Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
If ppl still don't understand my point about Sansa and how she feels even when fucking Sansa says it on the actual screen herself

It isn't even my opinion anymore my opinion just happened to be exactly right (as I knew)

What was Sansa saying to Jon by the tree and Arya had to step in and say yes we needed her?

Sansa was saying they survived thanks to Arya not thanks to Dany.

Not making the slightest bit of sense.

We at least agree that Sansa is only about her feelings. Nothing else.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
This isn't a job interview
Sansa sees it.
Tyirion sees it
Varys sees it.
The fans refuse to see it
Shit even Sam sees it lol

It's a funny debate to have when in this past episode she literally was sitting there brooding and the room went dark as she heard voices and was jealous/mad because everyone else was being praised and had ppl around them and she didn't
THIS goddammit! They did a whole sequence illustrating the very moment her savior complex finally caused Daeny to lose her shit, SPECIFICALLY for those who haven't been paying attention to her seasons-long march towards madness, and the BGOL Screenplay Guild think it's poor pacing.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
You say this as Jon dragon just literally got killed after Sansa advised her to let everyone rest don't rush into battle
This literally just happened and now she has 1 dragon left had 3 only got 1 killed Jon's who by the way said he isn't gonna ride his dragon because it needs to heal up so he took a horse
And now his dragon is dead. DEAD

That's what I'm saying. His dragon was so weak that Jon couldn't ride it. Remember how awkward it looked just trying to fly? That dragon needed to rest for a while just to heal.

Jon was getting all that love and Arya was the hero. Dany was out there playing hero ball ... straight Westbrooking her way to a loss.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's what I'm saying. His dragon was so weak that Jon couldn't ride it. Remember how awkward it looked just trying to fly? That dragon needed to rest for a while just to heal.

Let's not confuse being stupid with military tactics/strategy with being a mad-"X".
There are alot of characters on the show that's made stupid decisions.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
What? How can you say she acted on her worst impulse continually when all the places she's been still stand?
That argument makes no sense when here we are and King Landings(unburnted and Cersei acting like a manic) is still around?

Acting on her impulses would have been 3 dragons flying to King Landings and burning it to the ground from day 1!

When did that happen on the show? How do you explain that?
Give the examples of her madness? That's more egregious than any other person in positon of power similiar to hers? I'll wait!

All you've pointed out is that she wants to do "bad things" and hasn't!

Niggas is wilding


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why does Varys think Dany isn’t fit anymore?
Why does Tyrion say he has thought about treason with respect to Dany?
Why does Arya think Dany isn’t fit?
The short answer is, there are only 2 episodes left and they are trying to wrap this up but don't know how to write it to make it natural.

The only way out of this is if the three eyed raven is the puppet master and is influecing everyone "Hodor" style make them make weird decisions and assumptions.
Maybe the Night King was the good guy trying to take out the controlling 3ER playing everyone like a game. But I don't think they are going that route.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
I hear you too. So the solution is let's become like the worst of them?
There's a reason why people gravitate towards Jon Snow and you bet it has to do with those Stark core values.

The solution is to survive. Jon can't lead anyone if he's dead. Jon can still lead, but he needs good guidance. Little Finger (and all her other experiences with the Boltons, Cersei, etc) has taught Sansa how to think about situations and survival. Now, she's always considering the end-game... while others often just ACT. Jon can still lead.... Sansa can advise him and keep him alive. And if Jon is the true king of the 7 Kingdoms, why should she bend the knee to the Mad King's daughter?
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Let's not confuse being stupid with military tactics/strategy with being a mad-"X".
There are alot of characters on the show that's made stupid decisions.

Dany has lost her mind yo. Everyone who could talk told her to fucking wait and recover. Her fucking dragon could barely get off the ground and fly. That wasn't just lack of strategy.. that was mad stupid.. just like when she grounded her dragon in the battle with the NK. Dany is just "winging" it.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Euron is turning out to be the baddest military tactician in the 7. Cersei should win with the technology and ruthlessness

Never battle a darthraki in a open field. And never fight the iron born on water.

They're killing all these side characters but havent killed one major character yet....

Jorah was kind of a big deal. Theon been on the show since day one.

For the record... They were going to Dragonstone right?...not King's Landing and they got ambushed. Still trying to process all I feel like it would be dumb to just stroll into King's Landing unprepared and without Jon.


Nah Dany got to impatient cause she felt victory was so close. She has always been over confident. You would think the night king would have humbled her.

I'm not shocked by it,they been doing it for a long time.I would have been more surprised, if they did show their reaction.

Sansa: "What if there is someone else, someone better?"

*off-screen revelation to Tyrion*

Later, Tyrion to Varys: "Ain't that some shit?"

I think some of you dudes be all in your phone while watching and just miss these super simple cues.

If people aint fucking or dying bgol aint paying attention. Not only that, Sansa goes "he is my brother" Tyrion says "jon said he is not a stark" then with a smirk of "oh did he now" sansa went on to tell tyrion the truth.

They've made the ballistas too powerful and the dragons too weak.
The ballistas seem to be the most powerful weapon in the GOT universe.

