Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


BGOL Legend
It's funny to me how the show has made Sansa out to be the wisest person in the room now.
Sansa is wisest at playing the deceit, con, no ones genuine, everyone out to get you scheme.
The chicks not genuine at all man and she's certainly not loyal to anyone but herself.

Honestly, are we supposed to believe that if Jon become king of the 7 she would trust him?
She's shown multiple times already that she doesn't trust him even tho...
When she came to castle black you think that's because she trusted him or she could use him for her end?

IMO, the only reason she wants him to rule is because she feels he's more controllable than Dany.
It has nothing to do with trust or respect or family.

Cold as ice and like you said Cersei and Joffrey and Ramsi and Little fingers protege.

So far in this thread we've been shitting on Dany but folks are sleeping on Sansa.

I'm not saying she's wise
I am saying so far she's been right and she's playing a game that nobody else seems to know they're a part of
Sound familiar?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All I know is that Sersi just lit the match for her destruction. That bitch is is that oversized freak of nature when Greyworm gets to him.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend




Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
All I know is that Sersi just lit the match for her destruction. That bitch is is that oversized freak of nature when Greyworm gets to him.
I hope so, but honestly I think Big'un gonna be Greyworm's exit... Hound is going kill Gregor

Also I think Drogon laid eggs when it bounced out for that long time in the earlier episodes... Remember in one of those episodes somebody said dragons are neither female or male. I know I'm reaching, but in the preview scene for the next episode Tyrion was in the dragon castle and was looking out the window like he saw something crazy...


Rising Star
But what's disrespect? See what I mean lol
When did she disrespect her? By saying the army's are tired the men are injured it's not wise to march down there and we're not ready if you plan on winning.
If speaking up about that is disrespecting the queen then let's revisit the whole "Tyrant" argument.

Not liking her aside her bringing up those concerns had nothing to do with respect

Sansa disrespected Dany in front of all the Northern Lords in their very first meeting with them.

Sansa sarcastically calls her army the greatest army the world has ever seen and asks how she supposed to feed all of them.

Lets be clear, the disrespect was free and open right from the start.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hope so, but honestly I think Big'un gonna be Greyworm's exit... Hound is going kill Gregor

Also I think Drogon laid eggs when it bounced out for that long time in the earlier episodes... Remember in one of those episodes somebody said dragons are neither female or male. I know I'm reaching, but in the preview scene for the next episode Tyrion was in the dragon castle and was looking out the window like he saw something crazy...
That’s what I was thinking. More like reptiles. It’s some eggs somewhere


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
All I know is that Sersi just lit the match for her destruction. That bitch is is that oversized freak of nature when Greyworm gets to him.

I kinda hope cersi wins. Greyworm aint beating the mountain though. He not even on orbren level with a stick.

I think hound and arya both die killing the mountain.

Dany stabs jon in the heart to be queen.

And fuck sansa! Hate all the starks. Her the most. Arya is tolerable at times


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait. Arya dies killing the mountain?? Why?
Y'all made it clear that Arya is a super killer.
She trained for this remember.
Arya isn't dying. She will kill everything in her path.
She beat the Devil who was around for thousands of years.

I kinda hope cersi wins. Greyworm aint beating the mountain though. He not even on orbren level with a stick.

I think hound and arya both die killing the mountain.

Dany stabs jon in the heart to be queen.

And fuck sansa! Hate all the starks. Her the most. Arya is tolerable at times


Rising Star
I’m not going through all that’s been written so far. But what are some of the predictions on how all of this ends?

Specifically, question I have is how good is Cersei’s snatch? She got this dude Jamie looking like he’s about to go back to her and her side. Although I’ve heard an interesting twist to this.

My prediction is that after losing 2 dragons, Jorah and Missandei, Dany goes full on mad queen/conqueror and burns Kings Landing to the ground. At least thats what i hope.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Wait. Arya dies killing the mountain?? Why?
Y'all made it clear that Arya is a super killer.
She trained for this remember.
Arya isn't dying. She will kill everything in her path.
She beat the Devil who was around for thousands of years.

They said the ending is not going to be a happy one. I take back what I said, Arya dies saving the hound from his brother. The hound lives in the end.


