and got where he wanted to be.

Now y’all Bitchin about Aryas training like it ain’t shit.

One on one with brenn and it was a tie, her master trainer said she was ready

Some of y’all are fuckin dumb af

Yea man, it's funny how some will bring up Arya's stumbling blocks during the beginning stages of her training as if she never displayed her mastery in blocking the Waif's attack strikes and besting the Waif during sparing sessions while blind. As well as besting Brienne in the 1st couple moves with the needle at her throat when they spared to illustrate her assassin skills in having the kill strike within the 1st couple moves when facing an adversary. Brienne is a BEAST but looked spooked when she realized how quickly Arya had her in the kill strike zone.

She was more than ready to assassinate the Night King.
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Arya has pretty much done nothing but train since the 1st episode. Definitely not surprised she was the one to do it. Actually, you could argue that she would likely be the only one who could do it
Man the north ain’t got much left to fight with

Unsullied and Dothraki gone, maybe a few but most gone

What ever happen to the dude from the vale, dude who runs shit and is always talkin with Sansa?

I don’t recall seein that nigga.

Didn’t house Glover go home?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Yea man, it's funny how some will bring up Arya's stumbling blocks during the beginning stages of her training as if she never displayed her mastery in blocking the Waif's attack strikes and besting the Waif during sparing sessions while blind. As well as besting Brienne in the 1st couple moves with the needle at her throat when they spared to illustrate her assassin skills in having the kill strike within the 1st couple moves when facing an advisory. Brienne is a BEAST but looked spooked when she realized how quickly Arya had her in the kill strike zone.

She was more than ready to assassinate the Night King.
Man they better show Cersei die and the mountain

3 eps left main characters need to drop lol

I wonder what bran will do now since the nk is gone, just live life and fuck white trees lol


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man the north ain’t got much left to fight with

Unsullied and Dothraki gone, maybe a few but most gone

What ever happen to the dude from the vale, dude who runs shit and is always talkin with Sansa?

I don’t recall seein that nigga.

Didn’t house Glover go home?
Yara still has her force, small but it contributes to their numbers. I can't think of anybody else.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yea man, it's funny how some will bring up Arya's stumbling blocks during the beginning stages of her training as if she never displayed her mastery in blocking the Waif's attack strikes and besting the Waif during sparing sessions while blind. As well as besting Brienne in the 1st couple moves with the needle at her throat when they spared to illustrate her assassin skills in having the kill strike within the 1st couple moves when facing an advisory. Brienne is a BEAST but looked spooked when she realized how quickly Arya had her in the kill strike zone.

She was more than ready to assassinate the Night King.

My beef is that they didn't showcase all those talents in her kill of the most evil and formidable villain in the show. I agree with you one hundred percent on her skills, I just would have liked to see them used to get the kill, rather than some three stooges drop the knife shit....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This thread has gone dark and full of tinfoil....the realm was attacked World War Z style by the Others and all winter broke loose. Episode was so long it made Endgame seem like short, with that said here are my stretched out observations from Season 8 Episode 3 "The Long Night"

  • Sam's ready to piss himself, Bran looks like hes been working call center for hours... everyone else stressed
  • Impressive amount of unsullied in formation
  • This looks like my crossbows and catapult game from 80s
  • Is this operation hide behind brown folks....?
  • Ghost and the hound in the front lines
  • Melisandre asks Jorah to translate her pre-game speech to Dothraki
  • She spits bars harder than Budden on "No Church for wild beat"
  • Lady Lighter Fluid has Dothraki swords lit up like a cellphone at a concert
  • Davos "on sight" Onion Knight doesn't like it...
  • Valar Morghulis... pregame continues
  • Arya looks at her like "i saw your name in my bae's phone ho"
  • Gametime ....Dothraki rush the field
  • tumblr_pqpu6mNQRJ1s8kr2go3_540.gif

  • A tribe called Dothraki gets blown out like birthday candles
  • Things that are extinct 1: Dinosaurs 2: Saber-toothed tigers 3: Dothraki
  • AOTD is moving like a massive Tsunami of bones
  • Young Obama puts his helmet on... Alt right army of dead won't eliminate him easily
  • giphy.gif

  • Stand your ground Brienne screams ...grand jury doesn't indict
  • Jon and Dany provide air support but don't light the field
  • Jon sees WW but winter came.... Chicago style and swallowed both dragons
  • Night King must be related to Ororo Monroe
  • Westeros needs some flashlights
  • Arya tells Sansa go to crypts and sew something
  • How are they surviving
  • tumblr_pqpy7uuTVg1ric917o2_500.gif

