Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star

The Night King would have burned down the castle and everyone inside and around the castle, including Bran if not for the Blood Riders, Unsullied, and Jon running interference on Rheagel to prevent the Night King from burning down the castle of Winterfell.

The North alone only had about 10 thousand troops and would have been swamped by an undead army of over 100 thousand and the Night King then swooping in on Viserion to reduce "hunkered down" army and Winterfell to ashes then heading further south with a an even more swollen undead horde.

Yes, my post was sarcastic, obviously.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cutting out that reveal was the most annoying part of the episode.
This is why I call them hack writers.
They simply didn't know how to write the scene so they cut it out.

Its because of all the stupid cut scene, They cut the scene where Bran told Arya and Sansa, and when Sansa told Tyrion. Why the fuck would we not want to see Sansa's Grinch smile when she finds out Jon the the true heir to the Thrown?


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
hopefully they have some major surprises in store for us in the last couple episodes...because to feels like they're rushing through this season....

this season coulda been 10 least 8....


BGOL Legend
So It took seasons for anyone to see this but it took Sansa only 2 seconds after meeting her for the first time. Really??

Yes really

Who's Dany met that she hasn't saved or needed her that feels they owe her?
That's like being great at your home court then going to the real court and the players are like you trash

Everyone needed her she freed or loved her everyone

Sansa was none of those things
She sees Dany as she is she hadn't grown with Dany and all that other shit so yeah


International Member
No. It is still rushed. The information in each episode is rushed through.
To solve the problem there needs to be more episodes period not renaming what a season is.

Good luck doing that when people are literally wanting to move on from making GoT.


BGOL Legend
Did anyone figure out how the fuck Tyrion and Varies figured out Jon Snow's true heritage? Especially, When you considered the only people that knew his secret at that time?
Also, Fuck them for not showing the conversation in the Garden when Bran told the sister's who Jon really is!

Sansa snitched to Tyrion
He said in the scene 8 ppl knew



BGOL Legend
For someone that ain't "Shit" Somehow she managed to make sure Sansa all of a sudden "non-shit" ass and the entire North/7 Kingdoms live to criticize her.
Sansha is straight up a walking model of a traumatized soul that's cold to the entire world.
A miserable existence. She can never trust, love or ever be happy.
Her whole worldview is based on scheming and plotting and trying to be one up on everyone.
Yes! She would plot on anyone.
broken and not someone I would hold up as ideal!

Criticize Dany all you want but stack her resume next to Sansa...Shall we?

This isn't a job interview
Sansa sees it.
Tyirion sees it
Varys sees it.
The fans refuse to see it
Shit even Sam sees it lol

It's a funny debate to have when in this past episode she literally was sitting there brooding and the room went dark as she heard voices and was jealous/mad because everyone else was being praised and had ppl around them and she didn't


BGOL Legend
She isnt betraying her brother. She has remained consistent in her alliances. And she never pledged allegiance to Dany to begin with. And i dont know about the smartest person in the world but she has proven herself invaluable as an advisor/strategist in 3 separate conflicts.

I think she just feels she's right so she gonna do whatever to get her way

No different from any other ruler has behaved


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sansa literally told Dany, “it’s not just our fighters it’s yours”. Told Dany her own fighters are tired too. Overruled. It isn’t just about the north that Sansa is talking about.

People talking about Sansa. Even Arya who isn’t the littlefinger type told Jon to his face “we don’t trust your Queen”. Some are overthinking about Sansa but the show is literally showing you Dany isn’t fit.

and its not the North's fight. They could give 2 fucks about King's Landing. I think its poor writing how long
This isn't a job interview
Sansa sees it.
Tyirion sees it
Varys sees it.
The fans refuse to see it
Shit even Sam sees it lol

It's a funny debate to have when in this past episode she literally was sitting there brooding and the room went dark as she heard voices and was jealous/mad because everyone else was being praised and had ppl around them and she didn't

This is right on the nail. To make herself get some praised she reached at legitimizing Gendry smh. That shit was stupid if you asked me. You put a family name back in power who was just on the throne.


Rising Star
1. She is doing things for the greater good. Just like Varys doing things for the realm BEHIND THE SCENES. She does things behind the scenes due to her interactions with little finger. She isn’t selfish. She sees worse will happen with Dany in charge.

2. Hate or mistrust? After all she is new and known to have dragons. She also is known to be a conqueror.

3. This is after Dany shows her true colours of being power hungry when she came to “defuse” tension. Tyrion can’t come to terms with Dany not being the one. Sansa can’t be with someone who is willing to endanger her family or the north by blindly supporting Dany.

4. “Defuse” is what I should have said. By the end of that scene we see that Dany is not really about defusing. She is about absolute power. Dany’s talk is cheap when you get into the subtle details.

I just need to clarify some things, from your point of view,

1. Jon the King in the North bending the knee to Dany means nothing.

2. Dany should give up the whole North, after Jon bent the knee to her, only because Sansa who has no rank to ask for such a thing demands it.

3. If Dany does not in fact give up the whole North only because Sansa asked, it proves she is power hungry and wants absolute power.

I got that correct?


Rising Star
Yes really

Who's Dany met that she hasn't saved or needed her that feels they owe her?
That's like being great at your home court then going to the real court and the players are like you trash

Everyone needed her she freed or loved her everyone

Sansa was none of those things
She sees Dany as she is she hadn't grown with Dany and all that other shit so yeah

Sansa and all her people needed Dany.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This isn't a job interview
Sansa sees it.
Tyirion sees it
Varys sees it.
The fans refuse to see it
Shit even Sam sees it lol

It's a funny debate to have when in this past episode she literally was sitting there brooding and the room went dark as she heard voices and was jealous/mad because everyone else was being praised and had ppl around them and she didn't

Yet, for everything everyone "sees" she STILL hasn't done anything more egregious than anyone in a similar position of power. Hell with her full army and all 3 dragons she had more power than any of them.
It almost sound like she's not supposed to get upset?
Through it all she's repeated listened to counsel and not acted on her worst impulses.
Meserine still stands!
King Landings with the bitch Cersei still stands!
Winterfell still stands!

Where's the body count to support this position?

All of this conjecture based on look at what she "can't do!" and look "She has a temper" and look she still hasn't acted out in a vile way..


BGOL Legend
Sansa and all her people needed Dany.


If ppl still don't understand my point about Sansa and how she feels even when fucking Sansa says it on the actual screen herself

It isn't even my opinion anymore my opinion just happened to be exactly right (as I knew)

What was Sansa saying to Jon by the tree and Arya had to step in and say yes we needed her?


BGOL Legend
Yet, for everything everyone "sees" she STILL hasn't done anything more egregious than anyone in a similar position of power. Hell with her full army and all 3 dragons she had more power than any of them.
It almost sound like she's not supposed to get upset?
Through it all she's repeated listened to counsel and not acted on her worst impulses.
Meserine still stands!
King Landings with the bitch Cersei still stands!
Winterfell still stands!

Where's the body count to support this position?

All of this conjecture based on look at what she "can't do!" and look "She has a temper" and look she still hasn't acted out in a vile way..

She has acted on her worst impulses though continually lol

This is what I'm saying about seeing what you want to see

You are arguing for her

And her two trusted council members just got through literally coming to the realization she is not the best choice to be ruler and she's a tyrant lol

I don't know how there's an argument at this point

Before this week sure I could be off

But now that theyve written my thoughts into the actual show

How can it be debated?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She has acted on her worst impulses though continually lol

This is what I'm saying about seeing what you want to see

You are arguing for her

And her two trusted council members just got through literally coming to the realization she is not the best choice to be ruler and she's a tyrant lol

I don't know how there's an argument at this point

Before this week sure I could be off

But now that theyve written my thoughts into the actual show

How can it be debated?

What? How can you say she acted on her worst impulse continually when all the places she's been still stand?
That argument makes no sense when here we are and King Landings(unburnted and Cersei acting like a manic) is still around?

Acting on her impulses would have been 3 dragons flying to King Landings and burning it to the ground from day 1!

When did that happen on the show? How do you explain that?
Give the examples of her madness? That's more egregious than any other person in positon of power similiar to hers? I'll wait!

All you've pointed out is that she wants to do "bad things" and hasn't!


International Member
I just need to clarify some things, from your point of view,

1. Jon the King in the North bending the knee to Dany means nothing.

2. Dany should give up the whole North, after Jon bent the knee to her, only because Sansa who has no rank to ask for such a thing demands it.

3. If Dany does not in fact give up the whole North only because Sansa asked, it proves she is power hungry and wants absolute power.

I got that correct?

1. Context is everything in GoT. It means saving the world from the NK. It doesn’t mean after that has happened that one should blindly follow tradition that ends up killing you.

2. Never said Dany should give up the north. I’m saying she wants zero opposition. Sansa isn’t asking just for Sansa. Sansa knows her people. I’m saying Dany isn’t even willing to listen to what Sansa has to say about the north. A reasonable leader would take Sansa’s words into consideration as opposed to obviously taking issue with what she said. Dany won’t budge but another leader could work out an arrangement, a compromise with the north.

3. Similar to point 2 in that she doesn’t have to give up the north in absolute ways. She couldn’t say to Sansa that maybe they can discuss this further? She got sour af as soon as Sansa mentioned the north. Compromise isn’t in Dany’s dna whereas another leader would work things out. Dany’s way will lead to more conflict. Dany is power hungry because she is unwilling to work with others who don’t see her eye to eye.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's gonna be Jon
He's not gonna want it
It's gonna end like Riddick
He's gonna sit on the throne to rest then Davos gonna be like all hail king Jon

Only reason I think it could be Sansa is George Martins penchant for redheads. John may get it but I think the whole premise of the show is you can't be a just king and hold that throne. Stark tried that and got his head lopped off for it. You gotta be treacherous and Sansa got that in her now. She would be more suited tho John would be more just. If John get's it then I can see the past repeating itself.


International Member
Only reason I think it could be Sansa is George Martins penchant for redheads. John may get it but I think the whole premise of the show is you can't be a just king and hold that throne. Stark tried that and got his head lopped off for it. You gotta be treacherous and Sansa got that in her now. She would be more suited tho John would be more just. If John get's it then I can see the past repeating itself.

If Jon gets it I see things changing. Has there ever been a just leader?


BGOL Legend
What? How can you say she acted on her worst impulse continually when all the places she's been still stand?
That argument makes no sense when here we are and King Landings(unburnted and Cersei acting like a manic) is still around?

Acting on her impulses would have been 3 dragons flying to King Landings and burning it to the ground from day 1!

When did that happen on the show? How do you explain that?

All you've pointed out is that she wants to do "bad things" and hasn't!

You say this as Jon dragon just literally got killed after Sansa advised her to let everyone rest don't rush into battle
This literally just happened and now she has 1 dragon left had 3 only got 1 killed Jon's who by the way said he isn't gonna ride his dragon because it needs to heal up so he took a horse
And now his dragon is dead. DEAD

It's funny your measure is oh places aren't burnt to the ground lol

She sure did burn Sam family up and didn't tell Jon still hasn't

She sure did burn up the food supply they needed before the big war

She sure did continually not do the things that they wanted her to

She's been inching towards madness
Her temper has gotten worse
And literally this past episode she was sitting in a victory hall surrounded by her subjects who all pledged to her as the queen but because Jon got some praise she started hearing little voice and left mad

And THEN went to Jon's room to try and manipulate him into not telling the truth about himself to his family

He pledged his love to her
Says he don't want the crown
And she still was like but yeah swear it tho caussssse

Good luck with her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear you but Stark core values almost always end up getting you killed.

I hear you too. So the solution is let's become like the worst of them?
There's a reason why people gravitate towards Jon Snow and you bet it has to do with those Stark core values.


