Game Of Thrones: The Sopranos with swords or Dynasty in chainmail?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ice and Fire. Episode 3 was about the destructive powers of Ice and cold Episode 5 was about the destructive powers of Fire and Flame

Both are equally destructive. The dealers of Ice has been dealt with. The dealer of Fire will be dealt with next. The balance will be restored.

Which means Drogon gotta go too. Who gonna do it?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Well, it's their show. And they said it was the "end of the Dothraki essentially."
My man, IDGAF whats said in some post show inside commentary segment that 90% of the viewing audience wont see. Clearly, hes giving an account from a real time character perspective, what they witnessed, what they thought and why they reacted. Its immaterial to the ACTUAL FUCKING SHOW. And in the very next episode of the ACTUAL FUCKING SHOW there is an entire scene dedicated to taking an account of lost forces and they explicitly say they still have half of both armies. Why are you making this so hard?

If you watch this show.. Miss entire fucking scenes, then go on twitter bitching about the info in those scenes not being communicated to you, then you are a fucking idiot. Period.


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
@largebillsonlyplease a long shot wayyyyy long

Dany, fine ass Dany. You hit and fell for then found out she’s your aunt

Do you keep smashin?

I’d be so fucked up

But say if you stopped, you risk the fall of your family.

What do you do?

Auntie box be mad drippy and snapper af

Plus she gave up the temple

Man, I’m fucked. We jus gonn keep rollin and y’all gonna look at me all fucked up


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor



Crazy box

Ima smash

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
King's Landing has always been in need of being rebuilt. It started off as a little fort on a hill for Aegon. People started building little hovels and hastily built gates and walls around it and it quickly became a city with thousands and thousands of people without the infrastructure or planning to handle the sudden growth. Because the central city planning involved with the construction of the city (or the lack thereof) was so poor, the city eventually became the ugly, inefficient city that it is now, with crooked cobbled streets that are too narrow, wooden shacks built on top of each other, and a huge sanitation problem. It's the youngest major city but has the worst sewage, so bad that Olenna always comments that you can smell **** from miles away. The pipes carry **** from the Red Keep to the river, but the pipes overflow during rains and the **** literally floods flea bottom. Cities like Old Town and the cities in Essos put King's Landing to shame in terms of architecture, wide paved roads/streets, sanitation, sewage systems, clean drinking water, market squares, and overall management of their population, etc which is pretty bad for the capital of the seven kingdoms.

Now, whoever that takes the Iron Throne can rebuild from scratch.
Goddamn, didn't people say the same thing about New Orleans during after Hurricane Katrina?!?! What kind of literal "scorched earth" philosophy is this? :lol:

My man, IDGAF whats said in some post show inside commentary segment that 90% of the viewing audience wont see. Clearly, hes giving an account from a real time character perspective, what they witnessed, what they thought and why they reacted. Its immaterial to the ACTUAL FUCKING SHOW. And in the very next episode of the ACTUAL FUCKING SHOW there is an entire scene dedicated to taking an account of lost forces and they explicitly say they still have half of both armies. Why are you making this so hard?

You're the one making this hard. We're simply highlighting an INCONSISTENCY between what was actually SHOWN on the screen and SAID by the show creators (the decimation of the Dothraki) as compared to what was later said on the show. And the "real time character perspective" is that of Daenerys, the goddamn Khaleesi of the Dothraki!! So, from her real time character perspective, what she witnessed and thought, that was the end of the Dothraki, essentially.

If you watch this show.. Miss entire fucking scenes, then go on twitter bitching about the info in those scenes not being communicated to you, then you are a fucking idiot. Period.

Miss entire fucking scenes? Did you or did you not see the Dothraki charge? Did you not see the fires go out and what appeared to the viewer that the masses of them were wiped out by the undead wights? Why is it so fucking hard for you to understand this? You can still be a fan of the show, as I am, and not be STAN of it.

And the guy who posted the tweet wasn't bitching. He was simply cracking a joke that they had "ordered more Dothraki on Amazon Prime."


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
"Cersei understands the consequences of her absence and she is absent anyway, which means she does not intend to suffer those consequences. We all need to leave". Best line ever.