  • Kingslayer Jamie is shooting a high percentage with the left hand now
  • Sam being used like a sidewalk cries for Edd of the NW
  • Sam if I just lay down and pretend I'm dead I won't get stabbed
  • Edd dies saving Sam ....Sam runs away like DJ Pooh in Friday
  • Varys in crypts more worried than an actress at a Harvey Weinstein party
  • Tyrion brought a couple of box wines to the crypts ....just in case
  • FAA didn't clear these flight conditions.... Do dragon wings ice up?
  • RETREAT ....except Unsullied
  • This episode is so dark... every police officer in the U.S. feared for their life
  • Arya saves the hound with a fire arrow
  • tumblr_pqpoofTwOP1rp74xfo3_400.gif

  • "Light the trench" shouts Young Obama but Dany is lost somewhere over canada
  • Lady Lighter fluid to the rescue.... but she can't remember the lyrics, her spotify is buffering
  • Unsullied singing “We didn’t start the fire....”.
  • Hound sees that trench fire and.... taps out like Conor McGregor
  • Most of the POC have died already... Winterhell for a bruh
  • Tyrion "I won the blackwater" you're the Phantom of the opera says Varys
  • Tyrion's tipsy tries to see if consummation of marriage to Sansa is possible
  • tumblr_pqpedbdDPN1tlxeufo1_540.gif

  • Missandei mad they talkin shit about Dany.... ya'll be in Thriller video without Dragon Queen
  • Bran goes "weekend at bernies" in the Godswood... Theon is like WTF
  • Bran is a GoCrow black enthusiast ....4K enabled clear view of NK
  • Create a land bridge over the fire the NK orders
  • Viserion dive bombs Dany & Jon ....Oh you forgot
  • Zombies climbing the walls ....Beric playing whack-a-mole on skeletons
  • Jamie gets overrun but Brienne to the rescue...
  • Sam needs saving again, Sansa may have fought better against AOTD
  • The hound is shook got him in the fetal position
  • Arya in the game putting up Giannis Antetokounmpo numbers against wights
  • Arya Stark is in playoff mode. You get in her way and you end up on a poster or t-shirt
  • You get the pointy end and you get the pointy end...water dancing on fools
  • tumblr_pqq09j58831sd1t0so5_540.gif

  • Giants knocking down more walls than Ramsey Bolton in Winterfell ....again
  • Giant throws Lady Mormont to the side like my covers in the morning
  • We can't beat death - Hound / Tell her that - Beric
  • Giant grabs Lady Bear and rattles her bones like a hand of dice at craps table
  • Death Row records: Lady Mormont & Arya Stark
  • Bad Boy during the French Montana era: Clegane & Sam The Slayer
  • Beautiful scenery above the clouds as Jon and Dany wait to be ambushed again
  • tumblr_pqpy3hBfLq1qzhf3uo1_540.gif

  • Blue flame guerilla tactic Viserion goes straight for Drogon
  • Arya finds a library to hide in that Sam hasn't visited
  • Beric Hodor's on the cross to save Arya and the hound
  • Red witch with the halftime speech...he served his purpose
  • Brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes .....What do we say to Sallie Mae? NOT TODAY.
  • NK & Viserion headed to Winterfell but get air jumped by Drogon & Rhaegal
  • tumblr_pqpp2hhXKp1tgbyhyo1_540.gif

  • NK hits a Greg Louganis as he's knocked of his dragon
  • Iron Born letting them thangs go... protect Bran in Godswood
  • Dany tried to hit Ice Magneto with a Dracarys he says "you done or you finished"
  • Dragon fire can't hurt a cold ass n#*gga... try this javelin
  • Jon upset at NK cuz only he shoots off at Dany
  • NK does Judge Judy all rise motion .... Jon knows this play
  • NK got his whole crew around him like Doughboy at the meet (RIP Jon Singleton)
  • Gilly and baby Sam know somethings up and get a headstart out of crypts
  • WW enter the Winterfell frozen chamber like the Wu-Tang via 95
  • tumblr_pqqjkkCgpW1qd4w1no6_540.gif

  • Bran way too calm in the Godswood?
  • Drogon has to shake them zombie haters off.... bye bye Khaleesi
  • Danerys is surrounded until.... Captain Friendzone saves the day
  • tumblr_pqq3egieDH1x4l9i4o5_540.gif

  • Sam is crying again on the floor... Jon looks at him with disgust
  • Good thing Randyl Tarly is dead.... he'd kill Sam for embarrassing him
  • Live in friendzone... Die in friendzone.... poor Jorah the Andal
  • NK moving into godswood like he's in a P-Diddy shiny suit video
  • Did Hype Williams direct this episode? feels like Belly
  • Where does the NK get french tip manicures north of the wall?
  • Theon what is dead may never die... last iron born standing
  • Maybe Bran should unplug his router and reboot is needed
  • tumblr_pqpyxkuRfQ1vk0kbpo4_540.gif

