I don't like Dany. However why is the North against her? She did everything everyone asked of her and helped the North.
She lost 1/2 her forces helping them and those ungrateful bitches still don't trust her? She has done nothing but be trustworthy.
But both of them know that he is the rightful heir.....but she still wants to be the queen even if its a lie.....
I guess that s ok..........Got it.
It don't matter to me which side has a claim. Whoever fights and wins for it should it. The Iron Throne does not just get handed out.
Jon does not even want the North.
I don't think he was naive it's reasonable to expect his brother and sister to keep a secret his brother already has and his best friend has
I could see if he was like hey tormund guess what but also dont say shit
Then I'd be like Jon come on dude
I think Jaime kills Cersei. Jon ends up being King. Mountain kills the Hound. Arya kills the mountain. Dany dies. Varys dies. That’s all I got.
Hell i'm starting to understand why Jon doesn't want any of it.
Those people are some ungrateful MKers that will turn on you in a second.
He came back with an army to save the ingrates and they damn near wanted to kick him outside.
No thank you from any of them...savage!
I hear you but Dany did tell him so.
Jon probably been too focused on the bigger picture to realize who Sansa has become.
Sort of
Dragon fire is different than man fire
Man fire the dudes be burning up ahhhh it burns
Dragon fire is instant Ash it's a higher temp
Sort of like well we used a sword to kill them and it ain't work
When yea well did you use that valeryian steel or dragon glass?
Jon Snow is the dumbest leading character in all of history though. You guys have to admit it.
Jon is more so naive than dumb.Jon Snow is the dumbest leading character in all of history though. You guys have to admit it.
Jon is smart. To be a King invites challenge. Remember after a while Robert didn't want to be King either.
It is interesting that the women of this show are some of the most power driven people in the Kingdom!
All the real men want to do is drink and fuck and chill.
Sansa is a lot like her mother. She was very hate filled and impulsive. She always started shit and had to get other people to help her out of trouble.
Jon is more so naive than dumb.
Jon Snow is the dumbest leading character in all of history though. You guys have to admit it.
I don't like Dany. However why is the North against her? She did everything everyone asked of her and helped the North.
She lost 1/2 her forces helping them and those ungrateful bitches still don't trust her? She has done nothing but be trustworthy.
It honestly doesn't really make much sense. Hell you would think she's worshipped as a hero at this point.
Sansa is cold as ice. If she really cared about her people as much as she pretends then how do you not give the person that just help saved the entire North some level of respect? Props?
What's funny is how Sansa and some on the board want to bypass what Dany did.
Could Arya have iced the NK if Dany and her forces didn't come to the north?
I hear your point. Sansa's challenging to just lump into a defined box.
She went through hell and I can't blame her.
To go from Jeffrey and all that bullshit and end up with Ramsey? FUckkkkk!
That would make anyone(who survives) never the same again.
Sansa would rather Dany never came and they all died instead.
Im not saying Jon was wrong for telling.
Im saying Jon was wrong for being so naive.
I love Jon as much as the next fan, but he's gotta get called out for it.
Hell i'm starting to understand why Jon doesn't want any of it.
Those people are some ungrateful MKers that will turn on you in a second.
He came back with an army to save the ingrates and they damn near wanted to kick him outside.
No thank you from any of them...savage!
Jon Snow is the dumbest leading character in all of history though. You guys have to admit it.
She lost a dragon, half the Unsullied, almost all the Dothraki, and her most loyal advisor. If it wasnt for her they would almost all be dead.
Its amazing to me how cool GoT fans are with Sansa's ungratefulness.
I agree. I do like Sansa's rise in a way but now she has kinda crossed the line into being the next Littlefinger.
If Dany doesn't get killed, she has a lot of executing to do! Varys, Sansa, Cersei, Euron, Tyrion and Jon.
Yeah... but the wights wouldn’t even go near fire. He literally cooled down the fire by walking in. He’s their superior so it’s easy to imply that his threshold is much higher.
I don't like Dany. However why is the North against her? She did everything everyone asked of her and helped the North.
She lost 1/2 her forces helping them and those ungrateful bitches still don't trust her? She has done nothing but be trustworthy.
Sansa is a product of the ppl who raised her.
It honestly doesn't really make much sense. Hell you would think she's worshipped as a hero at this point.
Sansa is cold as ice. If she really cared about her people as much as she pretends then how do you not give the person that just help saved the entire North some level of respect? Props?
What's funny is how Sansa and some on the board want to bypass what Dany did.
Could Arya have iced the NK if Dany and her forces didn't come to the north?
She wasn't raised by either of them thoughWhat crazy is her mom Kathlyn Stark definitely give off that northerners don't trust anyone vibe.
But Ned never came across like that. At least not to me.
Sansa doesn't trust her. Sansa isn't the people
The people in that hall praised her and cheered for her when she made Gendry a lord
and the army marched down to King's landing on her command.
Sansa ain't everybody. Or even most.
You don't have to trust her which i get. Hell you just met her.
But how do you not extend some level of respect after the sacrifice she made to save your ass?
But what's disrespect? See what I mean lol
When did she disrespect her? By saying the army's are tired the men are injured it's not wise to march down there and we're not ready if you plan on winning.
If speaking up about that is disrespecting the queen then let's revisit the whole "Tyrant" argument.
Not liking her aside her bringing up those concerns had nothing to do with not liking her.
Hell i'm starting to understand why Jon doesn't want any of it.
Those people are some ungrateful MKers that will turn on you in a second.
He came back with an army to save the ingrates and they damn near wanted to kick him outside.
No thank you from any of them...savage!
She literally told Jon in the garden that Arya did it all. Completely ignoring Dany and her army's role in the entire ordeal.
Yes but not to the queen she had a private conversation with her brother about it after he stepped in and pulled rank and said we're gonna do what Dany says even though everyone in the room knew Sansa was right.
How many times would you have a good plan or best idea and your brother come through and side with his broad before you have to pull him to the side and say look my g you tripping?