This is Margery talking about Cersei before she blows up the Sept. This is when Cersei becomes the true MAD QUEEN.

Cersei gets dressed.We think it is to go to the Sept but it is really to be crowned Queen!!

Tommen gets dressed then is locked in his room.

Even the music of this scene is glorious!!!!

Compare this when Dany becomes that Mad Queen.

I honestly think that was the best episode of the entire show. I watched that episode so many times. I used to leave it running in the background at night while I was working

This show has some epic moments, def one of Cersei best. Hair cut, started wearing all black. Even when she left the bitch with the Mountain and walked out saying "Shame, shame"

I was in love with her more than Jamie at that point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow!!! Where to start...

Can definitely see Dany getting killed. They didn't show her killing all those "innocents" for nothing. This bitch been borderline batshit for a few seasons. Seeing ole girl beheaded sent her straight over the edge off the deep end. Been sick of her pompous, entitled bullshit but she was needed to stop the NK. wit dat bitch head.

Just a matter of who's going to do it. Arya is built for this. And you KNOW Dany is added to the list now. Tyrion may get a shot. I understand most of us want Jon to do it but I think Arya better suited for that shit. Jon was in love wit her ass, he might be merciful.

Tyrion threw ole dickless under the bus and tied his shoelaces to the axle. DAMN. Took that shit like G tho. Not a peep.

I knew the dragon was gonna get in dat fleet's ass tho. They fucked up not getting all of em when they surprised em flying in last week. Euron and co was lying in wait but they fucked up letting one get away. I thought she was gonna fly around and come up behind them bitches but that bitch used the sun and came out the clouds on they fuckin ass.

They had one shot wit them big ass bows and missed...TOAST. If they had the semi-automatic instant reload models they mighta had a chance....but that wasn't in the budget. Cersi was damn near sellin pussy to get them shits. Bitch talkin bout "Where my elephants?"

Cersi dumb ass standing up there watching her kingdom getting burned to the ground talkin bout sum "My soldiers will fight to the death for me..."

Them niggas threw all them swords on the ground. Old dude was like "Bitch if you don't get yo ass down in this basement WE GON DIE!!!"

Dickless nigga straight lost it! His ONLY chance at livin happily ever after...gone. He killin every thing in sight! I think Jon gon kill his ass next episode. Ain't no niggas survivin this show.

Big dude told Arya "Look little one...I know you bout that life but ain't no comin back from this. GTFOH."

Arya: "Peace out"

Cersi's hand thought he still had clout wit the castle falling on they head and the mountain seeing red. Take this cracked skull and STFU nigga.

Cersi did the electric slide right on out that bitch.

Soooooooooo...they had Jason Vorhees playing the Mountain.

Buried trying to escape...fitting. Coulda showed her head get bust to the white meat tho. Just sayin...

Arya got a list of one now. I think she does the deed. That's why they showed her going thru what she went thru.

Only thing...if they kill Dany what happen to all them dickless niggas? You GOT to kill them mufuckas. Only way to keep them fools in check is Jon on that dragon.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Just sharing interesting perspective from quora

Did Daenerys continue to burn King's Landing because she was mentally unstable or did she make a very deliberate decision to do so?

Preliminary note: I admit I couldn’t imagine that things would unfold that way. I did expect Daenerys to bring fire and blood to King’s Landing and burn innocents and soldiers alike (I mean purposely, not as an accident), but not turn the city to ashes after her enemies had surrendered. The more I think about it, though, the more I find it a brilliant idea from a narrative point of view. It’s pure Shakespearean, because it goes well beyond vengeance or power and explores the depths of human soul.

And that’s the reason why I find the question simplistic, insufficient and incapable of addressing the mental and emotional kaleidoscope we watched. If you say Daenerys was simply mentally unstable, you (a) fail to realize the full extent of what actually happened, (b) give her a cheap insanity defense, and (c) end up asking yourself how a character can go mad over half an episode. If you say burning the city was “a very deliberate decision” (a very absolute and stiff wording), you (a) see Daenerys as nothing short of a sadistic killer (like, say, the Mountain) and (b) fail to get past the surface and appreciate Martin’s geniusness in crafting her character and story.