BGOL Legend
Only reason I think it could be Sansa is George Martins penchant for redheads. John may get it but I think the whole premise of the show is you can't be a just king and hold that throne. Stark tried that and got his head lopped off for it. You gotta be treacherous and Sansa got that in her now. She would be more suited tho John would be more just. If John get's it then I can see the past repeating itself.

Jon is the dude everyone likes
That's really what it comes down to
Everyone loves Jon and he's just
If he gets taken down it'll literally only be by Sansa for her own jealous reasons


International Member
What? How can you say she acted on her worst impulse continually when all the places she's been still stand?
That argument makes no sense when here we are and King Landings(unburnted and Cersei acting like a manic) is still around?

Acting on her impulses would have been 3 dragons flying to King Landings and burning it to the ground from day 1!

When did that happen on the show? How do you explain that?
Give the examples of her madness? That's more egregious than any other person in positon of power similiar to hers? I'll wait!

All you've pointed out is that she wants to do "bad things" and hasn't!

Why does Varys think Dany isn’t fit anymore?
Why does Tyrion say he has thought about treason with respect to Dany?
Why does Arya think Dany isn’t fit?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You say this as Jon dragon just literally got killed after Sansa advised her to let everyone rest don't rush into battle
This literally just happened and now she has 1 dragon left had 3 only got 1 killed Jon's who by the way said he isn't gonna ride his dragon because it needs to heal up so he took a horse
And now his dragon is dead. DEAD

It's funny your measure is oh places aren't burnt to the ground lol

She sure did burn Sam family up and didn't tell Jon still hasn't

She sure did burn up the food supply they needed before the big war

She sure did continually not do the things that they wanted her to

She's been inching towards madness
Her temper has gotten worse
And literally this past episode she was sitting in a victory hall surrounded by her subjects who all pledged to her as the queen but because Jon got some praise she started hearing little voice and left mad

And THEN went to Jon's room to try and manipulate him into not telling the truth about himself to his family

He pledged his love to her
Says he don't want the crown
And she still was like but yeah swear it tho caussssse

Good luck with her

What? We're calling clear military blunders "madqueen-ish?" now?

She burned Sam family up(participants) during a BATTLE. Where she give them an "option" to live like everyone else they captured.
Food supply during a BATTLE? Really?

Come on you're reaching! That's normal tactics and strategy damn near everyone uses in war!

Dany has practically lost everything...2 Dragons, Jora, Dorthrki, Unsillied, Jon etc..
She just watched he best friend get beheaded by the cruelest person in the world.

How is she supposed to be acting? I;m confused!


Rising Star
1. Context is everything in GoT. It means saving the world from the NK. It doesn’t mean after that has happened that one should blindly follow tradition that ends up killing you.

2. Never said Dany should give up the north. I’m saying she wants zero opposition. Sansa isn’t asking just for Sansa. Sansa knows her people. I’m saying Dany isn’t even willing to listen to what Sansa has to say about the north. A reasonable leader would take Sansa’s words into consideration as opposed to obviously taking issue with what she said. Dany won’t budge but another leader could work out an arrangement, a compromise with the north.

3. Similar to point 2 in that she doesn’t have to give up the north in absolute ways. She couldn’t say to Sansa that maybe they can discuss this further? She got sour af as soon as Sansa mentioned the north. Compromise isn’t in Dany’s dna whereas another leader would work things out. Dany’s way will lead to more conflict. Dany is power hungry because she is unwilling to work with others who don’t see her eye to eye.

Yes, context is everything, and im basing my pov on every Westeros book Ive read.

Name me a single king/queen in of the Seven Kingdoms that we've seen who would not react negatively to a nobody saying they want them to give up a part of their kingdom.

Because again, within context, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms is how Dany views herself.

And AGAIN, within context, Dany just had the King in the North bend the knee to her. That literally JUST happened.

Im sorry but what you are describing is the total opposite of how we've seen kings and queens usually act.