Its confusing cause Cersei could have taken out Dany and her last remaining dragon at the end with no problem based on how they are portrayed so far.

You see how big them fucking arrows are? They were ripping the ships to fucking threads. Right now to shoot them at people would be considered a war crime.

Cersi got them shits mounted everywhere.

They really made a point of showing us Cersei's eyes this episode...

Since Jaime left she has been of few words. All we seen her say this episode is "any last words"

This show is still epic. Yall picking sides when i dont even really care who wins. They all are assholes to me.

Varis is the only redeemable one cause he lookd out for the best interest of the poor.


Rising Star
I dont mind Varys but its annoying that his loyalty changes every other day. I know he is only loyal to the realm but if Dany aint right for the realm he should have known that and bounced a long time ago.

I dont care who ends up on the throne but i wanna see alot of people die the death they deserve.

Cersei, Mountain & Jaime.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Does anyone else find it strange that no one has asked "How the fuck is it that Jon can ride a Dragon?"


International Member
Yes, context is everything, and im basing my pov on every Westeros book Ive read.

Name me a single king/queen in of the Seven Kingdoms that we've seen who would not react negatively to a nobody saying they want them to give up a part of their kingdom.

Because again, within context, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms is how Dany views herself.

And AGAIN, within context, Dany just had the King in the North bend the knee to her. That literally JUST happened.

Im sorry but what you are describing is the total opposite of how we've seen kings and queens usually act.

Thanks for making my point. Dany isn’t different. She is just as tyrannical as other rulers. Reacting just like them. She isn’t as special or as different as she claims. She is willing to do anything just for power.

That’s me realizing this from the show. I don’t let the book cloud what the show is doing. Dany ain’t shit in the long term as a queen of the seven kingdoms.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
It should have been made the first time she lost the 1st dragon to the Knight King and his spear. It should have been made the 2nd time when Bron tried to fire that spear thing at them. It should be made now that she's lost the 2nd dragon.
Slows them down, the ice weapons fuck metal up

What show have y’all been watchin?

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Take Dany pussy out your mouth and maybe you’ll understand.

I wasn't gonna be that blunt about it, but some of us have seen through all the self righteousness. Dani is a tyrant in the making... Or rather she was before them dragons started getting picked off. She can't motivate people through conventional means. Her only strength isn't even hers. It's the fact that she has/had dragons. She's fundamentally weak in every other facet of leadership and it's been obvious since she was getting fucked by the Khal. Even his people saw it, and Khal had to step in and straighten people's faces. It wasn't until them dragons came out that people changed their tune. Bitch been weak since day 1.


Rising Star
Thanks for making my point. Dany isn’t different. She is just as tyrannical as other rulers. Reacting just like them. She isn’t as special or as different as she claims. She is willing to do anything just for power.

That’s me realizing this from the show. I don’t let the book cloud what the show is doing. Dany ain’t shit in the long term as a queen of the seven kingdoms.

Was Robert a tyrant?

The answer is no.

Yet when the Iron Born rebelled because they wanted to rule themselves, what did he do?

Its silly to expect a king to react positively to losing a piece of their kingdom.

In Westeros the North is the biggest piece.
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Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
THIS goddammit! They did a whole sequence illustrating the very moment her savior complex finally caused Daeny to lose her shit, SPECIFICALLY for those who haven't been paying attention to her seasons-long march towards madness, and the BGOL Screenplay Guild think it's poor pacing.
The bgol sg is full of retards

It’s not the short bus now, it’s a long one at full capacity

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
That Sansa is a Stark and bound by her word so she didn’t tell is bullshit. Sansa has never really shown Stark morale and the exact reason why Arya despised her as a kid and put her on the hit list

Bitch didnt even have loyalty to her father...


BGOL Legend
What? We're calling clear military blunders "madqueen-ish?" now?

She burned Sam family up(participants) during a BATTLE. Where she give them an "option" to live like everyone else they captured.
Food supply during a BATTLE? Really?

Come on you're reaching! That's normal tactics and strategy damn near everyone uses in war!

Dany has practically lost everything...2 Dragons, Jora, Dorthrki, Unsillied, Jon etc..
She just watched he best friend get beheaded by the cruelest person in the world.

How is she supposed to be acting? I;m confused!

Let's look at this for a moment
Her military blunders end in death and despair and she's wrong about them

So you're saying she never goes with her impulses but then I show you she does and your response is military blunders?
How about she listen to the council

Ok when is the last time she's listened to the council fully?

How about she listened to her advisors for the war against the night king and they won

She followed that up by not listening to them about the cersei shit and what happened immediately??????

And you're doing this thing where you're saying I'm saying she's a mad queen cause she's mad her friend got killed that's hogwash

I have said and keep saying tho you keep moving it to where you want it... That's she's mad for other reasons

I tell you how she's not supposed to be acting

Jealous that Jon is getting attention

Manipulative because Jon is getting attention

Dismissive of her most trusted advisors when it comes to war even tho they just won the war for her and she has blunders when she decides to do it herself and not listen to them

Who gets mad at a celebration with her subjects there?

Why was she mad then fam explain that to all of us