I think the episode itself offered us the key to understand what was going on inside Daenerys’ mind.

Far more people in Westeros love you than me. I don’t have love here. I only have fear. […] Alright, then. Let it be fear.

Daenerys craves appreciation, admiration, adoration and love. Her hard childhood, her abusive brother and everything she is and has been through has made her obsessively desperate for it. After spending years in other people’s shadows, she cannot stand being number 2 anymore—not now that she’s the most powerful individual in the world. She wants nothing less than to see everyone’s eyes fixed on her, full of devotion and dedication.

This mindset sounds innocent and “romantic,” but has an inherently dark vein, like all idealisms do. More than the hate of her enemies, Daenerys is worried and enraged by any love people may show to someone other than her. That’s the crack violence comes in through. It started at a low frequency, with her discontent over her loneliness at Winterfell, Theon’s love for Sansa and Tyrion and Jaime’s relationship. It escalated when she showed how threatened by Jon’s popularity she is feeling and climaxed with her burning down King’s Landing.

Through this lens, we can attempt a plunge into Daenerys’ mindset when she heard those bells. Did you notice her face before getting Drogon burn the city? She was half enraged and half sobbing.


It was then that she finally realized the hard and bitter truth to the bare bone:

No matter what, the people of Westeros will never love me.

Yes, she could easily get down, accept the city’s surrender, greet the crowds and sit on the throne. Game over. But that would be only a half measure and give her no real satisfaction. It would only postpone the inevitable, as she sees it, because she won the fight for the Iron Throne, but failed to win the fight for people’s hearts. In fact, the bigger her success (she single-handedly destroyed the entire Lannister army), the deeper the terror in everyone’s eyes. Oh, the irony…

And then came the next thought:

If I cannot have you, no one will.

Sadly, quite a lot of people think that way. They hurt others not because they draw pleasure from it, nor for any material gain—in fact, sometimes by doing so they undermine themselves. But they simply cannot stand the idea of not having the emotional satisfaction they yearn for. They cannot let others go on their way, because they feel they need them. They are possessive and can turn violent and unpredictable at any sign of disloyalty. For God’s sake, there have been husbands who killed their wives (and vice versa) over that. That’s neither madness in the classical sense nor a deliberate decision—it’s a complicated, self-contradictory and tragic dive into the darkest corners of the human mind.

On a side note, I think the showrunners handled Daenerys’ fall mediocrely—they knew what was about to happen, because it’s all Martin’s plan, but chose to whitewash her for too long, and now the thousands of fans who took her at face value are asking for their heads on a platter. That being said, I think her character arc is clear despite the problems and will make even more sense in the books. There, I expect her to face fAegon instead of Cersei. The lad is going to be a popular and capable ruler, as has been prophesied: “A cloth dragon swayed on poles admidst a cheering crowd.” Daenerys will burn down King’s Landing when she understands that the people prefer him over her. The show simply split fAegon’s role between Cersei (the opposing ruler) and Jon (the one people love).

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gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Just sharing interesting perspective from quora

Did Daenerys continue to burn King's Landing because she was mentally unstable or did she make a very deliberate decision to do so?

Preliminary note: I admit I couldn’t imagine that things would unfold that way. I did expect Daenerys to bring fire and blood to King’s Landing and burn innocents and soldiers alike (I mean purposely, not as an accident), but not turn the city to ashes after her enemies had surrendered. The more I think about it, though, the more I find it a brilliant idea from a narrative point of view. It’s pure Shakespearean, because it goes well beyond vengeance or power and explores the depths of human soul.

And that’s the reason why I find the question simplistic, insufficient and incapable of addressing the mental and emotional kaleidoscope we watched. If you say Daenerys was simply mentally unstable, you (a) fail to realize the full extent of what actually happened, (b) give her a cheap insanity defense, and (c) end up asking yourself how a character can go mad over half an episode. If you say burning the city was “a very deliberate decision” (a very absolute and stiff wording), you (a) see Daenerys as nothing short of a sadistic killer (like, say, the Mountain) and (b) fail to get past the surface and appreciate Martin’s geniusness in crafting her character and story.

I think the episode itself offered us the key to understand what was going on inside Daenerys’ mind.