International Member
So to those who claim poor writing in GoT recently (season 7,8) because they don’t show you every single detail...what do you think about the Jaime being let loose by Catelyn Stark in season 2 episode 7? They didn’t actually show this but in season 2 episode 8 Robb confronts his mother about it and we see Brienne carrying Jaime under orders from Catelyn...the show didn’t let us see Jaime being unchained.

Seems to me GoT never was about showing every single thing but rather letting you figure out stuff with some help. Season 2! Imagine that yet here some of you are making stuff up about 7 and 8 as if it’s new the way they do things.


Rising Star
They said the ending is not going to be a happy one. I take back what I said, Arya dies saving the hound from his brother. The hound lives in the end.

Man the Hound doesn't expect to survive. Dude is too miserable to live. If he wins he would have to be happy about something and I dont think he could live this down.


Superstar ***
BGOL Legend

If you think this has a happy ending haven't been paying attention as Ramsey once said. Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 4 is in the endgame and feels like things are going way too fast (like a sale on yaki hair bundles). That being said here are my stretched out observations for this episode "The Last of the Starks"

  • Death toll was high after long night
  • Danerys wore white to a funeral
  • Everyone has PTSD except Bran... he's high as the 3 eyed raven
  • Bran looks like he had delicious continental breakfast at comfort inns
  • Jons don’t call me by my government name gives eulogy
  • Jon preached an awesome homegoing sermon... he is born again
  • tumblr_pr2w3pt2iF1tcj68yo4_500.gif

  • No POC allowed at Repast - but the wildlings were allowed to feast
  • They were afraid the dark folk would waste all of the wine...pouring out a little liquor for their dead homies.
  • Arya put the thunderbolt on Gendry ...he’s stalking her
  • Are you Bobby Baratheon side baby? Everyone afraid when Dany spoke to Gendry
  • Lord of Storms End ...Manifest Daneys is really trying to buy votes.
  • Started from the bottom now he’s the lord of Storm’s End
  • Dany may go on Breakfast Club and talk about how she used to smoke in Quarth next
  • Tyrion and Davos have a theology debate over lord of light
  • Davos says the lord of light just does cameos but never stays to do publicity
  • Bran is living in the past like a normal wife, girlfriend or conservative
  • Jon’s frat brother Tormund is forcing him to drink
  • He rides dragons ...he’s a madman or a king - Tormund
  • Tormund talking about how Jon was the MVP of game 6
  • Dany tries to win votes by toasting Arya
  • Danerys is such a gentrifier that she brought Starbucks to other realms
  • Damn Winterfell got a Starbucks before Wakanda
  • Lie or Drink champion Tyrion gets it started with Brienne, Jamie & Pod
  • tumblr_inline_pqy18f1jw41wcwdap_400.gif
  • Brienne - I just came to have a good time why am I feeling so attacked
  • Brienne a virgin and storms off... Jamie gonna fix it
  • Tormund is heartbroken Jamie cock blocks giant babies
  • Tormund gonna stop liking all Brienne Instagram posts going forward
  • Why do people pour their heart out to the Hound ? Fuck off is his reply
  • Danerys salty because she’ll never be as popular as Jon
  • Danerys looking like dude from Belly after buns moved into town
  • giphy.gif