  • It's doom for everyone .... Jon yelling at Dragons? its over
  • Danerys even has a sword.... hail mary time
  • Sansa and Tyrion share a final moment in front of Ned statue
  • Sansa there will be no issue feeding everyone at Winterfell now
  • Your'e a good man Theon.... not good enough
  • Theon rushes NK and gets hit with Mortal Kombat counter
  • It's a wrap Bran and NK stare at one another ....then
  • No one comes out of nowhere and attacks the NK
  • Arya said blue lives don’t matter
  • tumblr_pqpct0VMI31sd1t0so2_540.gif

  • 12 WW homies failed to get the NK back ?
  • NK should hit her with the Undertaker choke slam
  • Arya is MJ switching hands against the Lakers
  • They say no one could kill the night king .. and no one did
  • Arya took the pipe and a life in less than 24 hours without plan B
  • Arya showed up for House Stark like Solange in that elevator
  • Arya walking into Winterfell next week like Nino Brown in New Jack City
  • The disaster relief contract for Winterfell gonna make gold dragons
  • Mellisandre walks off into the snow....and reveals herself to be Hilary Clinton

  • tumblr_pqpgjrxwH51qz72sno1_500.gif


Rising Star
Platinum Member
My beef is that they didn't showcase all those talents in her kill of the most evil and formidable villain in the show. I agree with you one hundred percent on her skills, I just would have liked to see them used to get the kill, rather than some three stooges drop the knife shit....

Most people (myself included) love a drawn out one-on-one battle between to highly skilled combatants with high stakes but an assassin goes for the QUICK kill with minimal risk. She purposely dropped the knife into her other hand since the Night King had her 1st strike attempt (to the head) masterfully blocked. I think the very beginning of that sparring session with Brienne foreshadowed Arya's ability to get the kill strike within only a couple moves in.

A lot of people are prob pissed they didn't get to see the highly anticipated Jon vs the Night King in a winner-take-all swordsman battle but that's what I love about GOT. The Night King's defeat came about in an unexpected outcome that was only subtly foreshadowed.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Man the north ain’t got much left to fight with

Unsullied and Dothraki gone, maybe a few but most gone

What ever happen to the dude from the vale, dude who runs shit and is always talkin with Sansa?

I don’t recall seein that nigga.

Didn’t house Glover go home?

House Glover became part of the Night King's army

Well the Blood Riders portion of the Dothroki took a hit but Danny has more Dothraki in Essos.

As far as what's left, some of the Unsullied, Northern forces, a couple dragons, and Yara took over the Iron Islands. I guess we'll see what the remaining count is this Sunday.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am thinking they will never do that.
They are really trying to subvert exceptions.

Do we really even care who is King or Queen? They just killed the "Devil" of Westeros.

The NK was the evil force for THOUSANDS of years and she was killed by Arya. A character who barely beat the waif.

My big question now is when are they gonna let everybody else know that Jon is Aegon Targaryen?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hmm maybe. Or perhaps the many other skilled knights, swordmens, soldiers or members of the nights watch who have trained longer than she has been alive.

Also Mel's foreshadowing of Arya killing the NK was retconned. Mel was NOT hinting at the NK when she first told Ayra "blue eyes".

D&D are lying and making up shit to make themselves look better.

Arya has pretty much done nothing but train since the 1st episode. Definitely not surprised she was the one to do it. Actually, you could argue that she would likely be the only one who could do it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I really hope so.
Who do you think wins?
I think Varys is going to betray Dany.
There HAS to be a major twist at the end.
There has to be. Cause they got nothing else left.

It would be epic if Cersei doesn't die.
However, I want Jaime to do it.

Episode 5 is supposed to make you forget “The Long Night” episode


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
House Glover became part of the Night King's army

Well the Blood Riders portion of the Dothroki took a hit but Danny has more Dothraki in Essos.

As far as what's left, some of the Unsullied, Northern forces, a couple dragons, and Yara took over the Iron Islands. I guess we'll see what the remaining count is this Sunday.
That was last hearth or whatever it’s called
I don’t think it was said if Deepwood Motte was taken by nk

They only said last hearth was taken

Look at the map

Deepwood Motte is way west

I’m sure the word of fight at wf will get around to the north and all will join up


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
2 military experts explain fighting undead ice zombies? :hmm:

Alex Ward

Can you explain that a bit further?

Mick Cook

Sure, I’ll start with the catapults. The catapults serve to drop explosives right in front of your own forces as they attack the enemy. You try and put them only one-third of the distance behind your lead forces so that they can keep engaging the enemy while your forces are closing in on the enemy. But, to do that, the catapults still need to be protected, so they need to be behind your front lines.