Far more people in Westeros love you than me. I don’t have love here. I only have fear. […] Alright, then. Let it be fear.

Daenerys craves appreciation, admiration, adoration and love. Her hard childhood, her abusive brother and everything she is and has been through has made her obsessively desperate for it. After spending years in other people’s shadows, she cannot stand being number 2 anymore—not now that she’s the most powerful individual in the world. She wants nothing less than to see everyone’s eyes fixed on her, full of devotion and dedication.

This mindset sounds innocent and “romantic,” but has an inherently dark vein, like all idealisms do. More than the hate of her enemies, Daenerys is worried and enraged by any love people may show to someone other than her. That’s the crack violence comes in through. It started at a low frequency, with her discontent over her loneliness at Winterfell, Theon’s love for Sansa and Tyrion and Jaime’s relationship. It escalated when she showed how threatened by Jon’s popularity she is feeling and climaxed with her burning down King’s Landing.

Through this lens, we can attempt a plunge into Daenerys’ mindset when she heard those bells. Did you notice her face before getting Drogon burn the city? She was half enraged and half sobbing.


It was then that she finally realized the hard and bitter truth to the bare bone:

No matter what, the people of Westeros will never love me.

Yes, she could easily get down, accept the city’s surrender, greet the crowds and sit on the throne. Game over. But that would be only a half measure and give her no real satisfaction. It would only postpone the inevitable, as she sees it, because she won the fight for the Iron Throne, but failed to win the fight for people’s hearts. In fact, the bigger her success (she single-handedly destroyed the entire Lannister army), the deeper the terror in everyone’s eyes. Oh, the irony…

And then came the next thought:

If I cannot have you, no one will.

Sadly, quite a lot of people think that way. They hurt others not because they draw pleasure from it, nor for any material gain—in fact, sometimes by doing so they undermine themselves. But they simply cannot stand the idea of not having the emotional satisfaction they yearn for. They cannot let others go on their way, because they feel they need them. They are possessive and can turn violent and unpredictable at any sign of disloyalty. For God’s sake, there have been husbands who killed their wives (and vice versa) over that. That’s neither madness in the classical sense nor a deliberate decision—it’s a complicated, self-contradictory and tragic dive into the darkest corners of the human mind.

On a side note, I think the showrunners handled Daenerys’ fall mediocrely—they knew what was about to happen, because it’s all Martin’s plan, but chose to whitewash her for too long, and now the thousands of fans who took her at face value are asking for their heads on a platter. That being said, I think her character arc is clear despite the problems and will make even more sense in the books. There, I expect her to face fAegon instead of Cersei. The lad is going to be a popular and capable ruler, as has been prophesied: “A cloth dragon swayed on poles admidst a cheering crowd.” Daenerys will burn down King’s Landing when she understands that the people prefer him over her. The show simply split fAegon’s role between Cersei (the opposing ruler) and Jon (the one people love).

That's a nice breakdown.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I get it
In order for her to be a villain she needed to be born mad and angry and cursing lmao
Cause people can't change right?
People can't grow into madness
People can't inherit mental illness

She needed to not have a heart or be a person to be a villain

It's funny as shit y'all fighting so hard
It just means the writers did a great job cause you didn't believe your eyes
You went with your heart

You trusted her

And you were wrong

hahahahahah lols, that makes sense to you frfr?
So if Jon Snow raped Sansa next episode, that would be cool because people are allowed to change? You know what it is man. Stop acting like the show makes sense. I'm glad the real core fans who been here since the beginning are calling out the chicanery. You bandwagon fans don't care if the show switched genres and became a damn film noire you'd be here defending it.

Listen I love the film Troll 2, doesn't mean it was written and directed and planned out well. You like a bad season of Game of Thrones. It's cool, but stop tryna act like any of this season is making sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hero to nobody in westeros lol

She was the dragon queen coming to slay the entire time

You just rooted for her cause

Then you ain't watch the show, bandwagon fan... Not trying to offend or call names. I only say this because she literally stated many times she wasn't coming for all this, why do you think everyone is so mad at her depiction this episode past?

Jon Snow never would have burned men who had surrendered to him on the battlefield. Ever.

Also, if she’s so nice, why did Tyrion and Varys spend most of their time trying to talk her out of doing terrible things?

Because they are her Advisers..... John Snow executed a fuckin kid bro (Olly), watch the show from the start.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Goddamn, didn't people say the same thing about New Orleans during after Hurricane Katrina?!?! What kind of literal "scorched earth" philosophy is this? :lol:

You're the one making this hard. We're simply highlighting an INCONSISTENCY between what was actually SHOWN on the screen and SAID by the show creators (the decimation of the Dothraki) as compared to what was later said on the show. And the "real time character perspective" is that of Daenerys, the goddamn Khaleesi of the Dothraki!! So, from her real time character perspective, what she witnessed and thought, that was the end of the Dothraki, essentially.

Miss entire fucking scenes? Did you or did you not see the Dothraki charge? Did you not see the fires go out and what appeared to the viewer that the masses of them were wiped out by the undead wights? Why is it so fucking hard for you to understand this? You can still be a fan of the show, as I am, and not be STAN of it.

And the guy who posted the tweet wasn't bitching. He was simply cracking a joke that they had "ordered more Dothraki on Amazon Prime."

I’ve got no clue why people are going out of their way to defend inconsistencies...

It’s not a perfect show...

is it still going to end up one of the greatest television achievements of all time.. yes

does the fact that it’s having a bad season take away from that fact.... No

Great shows have bad seasons.....

I love fucking 24 to death ... to death...
but season 6 is fucking unwatchable... it is the stupidest thing that I’ve ever seen. None of the characters make any sense and there are plot holes left and right...

But even with that.. I’m still ride or die 24

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Then you ain't watch the show, bandwagon fan... Not trying to offend or call names. I only say this because she literally stated many times she wasn't coming for all this, why do you think everyone is so mad at her depiction this episode past?

Because they are her Advisers..... John Snow executed a fuckin kid bro (Olly), watch the show from the start.

This is the olly you’re calling Jon out for executing?

He executed Olly for murder (killing Jon himself) and mutiny. That a far cry from people who have surrendered to you being burned because they won’t bend the knee. I think it’s you who needs to watch the show from the beginning.
Last edited:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I’ve got no clue why people are going out of their way to defend inconsistencies...

It’s not a perfect show...

is it still going to end up one of the greatest television achievements of all time.. yes

does the fact that it’s having a bad season take away from that fact.... No

Great shows have bad seasons.....

I love fucking 24 to death ... to death...
but season 6 is fucking unwatchable... it is the stupidest thing that I’ve ever seen. None of the characters make any sense and there are plot holes left and right...

But even with that.. I’m still ride or die 24

Once again, you only bring up 2 things. The scorpions and Daenerys. And that’s your entire basis of bad writing. When people have pointed out lots of other things they thought were bad. Even this season is uneven, but it’s obvious your crush on Daenerys is blinding you and that’s what people are calling out.

Hell, a lot of people that read the books think the entire show has been trash from the beginning I’m sure you would disagree, and they would say, I don’t know why Fonz is defending bad writing.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Then you ain't watch the show, bandwagon fan... Not trying to offend or call names. I only say this because she literally stated many times she wasn't coming for all this, why do you think everyone is so mad at her depiction this episode past?

Statements vs actions though. She brought her armies and dragons to westeros to slay her enemies and anyone who would not bend the knee. If she wasn’t coming to slay, why bring an army? Who in the show has killed more people than Daenerys even before this last episode?


Medium well
BGOL Investor

What you didn't think she earned it by flying pretty much at the same vector, angle of attack, etc as the first time? Lol...
They didn't even try to hide the hypocrisy..
nigga said vector angle, lol what's next launch angle and exit velocity.

These dudes we're offered more seasons too flesh this shit out and they declined. These dudes got GOT fatigue and they're rushing to finish line.
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Potential Star
OG Investor
Wow!!! Where to start...

Can definitely see Dany getting killed. They didn't show her killing all those "innocents" for nothing. This bitch been borderline batshit for a few seasons. Seeing ole girl beheaded sent her straight over the edge off the deep end. Been sick of her pompous, entitled bullshit but she was needed to stop the NK. wit dat bitch head.

Just a matter of who's going to do it. Arya is built for this. And you KNOW Dany is added to the list now. Tyrion may get a shot. I understand most of us want Jon to do it but I think Arya better suited for that shit. Jon was in love wit her ass, he might be merciful.

Tyrion threw ole dickless under the bus and tied his shoelaces to the axle. DAMN. Took that shit like G tho. Not a peep.

I knew the dragon was gonna get in dat fleet's ass tho. They fucked up not getting all of em when they surprised em flying in last week. Euron and co was lying in wait but they fucked up letting one get away. I thought she was gonna fly around and come up behind them bitches but that bitch used the sun and came out the clouds on they fuckin ass.

They had one shot wit them big ass bows and missed...TOAST. If they had the semi-automatic instant reload models they mighta had a chance....but that wasn't in the budget. Cersi was damn near sellin pussy to get them shits. Bitch talkin bout "Where my elephants?"

Cersi dumb ass standing up there watching her kingdom getting burned to the ground talkin bout sum "My soldiers will fight to the death for me..."

Them niggas threw all them swords on the ground. Old dude was like "Bitch if you don't get yo ass down in this basement WE GON DIE!!!"

Dickless nigga straight lost it! His ONLY chance at livin happily ever after...gone. He killin every thing in sight! I think Jon gon kill his ass next episode. Ain't no niggas survivin this show.

Big dude told Arya "Look little one...I know you bout that life but ain't no comin back from this. GTFOH."

Arya: "Peace out"

Cersi's hand thought he still had clout wit the castle falling on they head and the mountain seeing red. Take this cracked skull and STFU nigga.

Cersi did the electric slide right on out that bitch.

Soooooooooo...they had Jason Vorhees playing the Mountain.

Buried trying to escape...fitting. Coulda showed her head get bust to the white meat tho. Just sayin...

Arya got a list of one now. I think she does the deed. That's why they showed her going thru what she went thru.

Only thing...if they kill Dany what happen to all them dickless niggas? You GOT to kill them mufuckas. Only way to keep them fools in check is Jon on that dragon.

"Buried trying to escape...fitting. Coulda showed her head get bust to the white meat tho. Just sayin..."
agree...but wanted to see that head roll off the body with shock in the eyes!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the olly you’re calling Jon out for executing?

He executed Olly for murder (killing Jon himself) and mutiny. That a far cry from people who have surrendered to you being burned because they won’t bend the knee. I think it’s you who needs to watch the show from the beginning.

Sooooooooooooooooo your not aware that bending the knee is treason? It's the same diffe
Statements vs actions though. She brought her armies and dragons to westeros to slay her enemies and anyone who would not bend the knee. If she wasn’t coming to slay, why bring an army? Who in the show has killed more people than Daenerys even before this last episode?

That's what every single would be ruler has done this entire show. I never said she wasn't coming to kill. The innocent people in King's Landing wasn't her enemies though. Those were her own subjects at that point.

Night's King
Robert Boratheon
Ned Stark
Petyr Baelish

pretty much all the leaders since you know Danaerys mostly took all her territories and armies killing minimal people. You know because up till now all th epeople she's been in conflict with she gained their entire armies... But Yeah, that was only like season 1-5

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Sooooooooooooooooo your not aware that bending the knee is treason? It's the same diffe

That's what every single would be ruler has done this entire show. I never said she wasn't coming to kill. The innocent people in King's Landing wasn't her enemies though. Those were her own subjects at that point.

Night's King
Robert Boratheon
Ned Stark
Petyr Baelish

pretty much all the leaders since you know Danaerys mostly took all her territories and armies killing minimal people. You know because up till now all th epeople she's been in conflict with she gained their entire armies... But Yeah, that was only like season 1-5

I will take what is mine by fire and blood. And that’s exactly what she did. It’s not our fault you git mesmerized by the blonde hair,


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I will take what is mine by fire and blood. And that’s exactly what she did. It’s not our fault you git mesmerized by the blonde hair,

She didn't even take anything. She burned anything she could have taken to the ground
idek what your talking about. Thats your cop out??

"I have no debate 4u so , I'll just say if u u disagree with me u like Dany"..

But I do like talking about the show with u guys! We all like the show, we at least all have tht in common.