  • Sucks when people rather vote for the VP than you Danerys learns
  • Varys is plotting ...people jumping off Danerys like Uber stock
  • You can still smell the bodies burning and that’s where your head is at - Hound
  • The hound is barking at girls that want to rub his belly
  • Pod getting his double mint freak on.... Northern girls are easy
  • The hound talks to Lil bird Sansa who has become a mockingbird
  • Hound still has feelings for Sansa
  • Gendry finally finds Arya - getting her Kate Bishop on shooting arrows
  • Arya building up that murder muscle memory time to celebrate
  • Gendry basically becomes Drake of the Stormlands & proposes
  • Baratheons never get the Stark Girls.
  • What do we say to marriage Arya? ...not today
  • Gendry singing Whitney’s Heartbreak Hotel.. he's got a name, a castle, but no lady
  • Gendry dodged a bullet ...Arya would push him over a cliff for the soul stone
  • Jamie Smashed Brienne using that dornish wine
  • Dany wants some incest but Jon remembers ...that’s my aunt D
  • Dany begs like Jon like Keith Sweat not to tell anyone his true heritage
  • tumblr_pr5hlsGSAz1wx92y9o3_400.gif
  • Jon cannot lie to his sisters.. he's too much like Ned
  • Jamie lying in the bed thinking about how good Cersei evil box is
  • Forming a strategy to take KL on Stannis old Risk game board
  • Cersei is growing her army... Danerys army shrinking
  • There’s a new Prince of Dorne? Lovesexy Prince or Sign of the Times?
  • Sansa says everyone’s exhausted ...we should wait
  • Dany says I’m the Queen Bee obey me or else
  • Jon backs up Dany and an emergency family meeting is called
  • Arya “we’re the last of the Stark’s”
  • Bran tells them the truth ...he’s Aegon Targaryen
  • i'm not telling my sisters shit.... especially when they don't like my current girlfriend
  • Ser Bronn of the Ninja tf did you get in here with a crossbow
  • Kill a few hundred they make you a lord a few thousand a king
  • tumblr_inline_pr2be6Dhmn1r2efhr_400.gif

  • Tyrion offers him Highgarden
  • The stark and the hound on the road again
  • Hound has to make the pregame for Clegane bowl
  • Sansa tells the secret to Tyrion ...Ned kept it 18 years ...Sansa 6 hours
  • People of Westeros already dislike Dany just finding evidence to justify why
  • Rhaegal needs to heal ...wings holier than Donnie Mcklurkin
  • Tormund and free folk go back home & take ghost
  • Jon doesn’t even pet ghost
  • Ghost says I lost an ear fighting with you... I should have ran away like Nymeria
  • Sam been smashing at the Citadel co-ed dorms that’s why his grades fell
  • Gilly only knows 3 names Daddy, Sam, and Jon
  • Tyrion tells Varys the secret ....everyone will know by next week
  • Danerys has zero situation awareness.... joyriding in the middle of a war
  • The new official words of house Targaryen: "We do not scout"
  • Rhaegal goes down ...Euron has machine guns now?
  • viserion.gif

  • Mother of Dragons? ...someone needs to call CPS because she's gotten two of them killed
  • Why not have Gendry make some dragon armor or something ?
  • Captain Deadshot Jack Euron blows up Dany fleet & captures Missemdrei
  • tumblr_pr59esUymN1xnh30qo5_r1_540.gif

  • Sansa said wait ....she said don’t underestimate Cersei
  • Cersei tells Euron she’s pregnant with his child
  • Cersei brings all of KL people into red keep
  • Varys tells Dany don’t kill all the KL citizens for a throne
  • Cersei -They need to know who to blame when the sky falls on them
  • Tyrion trying to believe in Danerys ...Varys doesn’t
  • Varys! finally off the bench to put up a respectable 10-8-5
  • Varys Westeros version of social media.. has #notmyqueen trending on Twitter
  • Jamie learns of ambush and rushes to save or kill Cersei
  • Kingslayer realized Brienne will never do the freaky "evil ass is good" things Cersei will do
  • Brienne tries to stop Jamie in her Valaryan Secret housecoat ..singing Jodeci "Stay"
  • Jamie smashed then went Lil Lannister X and took his horse back down to Old Town Road
  • Brienne had one of the ugliest cries since that dude on Intervention ..when Jamie left
  • Dany and crew at the gates of KL try to negotiate surrender... Gargamel says no way
  • Cersei is brutal like her dad orders execution of Missemdrei
  • Any last words? Ms Lite skin wash-n-go goes full Ice Cube.
  • Yeah fuck all y’all ....DRACARYS
  • tumblr_pr37rzJcw91ril6zy_500.gif

  • Missandei dead who's going to do Dany’s awesome ass braid?
  • They cut her head off in front of her man he didn’t even have any balls or anything
  • Dothraki last week and now my light skin queen Missandei?! Even in fantasy they hate POC
  • I hope her funeral is a closed casket because you know the Westerosi Funeral Home is gonna fuck her hair up
  • So much for the breaker of chains - Cersei
  • Crossbows, Archers, and the high ground? Why not kill all of them now Cersei ?
  • Next week it's on... and maybe Bran finds a new tree to fondle
  • tumblr_pr57bwoq5T1vpjbfe_400.gif


Rising Star
OG Investor
On a sleeper note I think the “Mountain” kills Cersei. He’s nothing but a controlled Zombie. I think something will happen with Qyburn and he order dude to kill her.


