Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
About damn time she put some work in!

Why do ppl keep underestimating this motherfucker?! He's the power behind the throne! The Rasputin of this shit.

:lol:He might fuck around and create a new night king


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Found Hidden Proof That Jon Snow Helped Arya Kill the Night King


Kay, so you know how Jon Snow was essentially useless in Sunday’s Game of Thrones? Like, no shade intended, he tried his hardest, but this forever-confused bae basically spent his time being bad at riding dragons, being terrible at sneaking up on the Night King, and hiding behind a rock while an angry undead dragon tried to kill him. It wasn’t great! And one of the more amusing scenes from the episode involved Jon standing up and screaming at the ice dragon—moments away from death. In fact, Jon would have died if Arya hadn’t stabbed the Night King moments later, causing the ice dragon to explode.
The scene was pretty heavily meme’d due to the assumption that Jon presumably thought he ended the Battle of Winterfell by screaming at a dragon. Which, buddy. No. HOW-EV-ER, an eagle-eyed
Game of Thrones fan rewatched the scene with headphones and realized that Jon isn’t actually screaming at the dragon. He’s screaming “GOOO, GOOOO, GOOOOO”—presumably at his little sister, who passed him on the way to killing the Night King.

“Jon screamed at the undead dragon to distract it so Arya can run past and kill the Night King. The undead dragon was protecting the entrance to the Godswood. Watch it again, you can actually hear him scream ‘GOOOOO - GO - GO.’ Ten seconds can see the hair of a White Walker flying up when Arya sprints past the group of White Walkers. Jon once again was ready to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King.”

Okay, so if you watch the scene above, you can see Jon definitely notice something (Arya!) at around 00:28. And at around 01:30, you can hear Jon start screaming—and it certainly sounds like “go.” To which I say: !!!!!

IDK about you, but I feel weirdly emotional knowing Jon was sacrificing himself to give Arya a chance. And also wildly relieved he didn’t just start screaming at a dragon for literally no reason.

Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Found Hidden Proof That Jon Snow Helped Arya Kill the Night King


Kay, so you know how Jon Snow was essentially useless in Sunday’s Game of Thrones? Like, no shade intended, he tried his hardest, but this forever-confused bae basically spent his time being bad at riding dragons, being terrible at sneaking up on the Night King, and hiding behind a rock while an angry undead dragon tried to kill him. It wasn’t great! And one of the more amusing scenes from the episode involved Jon standing up and screaming at the ice dragon—moments away from death. In fact, Jon would have died if Arya hadn’t stabbed the Night King moments later, causing the ice dragon to explode.
The scene was pretty heavily meme’d due to the assumption that Jon presumably thought he ended the Battle of Winterfell by screaming at a dragon. Which, buddy. No. HOW-EV-ER, an eagle-eyed
Game of Thrones fan rewatched the scene with headphones and realized that Jon isn’t actually screaming at the dragon. He’s screaming “GOOO, GOOOO, GOOOOO”—presumably at his little sister, who passed him on the way to killing the Night King.

“Jon screamed at the undead dragon to distract it so Arya can run past and kill the Night King. The undead dragon was protecting the entrance to the Godswood. Watch it again, you can actually hear him scream ‘GOOOOO - GO - GO.’ Ten seconds can see the hair of a White Walker flying up when Arya sprints past the group of White Walkers. Jon once again was ready to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King.”

Okay, so if you watch the scene above, you can see Jon definitely notice something (Arya!) at around 00:28. And at around 01:30, you can hear Jon start screaming—and it certainly sounds like “go.” To which I say: !!!!!

IDK about you, but I feel weirdly emotional knowing Jon was sacrificing himself to give Arya a chance. And also wildly relieved he didn’t just start screaming at a dragon for literally no reason.

I am a huge Jon Snow fan but i think this theory is retconning a way for White boy Jon to be some sort of hero while Arya does the real work. But i guess we will see next week if they name Jon King of the North again while his sister (cousin) did the real work...again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I am a huge Jon Snow fan but i think this theory is retconning a way for White boy Jon to be some sort of hero while Arya does the real work. But i guess we will see next week if they name Jon King of the North again while his sister (cousin) did the real work...again.

It's an interesting theory. But I think you're right.


International Member
I am a huge Jon Snow fan but i think this theory is retconning a way for White boy Jon to be some sort of hero while Arya does the real work. But i guess we will see next week if they name Jon King of the North again while his sister (cousin) did the real work...again.

Yeah I think they reaching. Couldn’t tell from that clip.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I am a huge Jon Snow fan but i think this theory is retconning a way for White boy Jon to be some sort of hero while Arya does the real work. But i guess we will see next week if they name Jon King of the North again while his sister (cousin) did the real work...again.
They are pushing that girl power agenda, the spin off series is going to be female driven as well.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I could see the girl power shit if Sansa killed the Night King. But it's fuckin Arya. She has been leveling up since episode 1.

That’s what is funny to me folks surprised she killed the Nigjt King. They just forgot all about her training since she was little with fighting. Forio, the face guy, and the hound. Arya has trained for years with real training unlike Jon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s what is funny to me folks surprised she killed the Nigjt King. They just forgot all about her training since she was little with fighting. Forio, the face guy, and the hound. Arya has trained for years with real training unlike Jon.

i think yall are forgetting her training wasn't handled well... Her cleaning and getting beat with a pole isn't showing us her learning stealth, or combat. Shit last time I seen her square up b4 Brienne and the other nameless girl (who she was stabbed up by) was this



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Found Hidden Proof That Jon Snow Helped Arya Kill the Night King


Kay, so you know how Jon Snow was essentially useless in Sunday’s Game of Thrones? Like, no shade intended, he tried his hardest, but this forever-confused bae basically spent his time being bad at riding dragons, being terrible at sneaking up on the Night King, and hiding behind a rock while an angry undead dragon tried to kill him. It wasn’t great! And one of the more amusing scenes from the episode involved Jon standing up and screaming at the ice dragon—moments away from death. In fact, Jon would have died if Arya hadn’t stabbed the Night King moments later, causing the ice dragon to explode.
The scene was pretty heavily meme’d due to the assumption that Jon presumably thought he ended the Battle of Winterfell by screaming at a dragon. Which, buddy. No. HOW-EV-ER, an eagle-eyed
Game of Thrones fan rewatched the scene with headphones and realized that Jon isn’t actually screaming at the dragon. He’s screaming “GOOO, GOOOO, GOOOOO”—presumably at his little sister, who passed him on the way to killing the Night King.

“Jon screamed at the undead dragon to distract it so Arya can run past and kill the Night King. The undead dragon was protecting the entrance to the Godswood. Watch it again, you can actually hear him scream ‘GOOOOO - GO - GO.’ Ten seconds can see the hair of a White Walker flying up when Arya sprints past the group of White Walkers. Jon once again was ready to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King.”

Okay, so if you watch the scene above, you can see Jon definitely notice something (Arya!) at around 00:28. And at around 01:30, you can hear Jon start screaming—and it certainly sounds like “go.” To which I say: !!!!!

IDK about you, but I feel weirdly emotional knowing Jon was sacrificing himself to give Arya a chance. And also wildly relieved he didn’t just start screaming at a dragon for literally no reason.


BGOL Legend
My big question now is when are they gonna let everybody else know that Jon is Aegon Targaryen?
Gotta be this week
I'm positive Dany is gonna bring it up

The timing from the past 2 weeks was like 2 minutes

He told her then the horns sounded they went outside then the battle
Just took 2 weeks of our time to tackle it

It's actually been like a day since even he's known lol if that


International Member
like what?

Like all the training she had with Jaqen. Becoming no one. Killing the waif was a big deal. That was over a whole season too. Successfully sneaking up and sniffing out Walter Frey and his sons and making pie out of them to feed him with? She hasn’t been run of the mill for a while. The Brienne fight was to show you how good she became as well. Brienne is no joke.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like all the training she had with Jaqen. Becoming no one. Killing the waif was a big deal. That was over a whole season too. Successfully sneaking up and sniffing out Walter Frey and his sons and making pie out of them to feed him with? She hasn’t been run of the mill for a while. The Brienne fight was to show you how good she became as well. Brienne is no joke.

I literally brought that up. What does any of that have to do with combat experience? And no the Frey shit don't make sense because unless she poisoned them all, she was never shown to possess such skills. nd if she did poison them all, how does that matter in context of killing the Night's King?


International Member
I literally brought that up. What does any of that have to do with combat experience? And no the Frey shit don't make sense because unless she poisoned them all, she was never shown to possess such skills. nd if she did poison them all, how does that matter in context of killing the Night's King?

Getting beat with a pole and cleaning didn’t sum up her training but I guess you needed to see her train in those specific scenarios? I believe she did have training pertaining to poison and was supposed to poison that actress in the street play. The Frey shit is showing you she is an assassin. The Frey shit I wouldn’t say directly relates to the NK but other things do. Her sneaking up on Jon Snow by the tree. The fight with Brienne with the knife hand swap. Maybe others too. Watching over previous seasons can show up overlooked details or glossed over scenes.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
That’s what is funny to me folks surprised she killed the Nigjt King. They just forgot all about her training since she was little with fighting. Forio, the face guy, and the hound. Arya has trained for years with real training unlike Jon.
Different trainin


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Game of Thrones photos for new episode teases the aftermath of the epic Battle of Winterfell

With fans waiting impatiently for Sunday night new episode of Game of Thrones, HBO has released eight new photos.

The photos from the episode, the title of which has still not yet been revealed, showcases the aftermath of the epic Battle of Winterfell.

Last week's epic episode, The Long Night, set records as the longest episode of Game of Thrones (82 minutes) and the battle scene is the longest ever seen on either film or television.







Flawless One
BGOL Investor
How did the guy with the fire sword get in the room after he was blocking the path so Arya and the Hound could escape?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Getting beat with a pole and cleaning didn’t sum up her training but I guess you needed to see her train in those specific scenarios? I believe she did have training pertaining to poison and was supposed to poison that actress in the street play. The Frey shit is showing you she is an assassin. The Frey shit I wouldn’t say directly relates to the NK but other things do. Her sneaking up on Jon Snow by the tree. The fight with Brienne with the knife hand swap. Maybe others too. Watching over previous seasons can show up overlooked details or glossed over scenes.

Yeah, otherwise it never happened.. You can't make stuff up. In that case I can create scenarios too to support my argument. Maybe she has a shit bad after getting stabbed up. Maybe she's has no kidneys and shouldn't be able to fight, maybe she died and it's really Tyrion's twin brother Sh'mirion Lannister. You see the problem? They didn't show anything regarding her training, and they had the time to. They showed all this other stuff, but not that? People are upset because the Night's King was essentially killed by sneaking


International Member
Yeah, otherwise it never happened.. You can't make stuff up. In that case I can create scenarios too to support my argument. Maybe she has a shit bad after getting stabbed up. Maybe she's has no kidneys and shouldn't be able to fight, maybe she died and it's really Tyrion's twin brother Sh'mirion Lannister. You see the problem? They didn't show anything regarding her training, and they had the time to. They showed all this other stuff, but not that? People are upset because the Night's King was essentially killed by sneaking

Thing is the stuff you’re making up needs to be tied to something reasonable. I don’t see the problem as the show will never show exactly 100% of everything. The show can’t spoon feed people everything. The show showed you that Arya is a capable fighter. Showed you she is an assassin. Showed you that she was destined to shut brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. That’s just off the top of my head. You need to see her train for each specific scenario?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Thing is the stuff you’re making up needs to be tied to something reasonable. I don’t see the problem as the show will never show exactly 100% of everything. The show can’t spoon feed people everything. The show showed you that Arya is a capable fighter. Showed you she is an assassin. Showed you that she was destined to shut brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. That’s just off the top of my head. You need to see her train for each specific scenario?
Man don’t waste your time

Bgol full of stupid ass people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Thing is the stuff you’re making up needs to be tied to something reasonable. I don’t see the problem as the show will never show exactly 100% of everything. The show can’t spoon feed people everything. The show showed you that Arya is a capable fighter. Showed you she is an assassin. Showed you that she was destined to shut brown eyes, green eyes and blue eyes. That’s just off the top of my head. You need to see her train for each specific scenario?
What you say he wanted to see Arya go through all 35 chambers like Gordon Liu Master Killer or something? :roflmao2:


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
My god y’all went from nk not doin shit when he commanded his forces and got where he wanted to be.

Now y’all Bitchin about Aryas training like it ain’t shit.

One on one with brenn and it was a tie, her master trainer said she was ready

Some of y’all are fuckin dumb af

Arya has pretty much done nothing but train since the 1st episode. Definitely not surprised she was the one to do it. Actually, you could argue that she would likely be the only one who could do it


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man don’t waste your time

Bgol full of stupid ass people.
With that said, I can't wait til Sunday. lol

I watched episode 2 again for the 4th time and whomever said that Bran likely told Tyrion all the things that he knew and what is supposed to happen in the future might be onto something. I'm leaning towards that being an outcome too.