It's funny to me how the show has made Sansa out to be the wisest person in the room now.
Sansa is wisest at playing the deceit, con, no ones genuine, everyone out to get you scheme.
The chicks not genuine at all man and she's certainly not loyal to anyone but herself.
Honestly, are we supposed to believe that if Jon become king of the 7 she would trust him?
She's shown multiple times already that she doesn't trust him even tho...
When she came to castle black you think that's because she trusted him or she could use him for her end?
IMO, the only reason she wants him to rule is because she feels he's more controllable than Dany.
It has nothing to do with trust or respect or family.
Cold as ice and like you said Cersei and Joffrey and Ramsi and Little fingers protege.
So far in this thread we've been shitting on Dany but folks are sleeping on Sansa.
I'm not saying she's wise
I am saying so far she's been right and she's playing a game that nobody else seems to know they're a part of
Sound familiar?