Rising Star
OG Investor
They said the ending is not going to be a happy one. I take back what I said, Arya dies saving the hound from his brother. The hound lives in the end.
They said it would be bittersweet. I’m starting to believe it means that Jon and Dany won’t be cool at the end. Not necessarily so many characters dying. But Arya definitely dies. Because you see how she says she doesn’t plan on ever coming back to Winterfell.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes but not to the queen she had a private conversation with her brother about it after he stepped in and pulled rank and said we're gonna do what Dany says even though everyone in the room knew Sansa was right.

How many times would you have a good plan or best idea and your brother come through and side with his broad before you have to pull him to the side and say look my g you tripping?

It's funny to me how the show has made Sansa out to be the wisest person in the room now.
Sansa is wisest at playing the deceit, con, no ones genuine, everyone out to get you scheme.
The chicks not genuine at all man and she's certainly not loyal to anyone but herself.

In it for herself?


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
On a sleeper note I think the “Mountain” kills Cersei. He’s nothing but a controlled Zombie. I think something will happen with Qyburn and he order dude to kill her.
I like that but Q is loyal to her


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
On a sleeper note I think the “Mountain” kills Cersei. He’s nothing but a controlled Zombie. I think something will happen with Qyburn and he order dude to kill her.
When did they zombifiy the mountain? I missed that. I was trying to figure out who that was


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Indeed! She understand very well how to play dirty.

She s not playing dirty......almost everyone but a very small few see that Dany is not right for the throne.....

Varys is probably going to die because he is done with Dany.....and he knows that Jon Snow would be a much better King for the entire westeros


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
  • No POC allowed at Repast - but the wildlings were allowed to feast
  • They were afraid the dark folk would waste all of the wine...pouring out a little liquor for their dead homies.
  • Bran is living in the past like a normal wife, girlfriend or conservative
  • Damn Winterfell got a Starbucks before Wakanda

  • Danerys looking like dude from Belly after buns moved into town
  • giphy.gif

  • What do we say to marriage Arya? ...not today
  • Sam been smashing at the Citadel co-ed dorms that’s why his grades fell
  • Gilly only knows 3 names Daddy, Sam, and Jon
  • Mother of Dragons? ...someone needs to call CPS because she's gotten two of them killed
  • Varys! finally off the bench to put up a respectable 10-8-5
  • Varys Westeros version of social media.. has #notmyqueen trending on Twitter
  • Brienne tries to stop Jamie in her Valaryan Secret housecoat ..singing Jodeci "Stay"

  • Any last words? Ms Lite skin wash-n-go goes full Ice Cube.
  • Yeah fuck all y’all ....DRACARYS
  • tumblr_pr37rzJcw91ril6zy_500.gif

  • Missandei dead who's going to do Dany’s awesome ass braid?
  • They cut her head off in front of her man he didn’t even have any balls or anything
  • Dothraki last week and now my light skin queen Missandei?! Even in fantasy they hate POC
  • I hope her funeral is a closed casket because you know the Westerosi Funeral Home is gonna fuck her hair up

Some classics in this one. Good shit fam.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
  • Danerys wore white to a funeral

  • Baratheons never get the Stark Girls.

  • Forming a strategy to take KL on Stannis old Risk game board

  • Sansa tells the secret to Tyrion ...Ned kept it 18 years ...Sansa 6 hours

  • Mother of Dragons? ...someone needs to call CPS because she's gotten two of them killed

  • I hope her funeral is a closed casket because you know the Westerosi Funeral Home is gonna fuck her hair up

My favorites

The "Baratheons never get the Stark Girls" had me crying :roflmao:

Forming a strategy to take KL on Stannis old Risk game board :roflmao2: