Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is valid
I believed a pact was broken and that's why he came but it might have broken long ago and he finally made his way down there
I can totally get behind this as a theory, but the show writers have backed themselves into the corner now with Bran's explanation from episode 2.

The Showrunners have said from the very beginning of the show that George RR Martin told them how the story ends, but in the behind the scenes show for episode 3 one of them says that they knew Arya was going to be the one who killed the NK after season 3. So Arya killing him was their decision alone and they aren't even bothering to make it connect to the Azhor Ahzai / Prince who promised prophecy. It basically Melisandre predicted it and then reminded Arya she could do it and that's all folks.

Maybe Samwell will find a lost book and make this all make sense in the next episode.


BGOL Legend
I can totally get behind this as a theory, but the show writers have backed themselves into the corner now with Bran's explanation from episode 2.

The Showrunners have said from the very beginning of the show that George RR Martin told them how the story ends, but in the behind the scenes show for episode 3 one of them says that they knew Arya was going to be the one who killed the NK after season 3. So Arya killing him was their decision alone and they aren't even bothering to make it connect to the Azhor Ahzai / Prince who promised prophecy. It basically Melisandre predicted it and then reminded Arya she could do it and that's all folks.

Maybe Samwell will find a lost book and make this all make sense in the next episode.

Was the prince supposed to kill nk or unite the 7 kingdoms?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It's clear to me that D&D created the NK because they thought the show watchers would need some tangible enemy to be the big bad instead of just a general menace of zombie like characters behind a wall.

I'm ok with that as choice but don't build up all this intrigue and mystery around the character if you gonna just ignore it when the character's arc comes to an end.
I didn't miss it. This is only the latest Winter. There was a winter that lasted for 3 years or something like that during Neds lifetime. I remember reading Tyrion was born during the same Winter. So Why was this winter special?

Remember the first scene of season 1 was The White Walker killing Wildlings and men of the Nights Watch. No one had seen them for a 1000 years and this was before Bran got crippled and before Danys dragons hatched.

So what triggered the Walkers and NK to come south?

The only thing that makes sense is thst Jon's birth fulfilled some prophesy that triggered something with the Walkers but the show makes it Clear that Jon was not the focus or worry of the NK.

You may have forgotten about this scene from season 1 that might answer some of your questions...

OSHA told Maester Luwin that the White Walkers had been sleeping (ie hibernating) for thousands of years... ‘but they ain’t sleeping no more’. :smh:

So if the Walkers were indeed hibernating all that time... there would have been ‘no opportunity’ to (intentionally) attack the South before now. :smh:

Also, it was never said that the Night King actually HAS greenseer sight, on the tv show. :dunno:

Personally, I don’t think that the Night King ‘knew in advance’ that he was going to get a Dragon one day :smh:... or had even ‘planned out’ his attack to take place at this specific time. (Keywords: specific time’)

But I DO think he knew he could not get past the Wall... and he just ‘seized the opportunity’ to kill a Dragon & use it to ‘break free’ from the embedded Magic that was stopping him from going beyond the Wall.

The dude is already dead. So his perception of time is probably completely different than ours. :dunno: Or the concept of ‘time’ itself might not even exist at all for him :smh:... the way it does for us regular humans.

He could’ve hibernated (or just closed his eyes) for only 10 minutes by HIS watch... then woke up and said to himself: “Ok, this power-nap is over. Time to kill everyone in sight for taking my humanity away from me.” :hmm: (Meanwhile, thousands of years & multiple ‘seasons’ had passed on every Westerosi Calendar. :rolleyes:)

So to me, it just seems that he can just ‘detect’ Bran’s (or a 3-eyed Raven’s) presence whenever he is directly INVOLVED in their thoughts / or dreams.

Which means no matter ‘where’ Bran is... the Night King will ‘detect his presence’ if Bran is ‘visiting him’ - regardless of he is dreaming, or wide awake.

But he doesn’t actually ‘see’ all the same events / or memories that Bran sees. :smh:

For example: Bran visited the Children of the Forest when they created the Night King... so the Night King can establish ‘a connection’ to Bran (or detect his presence) in that specific dreamlike state.... because he is specifically INVOLVED in that scenario.

Bran also visited the Army of the Dead, right outside the 3-eyed Raven’s Tree (North of the Wall)... so the Night King can establish ‘a connection’ to Bran (or detect his presence :dunno:) in that specific dreamlike state.... because he is specifically INVOLVED in that scenario.

But when Bran went back and saw Ned as a youngster practicing swordplay with Uncle Benjen at Winterfell... or when Bran saw Ned fight Sir Arthur Dayne... or when Bran visited the Tower of Joy to learn about Jon’s true parentage... or when Bran saw the Marriage of Lyanna Stark & Rhaegar Targaryen... the Night King doesn’t appear, nor does he detect his presence, in those specific dreamlike states... because he is NOT INVOLVED in those scenarios.

It’s like... the Night King is always real... and he can always touch / interact with Bran... whenever Bran is just thinking about him (or an event that INVOLVES him)... even if Bran is (literally) sleeping, or warging or doing something else, hundreds of miles away.

I don’t have an in-depth explanation of ‘how it works’... I just chalked it up to the same type of (Supernatural) “Black Magic” that allowed Melisandre to give birth to a Shadow Demon... or allowed a flame to ‘speak’ to the Sorcerer who mutilated Varys. :dunno:

It’s just ‘black magic’ stuff & they established that there’s lots of different types of it on the show. And that’s good enough for me. :yes:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was the prince supposed to kill nk or unite the 7 kingdoms?

"The Prince That Was Promised", sometimes called "The Prince Who Was oiPromised" or "The One Who Was Promised" (also known as the Lord's Chosen, the Son of Fire and the Warrior of Light) is a prophesied savior in the religion of the Lord of Light. According to the prophecy, this figure would be born "amidst salt and smoke"[and pull a sword named Lightbringer from flames which they would use to combat an impending darkness.

Its very unspecific which is typical for prophecy. But even a loose interpretation points to dealing with the kind of darkness that white walkers would bring.

But then again the show is called Game pf Thrones and not the Song of Ice and Fire for a reason. IMO the show just basically used NK to make the battle for Kings Landing more of a fair fight.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Dany "grounded" her dragon to save jon dumb ass.

Jon who once he saw the night king made a b line and aint help no one after that.
She could have hovered slightly above ground to the same effect. Knowing what happened beyond the wall essentially the same situation it was dumb.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Y’all are aware that people can think this episode was absolutely great and also want “more” from it right? I don’t get how people are sitting up writing dissertations on subjects which there is no right answer.

This is like we eat the same meal and I say damn this was good but if the glaze was a little sweeter it would have been better.

Then you come with “man it was sweeter but remember you didn’t hear the waiter say that the sweetness was time-released so it gets sweeter later. “ like man gone head.

Yes. I’m satisfied with the ending etc. But for example I know the Night King is too strong for a 1 on 1 but it would have been dope to see his generals fight some of the best of living. We know they can be killed by regular men. Would have been dope to see Brienne and Hound vs. generals. Does that mean I don’t understand what actually did happen? No. It means I would have liked to see those things.

This is like Rocky one punch KO Drago. We had seen all of Dragos power. We knew what he could do. But it was dope seeing the “battle”. As I said I would have preferred some type of mental thing going on because Bran and he clearly could go to “other “ planes.

This is what fans do. Converse on what if’s and what could have been while style enjoying the show. I would have liked to see Marlo get smoked by Avon does that mean I didn’t understand the show?
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Y’all are aware that people can think this episode was absolutely great and also want “more” from it right? I don’t get how people are sitting up writing dissertations on subjects which there is no right answer.

This is like we eat the same meal and I say damn this was good but if the glaze was a little sweeter it would have been better.

Then you come with “man it was sweeter but remember you didn’t hear the waiter say that the sweetness was time-released so it gets sweeter later. “ like man gone head.

It’s really amazing to me how people respond to you saying that you wish the blaze was a little sweeter.


Rising Star
OG Investor
This is,the main issue I have with the episode,you have 5 or 6 White Walkers behind the Night King yet none one of them saw Arya...

I don't care,how good Arya is,all of the White Walkers should have saw Arya in the open.

Don't let me start,the mishandling of the Dothraki. What was that about...Whoever,came up with that idea needs to be killed,because that didn't make any sense.
Yeah I was thinking that ok Sam clumsy ass killed a walker but Dothraki horse lords trained to fight from birth get smoked in 10 seconds?


Rising Star
OG Investor
My bad dude. I am not fighting with you. I just asked you what you meant. You are right. The specific name Azor Ahai wasn't mentioned.
Prince that was promised was and that is what Mel was looking for. It seems like her search just went away now. Cause she just killed herself.
No one was really bothering with trying to kill her. She took it on herself.
Her purposed was served. She has always said she only lived to see through his will and finding the warrior who would stop the darkness was his will. Arya was the warrior.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Cersei has wild fire though, all over kingslanding. And gave instructions to spread it throughout the city. All she really got to do light the shit up and it's a wrap.
Nah if Dragonfire didn’t kill him. Wild fire wasn’t going to either


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Exactly. I didn't have a problem at all seeing anyting. My shit was on dynamic so even during the darkest areas I could see every part
My shit work right out the box. The only settings I set was the brightness. I watched seasons 5-8 through this tv (32' Vizio)and had no problems seeing anything on my end. The only episode that messed up a little bit was Season 7 Episode 4 "Spoils of war", but I think that was on HBO app end. Because I had to restart the episode a couple of times before it finally playing. And while it was running the video became choppy when the drasgon fire began.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Nah if Dragonfire didn’t kill him. Wild fire wasn’t going to either
You might be right. I was going by how wild fire works.
Once wildfire takes fire, the substance will burn until it is no more. It will seep into most materials so that they take fire as well. Wildfire will burn even when floating on water. It is typically commissioned for use as a weapon of war, though alchemists will sometimes use wildfire torches as a display of power. The red priest, Thoros of Myr, fights with a sword covered in a thin layer of wildfire, which would burn for an hour.[1][4]

Making wildfire is a lengthy and dangerous process known to the Alchemists' Guild, who claim it involves magic. The alchemists place wildfire in small jars of pottery, the clay roughened and pebbled to improve grip. The jars are filed in a series of bare stone cells. Over each cell lies a room filled with sand and having a "spell" on the floor so that should anything happen, the sand will fall on the fire and help extinguish it.[1]

Old wildfire is 'fickle'; any flame or spark can set them off. Too much heat—such as being exposed to sunlight for even a short time—could lead to a fire. Once the fire begins, the heat makes the wildfire explode violently, which can lead to a vast chain reaction. The more volatile jars of wildfire are transported from place to place only by night, in carts filled with sand to lessen jostling at all, and then sealed in wax and placed in rooms pumped full of water.[1]

Certain steps in making wildfire work better and more efficiently as of more recently. A pyromancer speculates that this could have something to do with the talk of dragons coming back into existence, as the old Wisdom Pollitor held to the idea that the spells for making wildfire were not as effectual as they once were because dragons had gone from the world


BGOL Legend
"The Prince That Was Promised", sometimes called "The Prince Who Was oiPromised" or "The One Who Was Promised" (also known as the Lord's Chosen, the Son of Fire and the Warrior of Light) is a prophesied savior in the religion of the Lord of Light. According to the prophecy, this figure would be born "amidst salt and smoke"[and pull a sword named Lightbringer from flames which they would use to combat an impending darkness.

Its very unspecific which is typical for prophecy. But even a loose interpretation points to dealing with the kind of darkness that white walkers would bring.

But then again the show is called Game pf Thrones and not the Song of Ice and Fire for a reason. IMO the show just basically used NK to make the battle for Kings Landing more of a fair fight.

I think it can be two fold
I think the nk could have been coming all along for the mission it seems he wanted
And also the aftermath of this fight determines what happens in the 7 kingdoms
Cersei could be that darkness coming more than the nk

It's a loose prophecy so yeah cause in the same vein the red woman told Dany this to get her to fight saying prince could also be a female


Rising Star
OG Investor
People are saying GRRM is upset with this season. I feel redeemed. I hope he says something publicly and isn't afraid of HBO and D and D suing him.
Oh well. If he was so worried then he would have .... I don’t know.... WROTE SOURCE MATERIAL. This dude has had 8 damn years to write and he hasn’t. He’s not gonna publicly complain cause at the end of the day I knows he’s getting paid hand over fist. He told them how it ends. He should have written it. He have them the ending then let them write their way through it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
5. Arya was really the best choice to win. Theon's charge was the set up to delay the Night King and add a bit more hubris. Jon Snow is good with a sword, but the Night King is super strong, super fast, super durable with super perception, surrounded by super soliders... C'mon son. But I'll admit its anticlimactic to not have Jon fight the Night King hand to hand. At. All...

I think you hit the nail on the head- Timing! When you think about it, there is no reason for Bran to tell Theon about being a good man. Immediately it sounded like -Theon you can go die now. Esp. considering Bran hardly speaks - even more rare for him to BEGIN a conversation. As the 3ER he is looking at whats happening on every front all at once - pretty much God Mode. They showed the ravens at first locating the NK but then he was still warged or in vision mode long after that. He is seeing things happening as they should and in rare instances, making them happen. I also wondered why he never looked at NK when the nigga was approaching him, i'll have to rewatch. But for Arya's move to work the NK had to 1) be right up at Bran and away from the generals and 2) have both hands occupied - one on the neck and the other on her hand. Thats impossible if either Arya or Bran telegraphs the play

7. Were the Nights of the Vale there? I didn't see their horses or leadership at all.
They were on the front lines. I saw the birds on the shields in the beginning. I didnt see Lord Royce tho or whatever his name is

Some y'all got bent out of shape with the literal view points and modern day perspectives. Cmon Sun. Theres fire breathing dragons, a 900 year old witch, a dude who been killed like 6 times, and a fucking 8 foot dog!! Chill out and be entertained... its a story. Fighting for the camera dazzle has never been practical for real life. Blogs be calling on military experts and shit. Really? The enemy is a horde of 150,000 Dead People! Strategize what exactly? They aint getting ad revenue from my clicks.

Mr. Lengthy


Rising Star
OG Investor
Interestingly the show still has a few more hours to go and most of the supernatural is gone except for Bran, dragons and Dany (none on Team Cersei btw). We will have another battle battle but I sense that we are (finally) back to politics and intrigue and the classic GoT shit. I cant wait!! But look out for bandwagoners to cry "boring" :smh:

Time to finally break out them GoT Oreos

Mr. Lengthy


Rising Star
OG Investor
I understand people wanting Cersei to actually see the Night so she could see his true power like rising the dead ..... but it wouldn’t make a lot of sense. For one it would defeat his purpose in the first place. He’s after Bran so why would he go completely around him to get to her in South? And it wouldn’t have made sense for her to go North because that goes against her plan of never intending to help in the first place.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
She could have hovered slightly above ground to the same effect. Knowing what happened beyond the wall essentially the same situation it was dumb.

If she didnt ground him how was jon supposed to jump on?

And beforr you say it, no one knows if jon is immuned to fire


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're not allowed to have criticisms of the episode. This is the exact same shit I've been saying. The first part about the NK is spot on. and he's right...NK could have at least killed a meaningful main character (not just "Reek") who had clearly completely his character arch already... and he's really spot on about this episode falling into a plethora of common literally/movie tropes that GoT has really never been about.
I loved the episode but genuinely expected someone big to get killed...kept thinking it would be Arya at one point...then was thinking Tyrion or Sansa.. it's obvious the writing has fallen off without the backing of the books...luckily it's still top notch stuff even with the drop off...episode 3 was great...was thinking Cersei would win it all because GoT usually doesnt give a fuck who you like but since they seem to be going a more conventional route with the show, it seems she will be defeated


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I loved the episode but genuinely expected someone big to get killed...kept thinking it would be Arya at one point...then was thinking Tyrion or Sansa.. it's obvious the writing has fallen off without the backing of the books...luckily it's still top notch stuff even with the drop off...episode 3 was great...was thinking Cersei would win it all because GoT usually doesnt give a fuck who you like but since they seem to be going a more conventional route with the show, it seems she will be defeated



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cersei not helping the North was the best decision ever if the North won. Because she knew they would be decimated. Her gamble paid off!

I understand people wanting Cersei to actually see the Night so she could see his true power like rising the dead ..... but it wouldn’t make a lot of sense. For one it would defeat his purpose in the first place. He’s after Bran so why would he go completely around him to get to her in South? And it wouldn’t have made sense for her to go North because that goes against her plan of never intending to help in the first place.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interestingly the show still has a few more hours to go and most of the supernatural is gone except for Bran, dragons and Dany (none on Team Cersei btw). We will have another battle battle but I sense that we are (finally) back to politics and intrigue and the classic GoT shit. I cant wait!! But look out for bandwagoners to cry "boring" :smh:

Time to finally break out them GoT Oreos

Mr. Lengthy
Reading your post made me wonder a couple of things

1. Now that the wall has been breached and the threat of the White Walkers seem to be obsolete, what's the use of the Night's Watch?

2. I think Samwell may return home now that the war is over since his father and brother are deceased.

3. Did winter die with the Night King? Will the land of always winter finally get to see green grasses and blooming trees again?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interestingly the show still has a few more hours to go and most of the supernatural is gone except for Bran, dragons and Dany (none on Team Cersei btw). We will have another battle battle but I sense that we are (finally) back to politics and intrigue and the classic GoT shit. I cant wait!! But look out for bandwagoners to cry "boring" :smh:

Time to finally break out them GoT Oreos

Mr. Lengthy

Team Cersei still has the zombie mountain on the supernatural front.

I don't think there is actually much left on the political intrigue front unless Tyrion or Varys betray Dany in some way.

Episode 4 will probably be a reset episode with a lot of talking and planning in both Kings Landing and Winterfell. I also believe we will see the Bron assassination sub-plot get resolved one way or another.

That leaves episode 5 to be a another battle preparation episode with maybe an initial Dragon Assault. I believe one more dragon will go down to the Ballista weapon in this episde

Episode 6 will be main battle for Kings Landing including a resolution of the Cersei / Jamie prophecy and Clegane bowl.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Reading your post made me wonder a couple of things

1. Now that the wall has been breached and the threat of the White Walkers seem to be obsolete, what's the use of the Night's Watch?

2. I think Samwell may return home now that the war is over since his father and brother are deceased.

3. Did winter die with the Night King? Will the land of always winter finally get to see green grasses and blooming trees again?

No point in guarding the wall now, its back to life in prison or execution.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I’m waiting to see what bogus way they allow Cersei forces to take down the dragons. And I don’t wanna hear about that spear weapon. Bron got lucky and almost died for the blow he got that pierced one. I find it hard to believe that their are gonna be dudes who are gonna just gonna be taking the risk of standing their taking their chances against dragon fire.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cersei is the villain now. Dany is the hero. Smh.

A Youtuber said "You easily defeated the Devil (NK). Now lets fight about who is the president".

So who is the villain Cersei or the daughter of the dethroned mad king?


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
I loved the episode but genuinely expected someone big to get killed...kept thinking it would be Arya at one point...then was thinking Tyrion or Sansa.. it's obvious the writing has fallen off without the backing of the books...luckily it's still top notch stuff even with the drop off...episode 3 was great...was thinking Cersei would win it all because GoT usually doesnt give a fuck who you like but since they seem to be going a more conventional route with the show, it seems she will be defeated

I will give you that. The tide has definitely shifted on this show. The good guys got it the worst for the 1st half of the shows run. I think it started coming around right after jon was resurected.

And Cersi's plans always allow her to win at great cost/loss.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor



BGOL Legend
Oh well. If he was so worried then he would have .... I don’t know.... WROTE SOURCE MATERIAL. This dude has had 8 damn years to write and he hasn’t. He’s not gonna publicly complain cause at the end of the day I knows he’s getting paid hand over fist. He told them how it ends. He should have written it. He have them the ending then let them write their way through it.


Write the shit


BGOL Legend
It's funny cause even tho they're zombies and white walkers in full makeup with no face showing

They still don't get people of color to play these characters that stand there and dont say shit

How do I get the night king gig?


Rising Star
OG Investor
1. Now that the wall has been breached and the threat of the White Walkers seem to be obsolete, what's the use of the Night's Watch?
None. In fact, whats Jon's new purpose? He lived to defend the living from the dead - mission accomplished. what now? will he finally want his birthright? i.e. 180 degree turnaround i.e. tension w dany? or will he just fall back and chill out at winterfell?

3. Did winter die with the Night King? Will the land of always winter finally get to see green grasses and blooming trees again?
Supernatural winter maybe. after all, they are still north north

Team Cersei still has the zombie mountain on the supernatural front.
oh yeah, shit. Similar to the NK, you have to get close to her to take her out, so theres only a few options: one of her brothers, arya with a face, or bran warging into the mountain - although i dont know if he can warg long distance. i dont see him traveling to the capitol. but all of these scenarios will fit the valonquar prophecy

We still have over 200 minutes, people. Plenty of time for people to die gloriously

Mr. Lengthy

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor

About damn time she put some work in!

I’m waiting to see what bogus way they allow Cersei forces to take down the dragons. And I don’t wanna hear about that spear weapon. Bron got lucky and almost died for the blow he got that pierced one. I find it hard to believe that their are gonna be dudes who are gonna just gonna be taking the risk of standing their taking their chances against dragon fire.

Why do ppl keep underestimating this motherfucker?! He's the power behind the throne! The Rasputin of this shit.
