That his family wont keep his secret and that it will lead to people trying to crown him, even though he does NOT want the crown.
All you Dany defenders......the truth is she shouldn t have asked Jon to keep the secret anyway.......
She wants to be queen even if its a lie.
Doubt it, cgi for the wolves was expensive which is why they got rid of them so quick.Anybody else think theres a chance Arya meets up with Nymeria one more time on her way down to Kings Landing?
I did not know thisDoubt it, cgi for the wolves was expensive which is why they got rid of them so quick.
That his family wont keep his secret and that it will lead to people trying to crown him, even though he does NOT want the crown.
This thread in a nutshell
Sunday 9pm to 10 pm: live posts about the show
Sunday 10pm till mid Monday: everyone else who hasn’t seen it yet
Mid Monday till Monday evening: people still processing and some good convo. Also some good memes
Monday evening until Tuesday evening: The bad writing people come out in force
Tuesday evening until Wednesday afternoon: @stretchwallz drops his weekly summary and he gets all the quotes and daps from the crew (deservingly so)
Wednesday afternoon until night until Sunday at 9pm: cats still complaining, mixed in with predictions on who’s gonna end up on the iron throne
I’m not going through all that’s been written so far. But what are some of the predictions on how all of this ends?
Specifically, question I have is how good is Cersei’s snatch? She got this dude Jamie looking like he’s about to go back to her and her side. Although I’ve heard an interesting twist to this.
Daenerys will kill VArys when she finds out what he has planned. Tyrion will get killed by Brann after he fails to pay his debt.I think Jaime kills Cersei. Jon ends up being King. Mountain kills the Hound. Arya kills the mountain. Dany dies. Varys dies. That’s all I got.
But both of them know that he is the rightful heir.....but she still wants to be the queen even if its a lie.....
I guess that s ok..........Got it.
She wants to be queen.
He does not want to be king. He wants her to be queen.
So they want the same thing.
How is that not ok?
Cause it doesn t matter what is matters what is.
Once she knew the truth.....SHE should ve bent the knee.
Since when does it not matter what is wanted?
This entire show is based on what the characters want.
And none of the characters want the mad queen.....![]()
Sure and the convo was between Jon and Dany not anyone else.
Did Ned Stark the most honorable character on the show, keep the secret for Jon's entire life, or did he tell everyone?
Jon has every right to do what he wants with his real identity.
Stop it....she is power hungry to a fault and what Sam said was right. Instead of her doing the same she is trying to HIDE THE TRUTH for her own SELFISH benefit.
Unlike you, i dont think its a sin to want to be queen/king.
Her advice to Jon was spot on. Sansa proved her right in about 10 seconds.
Jon can tell whoever he wants, thats up to him, he's just gotta wise up to the consequences.
He can't guarantee that
That's why he made the only guarantee he could
Going back watching season 1 didn’t even realize Bronn has been around since the beginning.
1 & 2 are tied together. What losses did he have to Cersei?
Tyrion had the Unsullied invade his empty and useless castle, only to get the Iron Born attack them from behind.
Meanwhile, The Lannisters and Tarlys were busy invading Highgarden for money and supplies, which Tyrion left completely undefended.
Once Dany found out Highgarden was attacked, she reacted and flew there with Drogon and the Dothraki rode their horses.
That is when they attacked the Lannisters and Tarlys. As far as I know they didnt even know about the food supplies. If Im wrong im wrong but i dont remember Tyrion saying Dany dont blow the food supplies we need them.
Tyrion met Jaime and he said himself "you've been a step ahead of me the whole way".
4 Dany is not supposed to be a mind reader is she? Now you are giving Tyrion credit for stuff you the viewer assume he thinks. Even if you are right in the assumption his job as the hand is to advise Dany, not to have her read his mind.
There shouldn t be any consequences......
But selfish Dany won t step aside even though its the truth.....
Sure and the convo was between Jon and Dany not anyone else.
Did Ned Stark the most honorable character on the show, keep the secret for Jon's entire life, or did he tell everyone?
Jon has every right to do what he wants with his real identity.
Unlike you, i dont think its a sin to want to be queen/king.
Her advice to Jon was spot on. Sansa proved her right in about 10 seconds.
Jon can tell whoever he wants, thats up to him, he's just gotta wise up to the consequences.
Just rewatched Hardhome and realized that we should have already known that the Night King was fire proof. The general that Jon killed walked right through the fire in the beginning of the fight.
Sansa is a oath breakerHe only told his family
Sansa the one who broke the oath
Sansa is a oath breaker![]()
He only told his family
Sansa the one who broke the oath
Im not saying Jon was wrong for telling.
Im saying Jon was wrong for being so naive.
I love Jon as much as the next fan, but he's gotta get called out for it.
Doubt it, cgi for the wolves was expensive which is why they got rid of them so quick.