What? We're calling clear military blunders "madqueen-ish?" now?
She burned Sam family up(participants) during a BATTLE. Where she give them an "option" to live like everyone else they captured.
Food supply during a BATTLE? Really?
Come on Large...now you're reaching! That's normal tactics and strategy damn near everyone uses in war!
Dany has practically lost everything...2 Dragons, Jora, Dorthrki, Unsillied, Jon etc..
She just watched he best friend get beheaded by the cruelest person in the world.
How is she supposed to be acting? I;m confused!
Let's look at this for a moment
Her military blunders end in death and despair and she's wrong about them
So you're saying she never goes with her impulses but then I show you she does and your response is military blunders?
How about she listen to the council
Ok when is the last time she's listened to the council fully?
How about she listened to her advisors for the war against the night king and they won
She followed that up by not listening to them about the cersei shit and what happened immediately??????
And you're doing this thing where you're saying I'm saying she's a mad queen cause she's mad her friend got killed that's hogwash
I have said and keep saying tho you keep moving it to where you want it... That's she's mad for other reasons
I tell you how she's not supposed to be acting
Jealous that Jon is getting attention
Manipulative because Jon is getting attention
Dismissive of her most trusted advisors when it comes to war even tho they just won the war for her and she has blunders when she decides to do it herself and not listen to them
Who gets mad at a celebration with her subjects there?
Why was she mad then fam explain that to all of us