You need your infantry or your cavalry at least in front of your fire assets. Also, with your close air support, like your dragon, you want to use that at the point that’s going to be most valuable to your ground forces, so that your ground forces can take advantage of any destruction that the dragons, in this case, would cause.

With light cavalry, like the Dothraki, their job is to go in real quick, cause damage, and come back — to exhaust the enemy. That’s probably not going to work with the Army of the Dead. Usually, light cavalry will sit out on the wings so they can move quickly without being inhibited by things like the infantry that will advance more slowly, that will get into a thick melee, and generally be a slow, harder slog of a battle.

talking about taking fiction way too seriously .....:giggle:

Alex Ward

So if that’s what the plan should’ve been, what was up with that Dothraki charge at the beginning? Tell me that I’m wrong, please, that there was no real military justification for it.

Mick Cook

I would love to tell you, because I love a good argument. The way they filmed it was cool, but if the Dothraki were heavy cavalry in armored war horses like knights, and they had that hard-hitting shock power, then it’d make some sense.

But the Dothraki are a lighter, mobile cavalry, so charging them toward the middle of the Night King’s troops is not how you should use them. You’d use them on the wings.

So, I’ve got to agree with you: There’s not really a tactical reason for why you would use light cavalry to charge straight into a numerically superior force of infantry that really can absorb the momentum of the charge.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Hmm maybe. Or perhaps the many other skilled knights, swordmens, soldiers or members of the nights watch who have trained longer than she has been alive.

Also Mel's foreshadowing of Arya killing the NK was retconned. Mel was NOT hinting at the NK when she first told Ayra "blue eyes".

D&D are lying and making up shit to make themselves look better.

I don't think anyone was ever going to beat the NK in a physical battle. Her training was tailor-made for that type of sneak attack. Everyone was pretty much trained for hand-to-hand combat with swords or long-distance archery.

It was likely always going to be that type of situation that ended the NK. I just wished he was in some type of real physical combat before Ayra got to him with some of the main characters killed by the NK.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
Dany didnt even use a 3rd of her Dothrakis in that attack most of them are probably still at her castle waiting for her to return to Dragonstone

Watch this scene from the Loot Train Battle and the number of Dothraki vs the Battle of Winterfell

Now look at this clip - its a lot but nowhere near the number in the battle above



Rising Star
Platinum Member
That was last hearth or whatever it’s called
I don’t think it was said if Deepwood Motte was taken by nk

They only said last hearth was taken

Look at the map

Deepwood Motte is way west

I’m sure the word of fight at wf will get around to the north and all will join up

Last Hearth is NE of WinterFell

Deepwood Motte is NW of Winterfell

In Episode 2, it was said that any northern houses that didn't make it to Winterfell are basically part of the NK's army, not just Last Hearth. Bear Island is in a better position to sit it out if they chose to do so.

But I'm not 100% sure on Deep Motte either, fam.

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dany didnt even use a 3rd of her Dothrakis in that attack most of them are probably still at her castle waiting for her to return to Dragonstone

Watch this scene from the Loot Train Battle and the number of Dothraki vs the Battle of Winterfell

Now look at this clip - its a lot but nowhere near the number in the battle above

Good point good point.

I'd also like to add, by looking at the previews and seeing how spirited and confident they were about fighting on leads me to believe they have no worries about attrition and the size of their forces left to fight it out in Kings Landing. Can't wait til Sunday :yes:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree. Let's see if the show plays it out that way though.
I know that there should be more Dothraki than the ones we seen killed.
Matter of fact there should be more Northern forces that what we saw in that episode to be honest.

Dany didnt even use a 3rd of her Dothrakis in that attack most of them are probably still at her castle waiting for her to return to Dragonstone

Watch this scene from the Loot Train Battle and the number of Dothraki vs the Battle of Winterfell

Now look at this clip - its a lot but nowhere near the number in the battle above


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Most people (myself included) love a drawn out one-on-one battle between to highly skilled combatants with high stakes but an assassin goes for the QUICK kill with minimal risk. She purposely dropped the knife into her other hand since the Night King had her 1st strike attempt (to the head) masterfully blocked. I think the very beginning of that sparring session with Brienne foreshadowed Arya's ability to get the kill strike within only a couple moves in.

A lot of people are prob pissed they didn't get to see the highly anticipated Jon vs the Night King in a winner-take-all swordsman battle but that's what I love about GOT. The Night King's defeat came about in an unexpected outcome that was only subtly foreshadowed.

Still, they could have have some kind of confrontation between Jon and the NK, and then have Arya come in and finish the job or something. It just felt like a let down that virtually nothing was there other than the dragon fight, when people were anticipating some kind of showdown since Hardhome.

2 military experts explain fighting undead ice zombies? :hmm:
