Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Sam said it best about Dany when he told Jon about his parents. She wants everyone to bend the knee or die, but would she do that for Jon. We know she won't. It's her "destiny".
Jon should of kept his mouth shut. She was scared to death of anyone finding out jon was a targaryan. He should of held that over her head like a true king does to a queen.
The queen is the most powerful piece on the chess board but the king is the most valuable


International Member
Jon should of kept his mouth shut. She was scared to death of anyone finding out jon was a targaryan. He should of held that over her head like a true king does to a queen.
The queen is the most powerful piece on the chess board but the king is the most valuable

If he held that over Dany’s head I could see her arranging for Jon to “accidentally” disappear.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just fast forwarding plot probably. Not outside of the imagination that Dany would have to sail back to Dragonstone before starting the war. Not outside the imagination that Cersei had scouts to tell her the result of the war as it was VERY important to know what to plan for next.

Dragons.... or death.

basic military common sense. they can't stay in the north it aint enough food for the people and the dragons. Targaryians home in Westerns is Dragonstone. Besides fucking Cercei's pussy Euron don't want to be in King's Landing dude would rather be out on his ship in the water. People keep acting like it couldn't happen but that exactly what a fucking ambush is.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
What the hell are the characters arc on this show? Everyone's regressed

Sansa is now little finger
Anyra just said fuck family i'm not coming back to winterfell
Bran has been completely useless
Now they've made Dani the evil Queen
Tryion/Varynes are on different sides now...

In a few episodes they've regressed the entire show!

it has all happened before.
it will all happen again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone think that maybe Varys leaked dany’s plans about going to dragonstone to euron/cersei? How does euron know where to be to ambush Dany? The attack follows Varys saying he would do anything for the realm basically and implying he would be willing to commit treason in getting rid of Dany. Someway. Somehow.

I think so too and also what seals his fate, he been on borrowed time for at least 2 seasons now


BGOL Legend
Almost all of his moves have had to do with Cersei since they been back in Westeros.

Since he is 0 for against Cersei he cannot possibly be anywhere close to .500.

Not saying you specifically but Im starting to see a pattern where if Dany makes a mistake she is unworthy and if her advisors make mistakes.... They are just mistakes.

Westerns has been 4 things
3 of which she didn't listen
1 thing was teaming up she listened that didn't work
2nd thing was not burning Sam dad and them she didn't listen that backfired (no food cause she burned it)
3rd was the long night battle she listened they won
4th was kings landing March she didn't listen her best friend got beheaded her fleet destroyed and dragon dead

It's not if she makes mistakes it's the type of mistakes she makes

Dany going with her own mind is never peace
That's the point
If her advisors were like burn down the city and she said no way I'm breaker of chains I need to protect the people more than hurt cersei it would be a completely different conversation

But it's not

They have to talk her off the ledge

She's the one after hearing about innocent people being burned up and dead saying I will fulfill my destiny no matter the cost lol


BGOL Legend
Jon should of kept his mouth shut. She was scared to death of anyone finding out jon was a targaryan. He should of held that over her head like a true king does to a queen.
The queen is the most powerful piece on the chess board but the king is the most valuable

She'd kill him lol.

He'd already be dead if she wasn't dickmatized

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor
:lol: Aren't they all male?

Asexual reproduction... Seahorse rules .. man we're talking about mythical creatures. :lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
I don’t think it was Varys that gave the drop to Cersei I think it was Sansa. To me it’s becoming apparent that Sansa has no plans on the North bowing to Dany or anyone else outside of Jon.


Rising Star
OG Investor
She'd kill him lol.

He'd already be dead if she wasn't dickmatized
She ain’t got that type of juice anymore and I’m willing to bet that the dragon wouldn’t burn him if told to do so.
Not to mention she’d likely lose a war especially being in foreign land and the Dothraki gone. The wildlings fight for Jon as well.


BGOL Legend
She ain’t got that type of juice anymore and I’m willing to bet that the dragon wouldn’t burn him if told to do so.
Not to mention she’d likely lose a war especially being in foreign land and the Dothraki gone. The wildlings fight for Jon as well.

She def has the juice to kill jon among her people. Dothraki and unsullied wouldn't hesitate.
It's not about wining or losing for her directly it's about how she's winning or losing as we saw last episode
She is the queen that they officially recognize. As queen she made Gendry a lord everyone cheered.
The attention wasn't on her for 10 minutes and she got so insanely jealous the room went silent for her and she left mad as shit lol

So if after you defeat the night king in the greatest battle in history of men for all the stakes you can find it in your heart to be jealous and petty and mad over some innocent shit like that don't doubt for a minute she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jon if it came down to it

Another thing going for Jon is she knows he's honest and really means it when he says that he dont' want it he loves her and she's his queen.
If she thought he was lying about that he would've been setup


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I think the fact that it is his sister is what fucks him up.

For all that talking he isn't as cold as her so I don't think he can make the calculated, difficult decisions that are necessary to defeat her.

Yep, he was the only one in the room on the "the goal is to unseat her, not risk the lives of King's Landing"

What he was really saying was, "please don't kill my sister"


Rising Star
OG Investor
She def has the juice to kill jon among her people. Dothraki and unsullied wouldn't hesitate.
It's not about wining or losing for her directly it's about how she's winning or losing as we saw last episode
She is the queen that they officially recognize. As queen she made Gendry a lord everyone cheered.
The attention wasn't on her for 10 minutes and she got so insanely jealous the room went silent for her and she left mad as shit lol

So if after you defeat the night king in the greatest battle in history of men for all the stakes you can find it in your heart to be jealous and petty and mad over some innocent shit like that don't doubt for a minute she wouldn't hesitate to kill Jon if it came down to it

Another thing going for Jon is she knows he's honest and really means it when he says that he dont' want it he loves her and she's his queen.
If she thought he was lying about that he would've been setup
The only reason people in the North respect her title is because of Jon. If she turns on him it’s a wrap for all of that. The Southerners don’t care for her either because of her father. She doesn’t have the support of the people and at this point nor the manpower to be able to afford to turn on Jon.


BGOL Legend
The only reason people in the North respect her title is because of Jon. If she turns on him it’s a wrap for all of that. The Southerners don’t care for her either because of her father. She doesn’t have the support of the people and at this point nor the manpower to be able to afford to turn on Jon.

You keep talking about support and shit like that matters to someone doing an irrational thing
If she cared about logistics and support she wouldn't have demanded they roll into king's landing when they weren't ready when everyone told her that they should wait


Rising Star
OG Investor
You keep talking about support and shit like that matters to someone doing an irrational thing
If she cared about logistics and support she wouldn't have demanded they roll into king's landing when they weren't ready when everyone told her that they should wait
Sure she could have killed Jon and by that same logic Jon could have killed her. But her having Jon killed would have essentially ruined her overall plan.


Rising Star
What show are you watching? She has never done anything Tyrion has advised her to do. Only time you can kinda bring up was when she let Jorah live. But he wasnt even her hand then.

The attack plan on Westeros was ALL Tyrion.

Utter failure. Fam, they lost Dorn, Highgarden and Yara's Iron Born.

The plan to go North and emprison a wight to convince Cersei was Tyrion's idea.

How well that went.

He allowed Cersei to betray them and plan for war unchecked.

I mean come on man...
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Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
Treat season 7 and 8 as one long season. Tada. Problem solved.

that is actually the point.

season 7 was split into two seasons. HBO did that on purpose to keep revenue and profits from pimping the show going.


BGOL Legend
Sure she could have killed Jon and by that same logic Jon could have killed her. But her having Jon killed would have essentially ruined her overall plan.

No no no no

We're not gonna say by that same logic for 2 totally different people and different personalities

Her and Jon are opposites she is more like cersei than anyone cares to admit and that is ok

Jon already bent the knee to save his people because a title wasn't more important than their lives

And everyone here knows there isn't a scenario where shed EVER think about doing that.

The original premise was Jon holding the secret over her head

And I maintain in response to Jon trying to hold a secret over her head about the validity of her claim to the throne
She'd kill him

She damn near threatened him when she tried to manipulate him after the party

When she said "I told you how" in regards to them being happy listen to her tone.


Black Votes Matter!
Platinum Member
No. It is still rushed. The information in each episode is rushed through.
To solve the problem there needs to be more episodes period not renaming what a season is.

naw. this was supposed to be one season. HBO split the season.


Rising Star
Westerns has been 4 things
3 of which she didn't listen
1 thing was teaming up she listened that didn't work
2nd thing was not burning Sam dad and them she didn't listen that backfired (no food cause she burned it)
3rd was the long night battle she listened they won
4th was kings landing March she didn't listen her best friend got beheaded her fleet destroyed and dragon dead

It's not if she makes mistakes it's the type of mistakes she makes

Dany going with her own mind is never peace
That's the point
If her advisors were like burn down the city and she said no way I'm breaker of chains I need to protect the people more than hurt cersei it would be a completely different conversation

But it's not

They have to talk her off the ledge

She's the one after hearing about innocent people being burned up and dead saying I will fulfill my destiny no matter the cost lol

Im not sure I follow all 4 examples.

1. Which team up?

2. Burning the Tarlys has backfired how exactly? She made Sam cry? What else?

3. What advice did he give her on the Long Night? He did vouch for Jon, if thats what you mean then I agree.

4. What advice did Tyrion give her about going back South?