My god y’all went from nk not doin shit when he commanded his forces and got where he wanted to be.
Now y’all Bitchin about Aryas training like it ain’t shit.
One on one with brenn and it was a tie, her master trainer said she was ready
Some of y’all are fuckin dumb af
Yea man, it's funny how some will bring up Arya's stumbling blocks during the beginning stages of her training as if she never displayed her mastery in blocking the Waif's attack strikes and besting the Waif during sparing sessions while blind. As well as besting Brienne in the 1st couple moves with the needle at her throat when they spared to illustrate her assassin skills in having the kill strike within the 1st couple moves when facing an adversary. Brienne is a BEAST but looked spooked when she realized how quickly Arya had her in the kill strike zone.
She was more than ready to assassinate the Night King.
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